Sixty years passed quickly, and it was time to start construction again.

Li Yuan arrived at the entrance of Mine No. 9 on time.

Huang Pengbo came earlier, as if waiting for him to be late.

After conducting a routine inspection on the space ring and confirming that there was no problem, he let Li Yuan in.

Re-entering the No. 9 mine, Li Yuan suddenly became familiar with it.

He was familiar with the road and planned to find a place to retreat and understand the origin of fire.

But soon, he realized something was wrong.

There is a very obscure fluctuation hidden behind him, vaguely present.

This kind of feeling is very weak, even an immortal may not be able to sense it.

If it weren’t for the special environment here, he might have ignored it.

Li Yuan’s eyes narrowed and he immediately guessed something.

He remained calm, gradually increased his speed, and penetrated thoroughly.

The countless thoughts he had explored earlier made him extremely familiar with this mine.

Secretly, Huang Pengbo had been following him for more than ten years, and he was already extremely frightened.

The situation in the No. 9 mining area was more serious than he imagined. Not a single piece of ore had been seen for so long.

But why does this kid keep going deep? Has he discovered a hidden mineral vein?

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why he could dig up a hundred source ores.

At this moment, Li Yuan was seen diving into an area shrouded by the dark wind.

The terrifying evil wind swept across, even the spiritual thoughts would be blown away.

Inside, there is a staggering number of wind-eating insects hidden inside.

Huang Pengbo didn’t know the situation, so he jumped in without hesitation when he saw it.

But after entering, where is Li Yuan’s figure?

In fact, as early as in the dark wind, Li Yuan’s true body had already entered the void space transformed by thoughts.

With Huang Pengbo’s cultivation level, it is natural that he cannot find traces of thoughts.

He felt bad, but the next moment, he saw that the entire area was disturbed. The evil wind was raging and countless strange winds were blowing, making his soul tremble.

Figures that were almost difficult to detect emerged and rushed directly towards him.

With Huang Pengbo’s level, even though he was in an area shrouded by countless dark winds, he still discovered abnormalities.

“Wind Eclipse Worm!”

His expression changed slightly for a moment.

This kind of insect is extremely terrifying, and every adult insect has the power of Luotian.

Moreover, these are social creatures, numbering in the tens of millions at least.

Although he wasn’t afraid, there was no need to tangle with these bugs.

And why is the Chonglou missing?

But how could these wind-eating insects let him retreat?

Dense swarms of wind-eating insects flew in, covering the sky and covering the ground. There were more than tens of millions in number?

There are more than a dozen of them, and their auras far surpass those of Luo Tianxian.

Their speed was astonishing, and when they opened their mouths, they spewed out extremely terrifying storms.

These storms superimposed on each other, almost forming a force that could destroy the world.

This kind of terrifying storm will kill anyone below the immortal level if it touches it.

Huang Pengbo’s face was ugly. He didn’t understand why Chonglou had discovered him long ago.

The core disciples are indeed extraordinary.

He retreated violently and planned to escape from this place.

However, it was easy to get in but difficult to get out. The next moment, he found that the whole world was dim.

Even if he unleashed all his strength, he still couldn’t break through the barrier.

Even his contact with the outside world was blocked, and he was completely unable to sense the outside world.

What’s happening here?

Huang Pengbo showed fear and disbelief.

His scalp was numb and his back was cut off.

In this area, the power of the wind source was brought into full play, while the fire source he cultivated was suppressed to the extreme.

Almost instantly, Huang Pengbo was enveloped by the extremely terrifying storm.

Huang Pengbo was shocked and angry, and quickly sacrificed his spiritual treasure.

But even the spiritual treasure, under this terrible storm, is uncertain, like a lonely boat in the sea.

Li Yuan did not take action, but completely enveloped the area with the Falling God Bell.

He had already found out that there were 80 million wind-eating insects living in this area, as well as two insect kings that were infinitely close to being immortals.

Even though Huang Pengbo was an immortal, he couldn’t withstand the storm spewed by so many wind-eating insects.

He had no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth. In the end, his life was torn into pieces, his immortal body was broken, and his soul was annihilated.

And his true spirit still wants to escape and be reincarnated.

But the next moment, a golden light flashed through, instantly absorbing his true spirit.

There is once again an additional spot on the eternally famous list.

Li Yuan put away the treasure, erased all traces, and completely stayed away from this area.

Soon, there was an abyss of deathly silence.

Li Yuan took out the Eternal Fragrance Book and reflected a fat figure.

If not Huang Pengbo, who else could it be?

He was completely dead, and even his true spirit was swallowed up by the eternal fragrance spectrum.

What reappeared at this time was just a puppet sentence, and he quickly revealed the flattery in his bones., kowtowed and said: “Greetings to the master!”

Li Yuan looked calm and said calmly: “Tell me, everything related to Crocodile Tongtian!”

Huang Pengbo was stunned when he heard this, and said with some hesitation: “Master, I don’t know who Crocodile Tongtian is!”

When Li Yuan heard this, he immediately realized that this guy’s identity was far from enough.

He said: “Then tell me who gave you the order against me?”

Huang Pengbo heard this and said quickly: “I dare not hide the owner, I am the person in charge of mining area 10086, and there are also the person in charge of the Southwest Mining Area, the general person in charge of the source mine, etc.

This time, it was Kang Shi Laoxian, the general manager of the source mine, who personally issued the order, saying that an unimaginable big shot wanted you to die here. If you didn’t die, then the younger one would have to die. ”

Unimaginably big shot?

It seems that even if he is not Crocodile Tongtian, he should be his confidant.

“By the way, Old Immortal Kang Shi is also a disciple of the Demon Sect, but he is only an outer disciple.”

Huang Pengbo added.

“Outer disciple? What kind of cultivation is he?”

“At the peak of Yuan Xian, it is rumored that he once mastered the Law of Time by luck. However, due to over-reliance on the Law of Time, his lifespan is approaching and he does not have many years left to live.”

A strange look flashed in Li Yuan’s eyes, and he actually cultivated the law of time like him.

I just don’t know how far this person has practiced the law of time.

The law of time is indeed the only law for accelerating cultivation, but it is a bit life-consuming.

For example, he came to the Origin Continent only four hundred years ago, but in the time array, his life span exceeded three billion years.

After such a long time, even Immortal Luo Tian would have passed away long ago.

Li Yuan’s eyes flickered, he had to find an opportunity to kill this guy.

However, although this guy is only an outer disciple, if he dies for no reason, the sect will also investigate.

Even though I have a magical talisman, I have to be careful to avoid any clues being discovered.

Li Yuan then asked some more questions, but Huang Pengbo was of low status and knew only a limited amount.

The only gain is that I got a good magical power from this guy – Huanyuan Gong, which can transform myself into the original power of my own cultivation.

Although the grade is not high, the effect is good.

However, his qualifications are limited and he can barely cultivate this magical power to a great level.

Then it only took Li Yuan half a day to practice this skill to perfection.

Of course, this is under the condition that the time array is accelerated.

After completing this skill, Li Yuan set off directly, carrying the Eternal Fragrance Spectrum with his spiritual thoughts, and left the mining area.

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