Demon Refining Tower, Li Yuan came to this place for the first time.

Accompanying him was Master Honglian, as well as other demon kings and core disciples.

As for the inner disciples, they are not qualified to observe such a battle.

Li Yuan sent a message to ask: “Master, can you deal with that woman?”

He was a little worried. After all, Guren was a newly promoted Demon King and his background was relatively shallow.

“Don’t worry, he is just a loser who has reached the end of his life. It is because of his ancestors that he can become the master of the law enforcement hall.”

She told Li Yuan that the ancestor of Dharma King Hanmo was the previous head of the law enforcement hall. He was fair in dealing with matters and did not even give face to the desire master. However, he suffered a catastrophe three epochs ago and sacrificed himself through a secret method when he was about to die. To Dharma King Hanmo.

But Dharma King Hanmo’s qualifications were too poor. Even though his ancestor was at the peak of Taiyi, when he came to her, he had only reached the early stage of Taiyi.

Li Yuan suddenly realized that no wonder the leader of the law enforcement hall was only as strong as this.

The Demon Refining Tower is very large, with countless demons entrenched on each floor. They are extremely vicious and extremely powerful.

There is a huge Balrog, which is like a walking world.

There are terrifying stone demons that occupy a giant continent.

And on the eighth floor, there were demons at the level of Demon Lords, who roared one after another, making many disciples tremble with fear.

However, when a demon was seriously injured by a direct slap from a demon king, all the demons fell silent.

Although they are cruel by nature, they are not stupid. They soon discovered that they were a group of demon kings.

So many demon kings have entered the Demon Refining Tower, what are they doing?

Fortunately, this group of demon kings did not stop, but entered the highest level.

On the ninth level, there are no monsters, but a vast and chaotic time and space.

The Road Repair King shook his head and said, “Take it easy, you two. Don’t accidentally collapse the Demon Refining Tower.”

However, the maximum power that the Demon Refining Tower can withstand is the peak of Taiyi. Both of them are in the early stage of Taiyi, so they should not be able to collapse the Demon Refining Tower.

Dharma King Hanmo dragged his long whip and stared at Honglian coldly, his eyes filled with cold light.

Honglian didn’t waste any time, directly controlled the blood lotus, and forced his way into the center of the chaotic time and space.

For a moment, the terrifying power of time and space raged, seeming to swallow everything.

However, the blood lotus bloomed with red light and resisted all external forces.

On the periphery of the chaotic time and space, many demon kings used their methods to activate protective light curtains.

This can prevent the remaining power of the battle between the two from escaping, so as not to harm Chi Yu.

Li Xia and others walked over and exclaimed: “That is the power of chaotic time and space. Even if the Demon Lord enters it, he will not be able to hold on for long.”

Speaking of him, he introduced Li Yuan that the woman next to him was Queen Sanchun, one of the Eight Heroes.

Li Yuan looked at this woman. Although she looked extraordinary, she was obviously a demon.

There were some alien features on her face.

However, he did not look down upon her. He quickly raised his hands and said with a smile, “I have met Senior Sister Miharu.”

Queen Sanchun nodded and said with a smile: “Junior brother, you are too polite. Speaking of which, Lord Honglian’s original qualifications were not inferior to mine. It was only because of his ruined Dao foundation that he wasted so many years.”

Li Yuan asked curiously: “Was my master equivalent to the Eight Elites back then?”

Queen Sanchun smiled and said: “It’s almost the same, but it is said that there were seven outstanding disciples back then, but unfortunately only three are still alive today.”

“Four people died?”

Li Yuan looked surprised that so many such geniuses had died.

Queen Sanchun said in a deep voice: “Some people died in the sect fights, some accidentally provoked powerful enemies, and some became obsessed with it, and their body and mind disappeared after death.”

She told Li Yuan that the battles in the Demon Sect were actually very cruel, and some core disciples even died in the sect without any reason.

And Li Yuangang has been in the industry for a thousand years, and he is still far from seeing the cruelty of the battle between the demon sects.

Especially after practicing the core inheritance of the Demon Sect, it becomes even more cruel.

Once you leave the sect, you must be extremely careful.

Li Yuan was thoughtful, but it seemed that he still had too little knowledge.

But it’s right to think about it. For an immortal, a thousand years is just a snap of the fingers.

Other core disciples also came over, looking kind and chatting with Li Yuan.

The core disciples who have the support of the Demon King behind them are different from the core disciples who do not have the support of the Demon King.

What’s more, this demon king is also Chonglou’s master, so he is naturally closer to him.

Li Yuan communicated with a gentle expression, and at the same time glanced at the other side quietly.

Crocodile Tongtian was also surrounded by a group of core disciples.

They looked at Li Yuan from time to time, with coldness and disdain.

In other directions, there are also some small groups, which should be under the command of other eight heroes.

At the same time, a war broke out in the turbulence of time and space.

Li Yuan watched attentively, but he only felt a sting in his mind, and there was a terrifying phantom of the avenue that seemed to destroy the soul.

But he doesn’t have the soul, WanfaAfter being unified and cultivating Yu Ning, although it was uncomfortable, it had little impact.

Queen Sanchun next to her was obviously a little surprised. She exclaimed: “Junior brother is really not simple. Ordinary immortals dare to watch the battle of the Demon King like this, and they will be seriously injured even if they don’t die.”

Li Yuan said casually: “Senior Sister, I am over-praising you. I have to thank all the Demon Kings for blocking Dao Yun from escaping.”

Queen Sanchun didn’t say anything more, she just felt that this boy was indeed not simple.

The battle in the field was extremely terrifying. During the fight between the two women, a casual blow could penetrate time and space and destroy the galaxy.

There is a terrifying phantom of the avenue emerging, which seems to be performing endless mysteries.

It is obvious that he is standing in the darkness, but there is endless splendor blooming, and endless worlds are arising and dying.

This is the battle between the Taiyi Golden Immortals. It has already exceeded ordinary people’s imagination, and ordinary peerless magical powers cannot explain its divine power.

Some core disciples with weak cultivations did not even dare to look directly, for fear of being affected by the Tao Yun and sinking into it.

Li Yuan has practiced Yu Ning, and now he has benefited a lot from watching the battle between the two women.

At this moment, although no one is preaching, it seems that I am immersed in the charm of the avenue and cannot extricate myself.

Time flies, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

The battle on the field also came to an end.

Honglian looked cold. Although the injury was serious, it would be enough to nurse him back to health for a while.

On the other hand, Dharma King Hanmo’s clothes were torn and his hair was disheveled.

A terrifying hole appeared between her eyebrows, and there was an astonishing amount of evil energy flowing inside.

That was because the terrifying sword light penetrated the soul and was severely injured.

There is a terrible power that is eroding his soul at all times.

Dharma King Hanmo was trembling and couldn’t believe that she couldn’t defeat this witch.

Honglian glanced at her indifferently and said mockingly: “The leader of the Law Enforcement Hall is nothing more than that!”

After saying that, she left the chaotic time and space directly and came outside.

Li Yuan immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: “Congratulations, Master, on your great victory. Your power is unparalleled.”

Honglian’s expression gradually softened, she nodded, then said goodbye to the other demon kings, and took Li Yuan directly to leave the demon refining tower.

Although she won, only she knew her situation, and every time she took action, the situation worsened.

However, this time he took action, it can be regarded as a shock to the heroes, so that they did not dare to underestimate him.

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