Li Yuan’s eyes were thinking, flashing with a faint light, which was disrespectful.

Naturally, he let the main mind carry away the Eternal Fragrance Book to deal with the old immortal Kang Shi.

If you can’t kill Crocodile Tongtian, why can’t you kill one of his outer disciples?

At the same time, he had thoughts that left Mine No. 9 and quietly blended into other mines.

Now that Mine No. 9 has been dug out, it is natural to work in other mines.

As for mining, he is a professional.

There are 800 mines in this mining area, and he has not missed any of them.

Since he is under the rule of Crocodile Tongtian, he will not be polite.

Although there are countless restrictions in the mining area, they cannot stop Li Yuan’s main mind at all.

Without disturbing any living beings, Li Yuan’s main mind quietly left the mining area.

His speed was astonishing. According to the information he got from Huang Pengbo, he quickly traveled across 30 billion light-years and arrived near the lair of Kang Shi.

As an outer disciple of the Demon Sect, and backed by Crocodile Tongtian, Old Immortal Kang Shi’s status is naturally extraordinary, and he is the world leader of the top Xiaoqian World.

Li Yuan’s thoughts were floating in the sky, looking at the towering sacred mountain in the distance.

There are also some wild beasts living on the sacred mountain, many of which are at the level of gods.

And on the top of this sacred mountain, there is a piece of cloud that remains unchanged forever, which is the entrance to the small world.

Li Yuan did not turn into a human form, but directly disappeared into the clouds with his thoughts.

The barrier of Xiaoqian World is flashing with lightning, and the source is rioting, enough to strangle Immortal Luo Tian.

But these cannot trace Li Yuan’s whereabouts at all.

Even the will of the entire Xiaoqian World did not detect any intruders.

A small world in one corner is so vast, but Li Yuan’s thoughts are faster, traveling thousands of light years in a blink of an eye.

In just a moment, he arrived at the center of the Little Thousand World.

He didn’t rush in to avoid disturbing others.

In the entire Xiaoqian World, if you practice to the limit, you will be a half-step immortal.

If you want to break through again, you need to leave this small world.

Old Immortal Kangshi is the king of this world, and no one can disobey his will, not even the will of the world.

Some monks with strong qualifications will be taken as slaves or become parasites for the clan members.

Even some of the top powerful forces do not know the true cultivation level of Old Immortal Kang Shi. They only know that he has lived for countless Yuanhui and seems to be immortal.

The place where the old immortal lived in Kangshi was called Tianshen Mountain.

It’s called Tianshen Mountain, but it’s actually more like a continent suspended in the sky.

On this continent, his subordinates and tribesmen lived.

And on the periphery of Tianshen Mountain, there are many dense restrictions.

This is a restriction written by the law of time, coupled with the strong pressure shrouded in it, even if Immortal Luo Tian wants to forcefully pass through this area, his lifespan may be exhausted.

Li Yuan came to the sacred mountain and secretly sensed the time array above.

He was surprised in his heart that it was even more advanced than his law of time, and he had broken through the Xiaochengji state.

However, he has not reached the level of Dacheng, so he is still better than him. It can be said that he is a middle-level student.

The other party is Yuan Xian. He has lived for endless years and has cultivated the law of time to this level. It is not surprising.

According to the information he received, if Yuan Xian wanted to break through to the Nine Heavens Xuanxian, the first thing he had to do was to practice a law to perfection.

The law of time is far more profound than other laws. Old Immortal Kang Shi must have switched to other laws.

He is the peak of Yuanxian, and he must have cultivated a law to the level of Dacheng.

Of course, this is when he doesn’t hide his realm.

Li Yuanhua used his spiritual thoughts to easily pass through numerous magic circles.

Tianshen Mountain is not that big, only less than 10,000 light years.

After passing through the outer perimeter of Tianshen Mountain, as far as Li Yuan could see, there was a boundary sea.

Countless worlds, large and small, are continuous and almost endless.

In these worlds, there are powerful wild beasts, some of which have even reached half-step immortality.

This should be the guardian of the second level of Tianshen Mountain.

Li Yuan originally planned to pass through this world and quietly enter the hinterland of the sacred mountain.

However, when passing by the big world, he suddenly discovered something unusual. There was a very obscure energy fluctuation.

It was a half-step immortal birdman. Although it was not a human race, it was obviously not a wild beast.

He was doing exercises to heal his injuries, and there were groups of wild beasts wandering around him.

I saw a blue stone on the head of this bird-headed demon, which emitted a rich blue light when activated.

His tattered body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Yuan narrowed his eyes and saw that it turned out to be a healing spiritual treasure.

Such things are rare.

Moreover, it is almost impossible for a spiritual treasure to be born in Xiaoqian World. Could this guy be a subordinate of Old Immortal Kang Shi?

As soon as his heart moved, a thought immediately appeared in his mindhead.

Approaching quietly, in an instant, golden light enveloped the area.

And in this golden light, a fat figure slowly walked out.

It is Huang Pengbo, the second puppet.

He received Li Yuan’s order to capture this person first.

When the demon with a bird’s head and human body saw this, his expression suddenly changed, and murderous intent surged in his eyes.

“Celestial being?”

“You really can’t get rid of these bugs.”

As soon as he raised his hand, there was another spiritual treasure in his hand, and a cold light flowed on the spear.

Huang Pengbo didn’t talk nonsense, and neither did the bird-headed demon. The two sides started fighting directly.

As an immortal, Huang Pengbo used all his strength to take action at this time, and his power was naturally extraordinary. Every move he made had great power, and could even shake a small world.

However, under the shadow of the eternal fragrance spectrum, all the power was gathered in one palm.

However, the bird-headed demon is even more powerful. Although it is only a half-step immortal, its strength far exceeds that of the same level, not to mention the spirit treasure to show off its power.

Huang Pengbo, the immortal, was beaten directly by the opponent, with almost no power to fight back.

In less than a few breaths, Huang Pengbo, the immortal, was unexpectedly killed by the opponent.

Li Yuan looked at him with a strange expression. Isn’t this Huang Pengbo too useless?

Moreover, the opponent was obviously still seriously injured and had not yet recovered.

He even wanted to erase Huang Pengbo’s name from the everlasting reputation, which was really a bit embarrassing.

The bird-headed demon looked disdainful and sneered: “A mere fairy dares to chase me. He really doesn’t take me seriously.”

However, before he finished speaking, Huang Pengbo’s figure condensed in the void again.

However, Huang Pengbo did not take action directly, Li Yuan stopped him.

“Clone? No!”

The face of the bird-headed demon changed drastically, and he looked extremely vigilant.

He clearly wiped this guy out.

Li Yuan didn’t take any action, he just had a thought and made Puppet No. 1 manifest.

Qinghai Dragon walked out slowly, condensing its figure.

With a calm expression, he looked at the bird-headed demon and dropped one hand.

This hand covers the sky and the sun, covering all directions, like Gaia coming down from a small world.

Even though the bird-headed demon was powerful, capable of leapfrog challenges, and had the spiritual treasure in hand, he was still defeated by a casual attack from the Qinghai Dragon.

Even though he sacrificed a spiritual treasure again, he still couldn’t stop the palm and was completely suppressed, unable to move.

In fact, he couldn’t even see clearly the true appearance of this young man.

He was desperate in his heart and said angrily: “Could it be that you are the immortal immortal from Tianshen Mountain?”

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