It’s a waste of time.

Li Yuan has been planning for many years and has reached the last moment.

Over the past million years, Tianhuang has become a sixth-level world, only one step away from the seventh level.

Today’s world is dominated by martial arts.

The world has long forgotten the existence of Li Yuan.

But the will of the world will not forget.

Without Li Yuan, Tianhuang would not be at its current level, and would even be in decline.

Although that space passage will cause the origin of Tianhuang to flow out, there will also be strong men who are about to die of old age and return with a treasure.

Coupled with the fact that Demon Cliff sat down and returned all his energy to the world, Tianhuang was promoted so quickly.

So after Li Yuan came back that year, he began to spread opportunities and release energy to prepare for refining the world in the future.

However, not long after, he felt that there was some inexplicable aura around him.

That was Tianhuang’s destiny, and he was chosen to become the son of Tianhuang’s destiny.

If God’s will is powerful, I’m afraid he will yell, “Why are you still alive?”

Li Yuan was not too interested in becoming the son of Tianhuang’s destiny, and he began to communicate with God’s will.

If it does not become a seventh-level world, it cannot truly connect the heavens.

And even if it truly connects the heavens, it may decline and be destroyed by great power.

Li Yuan communicated God’s will and explained the pros and cons. As long as he does not die, Tianhuang will not decline, but will only become stronger and stronger.

But now he is considered the most powerful person in the world, and with him, Tianhuang will grow into a ninth-level world sooner or later.

Even after countless years, Tianhuang may not become a new fairyland.

Painting cakes doesn’t cost anything.

Li Yuan moved him with affection and lured him with benefits, and finally got Tianhuang’s will to agree to cooperate with him to integrate into the ancestral aperture cave.

Although his Ancestral Aperture Cave is large, it only has a radius of thousands of miles. Compared with the entire world of heaven and earth, it is simply a gap between a fish pond and the sea.

It is very difficult for a fish pond to accommodate the sea, even with the cooperation of the unparalleled will of the world.

If you are not careful, the Zuqiao cave may be burst.

Li Yuan is also physically powerful, but he has to be careful every step he takes.

He was not in a hurry and slowly waited for the fusion to end.

Not long after, an incarnation returned and merged into his real body, making him even stronger.

As for the son of destiny who made a breakthrough in the small world, he was naturally extradited by him and entered the wilderness.

However, without the blessing of luck, if he wants to go far in the wild, it depends on his personal perseverance.

Time is the least valuable thing, and thirty thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Tianhuang finally merged completely into Li Yuan’s ancestral aperture, Dongtian, and became the largest world in his body.

As for the other 129,600 caves, they have been integrated long ago.

Although there are many caves and heavens, there are even more small worlds in the heavens and the world, which can be said to be countless and endless.

Li Yuan’s body sat cross-legged in the void, and he had already begun to unify the three martial arts.

His foundation is so strong, his body, soul, and energy are simply incredible.

It takes a very long time to completely integrate and enter the realm of unity.

There are more than a hundred worlds in Lin Yun’s body, and it took nearly a thousand years to unify them. Among his 129,600 worlds, and one large world close to the seventh level, it would take millions of years.

But what he lacks most is time.

Only by raising your strength to the limit in the lower realm and entering the heaven in the future will you not be trampled to death like an ant.

Others want to ascend because their lifespan is limited, but he has no such concerns.

He will only consider ascending to the heavens after he has raised his strength to the point where there is no way forward.

It’s best to be able to defeat other immortals as soon as you get up there.

I don’t know if Wang Li is still alive. He can kill the true immortal in the Mahayana period. I’m afraid it’s not as simple as the son of the era in this world.

A true immortal is the transformation of the life level. A mortal or an immortal, even if suppressed by the rules of the heavens, the immortal cannot be killed by mortals.

If you don’t become an immortal, you will end up as an ant. This is not nonsense.

Era after era passed, Li Yuan was still working hard to integrate and enter the realm of unity.

