Soon after, Lv Changsheng, who was traveling in Nanshan District, also received news of Li Yuanshen’s death.

It looked sad and wanted to go back to Ziyang Mountain to take revenge on the spot.

It was only when he reached the endless desert that he realized what he was doing.

How could someone who was so afraid of death commit suicide without a struggle?


Absolutely impossible!

Thinking of Li Yuan’s magical power, Donkey Changsheng couldn’t help but speculate. Could it be that it was just an incarnation that died?

With an anxious mood, Donkey Changsheng quietly returned to Ziyang Mountain.

When he saw the relics sent by Xiang Mingde, he already understood that the boss had definitely faked his death and escaped.

Although there are many good things in the storage bag, including a Long Yuan Dan, there are no mysterious stone tablets, life-cutting swords and other treasures.

But he still had to pretend. Donkey Changsheng howled and cried on the spot, which made him sad.

For three whole years, it stayed in front of Li Yuan’s tomb, unwilling to leave.

Until one night three years later, Donkey Changsheng disappeared.

No one knows where he went. Some said he went to Moya Temple to take revenge, while others said he went to find a chance to break through to become a god.

The world will never stop moving without anyone.

Even if Li Yuan is the ancestor of the Ziyang Clan, a Martial Saint, and has a great reputation, nothing can be changed.

When people mentioned him, they would sigh at most. It was impossible for him to go to Moya Temple to find Moya and die for him.

After Mo Ya forced Li Yuan to death, he became even more powerful in the world. It can be said that those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish.

Especially the Buddhist forces suffered a devastating blow, leaving only one out of ten.

Moya Temple has expanded rapidly in the name of Moya, and its sphere of influence occupies almost one-third of the Eastern world.

Wherever you go, you must either surrender or be destroyed. There is no third option.

Although Mo Ya rarely takes action personally, he still makes countless monks in the Tianhuang Realm live in fear.

Demon Ya has become the uncrowned king of the wild world.

Many big forces are busy sending various treasures in order to protect themselves.

Even the established god-transforming forces such as Ziyang Mountain and Baidi Tower had to adapt to the general trend.

Time passes year by year, and five hundred years pass by in the blink of an eye.

The sea has changed, things have changed and people have changed.

The new monks have completely forgotten the glory of Ziyang Mountain.

They only know that Moya Temple is the real largest force in the Tianhuang Realm.

Northern Xinjiang.

In a remote mountain.

Although night has fallen, the tribe is still brightly lit.

At the foot of the mountain, orcs with long ears gathered around the campfire, singing and dancing.

The excitement of the tribe is in sharp contrast to the silence of the wild.

Rounds of dances with alien colors look particularly beautiful in this remote mountain.

They are the rabbit people who have lived here for generations, simple and timid.

When the song and dance came to an end, an old bunny man with a fluttering beard spoke, his voice loud and joyful.

“My tribe, it’s another mountain god’s great sacrifice that happens once every ten years. Come, bring our sacrifices up and invite the mountain god to enjoy!”

After finishing speaking, four strong rabbit men came slowly carrying a huge object.

It turned out to be a huge black bear that was more than ten meters tall.

However, there were many fatal wounds on its body and it was already cold.

“Wow, what a big bear!”

A bunny girl exclaimed and backed away in fright.

“Don’t be afraid, this is just a sacrifice to the mountain god. He has already died.”

A young rabbit man spoke up and told the origin of the black bear.

When this black bear was alive, he was actually a demonic beast, equivalent to a Qi Refiner.

The strong men of the tribe spent a lot of effort to kill the black bear spirit and bring it back.

As the body of the black bear was brought up, the sacrificial activity reached its most lively stage.

The bunnyman high priest who spoke before led many bunnymen to kneel down to the mountain with a pious expression.

This is a grand event passed down from ancient times, and it is said that it will be blessed by the mountain god.

But this time, when the rabbitman high priest led his tribe to kneel down, there was a mysterious vision permeating the mountains ahead.

There seems to be fairy music coming, and bursts of strange fragrance spread around the mountain.

