The destruction of Bodhi Temple may not be bad news for other forces.

But for Li Yuan, it was huge bad news.

Because according to the news, Ming Ya, who had been missing for hundreds of years, is back. To be precise, he has changed his name to Mo Ya.

The destruction of Bodhi Temple was precisely because of the Demon Cliff.

Not seen for hundreds of years, he has already mastered the art of becoming a god and has become the only cultivator of becoming a god in the Tianhuang Continent.

Most of the monks in Bodhi Temple were killed, and only a small number took refuge in Demon Cliff.

The ancient Bodhi Temple was also renamed Moya Temple.

Although the demon cliff has not come to Ziyang Mountain yet, Li Yuan knows that he will come sooner or later.

Without any hesitation, Li Yuan’s true body quietly escaped from under Tianxiu Peak and headed north.

The eastern world is too dangerous, and he wants to take refuge in northern Xinjiang.

The Northern Territory is vast and sparsely populated, and it is also the territory of the orcs. With my own strength, I don’t have to worry about encountering any danger if I really want to hide.

The avatar who stayed in Ziyang Mountain directly informed several Nascent Soul monks to activate the sect-protecting formation.

This sect-protecting formation has been strengthened by Wang Li, and even the god-transforming monks can resist it.

As he expected, in just three days, a powerful figure descended over Ziyang Mountain.

This man’s long hair was spread out, his eyes were blood red, and he exuded a heart-stopping aura.

It’s Mingya, oh no, Demon Cliff, who has been missing for hundreds of years.

“Fa Yuan, come out and see me!”

With a loud shout, the entire formation trembled slightly.

Fa Yuan was the name used by Li Yuan.

He has not seen Li Yuan’s true body, but that does not prevent him from guessing Fa Yuan’s true identity.

Either Li Yuan or Wang Li.

And the person whose name carries Yuan and is often associated with Jingguang is probably Li Yuan.

“Senior, I don’t have any magic essence in Ziyang Mountain.”

The former head coach Xiang Mingde stood up bravely and looked at the god-transforming demon outside the formation.

“No? Do you think I will believe it? Fayuan, if you don’t come out, there will be no chickens or dogs left in the Ziyang Gate today!”

Mo Ya’s voice spread throughout Ziyang Mountain, and as he spoke, he directly struck a palm at the Ziyang Gate’s sect-protecting formation.

The Ziyangmen’s sect-protecting formation was not weak, but under Demon Ya’s palm, it was full of cracks, and it seemed that it would collapse in the next moment.

When Xiang Mingde and others saw this, their hearts suddenly rose to their throats, and they were filled with shock and anger.

Fortunately, the formation finally blocked the attack.

However, Xiang Mingde understood that with three strikes at most, the formation would completely collapse.

Ziyangmen has reached a time of life and death.

Mo Ya looked ferocious and slowly said: “The formation is good, but it’s a pity that it can’t block me.”

If he takes one step, he will take action again.

But at this moment, a sigh shook his body.

Li Yuan’s figure appeared quietly, looking calmly at the magic cliff outside.

“Mo Ya, right? What do you want?”

When Mo Ya saw this, his body trembled, it was this voice.

“Fayuan, you are indeed still alive!”

Li Yuan smiled lightly and said: “You are not dead yet, how can I die first?”

As he spoke, he secretly circulated the first chapter of the Liuli World Sutra.

But Demon Cliff seemed to be out of control at all. Instead, the demon flames surged into the sky, making it even more terrifying.

“Ancestor of the Martial Saint!”

When the other Ziyang Clan disciples saw this, their hearts tightened.

They looked worried, the ancestor was obviously the Fa Yuan mentioned by the demon.

Li Yuan waved his hand to stop everyone from speaking.

He looked at Mo Ya and said softly: “I think there should be no irresolvable hatred between us, right? If you mess around, you won’t end well when Wang Li comes back.”

“Wang Li? Hahaha! Wang Li went deep into the space crack. Do you think he can come back alive?”

“That’s not necessarily the case. Others will die, but Wang Li will definitely not die!”

“Hmph, so what if he comes back, Fa Yuan, I won’t bother you. If you commit suicide, I will help you.”

