Two hundred years later.

Li Yuan’s true body quietly returned to Tianhuang.

And his incarnation continued to drive the mothership to search for resources in all the worlds.

After not coming back for three thousand years, a strong person in the God Transformation Stage has already appeared in Tianhuang, and there are more than one.

Li Yuan discovered that there are several powerful people who have attained the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation.

This situation is actually very abnormal.

After all, as time goes by, the level of a world will become lower and lower, and eventually it will completely decay.

Li Yuan sensed carefully that the spiritual energy between heaven and earth was much richer than in the previous era.

He had some guesses that perhaps it was because of the countless spiritual stones and spiritual materials on his body that escaped at the end of the last era that caused the spiritual energy in the Tianhuang Realm to rise.

This can be regarded as a disguised repayment to the Tianhuang Realm, but didn’t Tianhuang’s world will express its will?

Li Yuan’s spiritual power permeates the world, taking the initiative to sense the will of the world in the Tianhuang Realm.

But unfortunately, after a long time, nothing was found.

A world generally has its own world will, but few people can resonate with it.

This makes Li Yuan somewhat regretful. He also wants to be treated like a son of luck.

After all, with the blessing of luck, not only can disasters be turned into good fortunes and opportunities come to you, but you can also get twice the result with half the effort in cultivation.

Of course, even if you become a child of unparalleled luck, the effect will probably be very limited.

After all, Tianhuang is just a level five world.

And he himself is already equivalent to a great power, and he also practices heaven-level techniques.

For him now, only by becoming the son of destiny in the ninth-level world, or the son of the era in the entire world, can he turn danger into good fortune and have many opportunities.

Li Yuan had some doubts that Mo Ya should be the son of luck from an era in the Tianhuang Realm.

As for Wang Li, he should be the son of the era of the entire universe.

Otherwise, he would not be able to ascend to heaven easily.

After all, no one had ascended to heaven for nearly a million years before this.

I just don’t know how Wang Li is doing in the heaven now, and whether he is still as smooth as he was in the human world.

Li Yuan thought for a long time, until someone called him, and then he calmed down.

Looking at the few Jie Dan who were surrounding him with evil eyes, Li Yuan showed a kind expression and said, “I wonder what these fellow Taoists mean by this?”

Before he knew it, he was surrounded by these pill formations.

When the leader Jie Dan heard this, he immediately shouted: “This is the territory of my Qiuxian Sect, how did you sneak in?”

Li Yuan’s mental energy swept away, and he discovered that the place where he landed was a sect’s medicine mountain.

He shook his head helplessly and said with a smile: “I passed by accidentally, please forgive me.”

With that said, he planned to leave.

But how could they let him leave?

The leader, Jie Dan, looked at Li Yuan secretly with a bad look on his face.

He couldn’t sense the fluctuations of spiritual energy, so he probably wasn’t an immortal cultivator, but being able to enter his medicine garden was not easy.

But even if they were martial arts Yuan Fei, they would have to shed a layer of their skin when they came to the Seeking Immortal Sect.

Now in the Tianhuang Continent, the immortal monks and the martial arts monks are at odds with each other. He can be regarded as a share of the credit for catching this person.

“Come if you want, leave if you want. I think you are not a good person, take it down!”

Before they finished speaking, several people took action directly and suppressed them with powerful magic weapons.

The leader of the pill formation actually had a low-grade spiritual weapon, no wonder it was so powerful.

However, when their magic weapon fell on Li Yuan, it was knocked away without hurting Li Yuan at all.

“You…you, you, who are you?”

When the leader Jiedan saw this, he was immediately shocked. There was no real energy fluctuation just now, but even his spiritual weapon was knocked away.

In this situation, even a strong person who has cultivated the physical body cannot do it, unless he has become a strong person who has cultivated the golden body of martial arts.

But when did Tianhuang appear in this martial arts golden body?

He had heard of all the martial arts masters in the entire world, but there was no such person at all.

Li Yuan’s eyes showed a look of vicissitudes of life, he glanced at a few people, and said leisurely: “The ignorant are fearless, I will leave you a lesson.”

Before he finished speaking, a flash of sword light instantly shattered the minds of several people.

They screamed and felt a terrifying sword light falling, completely cutting off their way forward.

Li Yuan turned around and left, walking on the Tianhuang Continent.

Soon after, he also gained some understanding of the current situation in Tianhuang Continent.

He had only been away for more than three thousand years, and the confrontation between warriors and immortal cultivators on the Tianhuang Continent had become so serious that they were incompatible with each other.

In the territory controlled by the cultivators, there are no warriors at all.

In areas controlled by warriors, there are very few immortal cultivators.

And among them, there seems to be a third party force secretly involvedFan the flames.

If things go on like this, one day a war will break out. Either the immortal cultivators will come to an end or the martial arts will come to an end.

Li Yuan didn’t really care about others beating him to death.

But as far as he knew, if a new son of destiny was born, it would be a big event for him.

He still has no control over other big worlds, but he still has the final say in the wild world?

He now has some understanding of the path behind Dharma, and there are some signs of the path behind Martial Arts, but it is hard to say what will happen next.

If he could cultivate a child of destiny, it might help him in his future path.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan tore open the space and came directly to Wuzhou.

Yuanyang Mountain.

A tall figure suddenly woke up and looked at the young man in front of him.

“Who are you?”

The tall figure’s scalp was numb, and he didn’t even feel how the young man had arrived.

And even now, he couldn’t sense this person without using his eyes.

A terrifying formation has been set up around Yuanyang Mountain, and even the transformed gods cannot easily break in.

Li Yuan looked at this person, nodded, and said with a smile: “Yes, not only did you cultivate the golden body of martial arts, but you also cultivated the Yuan Fei of martial arts at the same time. If you were not restricted by the world, you would also have the opportunity to go further.”

When the tall figure heard this, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and he could see through his own reality at a glance. This person’s realm was probably unimaginable.

But isn’t it true that the strongest person in the world can only achieve the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation?

He couldn’t help but think of some mysterious formations on the Tianhuang Continent that even he couldn’t break into.

“I wonder if senior is here, what are your orders?”

“It’s not a big deal. I want to make the immortal world disappear. I wonder if you are willing to take action.”

“This… this junior may not be able to do it!”

Even though he was a fellow practitioner of the Golden Body of Martial Arts and the Yuan Fei of Martial Arts, he was not sure of being able to defeat the number one person in the Immortal Dao.

Unless he can gather his martial arts soul, it will be impossible to suppress the opponent.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “It doesn’t matter, I have three techniques. If you can master them, your strength will be greatly increased. If you can do this well, I can also open a space channel for you, allowing you to leave the wilderness. Go to a wider world.”

When the tall middle-aged man heard this, his heart was suddenly shocked, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

He dreams of leaving the wilderness and heading to a wider world.

According to the inheritance of the dragon clan, it is said that there is a space passage to the outside world in Demon Abyss, but it is very dangerous and it is not known whether it is true or not.

He quickly said: “If he is strong enough, junior Yang Xu will definitely make the immortal way extinct in the world.”

With that said, he carefully took the three jade slips.

With just one glance, Yang Xu felt as if he was immersed in the principles of heaven and earth and could not extricate himself.

He practiced the ancient secret art Ziyang Manual, but compared with this method, it was like a firefly competing with a bright moon.

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