"Why, Senior Brother Ruan's Wu Zang Peak has accepted any good disciples?"

Ma Shengxu said with a sneer.

The monk in yellow was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then his face darkened:

"Junior brother Ma, what do you mean? I said Yao Wudi's disciples, how have they ever provoked you?"

Ma Shengxu hesitated for a moment, then sneered:

"Whose disciple does this have to do with? Even though I can't stand Yao Wudi, I won't laugh at a junior like you... If you have such ability, why don't you say it in front of Yao Wudi?"

The monk in yellow suddenly became furious: "Ma Shengxu, what do you mean!"

"What do I mean? Could it be that you, Ruan Wei, can't see it?"

Ma Shengxu was tit for tat.

"Okay, Senior Brother Ruan, please stop saying a few words."

"Lao Ma, you too!"

Seeing that the two of them were really angry, Cui Daqi quickly stepped in the middle to separate them.

"Go away! Who doesn't know that you and Yao Wudi are the same person!"

The monk in yellow swatted it away with a flick of his sleeves.

Cui Daqi's face suddenly darkened.

Hu Zaixi, who was standing by, couldn't stand it any longer. He quickly flew to the middle of the three people and said, "Oh, we are all from the same sect, how can there be so much resentment..."

"Hmph! It's really a shame to be the same class as you!"

The monk in yellow glanced at Ma Shengxu and Cui Daqi, but he walked away.

"Bah! What a disrespectful thing!"

Ma Shengxu spit thick phlegm at the opponent's figure.

Of course, the body of the Nascent Soul cultivator is already clean, this is just a show.

Hu Zaixi looked helpless.

He also didn't expect that Yao Wudi was no longer in the sect, and several Nascent Souls would quarrel because of his disciples.

"You guys... are just juniors, that's all."

Cui Daqi had a dark face and said in a low voice after hearing this: "Who the hell did I provoke again? I even tried to break up the fight."

Ma Shengxu said indifferently:

"I just can't stand the face of this old guy. What's wrong with Yao Wudi's disciple? Yao Wudi is Yao Wudi, and Wang Hao is Wang Hao. How can they be confused with each other? However, he can't stand the younger generation because of Yao Wudi. He himself I don’t have the guts to provoke others, ha! I don’t know how people like this got through the Heart-Questing Formation back then!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Hu Zaixi and Cui Daqi looking at him in surprise.

Ma Shengxu couldn't help but feel a little guilty:

"What, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm just wondering when you became so clear-cut about your grudges."

Hu Zaixi waved his hand casually.

Cui Daqi also shook his head slightly:

"I remember that's not what you said when I first met Wang Yan."

Ma Shengxu coughed twice and said quickly: "Okay, okay, you are going to Shaoyin Mountain, right? Go quickly, I have something else to do, I will go there later."

"What else can you do here at Wanfa Peak?"

Hu Zaixi and Cui Daqi both looked at Ma Shengxu with some suspicion.

Ma Shengxu felt so guilty that he was about to quibble when he heard a gentle voice coming from below:

"Several martial uncles are here, but Wang Ba couldn't welcome them from far away. Please forgive me."

As he spoke, a figure in gray flew steadily from the mountain peak.

His face was neither conspicuous nor handsome, but there was a rare sense of peace between his brows, which was very comforting.

Seeing the three of them, he quickly bowed:

"Disciple Wang Ba, I have met Master Uncle Hu, Master Ma, and Master Cui."


Hu Zaixi nodded slightly, looking like a young adult, quite happy.

"It's Wang Ba. You've come just in time. Uncle Ma of yours seems to be looking for something to do with you."

When Cui Daqi saw Wang Ba, he immediately laughed.

When Ma Shengxu saw Wang Yan, he immediately forgot about his previous unhappiness. He didn't refute what he said and smiled kindly:

"Wang...nephew, haha, I didn't come here on purpose, I just happened to pass by..."

Cui Daqi couldn't help but curl his lips when he heard this.

By the way, you have to fly halfway around the sect to get on the way.

