Finally, a strong man who had overcome the tribulation rushed over.

It was a bald old orc with a fiery light shining in his eyes.

He doesn’t have any imperfect magical weapons, but his strength is still very terrifying, and cannot be matched by any great power.

The old orc traveled a million miles in one step, crossed multiple space gates, and landed here.

“Elixir, and it’s an elixir that enhances strength!”

He was shocked. If he could refine this elixir, he would have a chance to ascend to the immortal world.

However, as soon as he approached the island, a mace fell from the sky.

The old orc had already been prepared for this and immediately raised his treasure weapon.

But even so, it still failed to block it, and the top-quality treasure was forcibly destroyed.

The old orc’s expression changed slightly, he muttered words, and mysterious lines appeared on his body.


For a moment, a terrifying power seemed to awaken, as if it was about to open up the whole world.

The old orc punched out, the world trembled, and all spaces collapsed.

This punch seems to be able to open up the world.

The rabbit demon’s mace was barely blocked.

But unfortunately, the next moment, an even faster blow struck.

The old orc was directly knocked out.

He retreated violently, a little angry.

“You can’t keep the fairy medicine!”

The fight just now made him understand that this was a demon in the tribulation stage.

But even so, nothing could stop him from getting the elixir.

The old orc didn’t act rashly anymore, he lay dormant and watched eagerly.

Soon, another strong man arrived, another one who was overcoming the tribulation.

This deity who has overcome the tribulation actually has incomplete immortal weapons on his body.

The rabbit demon seems to be somewhat defeated because it wants to fight against the will of the world.

This statue overcame the tribulation, directly entered the Hanging Island, and locked the elixir.

As soon as the elixir matures, he will snatch it by force.

Although the previous old orc did not have any incomplete immortal weapons, he soon waited for a transcending tribulation, joined forces with him, and broke into the island.

Of course, competing for elixirs is not the exclusive domain of Lord Dujie.

There was also a peerless master who came with an immortal weapon in his hand, defeated the rabbit demon and set foot on the hanging island.

In less than a few days, five forces were eyeing the island.

Outside the Hanging Island, those strong men who were lucky enough to survive were also waiting for the elixir to mature.

They don’t ask to pick the elixir, even if they get some roots and leaves of the elixir, it is considered a great opportunity.

There are powerful people who have joined forces and want to get a piece of the pie when the time comes.

There are also powerful people who have begun to secretly hunt those who lack strength, intending to eliminate their competitors in advance.

I don’t know how many creatures have become nutrients for the elixir.

As time goes by, the elixir becomes more and more mature.

The snow-white flower buds bloomed, and a green fairy fruit condensed and formed.

By this time, the collapse of the Giant Source Realm has exceeded 90%, and only the core area is still lingering.

The entire big world is wrapped in countless debris.

The sky is dark and the earth is dark, and the sun and moon have no light.

This vast world seems to be coming to an end.

However, no one cares about whether this world will be destroyed. All they care about is the elixir.

But at this moment, on the hanging island, the invincible power holding a complete immortal weapon suddenly took action and killed the tribulation that had landed on the island earlier.

His strength is too tyrannical, and with the blessing of the immortal weapon, he is comparable to a tribulation-transcending Lord who attacks with all his strength.

It was obvious that he planned to wipe out all the heroes and swallow the elixir for himself.

Dujie, who had landed on the island earlier, was powerful and became furious upon seeing this.

“Junior, are you looking for death?”

He hurriedly raised the incomplete immortal weapon to block the fatal blow.

But even so, he was still hit hard by the immortal weapon and almost torn to pieces.

“Hahaha, Star Lord, one hundred thousand years ago you destroyed a group of our Dragon Clan to refine treasures. It’s your turn to perish first today!”

This invincible power holding an immortal weapon turned out to be a strong man from the dragon clan.

When the Star Master heard this, he immediately cursed: “Fart, those are just a group of wild dragons.”

“Wild dragons are also dragons. You will not escape death today!”

This dragon youth shook the immortal weapon and burst out with unparalleled divine power.

Every collision is like the collapse of the world.

Although Xing Zun is in the stage of transcending tribulation, he does not dare to explode with the strength to transcend tribulation. How can he be the opponent of this dragon?

After just a few moves, he was beaten until he was almost breathless and unable to maintain his human form.

He transformed into a huge star beast with a huge tail.

“Are you all watching? He will never let you go later!”

Xingzun looked at the other Tribulations and asked for help.

But whether it is the old orc or the rabbit monster, they are all looking at their noses and their noses, and they act like they have nothing to do with themselves.

Seeing this scene, Xing Zun was filled with sadness and anger.

Xingzun’s eyes were red, and his anger rose: “Shameless reptile, just wait!”He roared angrily and had to escape from the Hanging Island and escape to other places.

However, this young man from the dragon tribe obviously didn’t just want to drive him away, but wanted to kill him to avoid future troubles.

Xingzun was furious, but he could not escape the pursuit of the dragon youth.

Half a day later, the dragon youth flew back with a ferocious smile.

He was injured, with a scar that almost penetrated his chest, and he was still emitting black energy.

But no one dares to underestimate this dragon. This is a bully dragon.

Of all the people present, only Li Yuan didn’t take it to heart, even though he knew that this person even forced Xingzun to cause the catastrophe of becoming an immortal.

He hid in the dark, waiting for the elixir to mature.

These strong men fighting life and death accelerated the maturity of the elixir.

If he could, he would give this dragon a thumbs up.

After taking a short rest, the dragon youth set his sights on the old orc again.

When the old orc saw this, his expression suddenly changed.

He quickly took out a dragon-shaped jade pendant and said: “Little friend, I have some friendship with the Dragon Lord of your Dragon Clan and the Dragon Realm. Please don’t rashly fight!”

However, the young man from the Dragon Clan just glanced at it and sneered: “I have long disliked that old guy from the Dragon Realm.”

Before he finished speaking, he took action directly, and the fairy weapon in his hand burst out with bright fairy light.

How could the old orc resist such a powerful force? He quickly said: “Fellow Taoists, this guy is ruthless and will definitely eradicate us all. If we don’t join forces, we will be defeated individually!”

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the remaining Tribulation Master suddenly flickered.

But even if he takes action, he may not be able to compete with this dragon.

He looked at the rabbit demon, and it turned out that the rabbit demon was only focused on fighting against the will of the world and had no intention of taking action.

This Lord of Tribulation had no choice but to speak: “My little friend, please forgive others if you have to.”

“Trash, I’ll deal with you later!”


How could this vengeful Tribulation Master tolerate such an arrogant attitude?

He was angry in his heart. He thought that with his cultivation during the tribulation period, he would have a chance to seize the elixir.

Unexpectedly, he encountered an invincible power coming with an immortal weapon, and he made it clear that he wanted to kill them first.

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of this Dujie. At the moment when the dragon youth killed the old orc, he suddenly took action, and a scimitar appeared like a crescent moon.

Although it did not burst out the true strength of the Tribulation Stage, this attack was still extraordinary and could kill all powerful people.

His timing was excellent, and it was the critical moment when the dragon youth and the old orc were fighting.

The scimitar directly broke through the dragon youth’s flesh and blood, nearly cutting him in half.

Fortunately, his defense was amazing, and he had a top-notch treasure to protect him at the last moment, so he managed to save a small life.

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