The hazy glow makes the entire mountain look like a dream.

Some bunnymen who came into contact with this strange fragrance were shocked and their aura rose up.

There are rabbit people who directly break through the limit and step into the ranks of Qi Refiners.

“This… this, the mountain god has appeared?”

The Rabbitman High Priest was shocked, his old eyes full of disbelief.

This was the first time he had seen this kind of thing.

Could it be that after many years of worship by their rabbit tribe, the mountain god was finally moved?

For a time, many rabbit people worshiped more and more devoutly.

What they don’t know is that there is actually something else going on in this mountain.

In a spacious stone cave, there is a pool of water, and in the center of the pool, figures are hovering.

This person is none other than Li Yuan, who has disappeared for five hundred years.

When he came to northern Xinjiang, he unexpectedly discovered that there was a cave inside this mountain, so he changed it into a cave.

He didn’t lack resources, but he didn’t expect to live here for five hundred years.

After five hundred years of vicissitudes of life, Li Yuan was shrouded in spiritual light and looked very mysterious.

Rays of rays of light burst out from his body, full of magic.

If any outsiders were here and saw this situation, they would definitely regard Li Yuan as a god and worship him endlessly.

After a long time, the magical power in Li Yuan slowly dissipated and returned to normal.

“It’s been five hundred years, and I finally became a martial arts soul.”

Li Yuan murmured to himself, still a little unbelievable in his heart.

In fact, he had already cultivated to Yuan Fei Dzogchen two hundred years ago.

I thought it would be extremely difficult to break through the martial arts soul, so I thought of giving it a try first.

I never expected that it would be so easy to break through the martial arts soul. Everything seemed to fall into place.

But once you start breaking through, you can’t stop easily.

Perhaps it was because his mental power was so strong that it took too long to break through.

It took him two hundred years to finally combine the Yuan Fei with his soul and become the Martial Arts Yuanshen.

At this time, the golden elixir in his body had long since disappeared, replaced by a new-born soul, full of holiness.

The soul of martial arts is equivalent to a monk in the transformation stage.

Cultivate the soul of martial arts, comprehend the world, and be able to move mountains and seas with just a wave of your hand.

And he also opened up acupuncture points. Although he has not yet condensed a golden body, his strength is definitely far beyond that of ordinary gods.

In addition, he has practiced the art of sacrificing life, and although he has reached the realm of martial arts and soul, his improvement is not as outrageous as before.

But Li Yuan felt that with his current strength, he would not be much weaker even if he faced the late stage of Transformation God.

In the Tianhuang Realm, the late stage of becoming a god has reached its limit.

Now, he is truly standing at the pinnacle of the Tianhuang Realm, without any threat.

Five hundred years have passed, and I don’t know what happened to the magic cliff.

It’s time to go back and take a look.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yuan quietly left the mountain.

On Ziyang Mountain, Donkey Changsheng’s face showed the vicissitudes of life, and he failed to transform into a god again.

In the past five hundred years, it has experienced three transformations into gods.

But all three transformations failed.

At this time, the aura of decay on his body was very similar to that of Shi Hongbo back then.

“Ancestor Donkey, you…”

Xiang Mingde felt the aura on Donkey Changsheng’s body and sighed.

Ancestor Donkey has lived for so long, perhaps he has already exceeded the limit of being a Nascent Soul cultivator.

It is said that when Patriarch Wang Li was still alive, he took the fruit of the past.

It’s a pity that even if he lives for a few hundred more years, he still can’t break through to become a god.

Existences of this level have rarely been seen in thousands of years.

However, in the past thousand years, three people have appeared in the human race, which can be said to be very rare.

Donkey Changsheng’s life was dim, and he walked out of the cave together with Xiang Mingde.

Looking at the sunset in the distance, it looked dazed. Boss, did it really fake its own death and escape?

Five hundred years have passed, and even it has reached its limit. Even if the boss escaped back then, I’m afraid…

Thinking of this, Donkey Changsheng’s face was full of sadness.

It’s a pity that they will never see each other again until death.

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