Not long after Li Yuan entered the manor, the old housekeeper came to report that the mothership was about to start a space jump.

When Li Yuan heard this, he immediately became energetic and came to a huge screen.

What was reflected on the screen was the situation outside the mothership.

All around, there is endless void, and the mothership can be seen constantly crossing one world after another.

These worlds range in size from over a light-year in size to tens of thousands of miles in size.

There is no contact between the two worlds, just like the sky full of stars.

After so many years of living, Li Yuan saw such a strange scene for the first time.

However, he also knows that if you want to physically cross the void, you must at least have the cultivation level of the integration stage.

Suddenly, the scene outside began to become distorted, and a mysterious force field affected the inside of the mothership, making people feel trance-like.

Li Yuan felt that this influence was enough to make monks below Yuanying faint.

He saw that the time and space outside seemed to be distorted, moving with incomprehensible rules.

But within just a few breaths, this feeling disappeared.

The mothership has also stabilized again, but it is already in another void.

On the side, the old housekeeper explained: “The first space jump has ended, and the next jump should be ten days later!”

Li Yuan nodded, knowing that he needed to replenish his energy during this period.

He pondered in his mind that if he could get such a mothership, he would definitely be able to return to Tianhuang safely.

However, such a mothership must be expensive, and there is no telling how many spiritual stones it would cost.

He probably can’t afford it yet.

Shaking his head, Li Yuan did not continue to pay attention to these.

Soon after, Lord Canghong ordered someone to send some cultivation resources, including treasures to assist in comprehending the techniques.

Li Yuan had no choice but to use these treasures and comprehend the “Yinxu Falling to Mortal Technique”.

This technique is exactly the heaven-level secret technique sent by Lord Canghong.

As for cultivation, that is impossible;

The next days were undisturbed.

In the manor, Li Yuan lived day after day, year after year.

Sometimes he comprehends the Yinxu Falling Art, and sometimes he comprehends the Lieguang Emperor Yuan Explosion.

Occasionally, he would enter the virtual world and fight against strong players to hone his combat experience.

And more than ten years later, at the edge of the underworld, a corpse-like figure walked out of it.

This is naturally the incarnation of Li Yuan.

After more than ten years, another incarnation finally broke through countless dangers and left the underworld.

Back then, he released a hundred incarnations, but nearly 90% of them died in the space passage, and the rest basically died in the underworld. Only two incarnations successfully left.

With such a terrifying probability of survival, except for the Son of Luck, the results of the cultivators who left the world can be imagined.

In this third incarnation, Li Yuan decided to incarnate as Fa Yuan to connect with all living beings and first save a fortune to prepare for the purchase of a mothership in the future.

If you want to transport resources safely back to Tianhuang, it is very important to have your own mothership.

And according to the information obtained by Incarnation One, some powerful motherships are enough to threaten the combined monks.

Of course, the premise is that you can hit the opponent.

On the mothership of Lord Canghong.

A hundred years, for Li Yuan, is just a snap of the fingers.

Canghong Shenjun is still the same. Nearly a hundred years later, he still looks the same as he once did.

Li Yuan suspected that this old guy might still live for thousands of years.

In the 112th year, the mothership stopped and the place of death arrived.

This does not belong to any big world.

Lord Canghong came to notify Li Yuan. When he saw the aura on Li Yuan’s body, he frowned slightly.

Looking at this situation, the Yinxu Falling to Mortal Technique can only be practiced at the beginning, which is simply useless.

Moreover, his cultivation level has never broken through, leaving him unable to complain.

Such a fool can fuse the blood of immortals, it is really a huge waste.

But we have to rely on this person next, and he can’t say much.

He didn’t know that this was still the case when Li Yuan had activated the Nirvana Zen Technique.

Heaven level skills are not so easy to cultivate, not to mention that he is just an incarnation, and it is too difficult for a person to do it for a hundred years.

Looking at Li Yuan, Lord Canghong said solemnly: “This is the place of death. I will let an intelligent robot enter it to protect you.”

While talking, a robot came and transformed into a mysterious suit.

“Wearing this suit is enough to block a full-strength strike from the fused cultivator. If a robot attacks, it can hold back the fused cultivator.”

When Li Yuan saw this, he quickly handed over his hands and thanked him, with a grateful look on his face.

