Li Yuan has lived for so many years, and his knowledge today is naturally not comparable to before.

As long as you are half-step to Supreme, you can open up a path to immortality.

In other words, there is probably a Half-Step Supreme sitting behind the three major forces.

Although the Half-Step Supreme can open the passage between the human world and the heaven, it cannot easily come to the human world.

Once it comes forcibly, it will inevitably be rejected by the laws of heaven and disaster will befall you.

Only a true Supreme can ignore this rule exclusion.

Combined with the Immortal Luo Tian who he killed, it can be guessed that the Half-Step Supreme is most likely to exist behind the three major forces.

As for Wu Xu’s illusion, it’s hard to say.

It may correspond to just a random place in the heaven, or it may be the supreme lair.

The Immortal Lord who gave him the Three-Phase Miracle Sutra lost the supreme sutra and did not come to the lower world to look for it. The most likely scenario is that there is no existence beyond the heavenly beings behind the other party.

Of course, these are all his guesses. It is possible that the Supreme Being is still in retreat, or has fallen.

Although he has lived for endless years, compared to those truly strong men, it may only take a nap.

As for the last place, the place where Tianluo God Realm fell, it may be the place with the least danger.

As far as he knew, the master of Feihua Palace was just Da Luo. No matter how strong he was, he couldn’t possibly fight against the real Supreme, right?

However, Feihua Palace Master had fought with the Demon Lord for more than ten times.

Therefore, he guessed that the demon king who destroyed Tianluo God Realm back then was actually only half-step supreme.

He was just limited by his vision, so he couldn’t tell the difference between the Supreme and the Half-Step Supreme.

Of course, this is also a guess. It is also possible that the Demon Lord was just teasing Feihua Palace Master.

Li Yuan thought for a moment and finally decided to go to the place where Tianluo God Realm fell first.

The corresponding heaven here should be the place where the Tianluo God Realm fell, and the possibility of encountering the Supreme is considered to be the smallest.

He opened the Heaven Transformation Gate and directly crossed countless distances to the place where Tianluo God Realm fell.

Here, there is also ruins and desolation.

But unlike other places, the situation here is obviously slightly better.

In the dark depths of the ocean, there are still living creatures.

Some resemble fish-men, some resemble dragon-men, and some have crab-like carapace.

But without exception, they are all intelligent beings who have created their own technological civilization.

Li Yuan’s heart was filled with surprise that there was still life alive at this time.

Although there are no practitioners, it is still very incredible.

After all, even he couldn’t keep the creatures in the inner world safe and sound at the end of the Era.

The smell of decay seemed to be dispersed by the strange fog in this area.

Li Yuan felt the strange fog that filled the sky and the earth, kept deducing, and finally followed the induction and finally came to a place buried thousands of miles under the sea.

Here, he saw a strange fragment that still existed after countless years.

The fragment was covered with dense moss-like green hairs.

And it was the faint mist emitted by the green hair that dispersed the decaying atmosphere in this vast ocean.

Li Yuan carefully picked up the fragment, full of doubts in his heart.

What is this?

The green hair obviously grew from the back.

It’s not a treasure, it’s not a rare treasure, it’s not a holy object.

If it weren’t for the green hair that could dispel the rotten air, he wouldn’t have even looked at it.

Li Yuan’s mind kept scanning and deducing, but Mao couldn’t deduct it.

He tried to scrape off the green hair on the fragment, and the fragment suddenly became colorless and transparent, like flawless glass.

This thing cannot be detected by spiritual thoughts, and it is difficult to see. If it were not covered with green hair, Li Yuan would not notice it even if he put it in front of his eyes.

Li Yuan couldn’t see the origin of this thing, so he decided to try to destroy it.

As a result, the fragments were like plasticine, ever-changing, and could be kneaded at will without any abnormalities.

The only unusual thing is that it cannot be refined, separated, or erased.

Sighing, Li Yuan simply put it into the void space, planning to go back and ask Mr. Jing later.

However, without the existence of fragments, the creatures in this vast ocean may not be able to continue.

Without these creatures, he would not have been able to find the fragments, so Li Yuan simply packed them and sent them into the void space together with the vast ocean.

Putting away this colorless and transparent fragment, Li Yuan continued to wander around the ruins of Tianluo God Realm.

Unfortunately, nothing else of value was found.

He began to use the power of Huatianmen to break free from this world.

Huatianmen is a semi-sacred object. Even if most of it is destroyed, its power is greatly reduced, and its power is far greater than that of a peerless treasure.

With the opening of Huatian GateBeginning to release its power, the ruins of the entire Tianluo God Realm began to collapse.

Finally, Li Yuan saw, in the sky above Tianluo God Realm, dark cracks that swallowed everything appeared.

There was a rotten wind blowing from the crack, mixed with traces of evil and calamity.

Li Yuan immediately understood that this was the crack connecting the world of heaven and man.

Without any hesitation, he directly activated Huatianmen and rushed into the crack.

However, not long after entering, extremely terrifying rules came over, which seemed to be able to crush all matter.

Even Huatianmen was trembling slightly, as if it was about to be torn apart by the rules.

Li Yuan was so frightened by this ordinary thought that he quickly escaped into the Huatianmen space, and his main spiritual thought controlled the Huatianmen to forcefully penetrate into the terrifying crack.

The cracks were filled with darkness, and invisible rules kept sweeping through, obliterating all matter.

In other words, the Huatian Gate is a semi-sacred object. If it were replaced with other treasures, it would probably turn into dust in an instant.

Li Yuan always pays attention to the situation in the outside world. Once the situation goes bad, he will directly control Huatianmen and return to the human world.

Fortunately, everything went well. No matter how bad a semi-holy object is, it is still a semi-holy object, possessing incredible power.

Around the Huatian Sect, ripples of rules rippled, eliminating all the terrifying rules that were coming.

Time cannot be measured, and no one knows how long it has passed. It seems like tens of millions of years, and like a few breaths. Huatianmen broke through the cleaning of many rules and finally left the human world.

The invisible rules that swept away everything gradually disappeared, and Li Yuan knew that he had arrived in heaven.

An ordinary thought appeared, and as expected, the rules of heaven were not eradicated.

Of course, no other matter can be seen, and there is no concept of space and time.

Li Yuan put away the Huatian Gate and turned it into a thought, which lasted for thousands of light years, and planned to leave this crack first.

After a long time, Li Yuan completely moved away from the crack and came to a chaotic void.

There are dilapidated realms and dilapidated ruins everywhere.

The calamity is raging and all living beings are extinct. It seems that a terrible disaster has happened here.

Li Yuan understood clearly in his heart that this should be where the real Tianluo God Realm is.

What fell into the world back then was perhaps just a fragment of the core of the Tianluo God Realm.

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