With that said, Immortal Emperor Sangtong took the young man to find Li Yuan who had been waiting here.

Looking at Li Yuan, Immortal Emperor Sangtong sighed and said, “Fellow Taoist Hua Wushang, we have already brought him. Tell me, what should I do?”

Li Yuan’s eyes narrowed and he looked at the handsome young man beside Immortal Emperor Sangtong.

Who would have thought that this young man who looked like an immortal was actually the ruthless demon Tianquan?

Li Yuan smiled lightly and said: “You should know how to do it, so why bother asking me? Of course, if you don’t want to do it, then I can do it for you!”

As soon as these words came out, young Tianquan already felt that something was wrong.

Over the years, he also discovered that there was something wrong with the way his master looked at him.

Sometimes gentle and affectionate, sometimes frightening.

Could it be that Master has been bewitched by evil spirits?

Almost instantly, he wanted to destroy himself.

However, at this moment, Immortal Emperor Sangtong raised his hand and landed directly on his shoulder.

He naturally knows the best about young Tianquan.

In an instant, young Tianquan was completely imprisoned, unable to move at all.

No matter how good Immortal Emperor Sangtong is, he is still Da Luo, and no matter how strong he is, he is still Tai Yi. There is an insurmountable gap between the two.

“Master, what do you mean?”

The young man Tianquan asked angrily, feeling uneasy in his heart.

At this moment, the kind and kind master in the past seemed to have changed into a different person. It was as if an evil spirit had entered his body, and he refused to recognize his relatives, and was ruthless and unrighteous.

Immortal Emperor Sangtong closed his eyes slightly, with a complicated look on his face, and did not respond.

But Li Yuan already understood what he meant, and immediately looked at the young Tianquan with cold eyes.

He smiled strangely and said: “Tianquan, although you have been reincarnated, you are still the reincarnation of Tianquan’s true spirit, and you are destined to suffer this disaster today.”

The young man Tianquan roared angrily: “Who on earth are you? I am not Tianquan. Have you recognized the wrong person?”

“I said you are who you are! It’s just that through reincarnation, you erased your memory and cut off the cause and effect, so I don’t know your true identity.”

Li Yuan spoke and did not hide the young Tianquan.

Hearing this, the young Tianquan was still full of reluctance, even though he had already made some assumptions in his heart.

He is the strongest genius of the Seven Emotions Immortal Sect, and is destined to become the Immortal Emperor in the future.

He was unwilling to give in and died quietly.

Immortal Emperor Sangtong also knew that he had practiced Guiyi Martial Arts. Since he decided to take action, he would naturally not give him a chance to convey the information to others.

The young man Tianquan could only beg for mercy: “That happened in a previous life and has nothing to do with me now. I don’t know anything!”

Li Yuan looked down at him with dark eyes, and said mockingly: “Do you think you will let me go when you break through the secret of reincarnation, or become the Supreme Dao, and recover your past life memories?”

He knew that Tianquan had practiced Guiyi Martial Arts and would be reborn if his thoughts were immortal.

Moreover, he didn’t know where Tian Quan’s thoughts were hidden, so naturally he wouldn’t kill him directly.

Soon, Li Yuan raised his hand and shot a spiritual light into Tianquan’s body.

This spiritual light is naturally the fetal light condensed by Mo Yunshao.

When the young man Tianquan saw this, he was immediately frightened and angry. Although he knew that this aura was not simple, he had no way to stop it.

Although Immortal Emperor Sangtong closed his eyes, it was impossible for him to know nothing about the outside world.

He was a little confused at first, but as the fetal light was gestating in Tianquan’s body, his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately thought of something.

Immortal Emperor Sangtong said incredulously: “Yuan Chi’s fetal rebirth method!”

He was surprised and confused: “You have actually mastered this magical power.”

The Seven Emotions Immortal Sect contains this forbidden magical power, but for countless years, no one has been able to cultivate it.

