Li Yuan’s mind was complicated. One and two hundred thousand Yuan Hui, and one hundred and fifty billion years, everything had changed.

He was walking aimlessly in the void, not knowing where his heart was.

I don’t know how long it took, but Li Yuan came to the coordinates where the Tianhuang Realm used to be.

But there is actually a broken super world here.

This big broken world is the Tianhuang Realm.

Li Yuan is a little weird. He had already refined the entire Tianhuang Realm into his body.

Thinking that Wang Li had come back, Li Yuan suddenly became thoughtful.

Could it be that the current Tianhuang Realm was brought back by Wang Li from ancient time and space?

Shaking his head, Li Yuan didn’t pay too much attention.

He could tell at a glance that there were no living creatures in the wild world, not even vegetation.

Everywhere is desolate and full of ruins.

Under the sweep of the decadent wind at the end of the Yan Dynasty, nothing could be left.

Li Yuan walked on this once familiar land, but could not see any familiar scenery.

Hundreds of millions of years of changes have made everything lose the impression it once had.

He came to the place where he was born, but it was an abyss.

Li Yuan sighed, controlled Huatianmen, directly reversed time and space, and planned to go to the past time.

Across endless time and space, he finally saw the dawn.

All time and space around him is reversing.

Soon, he saw creatures, creatures that were about to completely decay.

That was the last group of strong men who survived the decadent era at the end of the Yan Dynasty.

It’s a pity that even though they have reached the pinnacle of the human world, it is still difficult for them to survive the catastrophe of immortality.

Because what they practice is not the Guiyi Martial Arts, but the Immortal Dao.

Li Yuan was a little confused. Hasn’t Guiyi Martial Arts been passed down?

Time continues to flow back, and there are more and more monks.

The eyes are full of prosperity and excitement, and countless creatures are fighting for their lives in the world.

This was already the scene before Yanji arrived.

Li Yuan is like a rock, swimming upstream in the long river of time and space.

He saw the rise of immortality, the demise of Shinto, the rise of Shinto, and the decline of magic. Era after era changed, and the mainstream of cultivation was also constantly changing.

No cultivation path is permanent.

However, from beginning to end, there seemed to be no trace of Guiyi Martial Arts.

This powerful and terrifying cultivation method seems to have been erased for some unknown reason.

Li Yuan was a little curious, what happened here?

Once the Guiyi Martial Arts appears, even if a heavenly being descends, it is unlikely.

He continued to use the power of Huatianmen to go against time and space.

I don’t know how many years have passed and how many eras have changed, but Li Yuan suddenly saw that everything no longer existed.

All living things, all existence, seemed to disappear.

There is darkness ahead, and time and space are cut off.

The vastness is endless and the other shore cannot be seen.

When Li Yuan saw this, his pupils shrank and he cut off time and space. This was at least Daluo Jinxian.

But it is impossible for Daluo Jinxian to come to the world unless there is a holy object or the blessing of the Supreme.

Of course, it is also possible to use foreign objects to cut off time and space just like he does now.

Li Yuan looked at the darkness ahead and was undecided.

What exactly happened? Was it Wang Li’s doing, or was it someone else?

This is his and Wang Li’s hometown, but no one pays attention to him, probably because it has something to do with Wang Li.

Although Li Yuan knew that the best option was to retreat, he was unwilling to do so.

He just wanted to go back and see his past, but his way was cut off, which made him feel a little uneasy.

Although the possibility is unlikely, if someone is targeting you and setting a trap, you must be on guard.

After being silent for a long time, Li Yuan finally decided to go upstream to have a look.

This must have happened countless years ago. He would take a look and retreat immediately if the situation went bad.

With the help of Huatianmen, Li Yuan plunged directly into the truncated space-time rift.

In the darkness there is no time, no space, everything ceases to exist.

He himself is a creature from the ancient times of this time and space, so naturally he will not lose his way in this endless darkness.

I don’t know how many years passed, but finally, Li Yuanyuan felt something was wrong.

At the end of the darkness, there is a terrible pressure that destroys everything.

Huatianmen was shaking slightly and seemed about to fall.

That is definitely a power that transcends heaven and man, it is the true supreme, it is the power of the past that radiates.

Li Yuan’s scalp was numb, and he seemed to see an elusive and terrifying shadow.

It is certain that this terrifying phantom is definitely not Wang Li.

The shadow slowly turned around and seemed to sense Li Yuan’s presence.

Li Yuan’s hands and feet were cold, but he was still pretending to be calm in his heart.

But just when the phantom was about to turn around, the figure in front of himFang seemed to have terrible power to obliterate him.

In the end, everything disappeared, and the terrifying shadow seemed to have never appeared.

When Li Yuan saw this, his eyes suddenly looked thoughtful.

Is it because of Wang Li’s existence?

Wang Li had appeared here and wiped out that terrifying shadow?

Li Yuan wanted to look further forward, but as he moved forward, more terrifying pressure came over him.

The terrifying phantom reappeared, seeming to completely crush everything in this side of time and space.

There is a terrible light that tears apart all darkness and obliterates all existence.

Seeing this situation, Li Yuan quickly controlled Huatianmen to retreat, for fear of being affected by the terrifying battle.

He did not dare to move forward. There must be an extremely terrifying battle ahead.

This was a terrifying battle that had happened here. With his strength, if he dared to move forward, he would definitely be crushed by the remaining power of the battle.

There are still traces of the battle here, indicating that the terrifying phantom has not fallen.

If he really wanted to move forward, he would be the first to be discovered by the phantom.

Li Yuan felt regretful in his heart and did not dare to move forward. He could only use Huatianmen to leave this time and space.

Now that Wang Li has taken action, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

Of course, if Wang Lidu couldn’t stop him, he would only be delivering food if he continued to move forward.

Returning to the present world, Li Yuan took a look at the ruins of the Tianhuang Continent and could only retreat first.

He was walking in this human world, completely far away from the Tianhuang Continent.

There is nothing here worthy of his nostalgia, and Li Yuan plans to go directly to heaven.

However, not even a single living being can be found in the human world today, let alone ascended.

Li Yuan thought of several connecting points between the human world and the heavenly world.

Back then, there were three superpowers here who could communicate with the heavens and invite heaven and humans to come down to the world.

If he passes through the human-immortal passage left by these forces, he should be able to ascend to the upper world.

However, these places are too dangerous. Who knows what is going on in their upper realm. If it is half-step to the power of the Supreme, it will be too dangerous if it is the hometown of the Supreme.

In addition to these three immortal passages, there are actually two other places.

The first one is the Wuxu illusion that he obtained from the Three Phases Sutra, which can connect to the heaven.

The second one is where the Tianluo God Realm fell, and there may be an unstable rift between the human and immortal realms.

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