In the manor, a group of big monsters gathered together, including Li Yuan, a human monk.

Mou Yu quickly said: “It’s okay, it’s just a bottle of potion. It’s not precious. Fellow Taoist Chonglou, there’s no need to be polite!”

However, Li Yuan’s mind was made up, no matter what he said, he would not be moved.

Other demons also offered many treasures, but they were all rejected by Li Yuan.

Regarding this, the demons felt somewhat uncomfortable, but they did not dare to say anything more.

To them, this is the real big deal.

What a pity, why don’t you accept the gift?

Other Demon Sect disciples usually dislike them for giving too little.

Li Yuan looked at the many demons, shook his head and said, “I already understand your good intentions, but everyone needs resources for cultivation, how can I win people’s love?

Let’s just forget about it!

There are also some things I want to ask you about, and I hope all fellow Taoists will give you some advice! ”

“Fellow Taoist, please tell me!”

A monster with a bird’s head and human body spoke quickly.

Li Yuan asked for advice: “I am new to Guibao Land. I would like to ask if there is a place nearby that sells dragon and phoenix blood bodhi or spiritual objects containing five yuan of divine energy?”

“Dragon Phoenix Blood Bodhi?”

“This is a top-grade enlightenment spiritual root.”

Even the two immortals Tao Xian’er were shocked when they heard this.

He opened his mouth with high-grade spiritual roots. Is this the disciple of the Demon Lord?

No wonder they look down upon their little treasure.

Although they have become immortals, they still cannot afford high-grade spiritual roots.

There were also demons who looked at each other in confusion. Could this be a reminder to them that if they wanted to give it away, they should give it to them?

Mou Yu tugged on his rat whiskers and said helplessly: “High-grade spiritual roots are already something that can only be found at the magic light auction three million light years away.

But the one-dollar auction only happens once, and there are still 30,000 years until the next one.

Of course, fellow Taoist is a disciple of the Demon Sect, so he should be able to redeem it with his sect’s contribution.

But if you’re just getting started, I’m afraid you won’t be able to contribute that much. ”

Li Yuan frowned, he didn’t expect Dragon Phoenix Blood Bodhi to be so precious.

What he wants is not only the Dragon and Phoenix Blood Bodhi, but also the spiritual root containing the five-yuan divine energy.

At this time, a demon said: “Actually, you can buy it on the Skynet, and maybe someone will trade it.”

“Skynet? What is that?”

Li Yuan was a little confused.

“It’s the Skynet. As long as you have the Traveling Immortal Disk, you can connect to the Skynet with your spiritual thoughts, and you can directly communicate with the powerful people in the entire world.”

As he said that, the demon took out his Immortal Traveling Plate, which was like a palm-sized compass, somewhat strange.

When Li Yuan saw this, he suddenly made some guesses when he thought of the instruments he had seen in the Babel Tower.

“Can this thing connect to other powerful people in the world?”

“Yes, as long as you log on to some websites, you can communicate directly with your spiritual thoughts.”

“Would that reveal its own secrets?”

Li Yuan asked, after all, the divine mind connects the divine soul.

Tao Xian’er giggled and said: “You are overthinking it. This rumor of Skynet is the manifestation of the power of heaven. Even the Demon Emperor cannot do anything wrong.”

Is it the manifestation of the power of heaven?

Li Yuan’s eyes narrowed slightly. Although Tiandao was the most righteous, there were some secrets in him that Tiandao could not know.

If the Ordinary Supreme is a potential danger, then the black lens is a fugitive.

If he gets mixed up with black lenses, he will naturally not end well.

He called the real body and asked the real body to quickly ask about the black lens. It took a long time to get a response, and he didn’t know what it was doing.

“Mr. Jing, if I log into Skynet, will there be any problems?”


The black lenses told him with certainty: “Once you log into Skynet, Heaven will definitely scan all information, and it will be easy to discover the secrets on you.

Even this mirror will be leaked, and he may be targeted by heaven for punishment.

However, when you go online, you can create an avatar with the secret memory deleted, and then use special means to isolate the relationship between yourself and the avatar, and you will be foolproof. ”

Li Yuan received the response from the black lens, and suddenly felt confident that he still had to rely on the Heavenly Talisman.

He asked: “Do you know where you can buy Immortal Travel Plate?”

At this, the black bear spirit immediately raised his hand and said with a naive smile: “I know that there is a store more than a hundred light years away. I will buy it for you right now!”

He can still afford a Immortal Traveling Plate.

When the other demons heard this, they immediately glared. This guy seemed honest and honest, but he didn’t expect that he was also a flatterer.

Li Yuan shook his head and said: “No, I can just go by myself!”

Soon after, many demons left one after another, but only the black bear spirit remained, insisting on leading Li Yuan.

He told Li Yuan that the Youxian Disk is actually divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower. The levels of Skynet that each level can connect to are different, but under normal circumstances, the ordinary Youxian Disk is enough.Soon, one person and one bear passed through the sacred mountains and earth, and came to a bright palace in heaven.

Countless powerful people nearby gathered here, including many immortal-level beings.

The carved beams and painted buildings of Tiangong are very lively, and there are stalls everywhere.

Li Yuan even saw some mortals among them, and wondered how they got here.

The black bear spirit explained: “This is a trading center with a radius of 100,000 light years. Occasionally, spiritual roots may even appear, but it is rare to encounter them. I have only heard of them.”

Soon, Li Yuan entered a shop.

It looks ordinary on the outside, but there is something special and amazing on the inside.

The floor beneath his feet turned out to be made from the bones of an immortal monster.

Even those female waitresses are at least in the realm of true immortals.

Black Bear Spirit was obviously a little more cautious, and secretly sent a message to Li Yuan that this store was said to be opened by a Nine Heavens Immortal.

Xuanxian, they are already the strongest group of people under the Demon Lord.

As soon as one person and one bear came in, a beautiful waitress came forward and asked with a smile: “Welcome, what do you two guests need?”

She looked at Li Yuan and saw at a glance that this young man was the leader.

To be able to make a Luo Tianshang Immortal saddle up and down, this person’s identity is definitely extraordinary, I’m afraid he is a second generation.

Li Yuan asked: “I heard that you have a Immortal Traveling Plate here. I wonder how much it costs?”

“An ordinary Immortal Disk requires 10,000 Immortal Stones, while a better Immortal Immortal Disc requires 10,000 Immortal Crystals. Which one do you need?”

Ten thousand immortal crystals?

Li Yuan’s expression changed slightly when he heard this.

Immortal crystal is an immortal stone that mutates by integrating the laws of heaven and earth. Even 100 million immortal stones cannot replace one immortal crystal.

The difference between these two types of Immortal Dishes is more than 100 million times different. Isn’t it too outrageous?

The waitress’s face did not change when she saw this, and she explained with a smile: “The Immortal Immortal Plate is a medium for communicating with Skynet. It is difficult to refine. A good Immortal Immortal Plate not only communicates more efficiently, but also can connect to higher levels. With the Internet, the price will naturally be higher.”

Li Yuan was speechless. He didn’t expect an Internet tool to be so expensive.

Let alone the Immortal Crystal, he couldn’t even get a single Immortal Stone.

Fortunately, he was planning to buy the best Immortal Traveling Plate.

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