When the nine-headed lion heard this, his expression changed slightly, and he obviously knew what Qingyun Cave Sky meant.

The Wuxiang Holy Land was also a powerful force with the Tribulation Master, but it was still wiped out.

His scalp was numb. If this person could use these two special skills, it meant that he was definitely a direct descendant of Qingyun Dongtian.

There was silence for a long time, and the eyes of the nine-headed lion were filled with cold light.

So what about Qingyun Cave Sky, the ancestors of that generation had already ascended.

As for Lord Overcoming Tribulation, how could he take action easily unless he ignored all the consequences?

As long as he can obtain these secret techniques, he will be able to compete with the Lord Crossing Tribulation.

As long as he can’t kill him with one strike, a natural disaster will come.

Moreover, he also had secret treasures on his body, so even Qingyun Cave Sky might not know that he killed this person.

Thinking of this, the nine-headed lion smiled ferociously: “Yes, hand it over.”

This was the opportunity that came to his door, and he was determined to take it.

When Li Yuan heard this, his heart suddenly sank, naturally he would not hand over the technique.

He understood that even if he handed over everything, the nine-headed lion would kill everyone.

In that case, just run.

He pretended to be helpless and said in a deep voice: “I hope you will keep your word!”

As he spoke, he took out a jade talisman and threw it towards the nine-headed lion.

The nine-headed lion was stunned and immediately grabbed the jade talisman.

However, as soon as he touched the jade talisman, a big change immediately occurred, and an astonishing sword light slashed out from it.

It was like the Milky Way was upside down, and the banished immortal came to the world, which was the remaining secret treasure.

At the same time, Li Yuan exploded with all his strength, raised Yuanci Mountain, and smashed the chains that blocked the void.

With his current strength, if he attacks with all his strength, the power will naturally be shocking.

The chain trembled, as if it might break at any moment.

However, before the chains could break, the nine lions had already escaped.

Although that secret treasure is not weak, after all, it has experienced the catastrophe of the era, and its power is less than 30%.

“Very well, you are really asking for your own death!”

The nine-headed lion has a cold expression, activates the spell, and a terrifying thunder sound erupts, arriving in an instant.

This is a very powerful heaven-level spell, which he cultivated to perfection.

Even though Li Yuan was protected by tortoise shell and used Qiankun’s Shocking Finger, he was still unable to withstand this attack and his whole body was scorched black.

And this is without the nine-headed lion using the treasure weapon.

The further you go, the greater the gap between each realm, not to mention Li Yuancai’s early stage of Dharma.

The nine-headed lion has reached the peak of Mahayana, and the difference between the two is two and a half realms.

Li Yuan had a tortoise shell on his head and his figure was flashing, constantly looking for opportunities to bombard the chains.

But how could the nine-headed lion let him get his wish?

If he wasn’t afraid of accidentally killing Li Yuan, he would directly sacrifice the treasure and explode with all his strength.

As time passed, Li Yuan’s injuries became more and more serious. Even with the protection of the tortoise shell, he was almost no longer human.

Although his defense power is amazing, his physical realm is too low after all.

What’s more serious is that after all, he is just a Dharma form, and his true energy is far less powerful than that of a Mahayana monk.

The successive explosions almost exhausted all the energy in his body.

As a last resort, Li Yuan could only take out a large medicinal plant and use its medicinal power to restore his true energy.

And this scene fell in the eyes of the nine-headed lion, which made him even more furious.

This was remarkable. In his opinion, this great medicine of the era was already his own, so how could it be wasted by Li Yuan.

He roared and directly used the secret technique. In an instant, his body withered and his magic power dissipated.

But at the same moment, a terrifying force enveloped Li Yuan. Li Yuan’s body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, his true energy was obscured, and his two treasures also dimmed.

The figure of the nine-headed lion arrived in an instant and grabbed Li Yuan’s soul with one claw, trying to seal it directly.

Li Yuan was shocked. He didn’t expect the nine-headed lion to have such a move.

He wanted to activate the turtle shell, but was unable to do so.

There was an unimaginable force that suppressed his body and Qi.

On the contrary, his soul, because there was a mysterious scripture imprinted on it, erupted with a faint light at this time, but was suppressed the least.

