Just in case, Li Yuan’s real body did not go to Jingluo Realm, but wandered in the void.

In the past, he was afraid of entering the void, naturally because he was afraid of encountering void pirates.

Now, what kind of pirates can resist the artifact?

Moreover, wandering in the void, even if there are tribulations carrying immortal artifacts to hunt him, they can’t find the direction.

Of course, even if they find it, it doesn’t matter.

At the same time, Li Yuan’s incarnation returned to Jingluo Realm and began to spread the news that as long as he could deduce the Guiyi martial arts to a higher level, he could get a fairy medicine that could return to his youth.

This news naturally shocked the world.

In particular, three of the seven martial emperors of Jingluo Realm quickly came.

In the evil sky abyss.

One after another, figures sat cross-legged in it.

The surrounding space cracks fell on these figures, but it was difficult to shake them at all.

This alone shows how powerful these figures are.

They have obscure auras and different appearances, but they are actually all incarnations of Li Yuan.

The leader looked at the powerful figure that descended, and said slowly: “The magic medicine is not with us. If you want the magic medicine, then use the cultivation method behind the Guiyi Martial Arts to exchange it.”

The magic medicine is the immortal medicine, just a different way of saying it.

The powerful figure is a martial emperor, but he is not a human, but a sub-dragon race.

He silently looked at the people in the Evil Abyss, and slowly said: “Then how do I know if you are fooling me?”

Li Yuan had expected this. One of them raised his hand, and a broken rhizome emerged.

As soon as the rhizome appeared, it was immediately surrounded by a rich fairy light, which made countless strong men present widen their eyes.

“Immortal medicine, it really is the breath of immortal medicine!”

Li Yuan put away the rhizome and said lightly: “This is a little rhizome of immortal medicine, but it is only one ten-thousandth of it. If you can come up with a good cultivation direction, you can also get some immortal medicine fragments.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was excited.

Even if it was a fragment of the immortal medicine, it was extraordinary and more valuable than the Epoch Medicine.

Perhaps just this fragment could make them thousands of years younger.

The Dragon Clan Martial Emperor was obviously tempted, but this little immortal medicine was not worth him snatching directly.

He asked: “May I ask how many fragments of these immortal medicines are you talking about?”

Li Yuan smiled and said: “At least one ten-thousandth, at most one percent, it depends on the situation!”

“That’s right!”

However, at this time, a mental voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

“The immortal medicine must be on them, grab it!”

“Yes, everyone come together!”

I don’t know who is secretly bewitching, hiding it very secretly, even the Dragon Emperor didn’t find it.

As soon as these words came out, the crowd was not only a little agitated, but some strong men looked at Li Yuan with ill intentions.

Money can move people’s hearts, let alone this kind of divine medicine that can make people live again?

However, the life symbol in the eyes of Li Yuan’s incarnation flowed, and soon locked onto a middle-aged woman.

He stood up and took a step forward, his aura surging.

Then, in the shocked eyes of the woman, he pointed out with one finger.

Even without a divine weapon, Li Yuan’s incarnation is invincible among the powerful.

This woman is only in the late stage of the powerful, how can she resist Li Yuan’s finger.

Even if she bursts out all her strength, she still can’t escape death.

“Is this, the Supreme Elder of Hantian Palace?”

“That is the late stage of the powerful!”

Seeing this, all the strong men were stunned and showed a look of horror.

With one finger, he killed a powerful late stage powerful.

Even the perfect powerful can’t do it, right?

Even the Dragon Emperor’s eyes were fixed.

With such strength, who can compete with him if he doesn’t pass the tribulation?

Although he is not afraid, there are still twelve such people below.

Li Yuan glanced at the shocked crowd and said lightly: “If you want the magic medicine, then just calmly comprehend the cultivation method of the Guiyi martial arts, and don’t think about robbing it. Of course, if you have a magic weapon, you can also come and try.”

Everyone twitched their mouths when they heard this. It seems that only the Lan family has a magic weapon in Jingluo Realm, right?

