Li Yuan’s incarnation changed into his previous appearance, wandering in a prosperous fairyland.

However, while wandering, he accidentally entered a fog.

The prosperity of the fairyland gradually dissipated, and a thin figure blocked his way.

It was the Immortal Emperor Sangtong.

Li Yuan’s incarnation saw this and his eyes suddenly fixed.

This guy was really led out.

But why didn’t the real body make any movement?

He immediately asked the real body with his thoughts in his body, and then he knew that the real body was still in the Seven Emotions Immortal Sect with the incarnation of the Immortal Emperor Sangtong in a daze.

The Immortal Emperor Sangtong looked at Li Yuan’s incarnation, his eyes narrowed slightly.

“Who are you?”

He spoke slowly, and at the same time secretly peeked at Li Yuan’s identity.

But unfortunately, he didn’t see anything.

Li Yuan was also looking at the situation of the Immortal Emperor Sangtong, and said faintly: “Sangtong, can’t you really see who I am?”

While speaking, he changed into the appearance of Tianquan.

At the same time, there was a wisp of power and desire, and Li Yuan seemed to have really become the high and mighty Tianquan who controlled everything.

Seeing this, Emperor Sangtong frowned and said, “Why don’t I feel the mysterious connection between you and me?”

There was some mysterious bond between him and Tianquan, and even if they were separated by a parallel universe, there would be a trace of induction.

But now he could not sense the slightest connection with the Tianquan in front of him.

Li Yuan shook his head and said lightly, “Didn’t I tell you that I am just a substitute for him like you?”

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Sangtong was immediately surprised and doubtful.

He knew that Tianquan had more than one substitute, but he had never seen it before.

Emperor Sangtong didn’t know what he was thinking, but just nodded and said, “So that’s it.”

Li Yuan said calmly, “The ancestor of the Seven Emotions Immortal Sect is missing, and it’s not safe here anymore. I asked you to bring out his clone and return to the Demon Sect headquarters with me.”

Imperial Emperor Sangtong didn’t believe it completely when he heard it, and frowned and said, “Let me come.”

There are some things that he really wants to confirm, and he will talk about it after seeing me.

Besides, he can’t be careless, after all, Tianquan seemed to have encountered danger before and went deep into the heart of the devil.

After that, he completely lost the connection with Tianquan and didn’t know what was going on.

Soon after, he felt as if he had untied some kind of shackles, and some thoughts that went against his will kept popping up, one after another.

Now, he even doubted whether he was really just a substitute made by Tianquan?

Li Yuan naturally couldn’t hand over Tianquan. He stared at Emperor Sangtong with a questioning look and said, “Have you revived other wills?”

Tianquan’s real body has fallen, and these substitutes may also be out of control and find their true selves.

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Sangtong’s face changed, and his eyes became sharp in an instant.

He said in a deep voice, “What do you mean by this?”

Li Yuan changed his body and turned into his previous appearance.

He said faintly, “Don’t you know that Tianquan has fallen?”

“What? The real body really fell?”

Sangtong’s thoughts were confirmed. While he was terrified, he actually felt some joy, as if he had escaped from a cage.

However, he was in a good mood and quickly suppressed his emotions, thinking in his heart.

Li Yuan continued: “Sword Master Mingyi attacked the Demon Sect, Tianquan was defeated, and finally joined forces with several other desire masters to activate the power of the Demon Heart and turned defeat into victory.

But he secretly designed to kill Sword Master Mingyi while indirectly killing the other three desire masters.

This move made Tiancai furious, and then he joined forces with the substitutes of other desire masters, and Tianquan, who was already at the end of his strength, was naturally killed by Tianquan, and his body and soul were destroyed.”

Sangtong Immortal Emperor couldn’t believe it in his heart, his real body fell like this.

His heart was full of waves for a while, and those absurd thoughts in the past emerged one after another, and it was difficult to suppress.

“Then who are you?”

After a long time, Sangtong Immortal Emperor questioned in a deep voice.

Li Yuan turned into Hua Wushang and sighed, “I used to be like you, both Tianquan’s substitutes. Now, I am Hua Wushang!

When I was not yet enlightened, Tianquan broke my will and merged with his avenue to become his substitute. It was not until an accidental opportunity that I found myself again.

Later, Tianquan was killed, and I completely escaped his control and was free and at ease.”

Li Yuan spoke half-truthfully, telling his past.

And his words had a huge impact on Emperor Sangtong. Was he really not Tianquan’s substitute?

Is he really just a puppet enslaved by Tianquan?

Is Emperor Sangtong really confused and terrified.

But his subjective consciousness clearly told him not to think too much,This person is deceiving himself, he is the substitute of Tianquan Refining!

Such contradictory thoughts lingered in Immortal Emperor Sangtong’s mind, constantly colliding with each other.

Looking at the complicated expression of Immortal Emperor Sangtong, Li Yuan continued to confuse him: “You should have thought of it, don’t you want to find your true self?”

Immortal Emperor Sangtong asked involuntarily: “How to find your true self?”

Li Yuan smiled and said: “It’s very simple. Bring Tianquan’s clone here first, and you will understand everything by then!”

Immortal Emperor Sangtong was in despair. The dignified Immortal Emperor didn’t even know who he was at this time?

He covered his head, his eyes full of trance and madness.

Who is he?

Finally, Immortal Emperor Sangtong left this fog.

As he left, the fog gradually dissipated, and Li Yuan returned to the prosperous fairyland.

This is just a small world of immortals, and no one even noticed that an immortal emperor had arrived.

Li Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief. It would be best to have a breakthrough.

Otherwise, it would not be easy to find Tianquan’s clone and kill it.

It’s not that he’s not strong enough, it’s that he can easily attract terrifying strong men.

The Seven Emotions Immortal Sect is now being watched by countless powerful people.

Moreover, Ling Xiao Fairyland is the upper three realms, and the one in Ling Xiao Tian is the true Supreme Being of Three Origins, and is almost invincible in the entire Origin Continent.

Immortal Emperor Sangtong was confused and lost his mind and returned to the Seven Emotions Immortal Sect.

Li Yuan waited in this small world of immortals for nearly ten thousand years before Immortal Emperor Sangtong finally appeared again.

And beside him, followed a young and handsome boy.

This young man is spotless, like a banished immortal. He seems to be only twelve or thirteen years old, but he is already a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

He looked at the master next to him in confusion and asked: “Master, what are we doing here?”

This is just a small world of immortals, a place he can destroy with just one look.

His master was none other than the complicated-looking Immortal Emperor Sangtong.

After nearly ten thousand years, his own will has completely recovered.

But at this time, the two wills clashed, and even he often went crazy.

This was the first time that he completely suppressed another will and forced the young man to come.

Immortal Emperor Sangtong glanced at the young man with a complicated expression, and sighed: “I brought you here to find my true self as a teacher!”

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