Li Yuan naturally didn’t know the situation in Mine No. 9.

But even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care.

Immortal Luo Tian, ​​he can kill him with just one finger.

As soon as you enter the mine, you immediately seem to have entered a world shrouded in various divine fires.

The terrible fire snakes are raging, and even a true immortal will fall if he is not careful.

There are many types of demonic fires such as Ten Thousand Meridians Demonic Fire and Jiuxiao Lihuo. They are all divine fires bred from the origin of fire.

In addition to this, there is an extraordinarily strong Gengjin energy that tears the body apart.

There is a faint dark wind that permeates the air, corroding people’s bodies and souls.

This also shows that this mine contains not only the fire source ore, but also the gold source ore and the source of wind.

The nine basic sources include metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, and darkness.

This is the basis of everything in the world and the foundation of the universe.

The patrolman leading the way said: “Okay, this is Mine No. 9. Remember, you need to come out to deliver the goods after three months, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.”

Even so, there was a trace of pity in his eyes. This kid was afraid that he wouldn’t survive three months.

Not to mention those hidden ferocious beasts, the violent original power alone might kill him.

After saying this, he quickly left this ghost place for fear of being in danger.

Li Yuan’s body was filled with divine power, and the invading wind was blocked and could not hurt him at all.

He could clearly sense the fluctuations in his spiritual thoughts. There were no other guards or miners here at all.

If that’s the case, then he can let go.

With a thought, Li Yuan stepped directly into the depths of Mine No. 9.

As it goes deeper, the original power surrounding it becomes even more violent.

Such source power is a poisonous substance that even Immortal Luo Tian cannot refine and absorb.

However, Li Yuan was not polite. He opened his mouth and swallowed, directly incorporating these original powers into the great world in his body.

The violent source of power is also the source of heaven and earth, and it will eventually calm down.

He kept going deeper, avoiding some dangers, and his speed was astonishing.

Half a month later, Li Yuan went deep into the mine.

Here, he finally found a piece of fire source ore deep in the abyss of divine fire.

If the source of fire outside is considered violent, the power of the source surrounding this fire source ore is considered to be earth-shaking.

Various astonishing visions filled the air, with divine fire turning into gods and interpreting the illusory kingdom of fire.

There are demonic flames steaming, reflecting an extremely terrifying demonic realm.

With the fire source ore as the center, the area covering thousands of miles is covered with terrible dangers.

What Li Yuan has to do is to rush into it, extract the fire source ore, and seal it.

This is the source ore, which ordinary monks cannot mine at all.

Ordinary true immortals will be exhausted even if they have immortal power to protect their bodies.

Li Yuan also saw the source ore for the first time. While marveling at it, he immediately had an idea and turned into a human form.

The power of the decree was almost completely cut off by the Heavenly Talisman.

It is impossible for the real body to take risks, even for mining.

But even an ordinary thought is still terrifyingly powerful, far beyond that of an ordinary true immortal.

Li Yuan’s thoughts waved the hoe, and in less than three months, he dug out this terrible fire-source ore from the vein.

A few days later, he laid a seal and suppressed the violent source of fire.

Looking at the fire source ore the size of a human head in his hand, Li Yuan couldn’t help but marvel.

This is the source of all the fires in the world. It is only a piece the size of a fist, but it contains amazing power.

If this energy explodes, it can completely destroy a large world.

However, this is fire source ore that has not been purified and processed and cannot be used directly for cultivation.

Only fire source ores that have been purified and processed can be considered fire source stones.

The Origin Stone of Fire can be used to understand the origin of fire, or to cultivate the true form of the origin, or to supplement the power of the origin. One stone is worth tens of thousands of fairy stones, but for him, it is not used yet.

He thought, with the strength of his ordinary thoughts, he could mine one in about half a year.

Three Jiazi can completely mine 360 ​​source ores.

But this is only if the source ore can be found.

Otherwise, I might be wandering around for three to five years.

As soon as he thought, countless light spots scattered from Li Yuan’s body and sank into the depths of the mine.

These are all his own thoughts, which can be said to be countless.

Although some remained in the human world, there were too many ordinary thoughts.

A full 300 million thoughts went into the depths of the mine, looking for ore.

The dangers that ordinary people fear after seeing them are nothing to him.

Li Yuanzhen found a hidden place and began to pass through the Tianxin Milk Curd he had received earlier.Practice the true immortal body.

This is a delicate job, especially since all methods are unified and cannot be carelessly done.

His path of cultivation is obviously different from that of other true immortals.

Whether it is the physical mana or the divine soul, the true immortal body, etc., they have been completely integrated, and everything has been unified. No one can tell what it will become in the future.

Time flies, and one hundred years flies by.

Over the years, he has encountered many dangers and even seen a powerful beast’s lair with his own eyes.

But unfortunately, with his strength, this is nothing.

As for the various source ores he mined, they amounted to 1.8 billion.

1.8 billion source ores, this is definitely an astonishing wealth.

Even if it were replaced by fairy crystals, there would still be eighteen thousand.

However, over the years, his thoughts have almost exhausted this mine, and it has become difficult to find ore.

And those ferocious beasts, poisonous insects, etc. that have lost their ores often riot.

Although the original power has been reduced sharply, the danger has increased exponentially.

Crocodile Tongtian asked him to come here to mine, thinking that it was stealing chickens but losing rice.

Li Yuan had an ambition to give him the entire mining area.

On this day, the incarnation of Youxianpan saw the message from Mie Xin on Skynet.

Miexin told him that he had collected a thousand drops of Tianxin Milk.

When Li Yuan saw this, he was naturally overjoyed.

The few drops of Tianxin Milk he purchased in the early years have long been used up.

However, he still told Mie Xin that he would get off work in eighty years and asked him to come find him then.

Although he could leave the mining area at any time, it was enough for him to know this, and there was no need to expose it to Jiexin.

Eighty years passed quickly, and Li Yuan walked out of Mine No. 9.

Outside the mine, Huang Pengbo had been waiting for a long time.

He looked at Li Yuan who walked out of the No. 9 mine safely, with a strange look in his eyes.

He is worthy of becoming a core disciple. He is only in the realm of true immortals, but he can come out of the No. 9 mine alive.

Looking at it like this, there was no sign of fighting at all.

Could it be that this guy didn’t go deep and was just looking for ores on the periphery?

Huang Pengbo’s eyes flickered, thinking secretly.

The surrounding ores have already been mined, so he would be lucky if he could find ten pieces.

If you can’t dig enough source ore, then you’d better keep going back to the mine!

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