However, his eyes swept over Ma Shengxu and Wang Yan, and he still chose to be quiet.

When Wang Hao saw Ma Shengxu, he couldn't help but look surprised:

"Uncle Ma, your skin..."

Ma Shengxu nodded reservedly, and then said in approval:

"Your spiritual food is indeed good. I used it twice, and only a few days later, I saw such a change."

After hesitating for a moment, he still couldn't help the excitement in his heart and said: "Do you have the essence of the third level at your place?"

"Third level?"

It is indeed an unexpected surprise that it can be effective against Ma Shengxu.

However, Wang Yan could not help but look helpless:

"This... to be honest with Uncle Ma, this spiritual food is made from a spiritual chicken that I cultivated myself."

"I named it Phoenix Feather Chicken Essence."

"Because this spiritual chicken is currently only the highest grade second grade, and because it is extremely difficult to reproduce, the number is extremely rare, and it is similar to a broiler chicken and cannot survive the thunder tribulation, so it has not yet been cultivated to the third grade... Minister Cui should know , Generally speaking, in addition to the combined spiritual food, the grade of the spiritual food is closely related to the grade of the main material."

Cui Daqi was on the side. When he saw Ma Shengxu looking at him, he nodded slightly in agreement and said, "Wang Yan is right. The grade of spiritual food is generally related to the grade of the main material. If this Phoenix Feather Chicken fails to advance to the third level, , it is basically impossible to make third-level spiritual food."

After giving up hope for many years, now he finally saw a glimmer of possibility of recovery. When he suddenly heard the result, Ma Shengxu could not be reconciled and said quickly:

"Old Cui, is there nothing we can do?"

Hu Zaixi suddenly said: "I think you should go to the Beast Control Department or the Beast Peak to ask."

Cui Daqi shook his head, pointed at Wang Yan gently and said: "He is now learning beast control from Qi Yan at Beast Peak, and he bred this spiritual chicken himself. You might as well ask him."

Hu Zaixi couldn't help but look surprised.

"Hey, my nephew's studies are quite complex..."

In fact, what he wanted to say was, is there still time to practice the Wan Dharma lineage technique?

Why do you feel that the disciple Yao Wudi's approach is nothing like that of his master?

When Wang Yan saw the three people looking at him, he was not panicked and said calmly:

"It is not too difficult to breed this kind of broiler chickens to the second level, but if you want to breed them to the third level, there is not much you can do... Later I will ask Uncle Qi for advice to see if I can raise the third level. The phoenix-feather chicken was bred.”

"However, spiritual food still needs to be taken for a long time to have more obvious effects. Uncle Master might as well take the second-level Phoenix Feather Chicken essence first. If there is a chance to advance to the third-level Phoenix Feather Chicken later, At that time, the disciple will definitely be able to refine it for my uncle."

When Ma Shengxu heard this, he subconsciously looked at Cui Daqi.

Cui Daqi said helplessly:

"Don't look at me all the time. Wang Yan is right, just use it first. What's more, you don't look much prettier now than before. It doesn't matter whether you want the third level or not!"


Ma Shengxu coughed awkwardly, glared at Cui Daqi, and then smiled at Wang Ba with a smile on his face: "Haha, Lao Cui just loves to talk nonsense, when did I look at him... I still admire my nephew very much, Very trustworthy.”

Wang Hao laughed in agreement, and then he took out a white porcelain bottle from his sleeve.

"This was just refined by the disciple not long ago. It can be used about five times. Uncle Master can use it once every three months. When it is used up, Uncle Master will let you know and the disciple will send it to you... It's just that Nowadays, the number of spiritual chickens is very small, and I’m afraid they may not be available in time.”

"It doesn't matter!"

Ma Shengxu took the white porcelain bottle in surprise, but did not put it into the storage ring, but solemnly said:

"Master nephew, please tell me whether you want meritorious service or spiritual stones. Just say it."

