Li Yuan’s incarnation remains calm and still unable to extricate himself from the illusion woven by the devil’s heart.

However, there is no danger as this deity connects his will through the Heavenly Talisman.

Only when a certain Da Luo completely falls, will he have the idea to take away his relics.

As for the others, Li Yuan did not make any moves and planned to integrate the Demon Sect.

At the same time, in the void space, the eternal fragrance spectrum manifested, and the figure of Tianquan was embodied.

When he saw Li Yuan, he immediately understood the current situation, but he couldn’t feel any resentment.

Because at this time, he is no longer the real him, just a puppet generated by Li Yuan through the eternal fragrance spectrum.

Li Yuan looked at this once arrogant desire master and said calmly: “Tell me, how did the other three desire masters die, and why can you master the power of other desires?”

Hearing this, Tianquan sighed, naturally knowing everything.

He sighed: “The three desire masters and I used the power of the demonic heart to destroy the sword master Mingyi, but Mingyi was too strong, so naturally we were backfired by the demonic heart, and fell deeper and deeper into it.

And I have mastered a special method of Hongchen Sect, and my situation is much better than other desire masters.

Seeing this, Tianli threatened me to teach them this special method directly.

I didn’t refuse, but I only passed on part of the content to them so that they could temporarily suppress their desires, but this behavior would lead to even more violent outbursts later on. ”

When Li Yuan heard this, he immediately understood that this Tianquan was indeed cruel enough.

Isn’t he afraid that the three of them will find something unusual and just let it go?

Tianquan said helplessly: “Originally, everything developed according to the direction I expected. I successfully used Tianli’s three powers to attract the devil’s heart to wipe out Mingyi, and also got rid of the three major desires.

But the fortune is still there. This guy is greedy and treacherous, and he is not fooled. He has the mark of the devil’s heart and can also activate the power of the devil’s heart.

In order to avoid future troubles, I pretended to have reached the end of my strength and attracted his true form, hoping to eradicate him.

I just didn’t expect that he actually had two flawless treasures on his body, and they attracted you to join forces to besiege me, which made me fall short in the end! ”

Tianquan sighed, just a little bit, just a little bit he succeeded.

Li Yuan mocked: “It seems that without me, you would really be able to take this opportunity to unify the Demon Sect.”

Hearing this, Tian Quan quickly showed a humble expression and said with sincerity and fear: “My master’s methods are so clever and unfathomable that I will never be able to match him.”

Li Yuan snorted coldly, not bothering to talk nonsense with Tianquan, and said: “Bring a copy of the method of suppressing desire.”

Hearing this, Tian Quan nodded quickly and said, “Yes!”

Soon, Li Yuan obtained the method of suppressing seven emotions and six desires.

The Hollow Heart Sutra is to let the mind be empty, to guard the true self, not to be moved by all desires, and finally to achieve an empty state without any desire.

And this method is to condense all the passions, burn them in the world of mortals, wash away the lead, and be reborn after all the calamities.

The three great desire masters only obtained the method of condensation, but did not calcine it, and the result was tragic.

Tian Quan said respectfully: “This is a compulsory method for disciples of the ancient Hongchen Sect. Only through this method can we truly practice the Red Dust Demonic Skill, which is the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Skill.”

When Li Yuan heard this, he immediately thought of the origin of Tianquan.

He said directly: “Then tell me what you know about the Hongchen Sect.”

Although Tianquan has been reincarnated in the Chaos Era, he was once the head of the Hongchen Sect’s law enforcement hall, so he naturally knows very well about the affairs of the Hongchen Sect.

He said in a deep voice: “The Red Dust Cult Master is a supreme existence that transcends heaven and man. It is said that he has lived for five chaotic eras and is the pinnacle existence in the entire universe.

However, in order to break through the shackles of fate, he finally chose to release all his passions, and pushed the demonic skills of the mortal world to the extreme, integrating them with the rules of passion in the entire universe. ”

“In other words, the leader of Hongchen was only the Supreme of Three Sources back then?”

Tianquan nodded and said: “Yes at first, but when he practiced the red dust magic to the extreme, he forcibly broke away from the shackles of fate and became the true Four Source Supreme.

Of course, the price was that he completely lost his mind, fell into madness, and was eventually killed by other supreme beings, and the Red Dust Sect was also destroyed.

I was lucky enough to be in retreat in a special area, so I was able to escape. ”

While speaking, Tianquan used his great magical power to condense the information he knew into a wordless heavenly book.

Li Yuan was also secretly stunned, the Four Source Supremes had all fallen.

This big universe is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

He once heard Mr. Jing say that the strongest being in the entire universe is the Four Sources Supreme.

And the Four Source Supremes who still exist in the present world have never been heard of.

As for the existence beyond the Supreme, it seems that since countless eras of chaos,Almost there were three Buddhas, Immortal Ancestors and Demon Ancestors.

On the side, Tianquan reminded carefully: “One more thing, in fact, I haven’t completely fallen yet!”

“What’s the meaning?”

Li Yuan was stunned when he heard this, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

Tianquan said in a deep voice: “In order to practice Guiyi Martial Arts, I split part of my true spirit, gave birth to a special clone, and worshiped the Seven Emotions Immortal Sect.”

Li Yuan was stunned when he heard this. Can the true spirit be divided?

He had never heard of such a thing.

He couldn’t help but think that the true spirit of Tianquan before had no spirituality. Could it be because of this?

He immediately asked: “Tell me, what’s going on with your clone?”

Tianquan explained: “That happened in the last era of chaos. I accidentally broke into an ancient ruins where there was a ruined altar.

I felt that the altar was not simple, so I planned to study it, but in the end I accidentally copied another version of myself, as if I had created a version of myself in a parallel universe.

There is no room for relaxation. He wants to kill me and replace me, and I want to destroy him. There can only be one in the world.

I finally managed to destroy that self with the help of a peerless treasure, only to find that the copied self still had a true spirit, but it had no past and its spirituality was completely blank.

Moreover, the true spirit seems to be my own. After it is completely integrated with me, we are indistinguishable from each other, and it even makes me feel one step closer to transcending heaven.

And if they are separated, they will not be affected and can continue to reincarnate.

This time, in order to practice Guiyi Martial Arts, I separated the true spirit of that Dao, and at the same time helped it give birth to a new life at a great cost. ”

Li Yuan looked strange. He didn’t expect that Tianquan would have such an opportunity.

This kind of altar cannot be arranged by gods.

If the true spirit has been integrated and copied, wouldn’t it be possible to surpass heaven and humans?

He asked this question directly.

However, Tianquan also had a bitter look on his face when he heard this, and said helplessly: “The altar requires many peerless sacrifices. I couldn’t produce a third self at that time, so I had to leave first.”

His face was full of bitterness, and he felt that he had really missed the greatest opportunity in the world.

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