With the appearance of the legendary treasure chain, the atmosphere in the venue became extremely solemn.

Red Lotus was naturally not afraid. The lotus flower appeared under her body, and a bloody red lotus bloomed under her body.

This is actually her true body, which is the form of a blood lotus with spiritual roots.

However, over the years, the Blood Lotus has been refined into a legendary treasure by her.

The tit-for-tat qi of the two women filled the hall, making other creatures in the hall feel like a lonely boat in the endless ocean.

The war seems to be about to break out.

Fortunately, King Shura quickly dissuaded him: “Don’t be impulsive, you two. Do you want to destroy the Demon Sect?”

The Taiyi War is no different than others. If it breaks out completely, the entire Demon Sect will be razed to the ground, and there will be no survivors left within tens of millions of light years.

At the same time, other strong men from the sect were also alerted and rushed to the Law Enforcement Hall instantly.

The powerful auras made countless disciples, including Li Yuan, feel numb and terrified.

In just an instant, there were more than a dozen figures in the Law Enforcement Hall, and their auras were extremely terrifying.

“Dharma King Hanmo, what do you want to do?”

“Red Lotus Witch?”

“You actually became the Demon King?”

Voices sounded one after another, with shock and hesitation.

Although Honglian has unparalleled qualifications, he was once deposed as a Daoji and it is almost impossible to be promoted.

Now that they see Honglian becoming Taiyi, they are naturally extremely shocked.

A trace of regret flashed in the eyes of some demon kings. If they had known this, they would not have refused Honglian’s request.

They had received Honglian’s request earlier, asking them to come forward to save Li Yuan, but they did not take it seriously and ignored it.

After all, in their opinion, Honglian was already dead, and it was not worth it for an ordinary core disciple to offend Crocodile Tongtian, who would probably be promoted to Demon King in the future.

Moreover, there is no demon king behind Crocodile Tongtian, but Honglian has no background.

Upon seeing this, Dharma King Hanmo immediately spoke: “Since you are here, you might as well bear witness. This woman has just been promoted to the Demon King, but she is lawless, kills the Demon Lord, and disrupts the order of the Law Enforcement Hall. What crime should she be punished for?”

Honglian sneered: “Law Enforcement Hall? Is this still a Law Enforcement Hall? Acting wantonly and confusing right and wrong, how can there be justice and integrity in the Demon Sect Law Enforcement Hall?”

After hearing this, more than a dozen demon kings suddenly looked at each other, somewhat confused about the situation.

But soon a disciple sent a message and told them the truth.

Some people snorted, those who repeatedly killed the inner disciples would naturally be severely punished.

Some people think that the Law Enforcement Hall went too far. They accidentally killed an inner disciple in self-defense and were sentenced to life imprisonment.

And this time there is no conclusive evidence, and people are actually going to be thrown into the Dark Territory.

“This is not simple, can you just ask the magic mirror to look at it?”

The devil suggested that there is nothing to hide under the magic mirror.

The other demons echoed each other, and this was indeed the simplest solution.

However, the magic mirror appears and shines on Li Yuan. It can be seen that he has never behaved out of the ordinary in these years.

Even because the entrance to the mine was sealed, he stayed inside and never came out.

With more than a dozen demon kings present, the magic mirror will never go wrong.

It was already very clear that Devender’s death had nothing to do with Chonglou.

However, Dharma King Hanmo still refused to believe it, and she questioned: “Then what does the last message Diwende sent to Crocodile Tongtian mean?”

Honglian sneered and said: “Let’s ask Di Wende. Maybe someone framed him.”

“It’s easy. Just take a look at Devender’s related stuff.”

With the Demon King’s suggestion, the expressions of the sharks and whales who were watching suddenly changed slightly.

But faced with so many suggestions from the Demon King, he did not dare to say anything more.

Soon, a figure entered the law enforcement hall, bowed and said: “My lords, these are some of my senior brother’s belongings. Maybe we can find some information.”

Li Yuan looked over after hearing this and saw a green-haired demon girl holding some utensils.

However, he didn’t pay too much attention. He had already used the treasure to cut off all the cause and effect, and even had the Heavenly Talisman to cover up all traces.

The demon girl had a look of hatred on her face, and she was obviously someone close to Devender.

Dharma King Hanmo personally took these things and placed them in front of the magic mirror.

At the same time, there is also a demon king who is good at deduction and starts to deduce.

There was a haze on the magic mirror, and it wasn’t until a long time later that some blurry images appeared.

In the picture, Devender seems to have gone to a mining area. He didn’t do much until he suddenly left many years later, and then nothing happened again.

Obviously, the secret that Devender had concealed at the beginning could not be hidden from the magic mirror.

But this matter is not only not harmful to Li Yuan, but also beneficial.

King Shura looked dimly and chuckled: “What did Di Wende do in the mining area?”

The other demon kings also looked like thisWeird, with their eyes, they can naturally tell that it is the mining area where Li Yuan is located.

Honglian sneered: “Let’s not talk about what he was doing in the mining area. This person was obviously attacked after leaving.”

The expression on King Hanmo’s face was slightly ugly, and she said solemnly: “This does not mean that this person is not the mastermind. If he has a powerful treasure on his body, he may not be able to avoid the detection of the magic mirror.”

King Shura shook his head and said calmly: “Han Mo, you are a bit messy now. If you want to avoid the detection of the magic mirror, you must at least have a peerless treasure. Do you think a core disciple can have such a thing?”

“This kid really has that thing, I am willing to treat him as an ancestor.”

“Yes, there were so many demon kings back then. Even if he really had a peerless treasure, there was nothing he could hide from.”

A demon king laughed and said, naturally he didn’t believe it.

Even they don’t have a peerless treasure, and not many demon kings in the entire power-hungry system can possess it.

Although the magic mirror is a peerless treasure, it is better at deducing secrets and tracing back to the source.

But even so, they did not dare to look down upon the magic mirror.

Dharma King Hanmo ignored everyone, looked at Li Yuan, and snorted: “Boy, do you dare to relax and let us investigate?”

Hearing this, Honglian’s expression suddenly turned cold and she said coldly: “If I suspect that you are colluding with foreign enemies, then do you, King Hanmo, dare to let us investigate?”

Regardless of whether Li Yuan had any secrets, she couldn’t let other demon kings look into her mind.

Are you kidding, all the secrets will be peeked into, no matter whether it is Guiyi Martial Arts or others, there will be no hiding.

“Honglian, are you trying to protect your disciple?”

“Covering? Don’t say he didn’t kill him. Even if he killed the inner disciple, you are not qualified to probe the mind of any core disciple.”

When the others heard this, they also nodded secretly. This is indeed the truth.

Even if he really killed an inner disciple, he would at most be sent to hell and punished for a period of time.

King Hanmo stared at Honglian, knowing that this matter could not continue.

However, she has not given up and will ask Deshu to come back and investigate this person.

Looking at Honglian, Dharma King Hanmo said coldly: “Let’s put aside the matter of your disciple for now. You broke into my law enforcement hall and almost killed the elder of my law enforcement hall. What are you going to say?”

“As an elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, he is so unscrupulous and acts recklessly that it would be cheap to kill him. I am being kind by sparing him a life!”

“Arrogant, if I don’t teach you a lesson today, do you really think you can do whatever you want?”

King Hanmo’s aura erupted and he was about to take action.

However, he was stopped by other demon kings.

Someone laughed and said: “If you two want to fight, you might as well move to the Demon Refining Tower.”

The other demon kings did not stop him. They also wanted to see how strong Guren was after being promoted to demon king.

Some have even secretly informed other friends who did not come to come and watch the show.

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