Li Yuan looked at Mo Ya quietly and said in a deep voice: “If I commit suicide, can you retreat?”


Mo Ya took a deep look at Li Yuan with an incomprehensible expression.

Hearing this, Li Yuan seemed to have no choice. He could only sigh and throw the token of the sect protection formation to Xiang Mingde.

Xiang Mingde’s expression changed and he quickly said: “Ancestor, you…”

“Needless to say, if I don’t die, you won’t survive either.”

As he spoke, he looked at Mo Ya and said calmly: “I hope you keep your promise.”

As he spoke, he saw Li Yuan’s body slowly rising into the air, and a powerful aura filled the air, making all the monks in Ziyang Sect tremble with fear.

Before they could prepare, they saw Li Yuan’s body rapidly expanding, shaking the void.


At this moment, Mo Ya’s eyes suddenly returned to normal.

His body was filled with Buddha light, extremely magnificent.

“Lord Buddha cannot! ”

Mo Ya shouted, but at this moment, Ming Ya’s will took over.

But Li Yuan didn’t stop. The next moment, his body exploded.

The astonishing power swept across, as if the earth was turned upside down, even Xiang Mingde and others turned pale.

As for the other disciples, their bodies were greatly shaken and they were bleeding on the spot.

Is this a direct self-destruction?

The ancestor was forced to self-destruct, destroying both body and spirit.

Countless Ziyang Mountain disciples suddenly looked sad.

What a good person my ancestor was, yet he was driven to physical and mental destruction by this devil.

They looked at the people outside the formation and suddenly became furious.

Especially the monks who practice martial arts are eager to rush out and fight for their lives.

But outside the formation, Ming Ya lost consciousness for a while. Just now, he sensed something was wrong.

Across the sect-protecting formation, he couldn’t sense it very clearly.

If he didn’t have a secret bond with Li Yuan, he would have suspected that his induction was wrong.

However, he did not appear abnormal, but looked pained.

“no no!”

Mingya screamed in pain, as if he had lost his faith.

But soon, his will was forcibly suppressed by Demon Ya, and the Demon Flame rose again.

And inside his body, this moment was also a confrontation of wills.

“Ming Ya, you see, what kind of Buddha is this? He is clearly just a liar, you idiot.”

“No, you devil, Lord Buddha is immortal. One day, he will come back again.”

“It’s up to you. Sooner or later, I will completely wipe you out.”

“I am you, you are me, if you don’t die, how can I die?”

“Hmph! Just be tough!”


Mo Ya forcibly suppressed Ming Ya’s will, looking at the place where Li Yuan fell, his expression was a little complicated.

I didn’t expect this person to be so decisive. He committed suicide when he said he would commit suicide, and he was completely destroyed physically and mentally.

Martial Saint, is this person really as great as the legend says?

Thinking about it carefully, based on what Bodhi Temple did back then, it was normal for him to do that.

Fa Yuan is dead, and Ming Ya’s will can’t last long.

Jie Jie Jie!

Looking at the people in Ziyang Mountain, Mo Ya gave a weird laugh and turned around to leave.

Originally, he planned to destroy the Ziyang Clan. Since the Fa Yuan sacrificed his life for righteousness, he let the Ziyang Clan go.

Of course, another reason is that if he wants to destroy the Ziyang Clan, Mingya will desperately resist.

Xiang Mingde and others watched the magic cliff go away, feeling that Li Yuan’s aura had completely dissipated, and suddenly felt sad.

In order to protect them, the ancestor would rather die.

And they could only watch the murderer walk away, daring to be angry and afraid to speak out.

Many disciples have unconsciously knelt on the ground with sad expressions.

Reluctance, rage, sadness, all kinds of emotions.

A few days later, there was an atmosphere of sadness on Ziyang Mountain, and Xiang Mingde held a funeral for Li Yuan.

However, because Li Yuan blew himself up and lost his soul, all he had was a tomb.

After hearing the news, many martial arts monks came to express their condolences.

When they learned the cause of Li Yuan’s death, they were shocked and angry.

But facing the magic cliff at the height of the sun, we can only sigh.

Among the god-transforming monks, it is estimated that there is only one god-transforming monk, Moya, in the entire Tianhuang Continent.

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