The world will never stop functioning without anyone.

Li Yuan has been wandering around the world for five hundred years and is finally ready for everything.

It’s time to leave, but I don’t know if there will be a chance to come back.

In the deserted deep sky, he felt the vast heaven above his head, and the aura on his body suddenly exploded.

In an instant, the power in the dark was activated by him, and countless calamity clouds began to gather.

The terrifying arc of thunder seems to be able to tear apart the heavens and the world.

This is the final catastrophe for immortal cultivators. If you survive it, you will ascend to immortality. If you fail to survive it, you will turn into ashes.

However, since Li Yuan opened up Guiyi Martial Arts, the chance of becoming an immortal has greatly increased.

And with his strength, even if he stood still, there would be nothing the Heavenly Tribulation could do.

Li Yuan closed his eyes slightly, bathing in the calamity, feeling comfortable for a while.

The catastrophe of becoming an immortal, which ordinary people fear so much, struck him, but it had no effect.

He swallowed the thunder light and stood like a thunder god in the world.

The monks who were passing by were stunned when they saw this.

“This…is this the legendary catastrophe of becoming an immortal?”

Even though they were thousands of miles apart, their scalps felt numb.

“It turns out to be the catastrophe of becoming an immortal. Which great emperor dares to resist the catastrophe of becoming an immortal!”

There was a gorgeous young woman with a shocked look on her face. She couldn’t believe it.

Although Emperor Tongtian is powerful, the calamity of becoming an immortal is even more terrifying. If he is not careful, his body and spirit will be destroyed.

This mysterious strong man showed no defense or resistance at all.

This kind of thing has never been heard of, let alone seen.

Next to him, a big man stepped out of the battleship, with a look of shock and envy on his face.

He frowned and said: “I can’t tell which emperor it is. I heard that dozens of emperors suddenly appeared in the Cambrian Realm. Could this be one of them?”

“That’s quite possible!”

The gorgeous young woman spoke, looking a little shocked.

What happened to this world, so many Tongtian Emperors suddenly appeared.

As for the Yangshen, they are countless, no less than ten thousand.

Could it be that the world is about to usher in a new round of spiritual energy explosion?

But why didn’t they feel anything at all?

Li Yuan naturally sensed the two people in the distance, but ignored them.

The two Guiyi warriors couldn’t break their defense even if they stood still.

He was bathed in heavenly calamity and never took action.

Even the most powerful 80th Heavenly Tribulation did not make him frown.

The two people in the distance were already stunned when they saw this.

The Peerless Martial Emperor is not so outrageous, right?

An inexplicable aura enveloped Li Yuan, and he seemed to have returned to the Li family in Qingxiu Mountain.

That’s where it all started.

He has no spiritual roots, cannot practice, and can only be a humble mortal.

However, he did not give up. Even if he became a vulgar martial artist, he still hoped to become a Taoist warrior one day.

The danger in the world of immortality forced him to go to the secular world and devote himself to hard training.

However, it is so difficult to enter the Tao through martial arts. Even though his understanding is amazing, before the deadline comes, it seems that he has only half a foot in that realm.

Blindly practicing hard does not seem to be able to break the limitations of heaven and man.

Soon, he became extremely old.

On the bed, there were inexplicable emotions lingering. In order to enter Taoism through martial arts, he pursued it all his life and did not dare to slack off. He did not even marry a wife and have children, and was left alone.

But in the end, everything seems to be a mirror image, just a futile struggle.

“Do you regret it?”

When I was about to die of old age, an idea came to my mind.

Li Yuan looked back on the experiences of this life, the loneliness and suffering of this life.

Does he regret it?

No, he never regretted it!

As he lay dying, his eyes burst into astonishing brilliance.

But the next moment, he fell into sinking again.

The scene changed again. He practiced hard all the way, and finally mastered the golden elixir of martial arts. He returned to the Li family and was powerful in Nanshan.

However, many years have passed, and he is still stuck in the golden elixir of martial arts, unable to make any progress.

The road to martial arts seems to be completely interrupted, and there is no way forward.

At this time, another thought emerged.

Give up, the end of martial arts is the golden elixir of martial arts.

You must be in front of countless ancestors, and you are powerful in Nanshan. Why not marry a wife, have children, and strengthen the Li family?

Li Yuan looked in a daze, and his reason told him that he should marry a wife and have children to strengthen the Li family.

But an obsession told him that he was not at the top yet and that he needed to continue climbing and get out of the south of the mountain.

Two thoughts, gods and humans are at war, refusing to give in to each other.

But in the end, obsession wins.

Li Yuankan broke through the illusion and left Nanshan District resolutely.

But after leaving Nanshan District, he fell into another inner demon world.

Time and time again, there are layers of inner demons and illusions. Perhaps because he has lived too long and has seen too much, the inner demons are extremely powerful and cannot be completely eradicated.

In the distance, the two Guiyi warriors are somewhatWorried.

“This emperor will not fail, right?”

No matter how strong you are, you may still fall into the calamity of inner demons.

This is a disaster that comes from the deepest part of the heart, and is the weakest place in a person’s mind.

“Wait a minute, how could such a great emperor fall so easily?”

However, half a month passed and Li Yuan still showed no sign of waking up.

There were even other strong men passing by who noticed what was going on here and rushed over to investigate.

Warriors in the Guiyi realm can still stop him once or twice, but if it is Yang Shen, they can’t stop him either.

Finally, Yang Shen who was passing by discovered him. Although he heard that this person was extremely powerful and could not be helped even if he became an immortal, he was still extremely moved.

This person fell into the inner demon tribulation, which was not their opportunity.

It’s been half a month, and this person may not be able to survive the inner demon tribulation.

If such a being said that he had no treasures or peerless inheritance, he would not believe it even if he were beaten to death.

Wealth and honor are sought in danger. Anyway, Yang Shen’s thoughts will not die, and his true body will not be destroyed, so he fought.

The Yang Shen immediately rushed towards Li Yuan with his spiritual thoughts, trying to seize the treasures from Li Yuan.

However, before he got close, his main mind exploded.

A large silver dragon ball emerged, shining brightly and with great power.

It was integrated into some spiritual treasure fragments by Li Yuan, and it was no longer comparable to ordinary immortal weapons.

The big dragon ball spun around, and then locked onto the Yang God, and a ray of silver light directly cut through the void.


This Yangshen exploded into powder immediately.

Only then did everyone react and were extremely shocked.

“Immortal weapon, and a complete fairy weapon.”

“Fortunately we didn’t act impulsively!”

Everyone was frightened and stepped back one after another, fearing that they would be targeted by Longzhu.

However, Longzhu only guarded Li Yuan and did not leave.

Li Yuan is still sinking into the inner demon tribulation, and his inner demon tribulation is too difficult to deal with.

Even Li Yuan did not expect this.

The news here quickly spread to the ears of some powerful people, and many Emperor Tongtian came one after another.

In this area, countless powerful people soon gathered to watch, some of them were real bodies, and some were transformed by thoughts.

The emperor’s eyes flickered. It is said that the inner demon tribulation is the last tribulation of becoming an immortal, but few people can last for three days.

Who is this person? He has persisted for so long without failing.

There was also the idea of ​​Emperor Wu coming from the Cambrian Realm. When he saw Li Yuan, his heart was shocked.

This person’s figure is extremely similar to the original figure.

Is that really that person, or is it just a coincidence?

They had secretly investigated, but there was no information about this person’s existence in this part of the world.

This man seemed to appear out of thin air, possessing terrifying strength out of thin air.

Or is it that the founder of their piece of heaven has long since fallen, and this person has obtained his inheritance and released them from this piece of heaven?

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