The entrance to the dead place is like a big mouth that swallows everything.

There are really not many monks who enter it and come back alive.

Some people ran out of life on the way, and some were blocked and killed by powerful enemies.

Countless strong men stared at Li Yuanyuan’s retreating figure silently.

No one intervened to stop it. After all, although there was elixir in the dead land, not everyone could find it.

There have been powerful people who personally entered, but in the end they spent tens of thousands of years and still found nothing.

Li Yuan stepped into the dead place and felt as if he had fallen into an endless abyss.

He looked alert, ready to retreat immediately.

Fortunately, there was no danger. It wasn’t until he flew for a while that he saw some creatures wandering around.

These creatures obviously did not dare to go deep and were wandering around the outer area at the moment.

I don’t know if they want to cut off Hu, or if they just want to try their luck.

Ignoring these people, Li Yuan moved forward.

Wearing a battle armor transformed from an intelligent robot, his speed is astonishingly fast, comparable to that of a fused body.

However, the closer you get to the center of the dead place, the more obvious the speed of time passes.

Li Yuan only advanced for a few breaths before the intelligent robot began to remind: “The speed of time has exceeded 10,000 times.”

Li Yuan was shocked when he heard this. Is it so outrageous?

In other words, if you stay here for one day, twenty-seven years will pass.

The dead land is so vast that no one knows how big it is.

Li Yuan asked: “I don’t know which direction to go to find the elixir?”

The intelligent robot responded: “I don’t know. The level of the elixir is too high. Even a powerful person who is good at deduction would have a hard time calculating it.”

When Li Yuan heard this, he suddenly felt hesitant. Didn’t this mean that a blind cat would touch a dead mouse?

The dead land is so big, like an endless ocean, how can we find it?

Fortunately, the robot spoke again: “But if there is a fairy medicine, there will be strange phenomena even if we are millions of miles apart.”

Li Yuan nodded, that’s not bad, otherwise it would be more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

He moved on, searching everywhere.

Not long after, he sensed a powerful aura approaching.

It was a brown-red beetle, but it was hundreds of meters tall, with eyes all over its back.

This was not the most important thing. The most important thing was that he felt the aura of the integrated monk in this insect.

Li Yuan remained calm and looked at the beetle.

There was no aura on his body. Seeing this, the beetle confronted him for a moment, then turned and left.

Obviously, it couldn’t tell Li Yuan’s truth and didn’t want to start a war rashly.

Li Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. If he really wanted to take action, he would probably lose, and he might even have to consume the talisman given by Lord Canghong.

An hour later, he had traveled thousands of miles deep into the dead land.

The flow of time around him became even more terrifying, and even the robots showed signs of decay.

The robot spoke: “The flow of time has accelerated tens of millions of times. Under normal circumstances, staying here for one more day would consume nearly 30,000 years of life.”

This is so terrifying that even Mahayana monks would not be able to resist it for a few days under normal circumstances.

Even if you perfect the Xuanwu Life Extension Sutra and the Yinxu Falling Mortal Technique, you will have to spend thousands of lifespan in one day.

Although Li Yuan has unlimited lifespan, he can only continue to move forward in order to prevent the robot from discovering abnormalities.

He was lucky enough to find the fallen strong man on the way.

However, I don’t know how much time passed, but the strong man’s bones turned into ashes upon being touched.

Li Yuan picked up the storage ring on the strong man’s body and found that most of the things in it had been corroded by time.

Among the remaining things, the most valuable thing is just a incomplete treasure.

This should be a fusion, but unfortunately he didn’t escape in the end.

He was a little worried and asked: “If we continue to go deeper, won’t the treasures on my body also be eroded?”

A treasure is worth at least one billion spiritual stones.

Li Yuan touched his Skybreaking Bracelet, feeling a little worried.

The robot responded affirmatively: “Yes, nothing can stop the erosion of time, but things like treasures can last at least several epochs under normal circumstances.”

When Li Yuan heard this, he felt a little relieved. If he said that, he could persist for at least hundreds of thousands of years.

He continued to move forward, and occasionally found strong men who had fallen unexpectedly, and gained a lot.

Although they are all incomplete treasures, they are equally valuable to him now.

Li Yuan even discovered a decaying battleship, but unfortunately it could no longer be started.

There is no way to break through the space in this place, even if it is a battleship, it might be stranded and unable to return.

Sometimes he would encounter other strong men, but fortunately even if he took action, he would be frightened back by the robot.

As time passed by, even the robot armor was eroded to the point of disgrace.

It told Li Yuan: “If it advances a few million miles at most, it will be completely destroyed and cannot be used.”. ”

This made Li Yuan feel depressed. Without the robot armor, he had to rely on himself for the rest of the journey. It would be dangerous if he encountered a strong person with malicious intentions.

I hope the talisman of Lord Canghong can last longer.

But once we got here, not many strong people dared to get close.

Every step forward here is burning longevity.

Soon after, the robot suit was completely destroyed and discarded by Li Yuan.

He also kept the treasures he picked up and hid them inside the armor.

Although these things are extraordinary, they will not last long if they continue to move forward.

He took only a few essentials with him on the road.

However, without the mechanical armor, Li Yuan’s speed dropped sharply, more than ten times slower.

It wasn’t until three months later that he finally entered the dead land 100 million miles away.

It’s just that there is no magic medicine anywhere, there is silence and nothingness, as if falling into an abyss with no bottom.

Even the many things I carried before have been mostly eroded by time.

Li Yuan was not in a hurry and wandered in search of nothingness.

If there is a magic elixir, I can definitely find it.

But he is not in a hurry. The Canghong Divine Lord outside has almost given up.

Three months have passed, and the kid is probably dead.

It’s a pity, it’s a pity that after tens of thousands of years of longevity, I entered the dead place and still couldn’t find the elixir.

He was filled with reluctance, and now he had no choice but to go to the Worshiping God Sect to find those guys to extend his life.

I don’t know how much my years of accumulation can extend my lifespan?

If he had known this, he might as well have captured that kid as a sacrifice to extend his life.

On the side, a powerful man smiled and said: “Fellow Taoist Canghong, why do you need to be sad? It is said that there is a fairy medicine, but who among the people present has really seen it?”

“That’s right! If a fairy medicine really comes out, it might even attract the Lord Crossing the Tribulation. How can we get a turn?”

When Canghong Shenjun heard the words, he seemed unable to understand the hidden meaning of these powerful words, and just shook his head and sighed.

Most of these guys still have tens of thousands of years to live, so they may not be able to survive the great catastrophe of the era.

He only has less than two thousand years left. Even if he uses Yinxu’s magic of falling to the mortal world to the extreme, he will not be able to recover in the next era.

Too lazy to compete with these servants, Canghong Shenjun left behind one of his subordinates and turned around to leave.

He is going to prepare for life extension.

But before that, he needed to capture some fused monks as sacrifices.

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