Li Yuan looked at the tall, old figure, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He was actually an old acquaintance.

This old figure is none other than the old tree man who guarded the gate of the Shengshengsect back then.

Nearly ten thousand years have passed, and not only did he not die, he was promoted to the combined stage.

However, at this time, Li Yuan’s cultivation level and appearance were completely different from before. He was playing the role of an old man in the early stage of integration, and the old tree man would naturally not recognize him.

He looked solemnly, looked at Li Yuan and shouted in a deep voice: “Fellow Taoist attacked the gate of the cave of our divine religion for no reason. What do you want to do?”

Li Yuan grinned with a ferocious smile on his face and said: “I heard that your Life Worshiping Cult can extend people’s lives. There must be a peerless treasure. I am not greedy. I will give you a great medicine of the era, and the grudges between us will be settled. It’s over.”

“Era Medicine? Are you deliberately looking for trouble?”

When the old tree man heard this, he immediately laughed angrily. Even he had never seen this magical medicine before.

If it weren’t for the end of the law on earth, spiritual energy is equivalent to life span, and if he can’t do anything, he won’t do it. How could he be conceited.

When Li Yuan heard this, he said with some regret: “In this case, there is no need to talk about it.”

Before he finished speaking, he took action directly and pointed at the old tree man.

The sudden attack immediately changed the expression of the old tree man.

He was shocked and angry, but had to fight back.


The terrifying power swept through the world, and countless spaces were twisted and torn apart, which was shocking.

With all his strength, the old tree man could not guarantee to block all the remaining power.

For a time, the entire station was almost wiped out, and the remaining power poured into the cave world.

“Old guy, you are looking for death. You really think you can do whatever you want in the early stage of integration. How dare you come to worship the Life God Cult and act wild?”

The old tree man was so angry that he really wanted to kill this old guy on the spot.

“Hey, when I was weak, you sent people to hunt me down. Now it’s time to pay the debt!”

Before he finished speaking, Li Yuan took action again, and the Qiankun Jingtian Finger burst out with astonishing power.

The space was shattered and the vision was shocking, making the cave world tremble.

The old tree man blocked the blow with difficulty, then raised his treasure weapon and took one step to transfer the battlefield to the outside world.

However, as soon as he stepped out of the cave world, a terrifying sword light suddenly appeared.

The old tree man’s mind has always been on Incarnation No. 1, and he never expected that this person would have other helpers.

He screamed, and the sword light directly cut through his spiritual weapon defense and chopped off one of his arms.

“You…you are going too far!”

The old tree man was frightened and angry, but he retreated violently. Two strong men of the same level were not something he could compete with.

However, the next moment, there was a terrifying murderous intention behind him.

He was attacked by surprise again, half of his body was cut off, and he suffered heavy injuries in an instant.

“help me!”

The old tree man was horrified that there were actually three people who were not weaker than him.

Fortunately, none of these three people have any treasures.

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying divine thought immediately emerged from the depths of the cave world.


That spiritual thought was far more powerful than the old tree man, but he did not take action directly. He just warned Li Yuan with his spiritual thought.

This is a strong man in the late stage of integration, with extraordinary strength.

Li Yuan ignored it at all, and the three incarnations joined forces and continued to kill the old tree man.

The old tree man accidentally got seriously injured by Li Yuan. Now facing the three incarnations, he was no match at all. Every time there was danger.

As time went by and mana continued to be consumed, the old tree man became increasingly unmatchable.

Li Yuan’s incarnation naturally inherited the power of his physical body. It was not only amazingly powerful, but also had strong defensive power.

What frightens the old tree man even more is that these three strong men came clearly prepared and even directly used spiritual crystals to replenish their spiritual power. In this period of law-ending, isn’t this too extravagant?

“Save me, this person has spiritual crystals on his body, a treasure that can replenish his spiritual power.”

At the critical moment of life and death, the old tree man once again sent a message to the cave world, full of despair.

If other strong men don’t take action, he really won’t be able to hold on anymore.

This time, as the old tree man asked for help, the strong man in the cave finally took action.

It was a ferocious beast like a glutton, with its body covering the sky and the sun, its mouth wide open, and it was directly engulfing Li Yuan’s three incarnations.

This is not the strong man who transmitted the message before, but his cultivation is stronger and has reached the peak of integration.

With such strength, Li Yuan’s incarnation is naturally no match.

But the next moment, a soul-destroying nail appeared in his hand.

When the giant gluttonous beast saw this, his expression suddenly changed.

Obviously, it also knows this thing.

Without any hesitation, he fled directly into the depths of the cave.

However, it was already too late. The Soul-Destroying Nail almost crossed the space and pierced its huge body in an instant.


AccompanyWith a scream, the soul of this gluttonous beast was directly annihilated without any luck.

An incarnation flashed and directly put away the body of the gluttonous beast.

How much energy do you need to replenish such a huge beast?

When the old tree man saw this, he suddenly looked horrified.

What was that just now?

The existence at the peak of integration was instantly killed.

The old tree man fled in a hurry, but where he could escape, he was surrounded by three incarnations and beaten to death.

At the same time, several powerful auras in the cave world were disturbed.


“Who are you?”

A powerful figure woke up and stepped out of the cave world in one step, looking alert.

The sacred beast that suppresses the religion has fallen. What happened just now?

They had just woken up from their deep sleep and were still a little confused.

An old Taoist with a rotting body had a mysterious light flowing around his body, and he was making secrets with his hands, and he was obviously deducing it quickly.

However, he was destined to work in vain, and instead suffered a backlash and vomited blood.

Li Yuan said with a smile: “Who I am is not important, what is important is my purpose.”

“what is your purpose?”

A strong man spoke, looking a little unkind.

As the top power in all the worlds, the Shengsheng Cult is only a branch of the ancient underworld, but not everyone can provoke it.

Even if you are a powerful person, you will only die if you provoke them to worship the God of Life.

Li Yuan smiled and said: “Ten thousand years ago, your Shengshen Cult hunted me down. However, I have a large number of great medicines of the era. This matter can be considered over and over again. How about that?”

As soon as these words came out, several fusion monks were furious. They had not seen the great medicine of the era yet.

The old man who had deduced before frowned and said in a deep voice: “Do these fellow Taoists really think that I, the Shengshen Cult, is easy to bully? The reason why you were able to kill the sacred beasts of my sect was probably because you used some secret treasure, right?”

Li Yuan’s expression remained unchanged and he smiled: “Just tell me whether you will give me the great medicine of the era!”

“Hmph, I’m afraid you are dreaming. How can we have that kind of magic medicine? I advise you to leave immediately, otherwise you will alert the powerful, and I’m afraid you won’t be able to leave even if you want to!”

Another fusion monk spoke. They didn’t want to do anything unless necessary.

As for the previous grudges, there will naturally be plenty of time to settle them after the Great Tribulation of the Era.

Li Yuan shook his head and sighed: “It seems that some of you have stopped crying without seeing the coffin. Anyway, if you don’t give it to me, then I can’t blame you!”

Before he finished speaking, the other two incarnations raised their hands with a soul-killing nail.

There is no use in keeping this thing anymore.

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