When Wang Bao heard this, he waved his hands repeatedly:

"Uncle Master, this is a joke. Uncle Master's injury was originally a mistake caused by me, Wanfa Peak. There is no need to talk about meritorious deeds and spiritual stones. If I can cure Uncle Master's injury, the disciple will be satisfied, so this is absolutely impossible. "

After hearing Wang Ba's words, regardless of whether Wang Ba really thought so in his heart, Hu Zaixi and Cui Daqi couldn't help but look surprised.

"This kid really looks nothing like Yao Wudi!"

Hu Zaixi couldn't help but mutter.

If it were Yao Wudi, if he heard Ma Shengxu say this, he wouldn't be called Yao Wudi if he didn't take off Ma Shengxu's storage magic weapon.

Cui Daqi also hesitated to speak.

This is not the time to be gentle and courteous!

Don't you know that your Wan Dharma lineage cultivation consumes the most resources? Now that you have missed the opportunity to rip off Ma Shengxu, it will not be difficult to get resources later.

When Ma Shengxu heard Wang Yan's words, he was also surprised, but then he couldn't help but admire:

"You kid... I saw you right!"

"It's just a matter of fact. My injury was caused by Yao Wudi, not you. Besides, you are a Foundation Establishment monk, and you are from the Ten Thousand Dharma Lineage. You probably don't have any meritorious achievements on your body. The Foundation Establishment Stage is where you need the most resources to practice. When... let's do this, I will transfer five thousand merit points to you as a thank you for researching this kind of spiritual food for me. Let's go, I happen to be going to Shaoyin Mountain, let's go to the mission hall now..."

Cui Daqi and Hu Zaixi couldn't help but be slightly surprised when they heard this number.

Five thousand meritorious deeds is not a small number.

Previously, Yao Wudi, the dignified master of the peak, had no face to personally set up a trap for Lingweizi and others, but he only received 10,000 merits from each of them.

For a monk at the deacon level, it would take almost more than a hundred years to get that much salary.

Ma Shengxu directly gave so many merits, which shows the joy in his heart.

Wang Yan couldn't help but feel a flash of heartbeat in his eyes, but his figure remained motionless. He immediately shook his head seriously and refused:

"Uncle Master, what I said was not just out of politeness. This kind of meritorious service is absolutely unacceptable to me."

"Although the merits are good, there is no reason to go back on what the disciple has promised."

"This is my disciple's Taoist heart. I beg you, Master, not to say anything more."

Five thousand meritorious deeds, he was indeed a little moved.

But in the final analysis, it is only equivalent to Gu Wen's income in the past few years.

There are clouds in the mortal world, and a thousand pieces of gold can be purchased as horse bones.

He didn't have the ability, but he was still willing to use these five thousand meritorious deeds to express his positive attitude to those fellow disciples who were not on good terms with his master.

Besides, he had said that he would treat Ma Shengxu's injuries before, but now if he accepts the merit, it would seem too utilitarian.

It feels like a departure from what I have done before.

After careful consideration, he still chose to give up.

And with such a precedent, I think those people will not easily embarrass themselves if they want some face.

This can be regarded as planning for the future. After all, the days of staying in Wanxiang Sect will be long in the future, and the fewer enemies, the better.

There is no need to elaborate on these ideas to outsiders.

But when Ma Shengxu saw this, he felt helpless and admired Wang Ba even more.

I couldn’t help but secretly regret:

"How could such a virtuous young man be taken away by Yao Wudi!"

To be honest, if the sect didn't allow it, he would have wanted to accept Wang Ba as his disciple.

After all, such a person who values ​​his word and keeps his word has a calm mind, and his talent is not bad. He is also polite and polite in his behavior, neither humble nor arrogant, which is reassuring.

The perfect person to inherit his legacy.

His own disciples were actually pretty good, but compared to Wang Yan, they suddenly dimmed a lot.

"I don't know if he is interested in learning the Tao of Li and Shu..."

Ma Shengxu thought to himself.

Wang Ba's refusal to accept the meritorious service made him somewhat embarrassed.

