Soon, all the previous auction items were sold out.

Li Yuan looked at the last three items and suddenly became energetic.

The one who can be the finale cannot be worse than the previous one, right?

He still has more than 6 billion Saint Yuan Bao on him, so naturally he can’t waste it.

At the auction venue, there were goddesses scattering flowers, singing and dancing.

Fairy Miaoyin waited for the atmosphere in the venue to be completely ignited before finally speaking slowly:

“Fellow Taoists, the first item in this auction is a broken musical instrument. However, although it is broken and has lost its spirit, it is still not comparable to ordinary peerless treasures.

It is rumored that this is the treasure of a demi-god in ancient times. It contains the Tao Yuan of the demi-god and its value is almost inestimable.

This object is a unique treasure of Yin Dao. If it is completely repaired, it can rival the peak of Da Luo.

The little girl herself is also a Taoist practitioner, but unfortunately her cultivation is too shallow to be worthy of this peerless treasure, and she is unable to repair it, so it depends on whether you fellow Taoists are destined to be together! ”

“Just tell me the price!”

When Da Luo spoke, he couldn’t wait any longer.

Fairy Miaoyin smiled and said: “The starting price is not high, one hundred million Saint Yuanbao, and each increase in price must not be less than ten million Saint Yuanbao.”

The starting price is indeed not high, but everyone knows that this is just to screen out those poor people who are not qualified for the auction.

After hearing this, many Da Luo had gloomy expressions on their faces.

But more Daluo Jinxian’s faces showed excitement and expectation.

This is a top-quality and unique treasure. If it is repaired, it can rival the peak of Daluo!

If they could repair it, wouldn’t they make a lot of money?

Peerless treasures are different from treasures of martial arts. They are separate combat powers.

Possessing a top-quality and unique treasure is equivalent to a top-level thug in Daluo, and he will not betray.

Li Yuan also had some thoughts, but he didn’t want to repair it, but wanted to feed the Fallen Bell.

Although he still has a broken black and white long banner on his body, the power of this broken thing is close to the peak of Da Luo. Naturally, he does not want to be swallowed by the Fallen God Bell.

If given the chance, he would also like to restore the long black and white flag to reproduce its power in its heyday.

At the auction venue, as Fairy Miaoyin’s voice fell, the auction at the venue became heated again, with countless powerful people bidding one after another.

However, none of the three powerful men in the supreme seats moved, and they seemed not to be very interested.

When Li Yuan saw this, he felt naturally relieved. Without the interference of these guys, it would be much easier for him to bid for the Pipa.

With hundreds of Da Luo competing for it, the price of Pipa quickly reached double digits.

But by this time, there were very few people fighting for it.

Li Yuan was not in a hurry and let them fight for a while.

One billion, two billion, three billion…

The auction prices are rising like sesame seeds, and they seem to be unable to stop.

In the end, there were more and more people competing.

When the price reached five billion, there were only a dozen or so people left to compete.

But when it reaches 7 billion, there are actually a dozen more.

Li Yuan looked at the more than six billion holy ingots on his body, and his face suddenly turned dark.

Seven billion can buy two or three similar mid-grade peerless treasures.

This pipa was severely damaged, and now it may not be as good as a mid-grade peerless treasure.

He was a little melancholy, he didn’t expect these guys to be so competitive.

Do you really think that the most exquisite and unique treasure, the Holy Treasure Pavilion, which can be easily repaired, will not be repaired by itself?

And seeing the bidding price gradually approaching the tens of billions mark, Li Yuan also became numb.

This price is almost close to his limit.

However, there are only four or five competitors left at this time.

Sighing, Li Yuan could only take out Yinque’s corpse and replace it with the Holy Yuanbao.

Finally, when the price climbed to 10.73 billion, there was only one competitor left.

Li Yuan looked at the last bidder, the auctioneer from the imperial seat.

He was a little confused. His limit was actually one million. One million and sixty thousand could already buy an almost top-grade peerless treasure.

However, the price of 1.06 million was not too high, and it was still within his tolerance.

The price of a broken, top-quality and unparalleled treasure contaminated by half the Dao Yun is actually not unacceptable.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Yuan quoted a high price of 10.8 billion.

Following Li Yuan’s bid, Da Luo, who had finally breathed a sigh of relief, was dumbfounded.

Damn it, did this guy do it on purpose?

He fought for a long time, and when he was about to get it, he was interrupted again.

Not to mention him, other auctioneers were unable to complain.

Here we go again, isn’t this guy finished yet?

In the supreme seat No. 7, the mysterious young man suddenly narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

After these auctions, heI also discovered some problems. This guy’s interference in the middle was basically disrupting the situation, and taking action at the last moment was almost certain to win!

Although it felt a bit risky, he still sneered and quoted a high price, 10.81 billion.

Li Yuan’s face suddenly darkened when he saw the person in seat No. 7 getting involved again.

When the other auctioneers saw this, they also looked strange. Well, these two are going to fight for it again.

Li Yuan looked at the auction venue with a faint gaze.

His voice came out slowly, and he said with a smile: “Since fellow Taoist likes it, then I will give this pipa to fellow Taoist!”

This price has already exceeded his psychological limit, so naturally he will not follow it again.

The mysterious young man in the supreme seat No. 7 was stunned when he heard this, and then became furious. Is this a joke on him?

“Young Master, please calm down. Maybe the other party just really has no money. Seeing the Young Master taking action, he doesn’t dare to fight for it anymore.”

The vixen who had previously wanted to gather the strange stones spoke quickly to comfort the mysterious young man.

However, the mysterious young man’s face was gloomy, he kicked the vixen away, and said with an ugly expression: “Do you think this young master looks like a fool?”

The mysterious young man was furious, but here, he had to suppress his anger.

His true identity should not be revealed, otherwise it might attract some shameless old monsters.

But that doesn’t mean he can be teased by anyone.

After taking a deep look in the direction of Li Yuan, the mysterious young man lay down again.

He could still afford to lose 10 billion, and the worst he could do was sell his belt.

The previous bidder Da Luo did not dare to continue bidding when he saw the No. 7 supreme seat and spoke.

It’s not worth offending the person in the supreme seat for a incomplete peerless treasure.

Li Yuan didn’t know that the mysterious young man was completely murderous towards him, and even if he knew, he wouldn’t care.

With the protection of Tianfu and Jing Lao, even the Supreme cannot find him.

As for the supreme seat No. 3, the girl with animal ears looked at the seemingly ordinary old woman with a strange expression.

“Grandma Mi, is he really the Holy Demon Emperor from another parallel universe?”

The bidding just now was obviously an attempt to lure the other party into taking the bait.

The young man in seat No. 7 had an extraordinary background, and even she was unwilling to provoke him.

Granny Mi frowned and looked at the world where Li Yuan was again.

She hesitated and said, “That should be the case, but everything is possible in this world. If this demon had entered the Origin Continent a long time ago, it might have received an astonishing fortune and would not be afraid of being half-stepped to the supreme level.”

There was another guess she didn’t mention, which was that this demon had already reached the level of half-step supreme.

However, this possibility is so small that it can almost be ignored.

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