Li Yuan didn’t bother to pay attention. After confirming that no one was following him, he summoned Tiger King Baitian and rushed directly to Quan Yutian.

After meeting up with Sword Master Ming Yi, he will leave the Origin Continent temporarily.

At the end of the Yan period, there was chaos.

Such a dangerous place is not suitable for an immortal like him.

Quan Yutian is still the same, in ruins.

Li Yuan is here, quietly waiting for the arrival of Sword Master Mingyi and Cang Huang.

The first one to arrive was Cang Huang, but the one who came was just the incarnation.

Li Yuan didn’t even notice, so the old guy explained it himself.

After confirming that everything was normal here, his true form rushed over.

Li Yuan was speechless. As expected, the longer he lived, the more he feared death.

He pretended to be a holy demon and said with a weird smile: “Why, brother Canghuang is still afraid that this emperor will lie to you?”

Cang Huang said with a smile: “No, no, I’m just afraid that I’ve gone to the wrong place!”

In fact, what he came here was not his real body, but a clone refined from part of his torso.

After all, the Holy Demon is never a good guy and has to be guarded against.

Of course, the strength of his clone is not weak, and it is enough to compete with the ordinary Daluo Perfection.

Back in the late Daluo period, a few of them could fight against the Rain Emperor together. Now that they have reached a higher level, their real strength is naturally stronger.

After the two chatted for a while, they waited for the arrival of Sword Master Ming Yi.

In fact, only three days have passed, and Sword Master Mingyi has already arrived here.

When he saw Cang Huang, his eyes narrowed and he couldn’t help but look at Li Yuan.

Naturally, Li Yuan first introduced the identity of Cang Huang to Sword Master Ming Yi.

Sword Master Ming Yi heard this and did not refuse.

One more person means more effort.

Anyway, he doesn’t want anything from Tianquan.

He nodded and said: “Since we are friends with fellow Taoist Wutian, then of course there is no problem. When will we set off!”


When Sword Master Ming Yi heard this, he naturally would not refuse.

The three of them left Quan Yutian and came to the Origin Continent.

Li Yuan waved his hand and called out Mo Yunshao directly.

He handed the silver sword to Mo Yunshao, who was also slightly excited holding the silver sword in his hand.

After living for so many years, this was the first time she was in charge of a peerless treasure.

Mo Yunshao closed his eyes and felt carefully.

After a long time, she suddenly swung her sword, cutting through time and space, opening up a special passage.

A few people did not hesitate, followed closely, and disappeared into the Origin Continent.

At the same time, a mysterious young man found a broken ruins.

There, he met a demon emperor from the Wanhua Realm.

He unfolded the scroll in his hand, and the information about the Demon Emperor quickly appeared on the paper in front of him.

The target was determined, it was the Holy Demon Emperor who had tricked him.

The only problem is that the Holy Demon Emperor’s real name is not Wutian.

Mo Yunshao opened a path along the mysterious induction, which seemed to span countless time and space.

They completely broke away from the continent of origin and entered a parallel universe.

“Is it in this universe?”

Sword Master Ming Yi spoke, his expression gradually becoming fierce.

This time, he must kill Tianquan.

Mo Yunshao nodded and said, “It’s in this direction.”

The parallel universe is very vast, but the strength of several people is not simple.

Especially Sword Master Ming Yi, who has mastered the avenue of space and can travel hundreds of millions of light years in one step.

Within a thousand years, they were approaching a broken world.

From the outside, it looks like a completely normal world of ruins, and no strong person will notice it.

Mo Yunshao immediately said: “This is the world ahead!”

Upon hearing this, Sword Master Ming Yi suddenly narrowed his eyes, exuding wisps of killing intent.

However, he reacted extremely quickly, and all the killing intent was trapped around him, unable to escape.

Looking at them from a distance, let alone seeing them, they couldn’t even sense their presence at all.

He looked at Li Yuan and said in a deep voice: “Please ask two fellow Taoists to watch outside to prevent Tian Quan from escaping. I will personally go in and kill him!”