His disciple worked tirelessly to research the spiritual food to treat his injuries. Even if there was a reason for Yao Wudi's mistake, if he just accepted it like this, it would be really ungrateful. If word spread, it would be a joke.

But as a farmer, apart from his merits and spiritual stones, to be honest, he really couldn't produce any rare treasures.

There are quite a lot of elixirs and spiritual plants under the jurisdiction of the Spirit Plant Department, but those things belong to the sect, and he only takes care of them.

His old friend Cui Daqi immediately saw his embarrassment, his heart moved slightly, and he immediately urged: "Old Ma, we will talk about Wang Ba later. Let's go first. Don't let Lord Qu wait there."

Hu Zaixi also reacted immediately and said quickly: "Yes, yes, I'm just here to watch the fun..."

When Ma Shengxu heard that there were steps to go down, he quickly said to Wang Yan: "Nephew, I will accept this spiritual food first. I will come back to you when the work is done."

"Uncle, just use it."

Wang Ba smiled and nodded, then looked at Hu Zaixi on the other side who was about to leave, bowed and said quickly:

"Uncle Hu, I wonder if you have time recently?"


Hu Zaixi turned around in confusion and thought slightly:

"My disciple said before that you had been to Houtu Peak...are you going to start practicing the "True Yang Wutu Jing"?"

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from my uncle's discerning eyes."

Wang Hao calmly flattered him.

Hu Zaixi nodded quite helpfully:

"In that case, you can come as long as you want, but I've been busy setting up the venue for the Dao Conference recently... Just come to me in the evening, and I'll give you some advice then."

Wang Ba's face showed joy and he quickly saluted again.

But Hu Zaixi waved his hand and turned into a stream of earthy yellow light, disappearing.

Cui Daqi and Ma Shengxu also nodded slightly to Wang Hao, and immediately turned into streams of light and flew away.

Seeing the three people leaving, Wang Hao pondered for a while, and then immediately threw himself into Wanfa Peak.

Shaoyin Mountain.

Tiger Head Hall.

"...The one who was drawn, Chen Yuan, a foundation disciple of Cyanwood Peak, was ordered to go to Li Country to inspect the blood disaster..."

"... Bai Xiaoyun, a foundation-building disciple of Baishu Peak, ordered to go to Sen Country for inspection..."

"... Li Wuji, a disciple of Divine Body Peak's Golden Pill, ordered to go to the southern coastline of Xihai Kingdom to inspect and defend..."

Ma Shengxu and Cui Daqi quickly walked into the Tiger Head Hall.

At the first sight, he saw a middle-aged monk sitting at the head of the hall with sword-shaped eyebrows and a stern look on his eyebrows, wearing a black gold cloak.

It was Qu Shentong, the master of Shaoyin Mountain.

Beside him, a Golden Elixir deacon was quickly reporting out the latest batch of disciples who were randomly selected and sent to perform inspection tasks in the surrounding areas.

This is also a system formulated by the Wanxiang Sect, the Changsheng Sect and the Jin Dynasty royal family. Every once in a while, monks below Nascent Soul are randomly selected from the two sects and one clan, and jointly form an inspection team to randomly go to a place to carry out the Inspection mission.

In the early days, the main purpose was to prevent monks stationed abroad from misbehaving and secretly bribing the inspection team, so it was specially set to random selection to ensure that the inspection effect was indeed achieved.

However, as time went by, this system gradually became a way for young monks to gain experience.

It ensures that young disciples can go out and experience some things and achieve a certain degree of growth.

Otherwise, you will always practice in the sect. Even if you become a god, it will not be enough to be cheated by people outside.

This system was implemented every few days, so Ma Shengxu and Cui Daqi didn't care. They scanned the hall and found that there were twenty or thirty Nascent Soul monks with different auras sitting cross-legged in their respective seats. There were only two empty tables.

Obviously, they arrived a little late.

Seeing the two people coming in, Qu Shentong, the head of the palace, glanced at Ma Shengxu with some surprise, nodded slightly, and then said:

"Okay, Minister Ma and Minister Cui are here, let's discuss together how to create different scenes for this year's fighting area...the cost of the ceremony...foreign guests..."

