There are three mysterious passages, no one knows where they lead.

The speed of the main mind is so astonishing that it spans tens of millions of light years in an instant.

But even so, more than a hundred years have passed, and Li Yuan still has not seen the end.

That mysterious passage seems to have no end.

On the contrary, there was a problem in the Chaotic Sea. Ahua told him that his main mind was lost.

To say that you are lost is actually to say that you have completely lost contact with your true body.

In the past, this was impossible.

Even though Li Yuan’s three main spiritual thoughts have separated from the heavens, they can still be clearly sensed.

Another few decades passed, and Kui Long was promoted to the Heaven-Bearing Realm.

His main mind went to explore the Sea of ​​Chaos, but was also lost in it.

This surprised Li Yuan. What kind of secrets were hidden in this chaotic sea?

Whether it is Ahua or Kuilong, their main divine thoughts are extremely powerful, equivalent to a peerless Yang God.

Such existences are already at the ceiling level in the heavens, but they are missing one after another.

As more and more powerful people continue to penetrate into the Chaos Sea, more and more powerful people are trapped in it, unable to extricate themselves.

Three of the twelve martial spirit elders in the Spirit Hall fell into it.

In addition, there are two main hall masters.

This is a bit outrageous.

To be able to become a martial soul elder in the martial soul hall, one is at least a peerless Yangshen.

Of course, there is good news.

Someone accidentally brought out the incomplete elixir from the depths of the Chaos Sea.

Some people have also found powerful techniques from ancient legends.

But they all seem to have lost their memory.

This shocked countless powerful people. Even though they knew that the Sea of ​​Chaos was extremely dangerous, they still swarmed towards it.

Even Li Yuan was shocked when he heard this.

At his current state, it seems that there is no one in the world that can threaten him.

He wanted to know what kind of secrets were hidden in the depths of this chaotic sea.

Of course, all you need to do is go incarnate, it’s impossible to move the real body.

An incarnation held a trident, wore fairy clothes and armor, and had a dragon ball on his head, and quietly left the Cambrian Realm.

Seventy years later, Li Yuan stepped into the depths of the sea of ​​chaos.

The spatial cracks that appeared everywhere could not leave a trace of him at all.

The terrifying beast could only become a delicacy after meeting Li Yuan.

Following the scent of other creatures, Li Yuan soon came to a rocky area.

Countless meteorites are suspended in the void, densely packed and countless.

They operate according to a special law and exist forever.

Some meteorites are extremely huge, like a continent, while others are extremely small, no more than the size of a fist.

Here, it seems to be a sea of ​​meteorites.

Some of these meteorites are hiding terrifying creatures, some are hiding powerful villains, and some are even sources of danger themselves.

Li Yuangang landed on a black meteorite, and immediately dense black insects came out.

This bug is only the size of a grain of rice, but each one is fierce and fast. Its transparent wings can completely cut the void, and its hard teeth can bite treasures.

This is the Black Sky Insect, any individual can compete with the monks in the integration stage.

And on this meteorite, there is actually a dense nest, no less than ten million of them.

In this case, even if Yang Shen sees it, he must avoid the edge temporarily.

In the distance, there were two women looking playful.

It is true that the ignorant are fearless. This black sky insect is a material for refining treasures. Such a large piece would have been taken away long ago if there was no danger.

In their opinion, this young man might not be able to hold on for more than a few breaths, and he would be completely wiped out.

However, Li Yuan just breathed a sigh of relief, and the rushing black sky bugs fell all over the ground like grains of black rice.

A terrifying divine power swept across and strangled him directly.

This scene immediately stunned the two gorgeous women watching the show from a distance.

How is this possible? Could it be that the person in front of me has broken through Yangshen and been promoted to Heaven?

Li Yuan glanced at the two women, and his gaze was like a sharp sword piercing into their minds.

The two women had already become one, but they still screamed and their heads almost exploded.

When the two of them reacted, they were immediately frightened. They were hundreds of thousands of miles away from each other.

“Senior, please calm down, we have no ill intentions.”

Seeing Li Yuan’s anger, the two women trembled with fear and quickly knelt down to beg for mercy.

They didn’t expect that watching a movie would also affect Chiyu.

Li Yuan ignored the frightened two women. Given his status, that was too cheap.

He took one step forward and passed directly through the meteorites, like a fish swimming into the depths of the Chaos Sea.

In the depths of the Chaotic Sea, there are dangers everywhere, some coming from ferocious beasts and some coming from monks.

The opportunity here attracted countless void pirates.

Li Yuan evenHe mistakenly entered a naturally formed ancient formation. If he hadn’t been powerful, he would have been trapped in it.

This sea of ​​chaos was so huge that it could be said to be endless. Even at his speed, it would take decades before he came to a majestic portal.

It is like a majestic celestial palace ruins, and also like countless ruins piled with rocks.

But it was in front of this portal that a group of unfathomable strong men gathered.

Seeing Li Yuan coming, a strong man immediately looked at him.

Li Yuan’s aura at this time is obscure, but whoever can come here is said to be powerful.

After looking around, Li Yuan nodded secretly.

There are probably hundreds of powerful monks gathered here, and Yang Shen accounts for 99% of them.

However, most of these powerful men probably did not come in their true form.

A thin but tall-framed old man walked slowly over, showing a kind expression.

“Did Fellow Taoist come here in his true form as well?”

Li Yuan looked strange and asked calmly: “Why do you see it?”

The old Taoist gently stroked his long beard and said with a smile: “Although my fellow Taoist’s speed is amazing, it is far from unbelievable. If it is the main mind or other thoughts, the old Taoist I will definitely not be able to detect the direction of arrival.”

“This is indeed the truth. I don’t know if you have any advice for me?”

“Don’t take it seriously when asking for advice. The pinnacle of Pindaoyang means the peak of Yang Shen. I wonder if you plan to enter this ruins to find out?”

Yang Dingfeng?

Li Yuan was speechless, what kind of bad name is this?

This reminded him of some kind of madness in his past life.

“Now that I’m here, I naturally want to go in and take a look.”

“As expected, in this case, the old Taoist would like to invite fellow Taoists to come with him so that he can take care of him. The poor Taoist has already found several fellow Taoists, and they all come in their true form, and their strength is extraordinary.”

When Li Yuan heard this, he immediately understood what this veteran meant.

Although he has strong self-control, there are no absolutes in the world, and it is good to have teammates.

Just like in Wuxu Illusion, if he was alone, how could he know that the end of the sea of ​​flowers was the key to solving the problem?

There is strength in numbers, not just in terms of strength.

Besides, with these people, if they really encounter danger, they can buy themselves some time, right?

With this in mind, Li Yuan nodded and agreed.

When the old Taoist heard this, he suddenly felt happy.

When the real body comes, not only is it powerful, but it also has some scruples in its actions.

If you are walking with thoughts and you are really in danger, even if the other party deceives you, there is nothing they can do about it.

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