Li Yuan was slightly excited and immediately asked: “Where is the altar?”

Tian Quan shook his head and said, “I can’t find it. I didn’t stay there for long at all, but when I went back, I found that the Hongchen Sect had been destroyed, and there were not even a single disciple left in the Hongchen Sect.

After that, the Heavenly Dao collapsed, the universe ushered in a great destruction, and there were terrible catastrophes everywhere, and I didn’t dare to run around.

When I tried to find Daluo in this era, I couldn’t find it at all. It may have been completely wiped out by the great destruction of the universe at the end of the Chaos Era. ”

Li Yuan frowned, this was not impossible.

After all, Tianquan had said before that the ruins were in ruins.

This was a truly supreme opportunity, but it’s a pity it’s gone.

He asked curiously: “Aren’t you afraid that the separated true spirit will escape your control?”

Tianquan shook his head: “Impossible, he is me, I am him, and I also have a substitute in the Seven Emotions Immortal Sect, and that true spirit worships under his sect.”

When Li Yuan heard this, he suddenly looked strange. The most indispensable thing in this world is variables.

Unfortunately, the mysterious altar can no longer be found, and some of his ideas cannot be verified.

He couldn’t help but feel pity secretly, and then asked: “Then does your other true spirit know the situation here?”

Tian Quan shook his head and said in a deep voice: “I don’t know, in order to prevent the strong men of the Seven Emotions Immortal Sect from discovering the abnormality, he was born through a normal cycle of reincarnation.

Unless he merges with my body, he will not know anything. ”

When Li Yuan heard this, he nodded slightly. It seemed like he had to find a chance to visit the Seven Emotions Immortal Sect.

Even if Tianquan’s other true spirit doesn’t know anything, he won’t let it go.

Then he asked about other things, and when he saw that there was nothing left, he directly erased Tianquan’s name from the eternal family tree.

This was the main culprit that killed his master Hong Lian. Even if it was a puppet body, he had no intention of keeping it.

Seeing that the other strong men showed no signs of recovery, Li Yuan’s heart moved and he immediately wanted to take a look into the depths of the devil’s heart.

Now that the devil’s heart is uncontrollable, it is the best moment for him to take action.

Li Yuan’s main idea manifested, holding the seal of the mountains and seas, and silently entered the depths of the devil’s heart.

Although the Demon Heart is only a semi-holy object, the space inside seems infinite.

If the Mountain and Sea Seal hadn’t been able to isolate most of the erosion of desire, he might not have been able to move even an inch here.

Li Yuan walked for several hours and finally saw the Hongqiao that Tianquan mentioned.

Under the Hongqiao, there seems to be an endless sea of ​​desire.

Countless waves are rolling, which is the ocean formed by the desire for power.

Once you fall into it, you will definitely be doomed.

Li Yuan kept his mind tight, crossed the Hongqiao, and finally came to a place in his heart.

One of the core areas of the demonic heart here is full of desire for power, with all kinds of demons running rampant. It is also the place where Tianquan left its mark.

It was through the brand here that he could activate the power of the devil’s heart.

However, with the death of Tianquan’s true form, his mark was swallowed up by endless desire and completely dissipated.

Tianquan told him that as long as he leaves his mark here, he can activate the devil’s heart.

And here, you can directly feel the mystery of the chapter on lust for power.

But the moment Li Yuan stepped into this heart, countless desire demons rioted and tried to devour Li Yuan.

“Don’t overestimate your capabilities!”

Li Yuan snorted coldly, these demons of desire are not living beings, but demons formed by the desire for power and cannot leave the heart.

Moreover, they have no intelligence and will only instinctively devour all invading creatures.

However, their strength is not weak, they are immortal and even Daluo Jinxian has a hard time dealing with them.

At that time, Tianquan relied on the peerless treasure and worked hard to leave his mark under the siege of these lust demons.

The mountain and sea seal emitted a faint green light, completely covering Li Yuan.

Although these desire demons are powerful, they are completely unable to break through the defense of the mountain and sea seal at this time.

Li Yuan took his time and ran the chapter on the desire for power. It took him less than three days to leave his mark here.

And as he left his mark, an inexplicable realization emerged in his heart in an instant.

At this moment, he could not only activate the power of desire in the demon’s heart, but also control the life and death of those demons.

And those rioting demons seemed to have sensed it. One moment they were unruly, and the next moment they were crawling at Li Yuan’s feet, as if they were seeing the supreme monarch.

As soon as Li Yuan raised his hand, the invisible power of power gathered in the void, and finally formed a golden seal.

This is the evidence that represents all the desires for power, and it is also the complete chapter on the desire for power.

Now he has inherited the core of the power-lust system.

Li Yuan nodded secretly. Now, could he be regarded as a power-hungry person?

Since there is a complete chapter on power and desire here, there must be other five chapters of the Six Desires Heart Sutra in other chambers of the heart.According to Tianquan, the devil’s heart has six chambers, which represent the six desires.

He had only left a mark on the desire for power and the desire for fame before, so he could only arouse the power of desire for power and the power of desire for fame in the devil’s heart.

As for the other chambers of the heart, they have been occupied by several other desire masters, and he cannot enter them.

Li Yuan did not hesitate and immediately went to the location of Mingyu’s heart.

But when he came to the heart of fame and desire, he found that there was an invisible light curtain blocking it.

The earlier desire masters of the famous desire system fell, and all the five major desire masters left their mark here.

Now that the other desire masters have fallen, there is still one heavenly treasure left.

This invisible light curtain is so tough that even a few great desire masters cannot break it.

However, Li Yuan activated the Shanhai Seal and easily penetrated a gap.

He stepped into it and was immediately besieged by the demons of desire.

But it’s useless. With their strength, they can’t shake the Mountain and Sea Seal at all.

Another three days passed. Li Yuan not only left his mark here, but also used the Mountain and Sea Seal to obliterate Tiancai’s mark.

After getting the complete Lust for Fame chapter, Li continued to other chambers.

However, he has only practiced the Desire for Fame and Desire for Power chapters. If he wants to leave a mark on other chambers of his heart, he needs to master several other series of techniques first.

This was not something that could be accomplished in a short period of time, so Li Yuan decided to first erase the mark of Tiancai and monopolize the devil’s heart.

Since he wants to integrate the Demon Sect, he naturally does not allow anyone to stimulate the Demon’s heart.

There is naturally a light curtain outside the atrium where Tiancai left his mark, but it can only block the heavenly beings.

Li Yuan easily erased the mark of Tiancai, and then realized the chapter of desire for wealth here.

However, Tiancai, who had almost completely sunk, felt something as the mark here was destroyed, like letting go of the shackles and regaining a little bit of himself.

In the illusion of the devil’s heart, standing on the top of the universe, holding the plump female dragon girl in his arms, looking at the endless wealth under him, Tiancai suddenly became excited, and he seemed to sense something in a trance.

As a powerful man with perfect Da Luo, even though he was just in a daze, he still noticed something was wrong.

He soon showed an incredulous look. Could it be that he had lived for endless years, achieved supreme status, and monopolized endless wealth, but he was actually just blinded by desire?

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