The Questioning Conference can barely be regarded as a type of reward, and its functions and powers fall under the jurisdiction of Shaoyin Mountain.

However, occasionally it would be transferred to the Diwu Palace or His Highness Taiyin Mountain would take over. However, both the Diwu Palace and Taiyin Mountain were far richer than Shaoyin Mountain. The rewards for the several Dao Dao Conferences held were too generous. The senior leaders of the sect felt that it was too wasteful, so they still handed over the Dao Dao Conference to Shaoyin Mountain.

Since some minor rules will be adjusted every time it is held, the venue of the conference will also change accordingly.

These people came to realize the plan based on Shaoyin Mountain.

After all, in addition to our own sect, the conference will also invite people from the Changsheng Sect, the Jin royal family and Youxian Temple, so everyone is naturally very attentive.

Soon, there was a discussion in the hall.

Ma Shengxu was a little bored among them.

There are actually not many things that the Spiritual Planting Department has to cooperate with here. It is just some spiritual fruits that need to be consumed when the sect's senior officials and outside sects come to watch the ceremony.

At most, they can use mana to activate some flowers and plants in a fighting venue or some special venues.

Really simple.

While he was bored, he was still worried about how to repay Wang Ba.

After all, he really couldn't do such a thing by taking advantage of the younger generation.

However, Ma Shengxu always felt a little uneasy, as if someone was staring at him.

And there's more than one person.

"What's going on?"

Ma Shengxu took advantage of the intensive conversation in the hall and quickly followed his feelings.

Suddenly, in the corner, he saw several female cultivators from other departments pointing at him, laughing and whispering.

Ma Shengxu suddenly felt his heart skip a beat.

Fortunately, he is a Nascent Soul cultivator after all. He has been cultivating his mind for many years, so it is not so easy for him to feel what others think of him.

Immediately he reacted:

"Are you talking about my skin color?"

He couldn't help but glance down at his arms again.

Although it is still a bit dark, it looks much better than before.

Such changes are very eye-catching for Yuanying monks, and it is normal for them to attract attention.

Soon, Qu Shentong said in a clear voice: "You may wish to discuss with each other again, and we will make a decision later..."

Immediately he took the initiative to leave the hall.

As the master of Shaoyin Mountain, there are quite a lot of reward and punishment cases that need to be handled every day, so Qu Shentong seems to be in a hurry.

After Qu Shentong left, the Nascent Soul monks in the hall started talking in twos and threes.

However, Ma Shengxu noticed that the female cultivators who had just been talking about him actually came over on their own initiative.

The one in front seemed to be in his early thirties, dressed like a Taoist nun.

He smiled and said to Ma Shengxu: "Junior Brother Ma, did the Spirit Planting Department grow any Ten Thousand Years Spirit Fruit?"

Ma Shengxu was a little confused:

"Why did Senior Sister Luo say this?"

Ma Shengxu was no stranger to this woman. She was Luo Yanshuang, the head of the Haizhu Department of the Water Movement Division. She was very good at moving in the sea. She looked like she was in her early thirties, but was actually a little older than him.

Hearing Ma Shengxu's words, Luo Yanshuang smiled and said: "If I hadn't taken the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Fruit, how could my junior brother be so white now?"

Ma Shengxu couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this: "Senior sister is really good at lying. I was born in vain... but now I've turned into a ghost."

Even though he said this, he still couldn't hide the smile on his face.

Seeing that Ma Shengxu still didn't understand what she meant, Luo Yanshuang stopped talking in circles and said curiously:

"With all due respect, isn't it true that my junior brother's complexion cannot be restored even with elixirs? How come it has become so fine and delicate now that we haven't seen him for a while, and his complexion is also much whiter."

"Yes, does Senior Brother Ma have some magic recipe? Why not tell us about it?"

The female cultivators following Luo Yanshuang couldn't help but say.

No matter what age they are, no female nun cares about their beauty.