In all the worlds, in every era, powerful monks will appear and stir up troubles.

But if you don’t become an immortal, you will end up like a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water.

Day after day, year after year, Li Yuan worked tirelessly to integrate and unify.

Another five epochs passed, and on this day, in the endless void, a terrifying aura swept across the heavens and the world.

Li Yuan silently merged, and finally unified the three martial arts into one in the eighteenth era, entering the realm of unity.

At this moment, he felt that incredible changes had taken place in his body.

The body, soul, and Qi are completely integrated into one, regardless of each other.

If he uses Liu Sheng to change shape, he will change his form from the inside to the outside., everything will change.

No matter how clever the means are, it is impossible to tell whether he is real or fake.

Of course, these are incidental, and the change in strength is the most amazing.

Now, even if he does not use the secrets such as the Nine Tribulations Golden Body and the Ancient Holy Light, he is enough to resist the tribulation.

And if he uses various secrets, he is afraid that even if the ultimate tribulation comes, it will not be enough.

Counting the artifacts, the immortal tribulation is probably just a joke.

Until now, he is truly invincible in the world.

Return to oneness, the corresponding is only the fusion realm.

But after countless years, his foundation is too strong, enough to cross two major realms and be invincible.

If he ascends to the heaven one day, I am afraid that the true immortal will also look up to him.

And strength is only one aspect. After cultivating the return to oneness, he can control the universe, reverse the yin and yang, gather and disperse invisibly, and be reborn with blood.

This has raised his ability to save his life to the limit. Even if the true immortal descends to the world, he may not be able to kill him.

On the contrary, the suppression of the rules gave him a great chance to kill the opponent.

He once thought that it was outrageous that Wang Li killed the True Immortal in the Mahayana period.

Now it seems that he is the one who is outrageous.

His eyes flickered, and a stream of blood fell, turning into a phantom, flying towards the heavens and the worlds.

Just in case, he had to keep a little blood to save his life.

After doing this, it should be foolproof.

Li Yuan looked calm and decided to go to the Cambrian World.

Tianhuang was in his body, and Cambrian became his second home.

Now, it is time for all the creatures in the heavens and the worlds to practice the method of martial arts unity.

The Cambrian World is still as prosperous as ever.

However, compared with two million years ago, the strongest person in the Cambrian World at this time is only in the late stage of Wu Zun.

For countless years, the Cambrian World has also begun to decline, but it is not obvious yet.

Li Yuan took a step forward and stood above the Cambrian World. The Dharma was overwhelming, and there was a terrible aura that filled the air, covering a radius of tens of millions of miles.

Countless creatures were startled, looking up at the sky, looking at the huge phantom, feeling anxious.

The phantom spoke slowly, and the voice spread throughout countless territories in the Cambrian World.

“This deity, Yuan, will pass down the Guiyi Martial Arts today. Anyone who practices the Guiyi Martial Arts will be the orthodox of the world, and should respect me. In addition, this deity will establish the Wuhun Hall. The first thirteen people who enter the Guiyi can enter the Wuhun Hall and be given the roots of immortal medicine, so that they can live again.”

This time, Li Yuan plans to play a big wave, to let the Guiyi Martial Arts sweep the entire world, and other immortal ways, martial arts, etc. are all side doors.

As the founder of the Guiyi Martial Arts, he is the Martial Ancestor, the ancestor of martial arts.

The Cambrian World is his second home, and this is a great gift he gave to the warriors of the Cambrian World.

When this statement came out, the world was shocked. With the Guiyi Martial Arts as the orthodoxy of the world, where would this put the warriors who practiced other martial arts?

Before this, although the Guiyi martial arts was not weak, it was difficult to practice and few people practiced it.

Some people were angry and felt it was absurd, but when they saw the vast phantom above the nine heavens, they felt half disappointed.

What kind of incredible existence is this?

Even a strong man in the late stage of martial honor felt trembling in his heart when facing the terrifying phantom at this time.

This existence may have surpassed the limitations of the Cambrian world.

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