When Yang Dingfeng on the side saw this, he suddenly showed a strange look.

One dollar heavy water, he will never be wrong.

He hurriedly said: “Fellow Taoist Moya, have you mastered this special scripture for the clan?”

Li Yuan nodded and said with a slight smile: “Absolutely.”

He has eaten the flesh and blood of Jiu Zhi many times and is very familiar with the power of the origin.

Although the origin of water and the origin of fire are very different, the direction of understanding is somewhat similar, unlike others who are just looking at things in the fog and not knowing why.

And this world is a bit strange. It is full of water elements, and there is this textbook-like water god sculpture.

Even though he is just an incarnation, he has already understood the origin of water.

He is equivalent to embarking on the path of true immortality ahead of schedule.

Yang Dingfeng exclaimed when he heard this: “Fellow Taoist’s understanding is rare in the world, I admire you!”

Although a thousand years have passed, he is still a little confused about the water god sculpture.

He felt like there was a huge mountain in front of him, but he could only scratch the surface of it.

But even so, these insights have an amazing effect on him performing some water-based secret arts.

Some things that I didn’t understand before were obviously immediately clear to me.

According to his current understanding, once the water element is mobilized, even if it is compared to the elemental saint master, it will not be much different.

If coupled with his own strength, he can definitely compete with an elemental saint master.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “I think you two have learned a lot from it. Xinling, how do you feel about it?”

Hearing this, Xin Ling slowly opened her eyes, and saw streaks of sky-blue water mist lingering around her body, eventually turning into an exquisite long dress.

At the same time, she raised her hand, and there was a silver grass in her hand.

“Qingling grass!”

Yang Dingfeng spoke in surprise.

The silver grass in front of me is completely real.

This is not magically transformed and can be planted.

This kind of grass is only a common medicinal herb. It has the effect of clearing the mind, relaxing the mind, removing heat and dissipating cold.

But this also illustrates one point. Xin Ling understood the secrets of the strange scriptures.

Could it be that among the three of them, he has the worst understanding?

Li Yuan also had a strange look on his face. Xin Ling’s understanding was still above Yang Peak.

He took the silver grass, chewed it and swallowed it.

Soon, Xin Ling and Yang Dingfeng looked at Li Yuan at the same time.

Xinling was looking forward to it: “Brother Moya, how are you doing?”

Li Yuan silently comprehended and muttered: “Yes, it is indeed the effect of Qingling Grass. You have touched the surface of the origin of water, and some true immortals are nothing more than this.”

If you want to break through from a true immortal to a spiritual immortal, you need to understand the origin of all things in the world.

However, it has always been difficult to comprehend the origin of heaven and earth. Even some true immortals who have been studying for thousands of years are unable to truly understand the true meaning of the origin.

The so-called origin secret is the key to getting started with the origin.

And Xin Ling has obviously got a glimpse of some of the secrets of the origin, and I am afraid that it won’t be long before he can understand the origin of water like Li Yuan.

“True immortal?”

When Yang Dingfeng and Xinling heard this, they were immediately confused.

Guiyi Martial Arts has been spread throughout the world for several epochs. Their concept of true immortals is very vague and they rarely hear about it.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “Yes, there are three thousand avenues, all leading to the same destination. Whether they are immortal monks or martial arts monks, their goal is to ascend to heaven. And true immortals, or true gods, are the first realm after transcending tribulations and ascending.

Spiritual Immortal is the second realm.

I don’t know much about these, but if you want to break through the spiritual immortals, you need to understand the original meaning. ”

Xinling looked surprised when he heard this, and said with some surprise: “So, if I ascend, I can break through to the spirit immortal?”

Li Yuan glanced at her and said calmly: “What about dreaming? Even if you ascend to become a true immortal, you still need to perfect the body of a true immortal, and at the same time fully understand the origin of water and resonate with heaven and earth before you can step into the realm of spiritual immortals. ”

“Uh… so troublesome?”

“Otherwise, what do you think? The gap between each realm in the heaven is even more astonishing than our lower realm.”

Hearing this, Xin Ling felt somewhat regretful.

However, she was secretly amazed that Brother Moya knew so much.

Not only is he powerful and his understanding is amazing, but he also knows so many secrets, which is really incredible.

Li Yuan also had some regrets, regretting that the Tao Yun of the Water God sculpture was too shallow.

Although this water god sculpture is extraordinary, at best it can only allow them to understand the origin and meaning of water.

Looking at the two people, Li Yuan said: “I plan to leave here and go to the Kingdom of Fire to find the clan scriptures of the Kingdom of Fire. What are your plans?”

Hearing this, Xin Ling’s expression suddenly changed slightly: “The Kingdom of Fire is said to be more powerful than the Kingdom of Water.”

Li Yuan smiled lightly and said: “If it were a thousand years ago, there might still be some trouble, but now, do you think they can do anything to me?”

Hearing this, Xin Ling immediately reacted..

Indeed, after thousands of years of understanding, even she herself is equivalent to an elemental saint master.

If the physical power is used again, the Elemental Saint Master can also suppress it.

Brother Moya’s understanding is obviously deeper than hers, and his strength is probably unfathomable.

Yang Dingfeng hesitated for a moment and then said: “I plan to stay here first and fully comprehend the profound meaning of the origin of water before leaving.”

In his opinion, the master of all methods is not as good as the master of one method.

And he is the only one who has not yet understood the basics, which is really embarrassing.

When Li Yuan heard the words, he did not force himself and said in a deep voice: “In that case, I wish fellow Taoist success as soon as possible.”

After thinking for a while, he condensed a blue mark with the origin of water, handed it to Yang Dingfeng and said: “This is the mark that I condensed with the source of mysteries. As long as I am in this world, I can send a message to you.”

Yang Dingfeng nodded, and then used the water element to condense a similar mark.

Although his understanding of the origin of water is not as good as Li Yuan’s, he can condense something similar with his years of experience.

The two exchanged communication marks and looked at Xin Ling again.

Xin Lingchi hesitated for a moment and then said, “Brother Moya doesn’t mind if I come with you, right?”

Li Yuan shrugged and said with a slight smile: “It’s up to you!”

When Xinling heard this, she was immediately happy.

“Then let’s go!”

Li Yuan nodded and said goodbye to Yang Dingfeng. After leaving the tower, he waved his hand to summon an ice dragon.

Xin Ling was not polite and jumped directly on top of the ice dragon.

She said in surprise: “This ice dragon is probably enough to compete with the real Yang God, right?”

She felt that this ice dragon contained amazing power.

Li Yuan nodded: “Absolutely!”

This was just an ice dragon he summoned at random. If he used it with all his strength, it would be even more amazing.

Hearing this, Xin Ling was immediately shocked.

Is this the power of fully understanding the origin of water?

Even if she is now equivalent to an elemental saint master, she can still summon an ice dragon comparable to Guiyi at most.

This ice dragon not only possesses Yangshen-level combat power, but also possesses Yangshen-level speed.

At this moment, he was flying at full speed, covering a million miles in an instant.

In less than a stick of incense, the two of them had arrived at the border of the Kingdom of Water.

In front is the Kingdom of Wind, one of the nine kingdoms.

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