Along with the sound of the bell, Li Yuan controlled the body of Patriarch Shen Xian to appear, holding a broken bell in his hand.

Putting Qiu Tianjuan into the void space, Li Yuan’s voice slowly sounded: “Those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish. From now on, the Tiansha Demon Sect will be renamed Yuan Demon Sect.”

When the leader of the Sky Shark Demon Sect saw this, his heart was deep, it turned out to be a treasure.

He was shocked and angry, how could such a thing appear?

Since ancient times, there have been only three treasures in the immortal world, all of which are in the hands of the leaders of the three religions.

This bell is obviously not one of the three treasures.

He looked at Li Yuan and shouted in a deep voice: “Who are you?”

Li Yuan did not hide anything, and said calmly: “I come from the world, and my goal is to destroy the three major forces, so you can choose to join me.”

As soon as these words came out, both the leader of the Sky Shark Demon Cult and the female zombie changed their expressions drastically.

They naturally know what the world is.

The Demon God of the Sky Shark Demon Cult is the top powerhouse in the world.

The leader of the Sky Shark Demon Sect took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: “Behind us, the Sky Shark Demon Sect, there are also powerful people from all over the world. I think we can join forces and coexist peacefully.”

Li Yuan sneered: “Don’t talk about you, even if the Shark Martial Whale you are leaning on comes here, he will die.”

As soon as these words came out, the leader of the Sky Shark Demon Sect’s heart sank.

He didn’t know the origin of the Demon God, but this person seemed to understand it very well and didn’t take the Demon God seriously.

He snorted coldly: “If you want to take refuge with me, then show your skills first!”

Before he finished speaking, he took action boldly, and the spiritual treasure turned into a sky, trying to cover Li Yuan.

At the same time, he activated his peerless magical power and struck the infinite golden light with his divine sword.

This divine sword is also very extraordinary. It is a top-notch peerless spiritual treasure.

At the same time, the female zombie also took action instantly, transformed into her true form, and pounced on Devender, trying to entangle him.

However, Li Yuan sneered, did he really regard himself as a decoration?

The Falling God Bell vibrated lightly and directly tore open the spiritual treasure.

And the divine sword slashed at the boundary wall of the Eternal Fragrance Book, unable to tear open any gap at all.

Although the Eternal Fragrance Book is in ruins, its foundation is a peerless treasure.

However, the Eternal Fragrance Spectrum shook slightly, and it seemed that some powerful people from the outside world had discovered the anomaly and took action.

It’s just that the leader of the Sky Shark Demon Sect launched the most shocking attacks one after another, and fought against the strong men from outside, both inside and outside, but it didn’t have the slightest effect.

The female zombie who was chasing Devender was seriously injured by a slap.

If Li Yuan hadn’t reminded Di Wende not to kill him, he would have been killed instantly.

This female zombie is only in the middle stage of Xuanxian. Against Di Wende, she simply doesn’t know how to write the word “death”.

Seeing this situation, the leader of the Sky Shark Demon Cult was almost completely desperate.

There is no way to contact the Demon Cult Treasure at all.

Where are they trapped?

At the same time, Di Wende activated the Lingbao and directly killed the leader of the Sky Shark Demon Cult.

Although the leader of the Sky Shark Demon Sect is powerful, he is still far behind Di Wende.

In almost a moment, he was beaten until his immortal body collapsed and suffered heavy injuries.

Li Yuan held the Falling God Bell and spoke slowly: “I ask you for the last time, do you want to die or live?”

The leader of the Sky Shark Demon Sect looked gloomy, knowing that he would never escape.

And the female zombie also quickly said: “If I want to live, I am willing to take refuge in you, sir, but my soul has the mark of the devil.”

Li Yuan smiled lightly and said, “It’s very simple. He can erase it for you.”

Hearing this, the leader of the Sky Shark Demon Cult could only say: “I am also willing to take refuge with you.”

In the face of death, even he, the leader of the Demon Cult, had to surrender.

These high-level officials don’t have much loyalty to the so-called devil, and they just want to escape from this world.

According to the demon god, the providence of this world has mutated. In the real world, the strong have always been respected and unscrupulous, and there is no need to worry about karma.

He has lived for so many years and been reincarnated again and again, and he has really had enough of the constraints of this world.

Li Yuan looked satisfied and said with a smile: “Very good, in that case, then let go of your resistance and let him plant a ban on you.”

The two nodded and could only agree.

The leader of the Sky Shark Demon Cult also revealed his true form, a somewhat gloomy middle-aged man.

When the female zombie saw this, she was immediately shocked and said in disbelief: “Mo Yuan, the God of War in the Immortal Court.”

The leader of the Sky Shark Demon Sect sighed: “Yes, three Yuanhui ago, I was reincarnated and my cultivation has not yet recovered. I accidentally encountered the devil’s bewitchment, and finally established this demon sect with the intention of going against heaven.”

Li Yuan didn’t know who Mo Yuan was, but he also knew about the existence of Xianting.

In this world, there are three major forces, namely Samsara Immortal Court, Hengtian Divine Sect, and Wuyun Zen Sect.

They are the source of all the gods, immortals and Buddhas, they exist from ancient times and are indestructible.

andLi Yuan’s mission is to destroy these three major forces.

Next, Devender used the Great Dream Sutra to forcibly erase the marks on the two of them.

At the same time, he began to transform and wanted to make the two of them his subordinates.

The two of them were naturally aware of it and directly resisted desperately, not wanting to lose their nature.

Especially Mo Yuan, if he loses his nature, he would rather die.

Li Yuan looked gloomy and held up the God-Destroying Bell, but he still did not kill him after all.

After all, he still needs these people to help him bring trouble to this world.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan said in a deep voice: “It’s okay if you don’t want to be transformed, but you have to plant a restriction. And once the three major forces are destroyed, I will cut off some of your memories.”

When Mo Yuan heard this, he was naturally overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

No one wants to die if they can live.

His heart is as high as the sky, and he naturally wants to escape from this evil land described by the demon god and see the vastness of the world.

After a long time, Di Wende put away his magical power and said: “Master, it’s ready.”

At the same time, the two people looked complicated and saluted respectfully.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “Very good, from now on, you can be considered one of our own. Mo Yuan, you will be the leader of my Yuan Demon Cult.”

Mo Yuan respectfully said yes, and at the same time said: “Sir, there is another treasure outside, which belongs to the demon god. I am afraid that the clues have been discovered by now.”

When Li Yuan heard this, he felt suddenly. No wonder he felt that there was a powerful person from outside attacking Eternal Fragrance.

Since it is a crocodile reaching the sky, he will naturally accept it.

The space opened, and Li Yuan and others left the treasure space where the fragrance spread throughout the ages.

Then they saw a sink the size of a coffin board, erupting with incomparable silver light.

Countless silver lights poured out, seemingly breaking through the eternal fragrance spectrum and completely refining it.

When Mo Yuan saw this, he immediately said: “Sir, be careful, this is the most precious Pond of Rebirth.”

In the pool of rebirth, a phantom took shape.

He is an old man who is somewhat similar to Shark Wu Jing, with sharp eyes.

“Mo Yuan, what are you doing?”

A new treasure has actually appeared, and it is also a peerless treasure.

Although the weapon spirit has been lost and it is dilapidated, it is still not comparable to ordinary treasures.

This will have an unimaginable impact on its owner’s plans.

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