“court death!”

The young man from the Dragon Clan was furious, his eyes filled with fierceness.

He transformed into a prototype, which was a divine dragon that could reach thousands of miles.


Accompanied by the angry roar of the dragon, he activated the fairy beads and directly killed the Lord Dujie who took action.

“Slay the dragon!”

The old orc roared angrily, cast a spell, and opened the sky with his fist.

Although the immortal weapon is powerful, it is not that easy to completely kill a transcendent tribulation.

The two tribulation-transmitting gods joined forces, leaving horrific scars on the dragon’s body.

They fought and retreated, and soon they disappeared from sight.

But when the young man from the dragon tribe returned two hours later, everyone immediately understood that the young man from the dragon tribe had won again.

I just don’t know if those two deities survived the tribulation.

After returning this time, the young man from the Dragon Clan did not act rashly again, but secretly healed his wounds.

Although he was powerful and protected by immortal weapons, he was still plotted against by the two old monsters and was seriously injured.

He looked at the green fruit, which had grown a lot bigger, with a greedy expression.

He practices the Dragon Clan’s supreme inheritance, the Dragon Divine Art. If he can obtain this elixir, he will definitely be able to break through the tribulation in one fell swoop and become the ultimate being in the tribulation.

As for the rabbit demon and the little thing underground, they didn’t take it to heart at all.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly a strange fragrance spread all over the world.

All the strong men were shocked and looked at the elixir in surprise.

The elixir is finally ripe.

At this moment, the dragon youth was not polite and directly planned to collect the elixir.

But at this moment, the rabbit demon suddenly stood up, with a ferocious red light in his eyes.

I saw it raise its paw and take a crystal clear pill.

“That is?”

The young man from the Dragon Clan was startled and felt a ray of immortal energy.

Before he could react, he saw a terrifying aura rising from the rabbit demon’s body.

The whole world seems to have been forcibly opened, the wind and clouds are gathering and dispersing, and the clouds are steaming.

A furry claw stretched out and grabbed directly at the dragon youth.

The world is trembling, and the rules continue to collapse.

The power of this blow has far surpassed that of almighty, and it was Lord Dujie who struck with all his strength.

“How can you attack with all your strength?”

The dragon youth was shocked and looked incredulous.


The Rabbit Demon didn’t waste any time and just slapped it down with his paw, overwhelmingly.

The fairy beads instantly protected the body and blocked the fatal blow.

But even so, the dragon youth was seriously injured by this claw, and he was bleeding all over the sky.

His orifices were bleeding and his body was cracked. Where could he still be as high-spirited as before?

The other strong men were also shocked when they saw this.

The master of the Tribulation Tribulation attacks with all his strength, who can stop him?

The young man from the dragon tribe was powerful and protected by immortal weapons, but he still couldn’t stop the ferocious power of this rabbit demon.

This rabbit demon is obviously not comparable to ordinary tribulations, and its magic skills are amazing.

Every time it beats, it is like a giant rabbit opening the sky, unstoppable.

At the same time, near the root of the elixir, the little white-bone snake finally got its chance.

It rushed towards the elixir to collect it.

Even the will of the world is helping it, and invisible power envelopes the area, temporarily avoiding the induction of other powerful people.

But just when it was still more than ten meters away from the elixir, a figure quietly appeared.

Li Yuan looked at the astonished little snake and said quietly: “Do you think you can hold on to a fairy medicine?”

While talking, he began to pick the elixir.

With his current strength, it would take at most half a quarter of an hour to pick the elixir.

The little white-bone snake looked at this mysterious strong man who suddenly appeared, and his scalp suddenly became numb.

There is actually an unknown strong man hidden here.

It was unwilling to give in, but it didn’t dare to go up and snatch it.

The process of picking the elixir is naturally not going to be smooth sailing.

After the rabbit demon powerfully killed the dragon youth, it began to clear the area.

A radius of 100 million miles was almost turned into a dead zone under the powerful strength of the rabbit demon.

Except for some warriors who practiced Guiyi Martial Arts and escaped by chance, other strong men basically perished here.

After clearing the area, it was about to refine the elixir when it discovered a strange aura.

This aura is not that of the little white-bone snake.

Most of the elixirs it cultivated have already been harvested.

“court death!”

The rabbit demon was furious and immediately discovered Li Yuan’s whereabouts.

It comes with overwhelming anger and is bound to kill this secret rat.

But Li Yuan raised his head and pointed a finger, and it seemed as if the world was overturned.

With this finger, the bearer has the power to destroy everything, arriving in an instant and destroying everything.

All order and rules disappeared under this finger.

The rabbit demon was horrified, what level of existence is this?

This finger, actually gave it a feeling of being irresistible and certain to die.


The rabbit demon roared, activated the mace, and unleashed the most powerful secret technique.

But unfortunately, this finger has transcended the limitations of the human world and is invincible except by true immortals.

It activates the seal and wants to detonate the final source of this world.

But when things came to a close, it discovered that there was no response.

One finger fell, directly killing all the rabbit demon’s vitality.

Its huge body fell helplessly.

At the last moment, it was in despair. Why was it like this?

It originally wanted to use the elixir rhizome left by the third brother to breed the elixir, thereby breaking through the limitations of the human world and destroying the Wuhun Palace.

But why is it destroyed by such a terrifying presence?

Suddenly, it suddenly gave birth to some speculations, could this person be the mastermind behind the Wuhun Palace?

Li Yuan casually crushed a demon to death, but Li Yuan didn’t take it too seriously.

But the little white-bone snake not far away from him was already stunned, wondering if he was hallucinating.

The rabbit demon, that strong man who could compete with the will of the world and kill the peerless dragon like chopping vegetables, could not stop this man’s finger.

Isn’t this a legendary immortal?

Facing such an existence, how could it dare to seek death?

After a while, Li Yuan took out the elixir and found a fruit with a faint fragrance in his hand.

This is the fruit of the elixir, its essence.

After taking a look at the dilapidated Juyuan Realm, Li Yuan had no regrets and left directly.

He needs to send this elixir back to the Cambrian Realm.

The little white-bone snake watched Li Yuanyuan go away, and then looked at the huge elixir rhizome, and was immediately overjoyed.

This mysterious man did not collect the rhizome of the elixir.

It has a feeling that if it can swallow the elixir rhizome, its strength will break the limit again.

But the feeling in the dark told it that if it swallowed the roots of the elixir, the Giant Source Realm might not be able to survive for a hundred thousand years.

The little white-bone snake stared at the root of the elixir for a long time, a trace of determination flashed in its eyes.

There is absolutely no reason to miss such a great opportunity.

It is now a combined monk, and even if the giant source world collapses, it can still go to other worlds.

God’s will is selfless, but the children of destiny are selfish.

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