Li Yuan naturally nodded, but still reminded: “Fellow Taoist, be careful. Tianquan may know that we will find this place, so we cannot be unprepared.”

As for Cang Huang, he would naturally not refuse.

He said with a smile: “Sword Master, don’t worry, as long as I am here, there is no Daluo who can escape!”

He naturally wanted to make friends with the powerful man on the Hongmeng Gold List in Origin Continent.

While speaking, Cang Huang used his great magical power, swaying the branches and leaves on his body, and formed a huge net with infinite incarnations, which actually wanted to cover the ruins of the entire world.

The vast world is so vast, even if it has been shattered, the exposed fragments of time and space are spread over billions of light years.

Li Yuan was secretly shocked. This old guy is really not simple.

He also raised his hand, the eternal fragrance glowing in his hand, Hua Wushang walked out holding the silver divine sword., his eyes were deep.

If it weren’t for Tianquan, he wouldn’t have become what he is now, and his life and death are not in his own hands.

However, with Li Yuan’s order, he just guarded the other direction.

Li Yuan, with the Falling God Bell on his head and the black and white long banner in his hand, was secretly alert.

Seeing this, Master Mingyi Sword suddenly felt relieved. With such a lineup, even if the five great desire masters gathered together, they would not be able to escape easily.

He was not afraid of alerting the enemy, and directly burst out his breath to break through the outer fragments of the ruins.

The inexplicable rules flowed, and it was obviously not simple inside.

Li Yuan’s heart moved, and a thought quietly mixed in.

Master Mingyi Sword noticed it, but didn’t say anything.

In fact, Master Mingyi Sword’s intrusion immediately attracted the attention of the strong in this great ruin.

Moreover, the invasion of foreign enemies, the warning of heaven, immediately brewed a terrifying calamity cloud.

It looks like a ruin outside, but there is a world inside.

There are inexplicable rules flowing, which make this ruins form a special domain.

In some special time and space nodes, there are new worlds.

Countless wills of heaven gather together, enough to destroy Daluo.

But Master Mingyi raised his hand, and with just one sword, he slashed the terrible calamity cloud, which was invincible.

He stood on the upper reaches of countless time and space fragments, and could see through the past, present and future.

Countless creatures were also born in the ruins of this world, and they were shocked when they saw this.

This method is simply incredible, who can match it.

Some demon kings of the Six Desires Demon Sect were also shocked and their scalps were numb.

Daluo, and not an ordinary Daluo Jinxian.

“Tianquan, take action and die!”

Sword Master Mingyi spoke slowly, and his cold voice spread to every corner of countless time and space fragments.

“Master Mingyi?”

Before Tianquan appeared, a burly demon came out.

His eyes were like copper bells, his ribs had wings, and his red eyes seemed to contain endless cruelty.

Li Yuan recognized that this was a desire master of the Demon Sect.

However, he didn’t know who it was.

Sword Master Mingyi said indifferently: “Yes, I will only kill Tianquan, and those who stand in my way will die!”

The demon’s eyes were cold, and he smiled grimly: “This is the headquarters of my Six Desires Demon Sect. You may not take us too seriously.”

Sword Master Mingyi did not refute the words of the burly demon, but just raised his hand and swung a sword.

His sword was a truly complete flawless and peerless treasure.

Even though the burly demon had expected it, he still couldn’t stop this terrible sword.

His treasure armor was directly cut open, his immortal body exploded, and his soul was almost wiped out.

The burly demon was shocked and angry, and his body retreated violently, and quickly distanced himself from Sword Master Mingyi.

“Tianquan, your old rival is here, why don’t you come out to fight?”

The burly demon said angrily, his face extremely ugly.

As both were Daluo Perfection, he thought that even if he couldn’t beat him, he wouldn’t be too far behind.

But this naked reality told him that those who could make it to the Hongmeng Golden List were really monsters and could not be stopped at all.

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