Li Yuan stood on the Nine Heavens, looking at the frightened orcs in the cave below, and his heart suddenly moved.

This is a good time, just for him to be the savior.

If you want to refine a world into your own cave world, it is best to adopt gentle methods.

Otherwise, forcefully taking action will inevitably anger the will of the world. At least it will turn the cave world into a disaster, and at worst, the world will be destroyed, the cave sky will be shattered, and the body will be stained with boundless misfortune.

There are some powerful monks who refine the world and raise living beings in captivity, but they are eventually overthrown by the captive beings. This is why.

Moreover, forced refining would take a long time.

To integrate one side of the world into your own cave world, you need to be very careful.

Li Yuan took one step forward and quietly blended into the stone statue.

Soon, as the orcs worshiped, a faint light filled the air.

The orcs present suddenly felt warm in their bodies.

And deep in the cave, there were two sharp voices. They were the evil spirits that had mixed into the cave and were directly wiped out by Li Yuan.

The orcs also discovered these anomalies. They were stunned for a moment, and then looked incredulous.

God, did he really appear?

Voices sounded one after another, and the orcs became even more excited.

Li Yuan didn’t talk nonsense, and some mysterious information was passed into the mind of the most pious old orc among them.

This information includes a simplified version of the martial arts return to one cultivation method.

The energy in this world is not weak, enough for these people to cultivate into martial arts golden elixirs.

The old orc who was chosen by Li Yuan looked surprised and quickly kowtowed.

This is the first time the Lord God has responded.

“With Yuan Zun above, my disciples must devote themselves to cultivation, save all sentient beings, and spread Yuan Zun’s great glory throughout the world.”

Li Yuan was speechless, this kid could be regarded as a magic stick.

When the other orcs heard this, they also looked puzzled. How could they be called Yuan Zun?

They have lost too much inheritance. They only know that this is a sculpture of a god, but they don’t know what god it is.

The old orc selected by Li Yuan naturally did not hide it. After leading everyone out of the temple, he immediately shared the information conveyed by Li Yuan.

“So, as long as we practice cultivation, we don’t have to be afraid of those evil spirits?”

Someone asked, showing surprise.

The old orc looked excited and said: “Yes, not only do you not have to be afraid of those evil spirits, you will also have the power to fly to the sky and escape from the earth, so you are not afraid of the harsh environment outside.”

“Grandpa Yu, teach me quickly, I want to practice too.”

“I want it too, I haven’t been outside yet!”

When the other orcs heard this, they naturally looked excited and eager.

The old orc had a kind face and said with a smile: “Don’t rush, don’t rush. This is a cultivation method given by the gods. It cannot be described in words. Only when I learn it can I spread it and give it to you.”

“Ah, can’t you say it directly in words? It is indeed the inheritance of the gods!”

Everyone was somewhat disappointed when they heard this.

The old orc hurriedly comforted: “Don’t worry, I believe it won’t take long. If you are fine, you can go to worship Master Yuan Zun, and you may be directly given the method of cultivation.”

“Really? I’m going right now!”

Soon, children walked into the hall and began to worship.

As time passed, the old orc’s strength also increased day by day.

Although other orcs did not have the inheritance, they also began to refine their bodies under the guidance of the old orc.

They have strong qi and blood, strong bodies, and are no longer afraid of ordinary evil spirits.

Three years later, with the help of Li Yuan, the old orc stepped into the martial arts innate, entered the Tao with martial arts, and began to spread the martial arts.

In this world where there are almost no practitioners, Xiantian is already non-human.

Ordinary evil spirits will only die when they encounter the old orc.

Thirty years later, someone took the first step and entered the realm of martial arts.

More and more orcs are joining the path of cultivation, walking out of the caves where they hide, and coming to the outside world to look for their surviving compatriots.

But the outside world is more dangerous. In addition to evil spirits, there are also powerful mutant monsters.

There are terrifying mutated monsters that can absorb radiation energy. Even if a martial artist encounters them, they will have a narrow escape.

Fortunately, with the existence of Li Yuan, wherever the divine light shines, no matter whether you are an evil spirit or a mutated monster, you will be purified.

His brilliance began to spread throughout the world, subtly changing one life after another.

Under the propaganda of the old orc, he became the creator and the supreme god.

It was he who created the heavens and the world and gave birth to billions of living beings.

The will of the world is not only the embodiment of the rules of the world, but also represents the will of all living beings.

Li Yuanneng could clearly sense that the will of this world was increasingly favoring martial arts practitioners and becoming more and more intimate with him.

One hundred and thirty years later, he discovered that an orc had been chosen as the Son of Destiny.

In less than thirty years, this man has already cultivated the golden elixir of martial arts, dominating the world.

This is a cultivation genius who has created his own martial arts. If it were not for the restrictions of the world, he could go further.

Three hundred years passed in a flash, and this orc had already become a legend in this world.

However, he traveled to every corner of this world, but unfortunately he did not find a greater opportunity, and his cultivation for hundreds of years did not make any progress.

In the end, he had to come to Li Yuan’s temple and pray devoutly.

“Great Master Yuanzun, I have been trapped in this situation for nearly three hundred years. Please show me a way out.”

Even though he was the son of destiny, he could not imagine the greatness of Yuanzun.

According to the records of the nerves, Yuanzun created the heavens and the worlds.

And the world they are in is just one of the small worlds.

Li Yuan looked at this middle-aged orc and knew that the time was almost right.

With his repeated prayers, a message quietly came into his mind.

That is to become Li Yuan’s inner world, build an ascension channel, and then ascend to other inner worlds.

Building an ascension channel is simple, but if you want to become Li Yuan’s inner world, it is best to cooperate with the will of this world.

And the world will is influenced by the intelligent creatures in the world.

And the orcs are undoubtedly the mainstream of this world.

The world will naturally understands the consequences of becoming the other party’s inner world.

But it has no choice, and it doesn’t want to choose.

This is the only way out for this small world at present.

The son of luck quickly began to build the altar according to the information conveyed by Li Yuan.

Things went smoothly, and no one came out to cause trouble.

Thirty years passed in a flash, and Li Yuan finally merged this small world with a cave and turned it into his own inner world.

From then on, his will will override the will of this world.

It is equivalent to the will of the entire heavens and the worlds overriding the will of a certain world.

Even, he can designate the son of luck, or even the son of the era.

Of course, compared to the real Son of Luck, the Son of Luck in his body is still too weak.

After all, he only has this third-level small world in his body now.

Not long after, Li Yuan asked a mothership from a group of void pirates and returned to Tianhuang.

He had to integrate into his real body, so that he could truly open the ascension channel.

As for the ascension target of these people, it was naturally Tianhuang.

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