The following tribulations were more terrifying than the last.

By the 21st, the treasures on the monster had been used up.

The 38th tribulation completely destroyed the defensive barrier that the monster had set up before.

The monster quickly raised his hand and used a shocking secret method.

His body quickly shrank, but his aura soared several times.

The 39th tribulation was actually blocked by this monster.

However, the subsequent tribulations became more and more terrifying.

Even Li Yuan had to retreat one after another to avoid being affected.

By the 50th, the tribulation turned into a god, and even the monster that used the secret method could not stop it, and was directly chopped to a charred black.

Its body was scattered, as if it was about to die.

However, it still had a top-level elixir, which barely recovered some of its injuries.

But this was just a temporary solution.

Moreover, the power of the tribulation would become stronger and stronger.

The 51st tribulation almost killed him directly.

At this moment, he could not be said to be at the end of his rope, but he was at his wit’s end.

For a moment, even this monster showed despair.

Is it so difficult to become an immortal?

This is only the 51st one, and there are still 30 more heavenly tribulations to come.

Although he had expected it, he was still full of reluctance.

If he had an immortal weapon, even if it was a broken one, it would not be enough!

After 180,000 years of hard practice, it was still in vain.

“I am unwilling to accept this!”

Li Yuan watched the monster being chopped into ashes, showing an expected look.

In the past million years, there have been only a handful of cultivators who have successfully survived the tribulation.

Although this monster is very powerful, it is obviously far from being able to survive the immortal tribulation.

It’s just a pity that most of the things were destroyed by the heavenly tribulation.

Li Yuan searched for a while and only found a few black umbrella ribs. This thing is extraordinary, and perhaps it can be made into a top-grade treasure.

Quietly leaving the area, he met a group of void pirates not long after.

The fairy light on his body made him the most handsome guy in the void.

One pirate ship after another surrounded Li Yuan, and the leading one sent a warning: “Put down all resistance, hand over the storage ring obediently, we will not kill people.”

It was a powerful pirate ship with terrifying weapons on it that could kill the powerful.

At the same time, there was an extremely powerful person sitting in charge, and he was invincible under the tribulation.

Li Yuan would naturally not be polite about this.

Looking at the pirate ship, he laughed and said: “This is what I want to say to you!”

It just so happened that he lacked a means of transportation.

In an instant, his aura burst out, his figure flashed, and he directly crossed thousands of miles of void and rushed towards the leading pirate ship.

Seeing that Li Yuan dared to take action, the pirate ship immediately burst into brilliant divine light.

Other pirate ships also opened fire immediately to kill Li Yuan.

However, the power of these pirate ships is far less than that of the monster’s mothership before, and they can only kill ordinary powerful people at most.

Li Yuan raised his hand, and the divine halberd swept across, directly annihilating these attacks.

This move directly frightened the pirates.

Crossing the tribulation, no, this is an extremely powerful person with a fairy weapon.

This existence is more terrifying than crossing the tribulation.

Li Yuan immediately spoke, and his voice spread throughout the void: “Come out and surrender immediately, otherwise I will destroy this mothership directly.”

Inside the mothership, each pirate looked terrified, and they believed that this person definitely had this kind of strength.

If the mothership wants to make a space jump, there must be a prelude.

Once they want to escape through a space jump, they will definitely be destroyed in advance.

Finally, a Mahayana-level pirate leader stood up and carefully presented a storage ring.

“Daoyou, this is all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!”

Li Yuan took a look at the storage ring, glanced at it, and nodded secretly.

At the same time, he saw that this pirate leader was not simple.

But this was not his purpose. Looking at the pirate leader, Li Yuan smiled and said, “I have requisitioned your ship. Do you have any objection?”


How could the pirate leader dare to have any objection? He quickly led his men to withdraw, with a look of trepidation.

The life symbol in Li Yuan’s eyes was flowing, and he could vaguely see that behind this pirate leader, there was a vast world on his back.

This was clearly the performance of a son of luck.