But the power of his soul is not strong. Even if it is not suppressed, it cannot compete with the nine-headed lion.

Could it be that he was doomed this time?

Li Yuan was unwilling to give up. He had thousands of thoughts in an instant, thinking about possible opportunities for survival.

The destiny talismans were flowing in his eyes, deducing all these possibilities.

Secrets, supernatural powers, treasures, surrender.

But no matter what kind, it seems that the only way is to be sealed.

Seeing that the nine lions were approaching, they kept squeezing his body with their claws.

Suddenly, Li Yuan suddenly remembered that there was another treasure.

Fishing rod, that fishing rod from heaven.

Although this is not a killing weapon, it is an immortal weapon at worst.

It’s just that he has had this thing for so many years, and he can’t refine it at all, and he doesn’t know what it is.Dao can have some power.

At the critical moment of life and death, Li Yuan couldn’t think too much and could only act as a doctor.

In an instant, a silver-white fishing rod appeared in his hand.

Facing the nine-headed lion that was so close at hand, Li Yuan directly exploded and stabbed it with all his strength.

Immediately afterwards, there was a shrill scream.

The fishing rod, which was several meters in size, seemed to have penetrated directly through the huge body of the nine lions.

As the fishing rod was pulled back by Li Yuan, there was a miniature nine-headed lion on the hook.

This turned out to be the spirit of the nine-headed lion, which was hooked up by the fishhook.

“What magic weapon is this?”

The nine-headed lions were shocked and showed an incredible expression.

He had no power to resist at this time.

Who would have thought that in an instant, the situation between him and Li Yuan would be reversed.

Li Yuan looked at the frightened nine-headed lion soul and was shocked in his heart. Is this fishing rod so strong?

He didn’t even refine it, but he could easily kill nine lions in an instant.

He couldn’t help but think of the owner of the fishing rod again, the silver-haired young man who could follow the bottom of the fishing rod.

This person, I’m afraid, has exceeded his imagination, and is definitely not as simple as a true immortal.

Although the nine lions were hung on the fishhook and were weak, they were still struggling desperately.

However, this fishing rod has not been refined by Li Yuan, and it has not completely bound the nine-headed lion’s soul at this time, so it actually gave him signs of escaping.

How could this work? Li Yuan was frightened.

He immediately took action, filling the air with powerful energy to prevent the nine-headed lion from escaping from prison.

At the same time, he activated his true energy and turned it into infinite flames, burning the nine-headed lion soul.

Although the mighty soul is powerful, it is just a fish above the hook.

Half an hour later, the spirit of the nine-headed lion was so weak that it was unimaginable, almost transparent.

“Let me go, I am willing to recognize you as my master!”

The nine-headed lion begged for mercy in fear, not wanting to die like this.

He is only one step away from completing the task of overcoming tribulations, and is expected to become a true immortal and live forever in the future.

But how could Li Yuan agree? Although it was very tempting to get a peak-level monster, he didn’t think he could completely control it.

In the end, Li Yuan forcibly shattered the nine-headed lion’s soul and searched for his memory with powerful spiritual power.

From the incomplete memory of the nine-headed lion, Li Yuan learned that the secret method he used in actual combat was a heaven-level low-grade secret method that could sacrifice his own flesh, blood and mana to instantly suppress everything in the target.

The more sacrifices are made, the more obvious the suppression effect will be.

But unfortunately, the secret method of heaven level is obscure and mysterious, and the complete secret method cannot be found.

He found the storage space of the Nine Lions, which was his stomach.

Unfortunately, there is no such secret technique in it. Instead, there is a middle-level heaven-level spell, which is the Thunder Sound Technique that Nine-Headed Lion used before.

Apart from this, it is the accumulation of Nine Lions over the years.

There were actually seven great medicines of the era inside, as well as one high-grade treasure and three medium-grade treasures.

There is even a gourd of mysterious immortal brew that can help people practice. Li Yuan feels that its value is still higher than that of the ancient and modern cups.

As for other materials, there are countless others.

Obviously, this is not the first time that Nine-Headed Lion has done this.

But this time, he accidentally overturned his car and lost everything.

This alerted Li Yuan to never be careless at any time.

Even if there is a Yin Fu treasure mirror, it is impossible to deduce everything in the world accurately, and there will always be accidents.


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