Soon, the Taoist priest brought Li Yuan to a palace.

This palace is also a powerful treasure.

Here, he met two people besides the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest smiled and explained: “This is the Holy Mother Wan Yao, whose cultivation is unfathomable.”

Before he finished speaking, one of the middle-aged beauties bowed.

Then the Taoist priest looked at another young boy carrying a red gourd and said with a smile: “This is the Immortal God. It is said that he once fought against a peerless Yang God without losing the upper hand.”

Upon hearing this, the young boy immediately showed an inexplicable smile and shook his head and said: “Master Yang is joking. He just barely fought against the peerless Yang God and survived by chance.”

“That also shows that the Taoist priest is very powerful and extraordinary. This time, we have to rely on you.”

“No way!”

As he said that, Yang Dianfeng looked at Li Yuan again.

Li Yuan bowed and said with a smile: “I am Mo Ya, a casual cultivator.”

Mo Ya?

Just from the name, you can tell that this is not a character that is easy to mess with.

But the stronger the strength, the better.

Several people hurriedly bowed.

Yang Dianfeng went out to recruit people again.

Li Yuan chatted with the two people and explored their backgrounds.

These three strong men should not be human.

Yang Dianfeng is said to be an ancient alien sheep-headed monster.

As for the Holy Mother Wan Yao, although she didn’t say it clearly, Li Yuan felt that she should be a plant spirit.

And the young boy was also very hidden, not only in terms of cultivation, but also in terms of identity.

But Li Yuan still sensed some aura, which seemed to be a corpse demon.

These companions are all aliens.

But whether they are hidden or not, it doesn’t matter to Li Yuan.

The strong strength gave him strong confidence.

Even if it is just an incarnation, it is enough to be invincible in the heavens and the worlds.

The two were obviously constantly testing Li Yuan’s identity, but unfortunately, their strength was far from enough.

It seems that Li Yuan is just a casual human cultivator, nothing special.

Three months later, another man and woman were found by Yang Dianfeng.

The man was also not a human, but a centaur, with a human upper body and a horse lower body.

The woman was a sweet-looking human girl with bright eyes.

These two also came in their true bodies.

Yang Dianfeng introduced: “This is the Holy Lord Xinghui, and the other is the Fairy Xinling. Both of them are fellows in the Yang God realm.”

Hearing this, several people hurriedly introduced themselves.

The Immortal God said: “It should be possible to enter.”

Hearing this, Yang Dianfeng glanced at the few people, and seeing that they were all a little moved, he nodded and said: “Okay, too many people are not good, the six of us are just right.”

Hearing this, the few people naturally had no objection.

Looking at the entrance of the mysterious ruins, Yang Dianfeng took a deep breath and stepped directly into it.

Li Yuan was also unambiguous and followed closely.

As he entered the gate of the ruins, he was immediately enveloped by a magical power.

This feeling was very strange, as if he had come from the ground into deep water, but there was no water.

An inexplicable pressure enveloped him, making him unable to raise a trace of divine power.

You must know that after cultivating the martial arts of Guiyi, the body, true qi, and soul are completely integrated and indistinguishable from each other.

But now, the power in his body was suppressed and difficult to use.

Soon, the scene in front of him changed.

Li Yuan found that they were now in an empty valley.

The valley was covered with ice and snow, and the cold air was soaring.

They, the Yang Gods, actually felt a little shivering.

“Is this the space inside the ruins?”

The human girl Xinling asked, her eyes full of curiosity.

The Starlight Saint looked solemn and said in a deep voice: “What a strange place. My divine power is suppressed and I can’t use it at all.”

Yang Dianfeng nodded and said: “Indeed, it seems that everyone is the same.”

“And I can’t sense the existence of the outside world. I can’t even sense my thoughts of staying in the outside world.”

“This situation is simply unbelievable. Be careful.”

Several people talked about it and exchanged their views.

They entered in their real bodies. If they really fell here, it would be bad.

At this moment, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded.

Several people looked up and saw two ice-blue giants appearing above the valley.

One of the giants raised his hand and shot an arrow directly, aiming at the Starlight Saint.

He was the largest.

In the air, ice-blue arrows condensed into shape.

The arrows were as fast as lightning. Almost at the moment of condensation, they had already arrived in front of several people.

The surrounding void seemed to be frozen, making people’s hair stand on end.

Starlight SaintThe Lord’s divine power was suppressed by the mysterious force, and at this time only the instinctive reaction of the body was left.

Although he reacted quickly, the arrow still penetrated his butt.


Holy Lord Xinghui screamed, and most of his butt was instantly frozen.

And this frozen power is still rapidly spreading to other parts.

“No, there’s something wrong with this arrow. Let’s go!”

Holy Lord Xinghui was shocked and angry. Although his divine power was suppressed, he was still only half a step away from reaching the sky as the true Yang God.

But he couldn’t suppress the strange arrow, and his butt had completely lost all feeling.

The Immortal Lord reacted quickly and immediately rushed in one direction.

But the next moment, he was shocked.

There was actually a large wave of ice blue giants approaching from the front.

There is also a blue giant holding a staff, and when he raises his hand, ice picks fall from the sky.

As long as this ice pick is stuck, the consequences are self-evident.

The Immortal God hid in a hurry and was in such a state of embarrassment.

“Go this way!”

Yang Dingfeng took the lead, heading towards the ice blue giant who had shot the arrow earlier.

Several other people also responded quickly, this direction is the exit.

And in this valley, there is obviously a large group of ice-blue giants living there.

They had no choice but to face the ice blue giant.

When the ice blue giant saw this, he was obviously frightened and angry.

The two ice-blue giants used their bows and shot arrows to kill these intruders.

But this time, several people were prepared and narrowly avoided the terrifying arrows.

Even without their divine power, their speed is still astonishing.

Fairy Xinling even punched out when passing by a cliff.

This punch was powerful and heavy, but it only made the cliff shake.

However, the ice blue giant didn’t seem to be very physically strong and almost fell down due to the impact.

Taking advantage of this moment, several people quickly moved away and disappeared.

Although his divine power has been suppressed, his essence is still the Yang God after all, and his life level is different.

Even just relying on the strength of the physical body is extraordinary. In just a few breaths, he escaped thousands of miles away.

Outside the valley, there is an endless ice field, and it is unknown where it is spreading.

The ice blue giant seemed to have limited speed and did not pursue him.

This made several people breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally escaped.

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