However, this son of luck was obviously mature, and he left his own world to plunder resources.

After taking a deep look at this person, Li Yuan did not mean to kill him.

He was more or less a son of luck, and he was still useful.

He took out a jade slip, imprinted the way of the three martial arts into one, and threw it to the pirate leader.

“What is this?”

The pirate leader was puzzled. Why did he get compensated?

“This is the martial arts created by this seat. Anyone who can comprehend a further method can come to Jingluojie EvilTianyuan exchanges for the elixir. ”

“Is it really a magic medicine?”

When the pirate leader heard this, his eyes suddenly shone with shock.

He had previously discovered that this person might be carrying fairy medicine or other fairy things.

And according to what this person meant, he actually planned to exchange the elixir for a breakthrough method.

He quickly looked at the jade slip again and tried his best to study it, but in such a short time, he couldn’t study it at all.

He even felt that this kind of martial arts had reached its limit.

Suppressing the throbbing in his heart, the pirate leader quickly asked: “May I ask what use this fairy medicine has?”

Different elixirs have different effects and naturally different values.

Li Yuan smiled lightly and said: “You can live a new life!”

“Relive a new life?”

“Yes, your cultivation will not change, but it will make your body return to your youth!”

After saying that, he ignored the stunned pirates, entered the mothership directly, obtained the highest authority, and left the void.

“Boss, the mothership is gone, where can we rob?”

“What a slap in the face, hurry back to the main world, spread this technique, and let everyone understand it. Whoever can understand it, I will help him become a powerful person!”


Li Yuan did not return directly to Jingluo Realm, but returned to Cambrian Realm first.

The incarnation directly handed over the divine halberd and elixir to the real body.

Now, if he takes the incarnation with all his strength, he is enough to be called invincible among the powerful.

If he holds the divine halberd, he can barely be regarded as an extremely powerful person even among the tribulation monks.

At the stage of transcending tribulation, there are no small realms.

However, based on the skills they practice and the treasures they master, they can still be divided into four levels: third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, and top.

Third-rate people are generally those who have just been promoted to transcend tribulation, have ordinary treasures, ordinary skills, and no background.

Second-rate means that the skills are powerful, the weapons are powerful, and the strength is extraordinary.

To be a first-class transcender of tribulation, one needs to have mastered the best heaven-level skills and possesses the best treasures, such as the monster Li Yuan encountered before.

As for the ultimate tribulation, it is often necessary to understand the origin of heaven, break through the limitations of the human world, and understand the skills beyond the human world, such as the Nine Tribulations Golden Body and the Stone Slate Scripture, and at the same time, you must have at least a broken immortal weapon.

The gap between each level is huge.

But even if you want to survive the ultimate tribulation and become an immortal, you will still have a narrow escape.

It is not so easy to obtain skills that transcend the human world. After living in the world for so many years, Li Yuan only mastered the Nine Tribulations Golden Body and Stone Slate Scriptures, the Three Phases Strange Scriptures, and the Wuwu Dafa.

As for the broken immortal weapons, they are not so easy to obtain. They can be encountered but not sought.

Li Yuan was able to obtain the divine halberd by accident, fused with the blood of the evil god, and with the help of the world will of Jingluo Realm.

His true form is enough to kill ordinary Tribulations with all his strength.

If you hold the divine halberd, you can kill even the most powerful tribulation.

However, all this is based on the fact that the other party does not have an immortal weapon.

Otherwise, an immortal weapon in the hands of Jue Tribulation is enough to burst out with shocking power.

As far as he knew, there was an immortal weapon in the Taiyuan world.

And there are definitely more than ten immortal weapons in the entire universe.

Once there is a powerful tribulation attack, the incarnation will definitely not be able to withstand it while holding an immortal weapon.

Of course, under normal circumstances, it would be impossible to use all the strength to overcome the tribulation.

At most, they can explode with extremely powerful strength, but even so, with the blessing of immortal weapons, they are still very terrifying.

Li Yuan had to guard against these strong men.

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