However, the ancestor of the Lan family seems to have failed to pass the tribulation ten thousand years ago, and it is unknown whether the family has been promoted to pass the tribulation now.

Some people even suspect that these people are fishing and waiting for the Lan family to take the bait.

Li Yuan ignored the thoughts of these people and just continued to wait.

The news has been spread, and it is believed that it will soon be heard by many sons of destiny in the heavens and the worlds.

However, it is so difficult to comprehend the way to break through the unity.

From time to time, there are strong men who are close to their lifespans and want to kill Li Yuan to seize the immortal medicine, but they are easily killed.

One day, a terrifying figure descended on Jingluo Realm.

It was a demon in the Crossing Tribulation Period.

A strong man guarding the Evil Sky Abyss saw this, and suddenly felt bad.

This tribulation demon is obviously not here to drink tea.

“My life is approaching and I need half of the elixir to extend my life. Please help me!”

This demon has a lion’s head and a human body, with two wings growing out of its ribs, and its breath is obscure and unspeakable.

But that’s not the most important thing. The most important thing is that in his hand is an ancient cauldron that exudes a faint divine light.

The divine light circulates, and it seems that in the next moment, this cauldron can destroy this world.

“It’s the legendary Cauldron of Desire!”

“It’s the Yin Lion Demon!”

A well-informed and powerful person recognized the identity of this demon and was immediately shocked.

This is a big demon that has lived for three epochs, and its strength is terrifying.

And the cauldron, which exuded a faint divine light, was a broken artifact.

Although it is incomplete, in the hands of the tribulation monks, it can still explode with shocking power.

Li Yuan and the others looked at Evil Tianyuan. Some looked expectant, while others secretly felt pity and did not think they could stop this demon.

When Li Yuan saw this, he also narrowed his eyes. Sure enough, he attracted the Tribulation Crossing monks, and there were also broken immortal weapons.

Such a strong person, even if he does not use the strength of the Tribulation Stage, just relies on the broken immortal weapon, he is enough to compete with the ordinary Tribulation Stage.

However, although Li Yuan’s incarnation can’t help this person, there are many ways to deal with this monster.

This semi-immortal weapon can change its owner.

Looking at the demon, an incarnation said in a deep voice: “We don’t have the elixir, but if you are not afraid of death, then come with me!”

Since the Yin Shi Demon dared to come, he was naturally prepared for everything.

He was confident that even if he faced an extremely powerful person holding an immortal weapon, he would still be able to escape even if he couldn’t defeat him.

As for overcoming the tribulation, who is afraid of whom? The worst is possible.

Anyway, his life is approaching, so he has nothing to worry about.

Everyone watched helplessly as the incarnation of Li Yuan took out a mothership and left this world with the Yin Lion Demon.

Some people are unwilling to give up. Is the elixir going to be taken away by the Yin Shi Demon?

Some people looked expectant, and judging from the mysterious man’s expression, he was obviously confident.

The Yin Lion Demon has lived for three epochs, so it won’t just capsize, right?

The space jump begins, and no one can trace the whereabouts of the Yin Shimo and Li Yuan’s incarnation.

In just half a month, the mothership arrived in a deserted void.

There is a figure floating in the void, practicing alone.

Sensing movement, he slowly opened his eyes, revealing a strange light.

As soon as the Yinshi Demon left the mothership, he felt the rich fairy light.

Needless to say, it goes without saying that the elixir is in this person’s body.

However, if this person dares to wait for him to come, he must have strong confidence.

The Yin Shimo said in a deep voice: “My life is approaching. If my fellow Taoist is willing to give the immortal medicine to me, I owe you a favor. If I survive the tribulation of becoming an immortal in the future, I can also give you this immortal weapon.”

Li Yuan smiled faintly and said: “A incomplete immortal weapon is not enough, and you have truly become an immortal, and there is nothing I can do to you!”

“I can swear to heaven!”


Li Yuan didn’t give Yin Shimo a chance to talk nonsense.

Now that you’re here, don’t leave.

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