Li Yuan is like a lonely boat in the rough sea.

But he was wearing fairy clothes and holding a trident, and he looked like an undefeated god.

Around him, there was a faint water element flowing, resisting the blizzard.

In the past three years, he has certainly not achieved anything.

According to the classification of giants, he is now completely equivalent to an elementalist.

At the same time, the trident turned into a terrifying weapon and directly split the body of the ice dragon.

The huge body of this ice dragon could not have much impact on Li Yuan at all.

However, another ice dragon came and grabbed Li Yuan in mid-air with its claws.

Without his divine power, his reactions in the air were a bit slow.

When the elemental masters saw this, they were immediately overjoyed.

Once captured by the dragon, the outcome is already doomed.

But Li Yuan was not worried at all.

Even if there was a terrifying force coming, it still couldn’t hurt him in the slightest.

On the contrary, it was the ice dragon’s own cold energy that made his body stiff.

Li Yuan roared, tearing open the ice dragon’s claws with great force, and then jumped up using the force.

The sharpness of the trident allowed him to pierce the ice dragon’s heart directly.

The elemental master on the snowy mountain suddenly looked horrified when he saw this.

How can this be?

How can a living being possess such tyrannical power?

Even if the Holy Master doesn’t use magic powers, he can’t compete with this giant dragon.

Whether it was the incredible power or the extremely sharp weapons, they all frightened him.

A thought couldn’t help but arise in his mind. Is it really the right choice for them to join forces to kill these evil spirits?

But now, they have no choice.

The elemental master immediately used his magical power and summoned ice blades to kill Li Yuan.

The fierce power is definitely not something that ordinary god-forming monks can withstand.

There is also the ice dragon and the terrifying ice dragon raging.

The place was filled with terrifying murderous intent.

If it were an ordinary Yang Shen, he would have died countless times.

But Li Yuan is certainly not an ordinary Yang God. Even if he is just an incarnation, he is still more powerful than the peerless Yang God.

His powerful body gave him amazing mobility.

Even the ice dragon couldn’t catch up with him.

Li Yuan braved the terrible blizzard and carried powerful power to destroy the giant dragons one after another.

With one step, he crossed countless distances and jumped directly onto the tall snow-capped mountains.

On top of the snow-capped mountains, the elemental master was already frightened.

How could such a weak body contain such amazing power?

Around him, there were whirlpools of ice and snow storms.

But this still didn’t make him feel at ease.

The evil spirit is so terrible that he wants to escape from this place.

At the same time, countless ice and snow giants were reviving on the Snowy Mountains.

Each giant roared and rushed towards Li Yuan.

But Li Yuan was fearless, holding the trident, like a meteor piercing the bodies of the ice and snow giants one after another.

“You… better stay!”

Li Yuan shouted loudly, and the trident in his hand struck directly at the ice and snow storm vortex.


This elemental master roared, increasing the power of the ice and snow storm vortex to the limit.

With such terrifying power, even the body of the Yang God will be torn apart.

But the trident was a divine weapon, and it directly tore through the Snow Storm Vortex’s defense.

That powerful tearing force was not only unable to destroy the trident, but it was also unable to strangle Li Yuan.

Li Yuan’s halberd fell and split open the elemental master’s head.

And his spiritual power was directly destroyed by the trident.

After killing this elemental master who did not know whether to live or die, Li Yuan went to other Daxue Mountains.

When the other elemental masters on the Snowy Mountains saw how ferocious Li Yuan was, they were so frightened that they immediately drove away with the ice dragon.

Although his speed is not good, this ice dragon is extraordinary and its speed is comparable to that of the Dongxu monk.

In just a blink of an eye, the master of elements was already thousands of miles away.

If it were an ordinary Yang Shen, there really wouldn’t be anything he could do.

But how could Li Yuan allow him to escape?

He exploded with all his strength, and his body shot out like a meteor.

At this moment, his physical strength reached its maximum.

Compared with this ice dragon, Li Yuan’s speed is more than twice as fast.

The two chased each other, and the distance between them kept getting closer.

In just a moment, Li Yuan jumped on the ice dragon, raised his halberd and killed the elemental master.

He then returned outside the royal capital and easily killed the other two elemental masters.

Even powerful protective methods cannot block a halberd.

Xin Ling was shocked, Mo Ya was definitely a peerless Yang God.

They were already at their limit against one, and Mo Ya was able to kill four in a row.

“It’s a pity that another one escaped!”

Yang Dingfeng spoke, his faceI was a little unwilling again.

Unable to use their divine power, they were unable to catch up with the master of elements who was driving the ice dragon and wanted to escape.

Li Yuan looked cold and said in a cold voice: “He can’t escape.”

He carefully sensed the power of the water element between heaven and earth, and looked directly in one direction.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Li Yuan shot out and disappeared instantly.

Only the shocked Yang Dingfeng and Xinling were left in place.

This speed is beyond their reach.

Yang Dingfeng’s eyes were filled with cold light, and he smiled strangely: “In that case, let’s do it too, shall we?”

“Do it?”

Xin Ling was a little confused.

Yang Dingfeng said with a smile: “Sweep this place within ten thousand li, leaving no one alive.”

With that said, he rushed directly in the other direction.

When Xin Ling saw this, she immediately understood.

Taking a deep breath, she also rushed in the other direction.

This time, it was destined to be a river of blood.

Three days later, Li Yuan returned.

The last elemental master was killed by him under a cold pool thousands of miles away.

Within ten thousand miles, there was no living water giant.

The three of them returned to the tower and continued to comprehend the strange scriptures.

Thunderous methods are indeed the best way to shock people.

Even those giants were completely frightened and did not dare to come closer than ten thousand miles away.

The royal capital of the Water Kingdom has almost become a forbidden area of ​​the kingdom.

Li Yuan looked at the sculpture in front of him, and there seemed to be rays of light flowing in his eyes.

Around him, the rich power of water element became more and more active.

Time flies, and thousands of years fly by.

Li Yuan stood up, already fully understanding the magic on the water god sculpture.

To be precise, there are no techniques on this sculpture.

But what permeates it is a kind of Tao Yun that points directly to the origin.

It’s like opening up all the mysteries for you to observe.

Of course, by observing this Taoist aggregate, some people can get a glimpse of the original meaning, while others can only get a glimpse of it.

And the so-called Elemental Saint Master can only get a glimpse of the original secret.

Li Yuan has long been in contact with the origin, and now everything is going smoothly.

When he raised his hand, wisps of water mist gathered, sometimes turning into nine-day ice, sometimes turning into a water giant, and sometimes turning into various water-based spiritual beings.

As long as he is willing, various water spells are at his fingertips, and he can even transform them into various water spiritual objects.

One-yuan heavy water, extreme cold dew, etc. can be completely deduced.

He has fully understood the origin of water here.

What this water god sculpture contains is the icy secret of the origin of water.

Of course, the way of the origin is extremely profound. His understanding of the origin of water is still at the introductory stage, and the effects of spiritual objects he can perform are limited, and they are at most effective for Qi-training monks.

But even so, it’s amazing.

This is equivalent to creating countless low-level spiritual objects.

If one could comprehend other origin mysteries, wouldn’t it be possible to create more things?

This kind of ability is no longer something ordinary people can possess.

He can completely create a world.

Instead of just opening up the world like before, it cannot breed all things.

Moreover, understanding the origin of water greatly increased his strength.

All kinds of water spells are already understood.

At this time, he has completely surpassed the Elemental Saint Master, and he can destroy the heaven and earth with his full strength.

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