On Tianxiu Peak, Li Yuan’s thoughts moved, and the space of a storage ring opened.

Light spots gushed out, turning into countless phantoms, occupying the entire Tianxiu Peak.

This is exactly the incarnation of more than one billion yuan that was condensed in the Wuxu Fantasy.

Eight thousand years have passed, and these incarnations have not been replenished. They have to comprehend the heavenly level skills, and the power of the soul has only been reduced to 20% or 30%.

However, it is enough to reflect the sacred mark.

As Li Yuan’s thoughts turned, each sacred mark was reflected by an incarnation.

Some powerful sacred marks even require multiple incarnations to be reflected at the same time.

However, even so, it is not possible to reflect all the sacred marks in a short time.

Time flows in the outside world, years change, and the sea turns into mulberry fields.

In the blink of an eye, another 1,800 years have passed.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth has become extremely thin, and the cultivators in the entire Tianhuang Continent are almost becoming legends.

Of course, it is also difficult for martial arts cultivators to break through the innate realm.

On this day, on Tianxiu Peak, a series of magical lights emerged, illuminating all things in the world.

There were gods and men preaching, the sky was full of flowers, and there were sacred beasts performing magic, which was earth-shaking.

One after another, unimaginable shadows were reflected between heaven and earth, and even supported the formation of Tianxiu Peak.

Countless mortals in Ziyang Mountain Range exclaimed, what happened?

“It’s done!”

Li Yuan suddenly spoke, and a bright light burst out in his eyes.

It took 1,800 years, and all the sacred shadows were reflected by him.

As soon as he thought, one after another incarnations turned into light spots, poured into his body, and merged with his real body.

The power of the incarnation had long been weakened to the extreme, but the sacred mark was extremely bright.

At the same time, the remaining spirit stones were all turned into dust, and countless spiritual energy surged.

A vague shadow emerged on his body, which was extremely huge, standing between heaven and earth, as if to create the world.

One sacred mark after another merged into the phantom, making it more solid and more powerful, expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Thousands of meters, ten thousand meters, one hundred thousand meters, the phantom skyrocketed all the way, like a revived giant, and finally reached an astonishing height of ninety thousand miles.

The Dharma image was completed.

In an instant, the wind and clouds changed, and the lightning arcs moved.

There were terrifying thunders born between heaven and earth, and there were clouds of disasters.

Just like the promotion of immortals to the Void Realm, the promotion of warriors to the Martial Emperor also had heavenly disasters falling, which were forty-nine thirty-six.

However, the huge Dharma image raised his hand and grabbed it with a palm, and the terrifying disaster cloud was directly grasped in his hand, and finally turned into countless lightning and dissipated.

The terrifying heavenly disaster that frightened countless creatures was gone just like that.

This slap did not use any unique skills, nor did it use any secret methods, but the power exceeded the extreme he had ever exploded.

The next moment, Li Yuan put away the Dharma Image, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

After being promoted to the Dharma Image, he became more than ten times stronger.

Even if it was an ordinary fusion, he would not be his opponent in a head-on confrontation.

When he raised his hand, a green light slashed out, directly tearing open the space in the distance.

Dharma Image, also known as the Martial Emperor, is equivalent to the Void Realm.

However, Li Yuan believed that as long as his strength was improved to the Great Perfection of Dharma Image, even among the fusion cultivators, it would be difficult to have an opponent.

However, now that the world is at its end, even Qi training cultivators are difficult to appear, let alone cultivating the Great Perfection of Dharma Image?

Not only the Tianhuang Realm, but also other large worlds are the same. The spiritual energy is so thin that it is almost non-existent. Many major forces have long closed the blessed land of the cave heaven to slow down the loss of spiritual energy.

Warriors can still be slightly better, but immortal cultivators are even worse. The spiritual energy in their bodies cannot be replenished, and they will only become more and more old.

In this case, without the nourishment of spiritual energy, it is difficult to survive to the next era.

Li Yuan waved his hand, and a ten thousand year old elixir appeared in his hand.

However, the ten thousand year old elixir at this time began to show signs of decay.

Moreover, both the Soul Destroying Nail and the Black Magic Poison seemed to be affected by the power of the Epochal Tribulation, and their power began to weaken.

This made Li Yuan feel a little distressed. He had spent a lot of money to get so many good things.

Waste is impossible, and he had to use them quickly.

It happened that when the Epochal Tribulation came, the strength of other cultivators dropped sharply, and it was the time for him to start moving.

He took out the mothership and entered it directly.

It had not been used for nearly ten thousand years, and even this mothership was affected by the power of the Epochal Tribulation.

Fortunately, the impact was not great, and the bionic man took action and quickly repaired the degraded parts.

With a flash of black light, Li Yuan’s mothership directly broke through the world barrier and disappeared in the Tianhuang Realm.

And not long after Li Yuan left, a cultivator finally arrived.

Several figures came to Tianxiu Peak one after another, feeling the power of heaven and earth.He was stunned by the rich spiritual energy.

A lame old man exclaimed: “Is this the spiritual energy of heaven and earth about to revive?”

“What an amazing spiritual energy. If it continues, I am sure to be able to achieve the legendary foundation building, and even the ancestor of the core formation.”

“Hahaha, God will not kill me. I feel that I can break through to the middle stage of Qi training in a month at most.”

“The road to cultivating immortality really does exist, and it is not the imagination of the ancients.”


Ancient underworld.

The sky above the underworld.

Li Yuan looked down at the area where the Worshiping God Cult was located, with a sinister glint flashing in his eyes.

At that time, he was chased by the old fox man of the Shengshen Cult, but was accidentally rescued by Canghong Shenjun, and had to enter the dead place to help him find the elixir.

This account has been recorded for tens of thousands of years, and I don’t know if those old guys are still alive.

As soon as he thought, three incarnations came out of Li Yuan.

The water of this Shengshengshen Cult is very deep. Even though he is not afraid of fusion now and has strong trump cards, he still dare not be careless.

The three incarnations quickly entered the residence of the Worshiping God Cult.

The law of heaven and earth is at an end, and even the defensive formation of the Worshiping God Cult has disappeared.

There was a natural trend formed by the mountains, but it was easily broken by Li Yuankan.

Li Yuan blended in, swept through with his mental power, and instantly knew the current location of the God Worship Cult.

In the entire Cult of Worshiping the God of Life, the strongest person turned out to be just an orc in the god-transformation stage, and he also faked his death in a coffin, unaware of the outside world.

The real people in charge are mostly a group of mechanical puppets, and the strongest ones are equivalent to pill-forming monks.

Li Yuan searched for a moment and found nothing of value, and suddenly looked regretful.

It seems that the top leaders of the God-Worship Cult have entered the cave world.

Arriving at the entrance to the cave of the Shengshengsect, Li Yuan’s eyes flashed with solemnity, and he immediately cast the ancient holy light. At the same time, a huge shadow appeared behind him, and he pointed it out, shaking the world.

After cultivating the Dharma, his incarnation strength also increased.

At this time, using the ancient holy light and using all his strength, he was able to barely tear apart the space.

However, the cave entrance of the Shengshengshen Cult has been reinforced by strong men and is not so easy to be forcibly opened.

Li Yuan was not in a hurry and started bombarding the entrance as if there was no one around.

Soon, the powerful men in the Dongtian World were alarmed. The entrance to the Dongtian World opened, and a tall, old figure appeared, and he was somewhat familiar.

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