After a long time, Li Yuan slowly opened his eyes and walked out of the Spirit Hall space.

He put his hands behind his back, looked at the human world where he had lived for countless years, and sighed in his heart.

It’s time to ascend.

Now that he has cultivated many peerless techniques, mastered the Law of Time and the Law of Gold, and has two treasures to protect himself, he can still fight even if he encounters the Golden Immortal.

And this guy with black lenses doesn’t panic when he meets Da Luo.

As for the Supreme Being, he is so low-key, so he probably won’t offend him, right?

With such an existence, the dragon has never seen its head or tail. It seems that it is still hiding in some small corner.

And no matter how long you stay in the human world, you can’t cultivate to the Supreme Being, let alone restore the black lenses.

Even if he wanted to survive until the next era of chaos, he had to ascend quickly.

Although Di Jiu once said that he is still in the middle of an era of chaos, who knows when the great destruction of the universe will come.

Li Yuan was deep in thought as he walked through areas of the Cambrian Realm.

The Cambrian World is very large, especially after being promoted to the ninth-level world, it has expanded countless times.

Unknowingly, Li Yuan came to the former location of Qingmu Sect.

However, this place has long been replaced by countless grand canyons. Powerful monks once fought here, and the terrifying sword energy plowed intricate abyss.

In some abyss, there are even terrifying space cracks remaining.

Li Yuan raised his hand, and the vast power directly opened up cave worlds in this area.

Countless caves and heavens are intricately intertwined, each of which is no smaller than tens of millions of square meters.

Then he used his great supernatural powers to interpret various original substances and the flow of time, transforming these caves into the same world as the world inside his body.

Flowers are blooming, all things are performing, and spiritual elixirs are blooming with alluring fragrance.

This place has suddenly become a big and vibrant world.

Except that there are no living creatures, this place seems to be a new world of heavens.

Such a method would be difficult for even an ordinary immortal to accomplish.

Li Yuan saw this and nodded with satisfaction.

The black lenses also flew out, which was somewhat surprising.

“It’s okay, this piece of heaven is so-so, but it’s a pity that it can’t be regarded as a real world creation.”

It looked at the heavens and opened its mouth to comment.

Li Yuan ignored it. After doing all this, he waved his hand again, and a stream of inexplicable power enveloped the creatures and fell into these caves.

There are ordinary people, there are monks, and there are even some warriors who reach heaven.

These creatures are all creatures in the world inside his body, and there are more than billions of them.

He is about to ascend, but he cannot take these creatures with him.

Those who have not experienced the tribulation of becoming an immortal and have not received the light of guidance are all stowaways who enter the immortal world.

Stowaways are often rejected by the fairy world. The more powerful the world, the more terrifying the rejection.

There may even be a terrible disaster coming that will wipe it out.

If it were an ordinary fairy world, Li Yuan could resist it.

But the place he wanted to ascend to was a place that existed in legend.

Even the reborn people in Shenxu longed for that place.

Unless the black lens returns to its heyday, I’m afraid no one will survive.

However, even if the black lens returns to its heyday, I am afraid that it will not have the courage to go against the law of heaven.

Li Yuan will not put himself in danger, he can only send them out.

Some strong men only felt that their eyes went dark, then changed the world, and suddenly became extremely panicked.

Although the world they live in now seems familiar, it gives them a feeling of strangeness in their bones.

Who were they plotting against?

Or are they already in a different world?

Some strong men directly tore open the space and came to the top of the Grand Canyon. They saw the countless caves below and felt the unfamiliar atmosphere of the Cambrian World.

They were also practicing Guiyi Martial Arts, and they soon made some guesses.

Are they always in other people’s bodies?

How can this be?

How can the inner world of a warrior be so powerful?

It is obviously a vast universe of heavens and realms, and some forces have been passed down for more than a million years.

Looking at the blurry figure in the void, these strong men were stunned.

They suddenly had a sense of dreamy reality.

Even warriors who have reached the level of heaven cannot sense the reality of that figure.

How could there be such a powerful existence in the human world?

Or is this person no ordinary person?

Some people were horrified, while others looked unwilling.

Li Yuan didn’t explain much. After releasing all the creatures into this world, he turned around and left.

These creatures may have a huge impact on the situation in the Cambrian Realm, but to him, everything doesn’t matter.

If he doesn’t become an immortal, he can only be the nutrient for the Cambrian Realm to continue to grow.

Now that he has become an immortal, it has nothing to do with him anymore.

Li Yuan left and disappeared into the Cambrian Realm.He wanders through the heavens, making his final stop.

Originally, the supreme scripture Three Phases and Strange Scriptures had not yet been completed, but unfortunately, after so many years, he had no clue.

Moreover, with the Heavenly Talisman and black lenses, even the Supreme cannot deduce his information.

There is no rush to complete the Three Phases of Wonder Sutra.

This is the supreme scripture, mysterious and unpredictable, and extraordinary people can practice it.

He guessed in his mind that if he wanted to cultivate the human form without heaven, he might have to enter the heaven to have a chance.

It was finally time to leave this world, and Li Yuan felt a little reluctant to leave for a while.

People, if they stay in one place for a long time, they will get nostalgic and reluctant to leave.

Even though there were not many familiar memories left in this part of the world, he was still reluctant to leave.

Those acquaintances who ascended back then have probably been in the heaven for 800,000 years.

I don’t know if they are still alive or if they have been promoted to a higher realm?

More than 800,000 years may be a long time for mortals, but for immortals, it may be equivalent to a few years.

Just like him, it took him millions of years to comprehend just a few sources of power to a small degree.

Li Yuan sighed in his heart, time is really the easiest thing to pass away.

Although a true immortal can live for sixteen million years, it is just like a mortal’s hundred years.

Whether it is cultivation or understanding the origin, it takes a lot of time.

He walks across the heavens, covering millions of light years with one step.

He has already completed the seven steps to the sky.

In the uninhabited deep sky and in special forbidden areas, there will be Li Yuan’s incarnation dormant.

There are even thoughts to directly enter the channel of the heavens.

Before leaving, he needs to leave some behind in the world.

The black lenses were a little speechless: “You are really afraid of death, no wonder you can survive hundreds of millions of years in the world.”

Li Yuan corrected him: “This is not called being afraid of death, it is being prepared for a rainy day and planning ahead.”

“If you’re afraid of death, you’re just afraid of death. Why are you making excuses!”

The black lenses opened with some disdain.

Li Yuan glanced at it and said calmly: “If you weren’t afraid of death, why didn’t you fight with Tiandao and die together?”

Hearing this, Black Lens suddenly stopped talking and plunged into the void space.

Li Yuan was surprised when he saw this. Could this guy have escaped from the battle?

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