The source mining area can be said to be full of dangers.

The tyrannical power of origin is everywhere, and it is impossible for anyone below the level of a true immortal to survive.

Sometimes, thunder will explode out of thin air in the void, causing extremely terrifying disasters.

Any danger cannot be resisted by an ordinary Tribulation Tribulation.

“Is this a mining area?”

Li Yuan frowned and asked.

“Yes, this is the No. 10086 source mining area, and it is under the rule of Crocodile Tongtian. Just take it easy!”

Jiexin reminded him that he didn’t want this Chonglou to be killed before the deal was completed.

When Li Yuan heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly. It seemed that Demon Lord Xiuyun was not just trying to banish him.

However, he was confident in his heart that if the soldiers came, the water would come and the earth would cover him, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

After all, he is also a core disciple who possesses a treasure. If he is really pushed into a corner, he will directly overthrow the world.

At the same time, he sighed in his heart. He didn’t expect that he would be so low-key and still come to dig in the end.

Maybe this mining is the fate that ascenders cannot escape!

Miexin’s voice transmission said: “Not only are the dangers that may erupt in the void, but there are even more dangers in the mining area. There may be hidden ferocious beasts, and there may also be a source explosion. Don’t be careless!”

Li Yuan nodded and said through a message: “Don’t worry, although the treasure has been taken away, I think I am not weaker than Immortal Luo Tian, ​​so I won’t be in much danger.

You should know my Tianwang nickname. If you have collected enough Tianxin Milk, just send me a private message! ”

Mie Xin responded lightly and took Li Yuan directly to the source mine to the entrance.

Glancing at the two Luotian Immortal-level guards, Mie Xin said coldly: “Go and call your person in charge to come out.”

When these two people saw Jiexin and others, they immediately felt like they were facing formidable enemies, “Who are you?”

None of these mysterious strong men can see through the truth.

Well, except for the true immortal in the center.

The black-robed monster snorted coldly, showed his identity talisman, and scolded: “Bind your eyes, we are the law enforcement team of the Six Desire Demon Sect, and this is our captain, a core disciple.”

As soon as these words came out, the two of them were shocked and quickly kowtowed, not daring to show the slightest disrespect.

They are not disciples of the Demon Sect, but as peripheral forces under Crocodile Tongtian, they are somewhat aware of the existence of the Demon Sect.

This is a truly behemoth, the master of the entire world.

No top-level immortal sect, without a king, is not worthy of carrying shoes for the core disciples of the Demon Sect.

“Sir, please wait a moment, I will inform you immediately!”

A guard spoke and hurriedly fled deep into the source mining area.

Not long after, a fat Yuanxian ran out in a hurry, making the ground tremble.

He was very tall, but when he met Mie Xin and others, he was flattering to the extreme.

“Several adults, please come inside, I have prepared a fairy banquet!”

Miexin said calmly: “No, I’m just here to escort the criminals. This is Chonglou, a core disciple. Because he killed an inner disciple, he was fined to come here to mine for 100 yuan. Let’s hand it over!”

Na Yuanxian had obviously received the news and was not too shocked.

However, the two guards behind him were already stunned. They were core disciples of the Demon Sect. How could such a big shot be sent down here?

They have been guards here for tens of millions of years. Not to mention the core disciples, even the inner disciples have never seen them.

After the handover was completed, Miexin took the people away from here.

The plump Yuanxian watched Mie Xin and others go away, looked at Li Yuan, and showed a strange smile: “Master Chonglou, please!”

Li Yuan nodded, without saying much, and stepped directly into the source mining area.

The dense restrictions shrouded the place, making it peaceful and peaceful, like a paradise.

There are fairy flowers blooming and witches charming and stirring people’s hearts.

However, Li Yuan understood that this was just the appearance in front of him. The real mine must be full of greater dangers.

The plump Yuanxian laughed and said: “I am Huang Pengbo, the person in charge of this mining area. Although Lord Chonglou is a core disciple, since he is here, he must be treated equally. Please don’t be offended.”

Li Yuan said calmly: “It doesn’t matter, what do you want to say?”

Huang Pengbo rubbed his hands and smiled awkwardly: “Well, all miners who have just come in need to check the storage space, so… you understand!”

Li Yuan looked at Huang Pengbo with a half-smile, and said lightly: “Do you think I can’t get out?”

“Don’t dare, I really misunderstood, sir. These are the rules of the mining area. I am just following orders!”

As he spoke, he motioned to the attendant next to him with his eyes.

The follower quickly agreed: “That’s true. The mining area stipulates that new miners must check the storage space to prevent accidents. And they must check it every time they come back from mining!”

Li Yuan shrugged and said quietly: “I don’t have that thing.”West, and all the treasures have been taken away by the law enforcement elders. ”

Huang Pengbo said with a smile: “It’s not that we don’t trust you, it’s just due to the rules, so we still need to use our spiritual mind to investigate.”

“Then go ahead and check. Everything you can find is yours!”

Li Yuan said indifferently, his things are all stored in the void space.

The void space is a special space transformed by thoughts. It is between reality and nothingness, and there is a magic talisman hidden there.

Let alone a small Yuan Xian like him, even if the Da Luo Demon Emperor came, he would still have to stare at him.

When Huang Pengbo heard this, he immediately smiled, waved his hand, and took out a black and white double-sided ancient mirror.

He activated the double-sided ancient mirror, and the white side immediately emitted a blazing white light, covering Li Yuan.

For a moment, all the joints in Li Yuan’s body were clearly visible.

“Desolate beast?”

Huang Pengbo was obviously shocked when he saw this.

Because under the ancient mirror’s illumination, he could not find any trace of Li Yuan’s spirit.

However, wild beasts have low intelligence and cannot be like humans.

He thought of some rumors that after the souls of some very weak mortals were devoured by their bodies, not only would they not turn into wild beasts, but they might also be able to fuse perfectly.

However, such examples are rare and occur only once in millions of years.

And there are even fewer people who can become immortals through cultivation.

He had some palpitations. It was extraordinary to be able to become the core disciple of the Demon Sect.

If he had a choice, he really didn’t want to offend such a person.

Who knows if he will suddenly get out of trouble? Once he gets out of trouble, it will not be easy to control himself?

It’s a pity that the higher-ups have issued a death order, and if you don’t do it, you will die.

Huang Pengbo put away the complicated emotions in his heart and said in a deep voice: “There is indeed no other storage space, but our rule here is to mine for three months at a time and rest for one month.

Each time you mine, you must dig up 100 source ores. If you don’t, you will not only be punished, but also your rest time will be deducted.

Although you are a core disciple, when you come here, you must treat everyone equally, otherwise I will not be able to communicate with you! ”

Li Yuan said indifferently: “It doesn’t matter, just do whatever you want, I won’t blame you!”

“That’s good, that’s good!”

Huang Pengbo grinned, the fat on his face trembling.

As he spoke, he handed Li Yuan a storage ring and a hoe.

This hoe is also an immortal weapon, but it is just an ordinary immortal weapon.

Huang Pengbo then recruited a patrolman and asked him to take Li Yuan to Mine No. 9 for mining.

Mine No. 9?

When the patrolman heard this, his pupils shrank.

Not only do big explosions occur frequently in Mine No. 9, but the mineral resources are sparse, and it is said that there are more than one group of Sky-Burning Demonic Insects inhabiting it.

Even if Immortal Luo Tian goes in, he may not be able to get out if he is not careful.

They didn’t know Li Yuan’s identity, and they immediately felt sympathy. Where did this unlucky guy come from?

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