Li Yuan shook his head and said with a smile: “It’s not me, it’s a disciple of your Seven Emotions Immortal Sect!”

Immortal Emperor Sangtong finally understood and his expression changed. I am afraid that there are many disciples of the Seven Emotions Immortal Sect controlled by this method.

Yuan Chi’s fetal reduction method will inevitably be controlled unless it is Daluo Jinxian.

Young Tianquan had never heard of this magical power, but looking at Immortal Emperor Sangtong, he knew something was wrong.

“What kind of magical power is Yuan Chi’s fetal reduction method?”

he asked with some panic.

Although he has amazing qualifications and has cultivated Guiyi Martial Arts, he is only Taiyi Golden Immortal after all. At this time, he was suppressed by Immortal Emperor Sangtong and could not resist at all.

Immortal Emperor Sangtong had a complicated expression, but looking at Tianquan who was still struggling, he simply sealed everything about him and frowned: “How long do we have to wait?”

Li Yuan sighed: “It will take at least 100 million years for Feiguang to completely inherit everything from him.”

With that said, he planned to set up a time circle to speed up the flow of time around the young man Tianquan. It was impossible to wait for 100 million years.

“Too slow, otherwise things will change!”

Immortal Emperor Sangtong shook his head, his eyes flashing with determination.

Tianquan’s will has begun to counterattack, and his will may be suppressed at any time.

LiftWith his hand, Immortal Emperor Sangtong directly took out a piece of time source.

Although he does not understand the mystery of the Avenue of Time, he is the Great Luo Jinxian after all. He can travel through the past and the future and use the source of time to accelerate the movement of time and space without any problem.

Immortal Emperor Sangtong raised his hand and formed a pillar of light, forcibly activating the power of the time source, increasing the flow of time inside countless times.

At the same time, he decisively threw young Tianquan in.

Even if it is as powerful as Taiyi Golden Immortal, in this pillar of light, one day outside is a thousand years inside.

But even so, Immortal Emperor Sangtong still felt that it was a little too slow.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t understand the avenue of time. As for the law of time, it has almost no effect under the influence of the time source.

Li Yuan was not in a hurry. Immortal Emperor Sangtong forcibly activated the power of the time source. One hundred million years would only last less than three hundred years in the outside world.

For heavenly beings, three hundred years is just the blink of an eye.

Immortal Emperor Sangtong guessed his thoughts and said in a deep voice: “You don’t understand. In recent years, Tian Quan has a great reputation in the Seven Emotions Immortal Sect, and he has a close relationship with the powerful men of other lines.

And because of my previous plan, he also became a Taoist couple with a peerless talent from Ling Xiaotian. ”

When Li Yuan heard this, his face suddenly darkened. Ling Xiaotian was the supreme power in Lingxiao Fairyland.

Isn’t this guy afraid of being noticed by the Supreme Being?

He couldn’t help but ask: “Is that peerless talent in the sky related to the Supreme Being?”

Immortal Emperor Sangtong shook his head and said in a deep voice: “That’s not true, but the master of her lineage is a half-step supreme.”

In recent years, their Seven Emotions Immortal Sect has been in a critical situation, so naturally they have to establish relationships with Ling Xiaotian.

And young Tianquan, a peerless genius, is naturally the best choice for marriage.

Li Yuan suddenly had a headache when he heard this.

This accident may attract Ling Xiaotian’s Three Sources Supreme.

Immortal Emperor Sangtong then threw another bomb and said solemnly: “Tianquan’s will will be unable to be suppressed for at least ten years, so I would like to ask you to trap me.”

Originally, he couldn’t trust Li Yuan, but the current situation in the Seven Emotions Immortal Sect was complicated, and he was in a special situation, so naturally he couldn’t trust the strong men of the Seven Emotions Immortal Sect.

Moreover, he also wanted to use this to test this person to see if he had other plans.

Naturally, he didn’t completely believe Li Yuan.

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