Even if someone deliberately shows off to others as an old woman, they will often look at the mirror with yellow decals in private. This is a natural trait.

Ma Shengxu didn't expect this at first, but now he still doesn't understand the purpose of these female cultivators. After all, they are Nascent Soul cultivators, and he just reacted in the blink of an eye.

"That's right! Don't female cultivators really care about beauty? This phoenix feather chicken essence from Junior Nephew Wang is just right!"

"I was just thinking about how to repay Junior Nephew Wang. Why don't we just introduce him to some business?"

Thinking of this, he rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "There's no magic trick here, it's just...well, it's just a coincidence."

The more he said nothing and hid it, the more curious the female cultivators around him became.

Luo Yanshuang even frowned and said, "Junior Brother Ma, how can he speak so hesitantly? If yes or no, just speak frankly."

Seeing this, Ma Shengxu could only say helplessly: "Well... you can only ask my nephew."

"Nephew? Which nephew?"

A female nun next to her couldn't help but ask.

Ma Shengxu looked up and found that the other person was the deputy director of the Talisman Department. He seemed to be forced to say helplessly: "That's Wang Yan from Wanfa Peak, nephew of Wang."

"Wanfa Peak?! The Wanfa Peak with Yao Wudi?!"

Several female cultivators could not help but shrink their heads.

Especially the eldest Luo Yanshuang, although his expression barely remained calm, he still couldn't hide his fear.

Obviously recalling some unpleasant past events.

But she immediately frowned, looked at Ma Shengxu, and said suspiciously:

"No, don't you hate Yao Wudi the most? How could you get together with his disciple?"

Ma Shengxu was speechless when he heard this.

Why does everyone say this? Do I hate Yao Wudi that much?

But thinking about it carefully, his hatred for Yao Wudi has gradually faded a lot now.

It seems...it started from meeting this Wang Ba, right?

Thoughts flashed in Ma Shengxu's mind, but he sighed: "It's a long story..."

He then met Wang Ba and himself, and then the things they agreed on were revealed one by one.

Then he said: "This happened a few years ago. He must have thought of many ways in the past few years. He finally cultivated such a variety and made it into a spiritual food. Taking it can make the face glow and regain youth." Return."

Having said this, he seemed to have thought of something, and quickly took out the drawing paper and unfolded it in front of several people.

"Here, this is me before I took it...please compare it."

"So, I can have such a change, but it is all due to his painstaking efforts."

"Yao Wudi's disciple is actually such a person? This, this is completely unlike him."

Listening to Ma Shengxu's words, Luo Yanshuang couldn't help but feel shocked and disbelieving.

It was just that even someone like Ma Shengxu, who hated Yao Wudi so much, stood beside him and spoke, but she couldn't help but believe him a little bit.

"Then this Phoenix Feather Chicken Essence...junior brother, do you have it here?"


This time, Ma Shengxu answered very quickly and decisively.

Just kidding, he's not stupid. If Luo Yanshuang takes her away, he won't even cry.

After a while, Qu Shentong, the master of Shaoyin Mountain, hurried back from outside.

"Strange...why there seems to be a first-order male phoenix-feathered chicken missing..."

Wanfa Peak.

Wang Ba walked around the chicken farm casually.

He vaguely noticed that the number of Phoenix Feather Chickens seemed to be one less, but he didn't think much about it.

Immediately, he picked out a few second-level male phoenix-feather chickens that had no mating instinct at all and took them away, preparing to refine them into spiritual food.

This is also the main source of most Phoenix Feather Chicken essence.

After all, a rooster that doesn't mate, no matter how good-looking it is, is indeed of little value.

By the way, he glanced at Otosan, who was still hatching eggs.

Normally, the fertilized eggs that are born will be put directly into a special incubation room by him, and they will be incubated by the temperature provided by the formation.

However, considering that Yisan was a mother for the first time, Wang Yan still gave it a chance to experience it.

Then he went to check out the Snow Yang Chicken.

