Li Yuan practiced quietly and at the same time renamed his sacred mountain Moyuan Mountain.

There is a reinforced cave heaven paradise inside, and a bloody Shura formation shrouding the outside. It can be said to be foolproof.

Some wild beasts or monsters on the mountain have not left, and he does not intend to deal with them.

However, outside Moyuan Mountain, some powerful demons were alarmed and started talking about it.

That day, the black bear spirit saw with his own eyes that the woman in red casually cut through the space and opened up a cave.

There is also the terrifying magic circle that now surrounds the sacred mountain, which all proves that the woman in red is actually a powerful golden immortal.

Jinxian, this is the Six Desires Demon Sect. They are all high-ranking figures.

It had escaped with its life from such a big shot, so naturally it had to brag about it.

For a time, the word spread to ten, and soon many strong people knew that a disciple of the Six Desire Demon Sect was here, and there might be a Demon Lord standing behind him.

Naturally, they wanted to see who such a big shot was.

However, the bloody Shura formation enveloped the sacred mountain, and with their strength, it was naturally impossible to peek inside.

Honglian’s departure was also silent and no one could detect it.

It wasn’t until after more than half a year of seclusion that Li Yuan had mastered the Five Yuan Dynasty Technique that the incarnation of a thought had to leave the Demonic Yuan Mountain.

Because his five spiritual objects have been completely used up under the consumption of the time array.

Although the effect of time acceleration is good, the erosion of spiritual objects is also very serious. The spiritual objects that were originally enough for him to complete the Five Yuan Chaotian Kung were all used up in advance.

He now needs to buy some similar spiritual objects or resources.

But as soon as he came out, he was discovered by some strong men who were guarding him.

Soon, an old man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks came forward with a smile and took the initiative to pay a visit: “Little old man Mou Yu, I have met my Taoist friend. I wonder if you are free?”

Li Yuan looked at the old man and couldn’t tell what kind of monster he was, but his cultivation was not weak and he turned out to be an immortal.

Compared with Li Yuanlai, his cultivation level was as different as clouds and mud, but at this time, he was not underestimated in the slightest.

It is said that one should reach out and not hit the smiling person. This person should be a strong man nearby. He happens to have some things to ask.

Li Yuan cupped his hands and said, “I’ve met my senior. I’m downstairs in the Chonglou. I wonder what my senior’s instructions are?”

“I don’t obey my orders, I just came to get close to you!”

The old man waved his hands quickly and said: “Fellow Taoist Chonglou, just call me Lao Mou. We are all neighbors. Taoist friend moved here, and the little old man just came to visit me now. Please don’t worry, Taoist friend!”

Li Yuan looked strange, and he guessed some reasons.

This old guy might know that he is a disciple of the Demon Sect, and there is a Demon Lord standing behind him.

Li Yuan laughed and said: “I see, Fellow Daoist Mou is too polite.”

Mou Yu smiled and said: “The little old man lives in the mountain next door. I wonder if you can go over and chat with me if you have time?”

Li Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, but he was not afraid of any conspiracy that this immortal would play.

Just as he was about to speak, another angel descended, a charming woman in pink.

“Damn mouse, what’s so interesting about your mouse cave? It’s so spooky and terrifying. Why not invite this fellow Taoist to Xian’er’s Taoyuan Valley to enjoy the flowers!”

Li Yuan looked strange, cupped his hands and said, “I wonder what I should call this fairy?”

“Fairy? She’s just a witch. This one is the form of a fairy peach tree. She calls herself Peach Fairy, but she is a master who eats people without spitting out their bones!”

Mou Yu sneered and immediately exposed his shortcomings. It was obvious that the relationship between the two was not harmonious.

Tao Xian’er immediately retorted: “You don’t think you can do anything better than that. Without the protection of this large formation, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have dug a hole in and stolen this fellow Taoist’s treasure!”

As she said that, she looked at Li Yuan and said with a smile: “I have no choice but to do that. They are all bad people who want to plot evil. If my fellow Taoist goes there, Xian’er will naturally sweep up the bed to welcome him.”

When Li Yuan heard this, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched. These monsters are really shameless.

He is just a little true immortal!

The expected cruelty and calculation were not seen, only flattery and flattery.

However, this also reflects from the side the noble status of the disciples of the Demon Sect.

He smiled and said: “The two Taoists are really too polite. When I first come to Guibao Land, I have to rely on these two Taoists to take care of me!”

When the two demons heard this, they immediately laughed and said, “That’s natural. If you have any difficulties, fellow Taoist, just say it, it’s okay!”

After saying that, Tao Xian’er asked tentatively: “Fellow Taoist, what is the relationship between that Lord Demon Lord and you that day?”

“That’s my master.”


The two demons obviously had their guesses.

Although I was amazed, I was not shocked.

Disciples who can be favored by the Demon King will definitely not be inferior to them in future achievements.

For a moment, the two demons’ attitudes toward Li YuanMore enthusiastic.

At this time, many more demons came.

Including the black bear spirit.

Although their cultivation is not as good as the two demons, it is far better than Li Yuan.

In this regard, Li Yuan will naturally not be partial to one or the other.

He simply invited these demons to enter the sacred mountain directly for a chat.

The formation separated a passage, and the demons walked in the middle, obviously also trembling with fear.

They kept sighing that it was worthy of the formation set up by the Demon Lord. If they really fell into it, they would be hard to escape death.

In the manor.

Tao Xianer waved her hand and took out a bottle of fairy wine.

She said: “This is a top-grade fairy wine, it has been 200 million years, Taoist friends may as well try it!”

As she said, she took out a glass jade cup and filled it up.

Li Yuan was amazed that this cup was even at the fairy level.

And the immortal wine, before tasting it, already makes people feel like they are floating in the air, as if they see peach blossoms turning into fairies, coming towards them, the scenery is beautiful.

Li Yuan was not worried, he took a sip and felt as if he had ascended to paradise.

This is not only a resonance of the soul, but also more like a fit with the origin of heaven and earth.

However, he soon woke up completely and nodded: “Yes, it is worthy of being a top-grade immortal wine. This is the first time I have tasted such a good wine!”

Tao Xian’er was also a little surprised to see Li Yuan sober so quickly.

He is worthy of being a disciple favored by the Demon Lord, he is extraordinary.

If an ordinary true immortal tasted her immortal wine of 200 million years, he would be intoxicated for at least half an incense stick.

Seeing this, Mou Yu immediately took out a bottle of spiritual liquid and placed it on the stone table.

He smiled and said, “I saw that fellow Daoist Chonglou had just entered the realm of the True Immortal. This is the True Spirit Liquid, so I gave it to you. I hope you can condense the True Immortal Body to perfection soon!”

The other demons were shocked when they saw this. This is a top-grade immortal medicine. One drop is worth a lot, let alone a bottle.

Although Li Yuan didn’t know how precious this True Spirit Liquid was, he could tell from the expressions of other demons.

However, he did shake his head slightly and pushed it back, saying, “No merit, no reward. I appreciate your kindness, but this thing is too precious. Please take it back!”

The thing is good, but if you accept someone’s treasure, you will naturally have to pay it back in the future.

The debt of favor is the most difficult to repay.

Things like fate and cause and effect are mysterious, but there are arrangements in the dark.

If you accept Mou Yu’s medicine today, you may have to help him ward off disasters tomorrow. If something goes wrong, you may even have to sacrifice yourself.

Although he has just entered the heaven, as long as he has mastered the Rashomon Sutra, he naturally doesn’t have to worry about resources.

It is not worth it to owe favors to others for a little immediate benefit.

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