Before Mo Yuan could speak, Li Yuan had already taken action.

He didn’t waste any time and directly activated the Eternal Fragrance Book to turn it into a golden book space to trap the Pond of Rebirth.

The weapon spirit of the Rebirth Pond’s face darkened, and he immediately unleashed all his strength, trying to blast away the Eternal Fragrance Spectrum.

It was not afraid of a mutilated treasure that didn’t even have a weapon spirit.

Even if it can swallow this thing, it may not be able to become a peerless treasure in the future.

However, the next moment, it was horrified and frightened.

Because another broken bell appeared in the field. It had no weapon spirit, but it was still a peerless treasure.

At the same time, another pool appeared, which was also a treasure.

Although none of the three treasures have weapon spirits, none of them are weaker than it in power.

Xiangshengchi looked shocked, and without any nonsense, he turned around and ran away.

Things were completely out of its control.

But Li Yuan had already predicted it and activated the three treasures to directly block its way.

The Pond of Rebirth was forcibly pulled into the alien space constructed by three treasures.

The eternal fragrance seals the sky and the earth, the Fallen God Bell shakes the universe, and the treasure pool directly confronts the enemy head-on.

Facing the siege of the three great treasures, the Pond of Rebirth was no match at all and was retreating steadily.

Mo Yuan was also shocked and felt that his choice was really wise.

Three treasures, this person actually has three treasures on his body.

He knows that outside the world is a boundless sea of ​​karma, and even the most precious treasure is difficult to cross.

This person actually brought three treasures with him. His identity and strength are probably not comparable to that of the demon god.

Moreover, this person can occupy the body of an immortal in this world and move around freely, and his methods are not comparable to that of the demon god.

Although the Demon God is powerful, it seems that he cannot truly come to this world, and can only communicate with him through the altar.

In the alien space, the battle between the four treasures can be described as earth-shattering.

Every collision is like the birth and death of thousands of small worlds.

The avenue was defeated and the laws were annihilated.

The alien space continues to expand, and in just a short moment, it has become millions of light-years in size.

Even if Jinxian enters it, he can only protect himself.

There is chaos and confusion everywhere.

The Pond of Rebirth was not good at fighting to begin with, but now it was suppressed by the three great treasures and had almost no power to resist.

Especially the most precious thing, the Fallen God Bell, is designed to harm the soul, and every roar will cause great spiritual damage to it.

The weapon spirit of the Rebirth Pond roared: “Do you know who is behind me? My master is the core disciple of the Six Desire Demon Sect. Aren’t you afraid of being obliterated?”

However, this did not have any effect. Instead, it made the three great treasures more powerful.

Goshen Chi resisted desperately, but was eventually suppressed.

In the alien space, Li Yuan’s thoughts appeared in form, and his eyes shone.

I got another treasure, wonderful!

The pool of rebirth was shocked and angry: “Who are you? Aren’t you afraid that the demon king of the Six Desire Demon Sect will take action?”

Li Yuan said calmly: “I don’t need you to worry about it now.”

He activated the three great treasures and directly forcibly obliterated the weapon spirit in the Pond of Rebirth.

Although the weapon spirit owned by the treasure is stronger, it is almost difficult to control, let alone the enemy’s treasure.

At the same time, other powerful men from the Demon Sect also came after hearing the news.

They didn’t know who the ancestor Chen Xian controlled by Li Yuan was, but their hearts sank when they saw this person put away the treasures.

They were shocked and angry. The most precious treasure of their demon sect was actually suppressed like this?

Who is this old guy? He has the cultivation level of a heavenly immortal, but he can control more than one treasure.

Li Yuan looked at the many powerful demon sects who had arrived, and said calmly: “From today on, the Sky Shark Demon Sect becomes a thing of the past, and the Yuan Demon Sect is newly established. Who is in favor and who is against it?”

None of these strong men are good at anything.

