As Li Yuan auctioned the Judao Strange Stone, people kept deducing his origins.

Li Yuan had a magical talisman, so he naturally felt it.

But he didn’t take it to heart, and his fate had already been tampered with.

Of course, the tampered fate is ultimately false and can only be hidden from heaven and man.

In the words of the Supreme Being, it can be easily discovered that this is false.

Li Yuan doesn’t care, there should be no Supreme here yet.

As for the demi-god, he should be able to sense something abnormal, right?

The virtual one is the real one, the real one is the virtual one. He is the one who has suffered a little bit from the Holy Demon Abyss.

Soon, the second auction item appeared.

The auction item this time was just a pair of half-step Daluo wings, and Li Yuan was not very interested.

But for other heavenly beings below Da Luo, it is a treasure to escape from.

This wing is not simple, it contains the power of the Wind and Thunder Avenue. If it is refined into a treasure, it can travel across tens of millions of light years in an instant, and ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal will not be able to catch up.

For the next few auction items, Li Yuan just shouted a few times to confuse the audience.

Until the fifth auction item, which was a bottle of turquoise liquid.

Miaoyin now explained: “This is Qinghua Jade Liquid, which can change the qualifications of heavenly beings. It has even a slight effect on Daluo Jinxian. The starting price is 100 million Saint Yuanbao. Each increase in price must not be less than 10 million Saint Yuanbao!”

When Li Yuan heard this, he was naturally very excited. Treasures that improve his qualifications are not uncommon, but those that are useful to him are rare in the world.

Now that he has encountered it, he cannot miss it.

Although he has practiced Danxia Qishu, his qualifications are only slightly stronger than those of ordinary golden immortals.

As for the unsullied immortal body obtained from reincarnation, it was too difficult and he had not yet been able to complete it.

But he was not too busy quoting, after all, the one with the highest price got it!

At this moment, the appearance of Qinghua Jade Liquid made the atmosphere in the entire auction venue lively again.

Even Daluo Jinxian would be tempted by something like this that could change his qualifications.

Of course, the average Daluo Jinxian may not be able to get this starting price.

Most of the heavenly beings could only watch helplessly, but there were also many rich ones. After all, Daluo alone had more than 600 people here!

Among the auctioneers, there were also some heavenly beings from the royal seats participating.

Li Yuan silently looked at the scene and found that the people in the three supreme seats had all quoted their prices.

In other words, they all intend to compete for this thing.

Li Yuan looked at his 28 million Saint Yuanbao and was speechless for a moment.

He couldn’t even reach the starting price.

Sighing, Li Yuan kept searching in the void space, and finally took out the body of the high priest Tu Li.

After all, Tu Li was also a powerful person who reached the perfection of Daluo Jinxian. Even if he passed away, his remains would still be of great value.

Moreover, he is a desolate beast, and it is extremely rare for his soul to be dissolved into a physical body.

Li Yuan directly called God and quoted a price for Tu Li’s body.

Tianyi, who had been tampered with, naturally would not falsely report the price, and directly gave a high price of 32 billion Saint Yuanbao.

Li Yuan was stunned when he heard this.

Although he knew that Tu Li’s corpse was of high value, he did not expect it to be so shocking.

What he didn’t know was that the main ones were Daluo Jinxian and Dao Hezhen. Even if they were killed, it would be almost impossible to leave corpses behind.

32 billion Saint Yuanbao, which can be used to buy a good, top-grade, peerless treasure.

He was so frightened that he quickly replaced Tu Li’s corpse with Tu Long’s.

Tulong was in the middle stage of Daluo during his lifetime, but God’s offer was only 80 million.

This made Li Yuan frown. Is the gap so big?

Such a large piece of corpse could not even reach the starting price of Qinghua Jade Liquid.

However, he felt a little relieved when he thought that there were three small realms between Tulong and the high priest Tu Li.

After all, the gap between a mid-grade peerless treasure and a flawless peerless treasure is thousands of times greater.

As the practice progresses, the gap becomes more and more insurmountable.

Li Yuan simply took out the corpses of the other four desolate lords and let God evaluate them.

As he expected, the corpse of Centipede Wasteland Lord was worth 700 million Saint Yuanbao, the purple unicorn and meerkat were worth 6.6 billion and 2.3 billion respectively. As for Silver Bird, it was a little worse than the high priest, only 12.8 billion.

Li Yuan looked at the auction venue outside. The price of Qinghua Jade Liquid had climbed to 270 million.

He simply replaced the corpses of Centipede Wasteland Lord and Zi Qilin with the Holy Yuanbao.

As a result, he has 7.3 billion holy ingots on his body.

With enough confidence, Li Yuan didn’t panic anymore.

He calmly watched the lively auction outside. When there were only three bidders left, he took action again.

The high price of 400 million is directly 40 million more than the previous bidder.

Many people were shocked when they saw Li Yuan starting to quote again. Does this guy still have money?

The previous quotations that Li Yuan mixed with were only up to10 million, this time I quoted 400 million directly.

This can buy a complete and unique treasure!

The mysterious young man in the supreme seat No. 7 was not very interested in this item at first, but when he saw Li Yuan’s offer, he took action again.

However, he was also cautious because Li Yuan’s previous offers almost deceived him.

Li Yuan looked at the mysterious young man in seat No. 7 and frowned slightly.

The other party only added 10 million, which is purely disgusting.

However, Li Yuan did not quote, but waited.

Several other bidders who saw the offer from the Supreme Seat did not continue to follow.

Soon, just when the mysterious young man felt bad, another person from the supreme seat made another offer.

This made the mysterious young man feel a little relieved. He knew that the final auction item contained something beyond heaven and man.

Four hundred million is not a small amount, so it cannot be wasted easily.

Li Yuan saw that the mysterious young man had no quotation, so he was not in a hurry. He waited for half a stick of incense before quoting the new price.

The other person in the supreme seat obviously did not intend to give up easily and followed directly.

After this back and forth, the quotations continued to rise.

Soon it soared to 600 million.

Seeing such a scene, the mysterious young man was ready to make another move.

But after a moment of hesitation, he finally didn’t speak.

He has amazing qualifications and doesn’t have much interest in this thing.

As for using it to train his subordinates, that would be a waste.

It was so easy for Li Yuan to get money, and he didn’t feel bad at all when he squandered it.

He and another person in the Supreme Seat fought until 800 million before finally winning the Qinghua Jade Liquid.

This price is almost the highest price since the auction.

Many auctioneers were dumbfounded. They were also Daluo Jinxian. Why were they so poor?

Even some newly promoted Daluo Jinxian find it difficult to spend even one million, let alone one hundred million.

Eight hundred million can buy several low-grade and peerless treasures.

Looking at the palm-sized bottle in front of him, Li Yuan called himself a prodigal.

This one bite is equivalent to two unparalleled treasures.

However, since he was still at the auction venue, he did not take it directly, but first put it into the void space.

Next, Shengbao Pavilion auctioned peerless treasures, strange Taoist seeds, etc. Li Yuan just competed for them casually and gave up after feeling that the price was too high.

Several peerless materials he needed did not appear, which made him a little disappointed.

It seems that my luck is really not that good!

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