But he also knew in his heart that this old guy had the intention of monitoring him, and was afraid that he would stay on the periphery and work as a foreigner.

He wondered: “Don’t this robot have to worry about the influence of the dead?”

Lord Canghong shook his head: “Of course it will have an impact. It won’t be able to go deep into the dead land. It can go forward for about 30 million miles at most, and it will be completely scrapped.”

It is said that the place where elixirs grow is at least oneHundreds of millions of miles away, it is difficult for ordinary people to see it.

“By the way, put on this curtain hat to prevent others from seeing through your lies!”

Lord Canghong spoke reluctantly, wasting another treasure.

Li Yuan was shocked when he saw this. It turned out to be a treasure. This old guy also spent a lot of money on the fairy medicine.

“Besides, please keep this talisman, it contains my full strength strike.”

Li Yuan was overjoyed and thanked him quickly.

In this way, Mahayana might be able to be taken care of by surprise.

Thinking of what Elder Fox had found before, Li Yuan asked: “Senior, is there any treasure that can prevent others from deducing?”

Hearing this, Divine Lord Canghong immediately narrowed his eyes.

There must be strong men of all races around the dead place, and among them there may be those who know how to make deductions.

He said leisurely: “The stronger the deduced target is and the deeper his luck, the more difficult it will be. If you don’t do it well, it will be counterattacked. If your strength is too weak, even if you don’t have relevant information, you may still be deduced.”

After thinking for a moment, Lord Canghong took out a jade pendant engraved with strange runes and handed it to Li Yuan.

“This is a gem that I spent a lot of money to acquire. It has the effect of shielding my own secrets. I will lend it to you for a while!”

When Li Yuan heard this, he was very happy. He was really a good treasure and worthy of being a Mahayana monk.

However, he was still a little dissatisfied and asked: “Besides these things, is there any way to prevent others from deducing?”

Canghong Shenjun took a deep look at him, but without revealing anything, he said quietly: “Improve your cultivation, improve your luck, and find an immortal weapon. In other worlds, children of luck will be born, and such characters are not easy to deduce. .

Of course, there are strong and weak in the world, and there are also strong and weak children of destiny. There are seven or eight children of destiny who have fallen into my hands.

In addition to this, there is another way, which is to refine a big world and become the world master. If the other party wants to deduce you, it will be counterattacked by the fate of the world, and you will fall if you are not careful. ”

When Li Yuan heard this, he suddenly became thoughtful.

Wang Li should be like this, but is he afraid that he is not just the son of destiny in the Tianhuang Realm?

The upper limit of the universe is to become a god, and Wang Li may even become an immortal!

Perhaps it is more appropriate to say the Son of the Era or the Son of Destiny.

Soon, the two left the mothership, and countless creatures immediately looked over.

Those who can come here will naturally not be simple characters.

Li Yuan thought in his heart that at the entrance to the dead place, there were various creatures with astonishing auras.

There are very few god-level beings like him.

Occasionally, a strong person breaks in, looking for opportunities.

He found that there were no fewer than dozens of powerful men with inexplicable auras like Canghong Shenjun.

There are even giant beasts thousands of miles in size, hovering in the void, which is shocking.

This made him frightened, for fear of being caught by some monster.

Fortunately, Lord Canghong left him a curtain hat before, which could block all exploration.

In the dark, there were creatures communicating with each other and talking about each other.

“It’s the old locust tree in the Senmo Realm. I’m afraid this old guy’s happiness has come to an end!”

“Who is that next to him?”

“I can’t see through it. It’s probably the explorer the old guy is looking for.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk! The great catastrophe of the era is coming, and this old locust tree is also anxious.”

“If you don’t have a life span of 30,000 years, how can you not be anxious?”

“It’s just a waste of time. It’s been so long since the dead land has been opened. Has anyone found the elixir?”

“I bet this old locust tree is working in vain!”


Lord Canghong handed over his hand and communicated with a few familiar creatures.

Li Yuanze put his hands on his back and walked towards the place of death step by step, looking enigmatic.

This confuses some people. Could it be that this person is still a powerful person?

It is not that there is no powerful person who can take the risk himself. After all, even the Dongxu monks would find it difficult to get close to the place where the fairy medicine exists.

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