Some people are even completely bewitched by Shark Whale and are die-hard loyalists.

He wants to establish the Yuan Demon Sect, which is the perfect time to find these people and establish their authority.

“I object. Who are you? Don’t you know that behind me, the Sky Shark Demon Sect, there are powerful men from all over the world?”

“Yes, our demon sect is backed by the master of the world. I advise you to let go of Master Xiangshengchi as soon as possible, otherwise you will be doomed.”

“Leader, why are you still standing there? Quickly lead the demon god from the Great Thousand Realm to come!”

Strong men spoke one after another, and one of them was actually in the Mysterious Immortal realm.

Li Yuan glanced at the person who spoke. He was a young Zerg man and a newly promoted Xuanxian.

Li Yuan didn’t talk nonsense. Seeing that no one jumped out again, he just shook the Falling God Bell, and a terrifying bell sound spread, instantly defeating the spirits of these strong men.

And their true spirits still wanted to escape, but were directly annihilated into nothingness by rays of green light.

“Who else?”

Li Yuan spoke calmly.

Everyone’s scalp was numb and their hearts were pounding with fear.

Those were three Xuanxian, the strongest people in the immortal world. They were unable to withstand a single blow, and even their true spirits were wiped out..

For a moment, the other strong men couldn’t help but look at Mo Yuan.

Mo Yuan sighed and said in a deep voice: “This lord is a strong man from the world. From today on, the Sky Shark Demon Sect has become a thing of the past, and the Yuan Demon Sect is the orthodoxy.”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar, but they did not dare to question it at all.

After all, the Zerg youth’s body hasn’t cooled down yet.

Finally, a strong man kowtowed and said, “I pay my respects to the leader. May the leader live forever.”

Seeing this, the other strong men had no choice but to kowtow one after another, for fear that they would die without a burial place if it was too late.

When Li Yuan saw this, he showed a gentle smile and said with a slight smile: “Very good, everyone’s mission remains unchanged, it is still to destroy the three major forces, but for the sake of safety, I will plant a brand on you. Do you have any Opinion?”

Do we really dare to have any opinions?

All the strong men were slandering in their hearts, but on the surface they were shaking their heads.

Li Yuan was very satisfied and called out Di Wende directly and started to use the Great Dream Sutra.

The powerful people below Xuanxian naturally had no chance to resist, and were directly forcibly transformed and imprinted.

As for the elders of the Xuanxian Realm, their faces were livid, and they were naturally very reluctant.

Some people would rather die than give in, resisting desperately and never losing their nature.

When Li Yuan saw this, he didn’t force it, so he asked Di Wende to only plant a restriction in their souls, and at the same time, a thought was inserted into their souls to monitor them at all times.

Naturally, these elders did not dare to object to this anymore. After all, this was already the best result.

After doing all this, an elder quickly said: “Cult Leader, there are still many powerful people in the sect who are not here. Do you want to call them back?”

Li Yuan nodded and said calmly: “This is natural, but he is still the leader of the Yuan Demon Sect, and everything remains as usual.”

While speaking, Li Yuan pulled Mo Yuan, who was shrouded in black mist, and said, “You can handle the matters here by yourself. When those people come back, you can tell me.”

Mo Yuan hurriedly spoke and said: “I understand, my karma will burn my body. The most precious rebirth pool is the key to giving birth to a new body. I wonder, sir?”

“how do I say this?”

“Sir, the stronger the karma of the monks in our world, the more dangerous they are, and this is even more true for the demon sect.

The function of the Rebirth Pond is to dissolve the old body, give birth to a new body, and at the same time allow the true spirit to reincarnate through reincarnation. Finally, the reincarnated body merges with the new body, thus eliminating its own karma. ”

When Li Yuan heard this, he suddenly felt enlightened. No wonder these guys dared to do whatever they wanted and act against nature.

Under normal circumstances, it won’t take long for it to turn into ashes.

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