Several Snowyang Chickens were still struggling. Although Wang Yan had given orders to Jia Shiqiu, it was only a third-level low-grade one, but it was completely unable to suppress the Snowyang Chickens, which were good at Bingding Fire.

Even if Wang Hao personally controlled the spirit beast circle on top of it, forcing Jia Shiqi to mate... the result would still be very helpless.

"What is the reason……"

Wang Hao thought about it and finally decided to take out a female Snow Yang chicken alone.

At the same time, the body of the Snowyang Chicken was carefully inspected.

"It's strange...the structures are similar, at least the structure of the cloaca is very similar...what exactly is the problem?"

Just as he was thinking about it, a ball of spiritual fire suddenly erupted from the cloaca of Snow Yang Chicken. If Wang Ba hadn't reacted in time, he would have almost been burned.

"Wait a minute, couldn't it be that Yuanyang who was entered by Jia Shiqi was burned directly?"

This possibility suddenly jumped out of Wang Hao's mind.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that was the case.

"In that case, if we can suppress the Bingding fire in its body, we may be able to successfully complete mating!"

"But if it's so difficult... then how did they multiply until now?"

Wang Hao was thinking.

Suddenly, I heard a quiet warning from the formation outside Wanfa Peak.

"Who is it? Come to see me?"

Wang Hao was slightly confused, but he immediately flew out of the formation.

Immediately, he was surprised to find that there was a young female cultivator standing outside, wearing Taoist robes and a beautiful face. When she saw Wang Yan, she smiled slightly and saluted with a smile:

"My nephew has met Uncle Wang."

"Master's nephew?"

Wang Ba looked at the other party in surprise and felt the aura of the golden elixir on the other party.

At the same time, I quickly went through it in my mind, and soon found that none of them matched the number.

He couldn't help but hesitate and said:

"Dare I ask if you are..."

"My nephew is from Yunhai Peak, and the masters of the two peaks, Luo Yan, are my master."

The young female cultivator smiled and said: "I came here because I heard that my uncle has spiritual food that can make people look radiant. Master... Master happened to have something to do, and asked me to ask you, do you still have such spiritual food? I Wait until you are willing to spend spiritual stones or meritorious deeds."

"Spiritual food?"

Wang Hao hesitated slightly: "Are you talking about the essence of Phoenix Feather Chicken?"

"Yes, yes, master...master said it once, I almost forgot."

The young female cultivator said quickly.

Wang Hao was slightly surprised.

It didn't take long for him to research spiritual food. Except for a very few people, it should be expected that no one would know about it.

"Wait a minute, if it's Uncle Ma... it's possible."

I think it was Ma Shengxu who revealed the news.

Or Cui Daqi, he also knows the situation.

But Wang Yan didn't care. He was studying Phoenix Feather Chicken, hoping to gain something. If someone is willing to buy it, it would be great.

"The only trouble is that we can't batch it."

The output of Phoenix Feather Chicken is entirely based on probability.

Even if both parents are phoenix-feather chickens, most of the remaining ones are ordinary broiler chickens.

This also proves that the bloodline of Phoenix Feather Chicken is not very stable.

"When I have raised Wu Yuan King to the third level, I will go find Uncle Qi. With the "Bloodline Screening Technique", I may be able to get a glimpse of its secrets."

Wang Hao thought secretly.

However, he said to the young female monk: "I do have some here, but I don't have much of the second-order top-quality Phoenix Feather Chicken essence. I still have some first-order ones. Do you need it?"

"There are not many second-level ones left? Are the second-level top-quality ones the same as those used by Master Ma's uncle?"

"Yes, that is the highest quality that can be cultivated at present. It should be effective even for Yuanying monks."

This can be seen from Ma Shengxu.

The other party had no doubts, and after asking for a specific number, he said directly:

"Uncle Master, please give me a price. We want all of these."

"Want them all?"

Wang Hao thought slightly.

The Phoenix Feather Chicken Essence he had on hand ranged from first to second level, and the total amount was less than a hundred.

If it were based on the supply price of ordinary second-level spirit chicken essence, it would only be worth a hundred points of merit.

