Many people are looking at this strange crystal, trying to see some clues.

However, with the prohibition of the Holy Treasure Pavilion, they could not understand the secret of this mysterious crystal.

Fairy Miaoyin said solemnly: “This thing is just entrusted by the fellow Taoist to be auctioned in our Holy Treasure Pavilion. The price of the auction must be something that transcends heaven and man.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. Isn’t this a joke about things that transcend heaven and humans?

If they had something beyond heaven and humans, how could they trade it?

Even the people in the supreme seats frowned, with some displeasure on their brows.

Han Muyang also knew that this situation would make everyone unhappy, so he could only stand up and explain: “Fellow Taoists, this is what that fellow Taoist meant, and we at the Holy Treasure Pavilion can’t disobey it, right?”

From the Supreme Seat No. 1, an old voice came out: “Is the Supreme Kung Fu okay?”

Han Muyang nodded and said: “Yes, supreme skills, supreme relics, semi-holy relics, etc. can all be traded!”

When Li Yuan heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes. Who dares to trade semi-holy objects?

If it were a semi-holy object with a spirit, he would probably be beaten to death on the spot.

He quickly sorted out his affairs that transcended heavenly beings and planned to see if there was any chance.

Jing Lao and Shan Haiyin were naturally excluded, making it impossible to trade.

Half a corpse would meet the requirements.

This thing doesn’t have much effect on him.

But the value of this thing may not necessarily be under the eight-sided crystal, especially for Li Yuan.

Other than that, there are only exercises.

However, he knew many supreme techniques, but few of them had comprehended them.

After thinking about it, apart from the Seven Emotions and Six Desires technique, there is only the Netherworld Ruins Tianjue that can be traded.

But even if these several skills were added together, there would probably be little hope.

Because of the replicability of the technique, even if it is complete, its price will not be much higher.

In addition, he also has a supreme scripture, the Three Phases and Strange Sutras.

He has cultivated the non-mortal form, so he can naturally copy the parts of the non-mortal form, but the carrier is too rare.

This kind of skill that transcends all the rules of the universe can only be carried by materials of the supreme or holy object level.

The bidding outside has begun.

Except for some established Da Luo forces, there are only three supreme seats.

Li Yuan did not go to see it, but entered the void space, trying to see if he could imprint the content of the non-mortal form.

He passed the mountain and sea seal and easily tore off a piece of the skin of a half-giant beast.

Then he concentrated his mind and imprinted the secret of the non-mortal form on the animal skin bit by bit.

This is the animal skin of a half-deity, and it can hardly carry the profound meaning of the supreme scriptures.

In less than a few breaths, this astonishing animal skin was corroded by inexplicable rules. .

Li Yuan refused to give up and immediately tore off another piece of shriveled animal skin.

However, it was almost the same result, with only a trace of broken lines left.

After trying several times, Li Yuan had to give up the imprint.

Although there are some broken lines left, if you want to copy the entire secret of the non-mortal form, you will probably need dozens of complete animal skins.

After living for so many years, he was lucky enough to get a broken animal skin. It was obviously unrealistic to use half an animal skin to copy the profound meaning of the supreme scriptures.

Li Yuan could only look at the auction outside and quote his highest price, a semi-supreme skill.

The quotations this time are all secret, and only the staff of Shengbao Pavilion and the bidder know about it.

Soon, Han Muyang’s incarnation returned to Li Yuan’s seat, shook his head and said: “It’s not enough, someone came up with a strange stone polished by the Supreme!”

When Li Yuan heard this, he had already expected it.

He thought for a moment and took out a withered thigh.

It was the thigh of the half-giant beast that he removed.

This is the limit of what he can give.

“Fellow Daoist Han, add this thing!”

Although he was sealed in a special time and space, Han Muyang could still see it at a glance and was stunned.

It turned out to be the thigh of a half-step supreme. What is the origin of this person?

Not to mention the supreme technique, it even has the thighs of half a statue!

However, he also knew what to ask and what not to ask, and said in a deep voice: “Fellow Taoist, please wait a moment. I will ask the owner of the crystal right now.”

He is also a powerful person in the Great Perfection of Daluo Jinxian, and can easily sense the vitality in this thigh.

This is a half-step supreme being who has understood the mysteries of life and is truly immortal.

Soon, Han Muyang returned again and told Li Yuan that his price was the highest so far. The owner of the crystal was very satisfied. If no one made another offer within an hour, he would get the eight-sided crystal.

In the No. 7 Supreme Seat, the mysterious young man heard that someone had taken out the Half-Step Supreme’s thigh.His face suddenly darkened.

Han Muyang’s incarnation shuttled between the seats, and he was not sure who took it out.

However, there is a high probability that it will be the supreme seats of the other two parties.

With a cold snort, the mysterious young man directly took out a golden page, revealing a glimmer of light.

“This is?”

When Han Muyang saw this, he was suddenly shocked.

The mysterious young man said coldly: “This is the decree handed down from my ancestors. It contains a strike from the Second Source Supreme, which is even enough to severely damage the ordinary First Source Supreme.”

This mysterious crystal not only contains the secret of space, but is also one of the keys to the ancient universe.

These idiots don’t recognize the treasure right in front of them, which is simply pathetic.

It is said that the Ancient Origin Universe was a universe created by a Four Origin Supreme seven centuries ago.

In that kind of place, not even the great annihilation of the universe can affect it.

Not to mention that it may contain the inheritance of the Four Origins Supreme.

Even the Supreme Being may not know this kind of secret.

If his ancestors didn’t have a key, he wouldn’t know about it.

For this kind of thing, young people are naturally bound to get it.

Han Muyang bowed respectfully to the decree before daring to cautiously exit.

The Second Origin Supreme Being is the most powerful existence on the Origin Continent, except for the three people in the upper three realms.

When Li Yuan learned that he had been surpassed so quickly, he completely lost his intention to compete.

He ignored who would get this eight-color crystal, but directly activated the seat’s own secret path and left the Holy Spirit Realm.

The descendants of the Supreme are irresponsible, so it is better to avoid them if they don’t go against them.

As for the remaining Saint Yuanbao, he did not waste it and directly replaced it with various scarce resources.

Among them are some strange objects for cultivating the Immaculate Immortal Body.

This is also a miraculous skill that can improve the qualifications of heavenly beings. Combined with the Qinghua Jade Liquid, it is enough to give him the qualifications of a great Luo.

This time I came to Shengbao Pavilion, and overall I gained a lot.

As expected, there were many powerful people peeping in the vicinity of the Immortal City where the Holy Treasure Pavilion was located.

Among them there are many half-step Daluo-level experts.

However, when they felt Li Yuan’s unfathomable aura, they were all frightened and quickly retracted their thoughts, pretending that they had just seen it accidentally.

A Daluo, and not just an ordinary Daluo Golden Immortal, who dares to provoke him?

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