It's just that the Phoenix Feather Chicken has unique effects and is rare and expensive.

In addition, the other party is a Jindan monk, and his master is probably a Nascent Soul monk. In this case...

After hesitating for a moment, he tentatively offered a price:

"Ten thousand?"

As expected, the young female cultivator frowned slightly:

"This is a bit expensive..."

"As expected... Then let's quote the normal price, one thousand."

Wang Hao thought quickly in his mind.

In fact, his psychological price is a thousand points of merit.

This is not a small amount, after all, this hundred copies of Phoenix Feather Chicken Essence does not cost him much time at all, and it is almost as much as a year's income from selling ordinary Spirit Chicken Essence.

He was about to open his mouth.

The young female cultivator gritted her teeth and said:

"Ten thousand is a bit expensive, uncle. How about nine thousand and five elements?"

Thinking of her master's earnest instructions before coming here, the young female cultivator was bargaining under great pressure.

Looking at the other party's face with solemnity and solemnity.

Wang Yan opened his mouth: "Uh..."

Seeing that Wang Ba did not express his position immediately.

The young female cultivator couldn't help but feel extremely nervous, and took the initiative to say: "How about nine thousand six?"

Wang Ba hesitated.

And while he was hesitating, the young female cultivator's fingers were clenched until they turned white, with an extremely troubled look on her face:

"Uncle Master, nine thousand seven...there really can't be any more!"

"How about nine thousand eighty?"

Wang Hao finally spoke.

And this opening is the decisive blow.

The young female cultivator immediately closed her eyes dejectedly, no longer struggling, but nodded as if resigned to her fate.

"Then, then nine thousand eighty."

Outside the mission hall, watching the young female cultivator leave in despair, Wang Yan always felt that he was a bit heinous.

"But... it feels really good to get back the reduced price when selling something!"

"This can be regarded as a lesson to this nephew. Tsk, there is actually someone who is worse at bargaining than me."

After Wang Ba sighed, he simply went to Shaoyang Mountain. In the Wanxiang Scripture Library in Shaoyang Mountain, he exchanged his merits for many miscellaneous books on beast control.

Most of them are the notes and experiences of the beast-controlling monks in the sect.

Some were confiscated from outside.

The price is extremely cheap.

These things may not come in handy right away.

But it provided him with too many ideas and some scattered and rare knowledge.

These things may not even be found in the "Beast Control Scroll".

However, when he returned to Wanfa Peak, he found that there was another female cultivator waiting outside the peak.

When he saw Wang Ba, he was immediately overjoyed: "Brother, I am Zhu Caifeng..."

The other party was obviously a Jindan cultivator, but he was very polite to him.

"Feng Yu Chicken Essence has been sold out."

Wang Yan said helplessly: "Not long ago, a nephew of Yun Haifeng bought them all. If you want them, you can only wait until later."

"It's gone?"

The female cultivator looked disappointed and regretful, and immediately said: "Then how long will it take to refine it?"

"This will happen in two months at the earliest."

Wang Hao thought.

Within two months, a large number of eggs will be hatched. Even if the probability of phoenix-feather chickens being produced is very low, after the base number increases, there will still be some.

Some of the phoenix-feather chickens that were screened out would be trained into spiritual food by him.

It will then be available for sale.

A time was agreed upon and the female cultivator was sent away. However, not long after, the third wave of people arrived.

What surprised Wang Ba was that the person who came was a female cultivator again.

We waited until dark, and finally no female cultivator came again.

However, despite this, Wang Hao also made appointments with many female cultivators, and the Phoenix Feather Chicken Essence was directly booked for three years later.

However, Wang Yan did not forget the agreement he made with Hu Zaixi, the master of Houtu Peak. After having dinner with Bu Chan, he tidied up and rushed to Houtu Peak.

It’s very late again today, but the number of words is slightly more. Thank you guys for your support. Go to bed early at night. I have tried to adjust my work and rest for the past two days. I really can’t bear to stay up every day.

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