Spiritual Planting Department.

Minister Ma Shengxu looked at Cui Daqi and Wang Yan with a determined look:

"Even with this old face, I can't possibly eat these things from my daughter's house!"

Wang Yan had no choice but to dissuade him: "Uncle Ma, this is really not the Beauty Pill. This is the spiritual food I refined not long ago. It can make the face glow and regain youth..."

"I don't want to..."

Ma Shengxu refused without thinking.

However, he was stopped by Cui Daqi with a wink.

"Old Ma, let's go and talk to the side."

Ma Shengxu glanced at Cui Daqi doubtfully, and then followed Cui Daqi outside.

Wang Hao watched the two people leave and could only shake his head helplessly.

He never expected that Minister Ma was a man. He felt that what he was offering was something like rouge and powder, and he refused to accept it.

But Ma Shengxu, who walked outside, said anxiously to Cui Daqi:

"Old Cui, I am a dignified leader. If I wipe my face with these things from my daughter's house, would I be shameless?"

Cui Daqi's face wrinkled up when he heard this, and he waved his hands speechlessly:

"People have said that this is spiritual food! I have also seen it, and it is indeed spiritual food, but the effect is not yet certain, so I suggested that he try it on you..."

"Old Cui you!"

Ma Shengxu suddenly glared.

Cui Daqi didn't care about Ma Shengxu's anger and sneered:

"Okay, you old boy, don't be so shameless. This young man has always cared about your affairs and worked so hard. Otherwise, as a disciple of Wan Dharma Lineage, he would be too busy practicing every day. How would he have time to do your shit? You... are still handsome. It's not like I haven't seen you when you were so young. You had a pockmarked face. Senior Brother Yao tanned you, but your skin is much better. Why didn't you say it? If you don't say you are pockmarked, that's just taking care of you. You lose face and are out of breath!"

When Ma Shengxu heard this, he glared at Cui Daqi again angrily, but there was a trace of hesitation on his face, and he couldn't help but say:

"That...is it really spiritual food? Isn't it some kind of beauty pill or something to deceive children?"

The Beauty Pill contains erysipelas, and as long as the cultivation level is high, the effect of the Beauty Pill can be seen through, and the original appearance can be restored.

Therefore, in the eyes of people like them, except for a few, most of the means to become beautiful are just things to deceive children.

"You still don't believe me, the head of the spiritual food department?"

Cui Daqi chuckled, and then said seriously: "You just have to decide what to do, I have my heart after all... Don't worry, I can guarantee that this spiritual food will not have any side effects even if it is ineffective."

"Go ahead, am I worried about any side effects?"

Ma Shengxu glared at Cui Daqi again.

It was just spiritual food refined by a second-level spiritual beast. Even if it was poisonous, he didn't care.

I couldn't help but hesitate and said, "Then... I'll accept it?"

"Otherwise? Drive people away?"

Cui Daqi couldn't help but ridiculed.

"Okay, okay, okay! I can't tell you anything!"

Ma Shengxu stamped his foot angrily and immediately returned to the house.

He saw Wang Ba staying where he was. When he saw his arrival, he quickly looked at him expectantly.

Ma Shengxu's heart suddenly softened. He originally wanted to take action, but when the words came to his lips, he turned into:

"Then, I will... give it a try?"

Wang Ba's eyes suddenly lit up.


He quickly handed a bottle of Phoenix Feather Chicken Essence to Ma Shengxu.

There are four full phoenix-feather chickens inside.

Ma Shengxu hesitantly put it away, opened the cork, and felt relieved immediately after a flash of consciousness.

There is really spiritual food in it.

It's just that the spiritual energy contained in it is too little, almost pitiful.

"Can this thing really be effective?"

Ma Shengxu couldn't help but feel suspicious.

But thinking of what Cui Daqi said just now, he secretly said:

"That's all, even if it doesn't work, it's still his intention..."

Wang Hao didn't know the change in Ma Shengxu's heart. Seeing that the other party finally took the essence of Feng Yu Chicken, he thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he quickly said: "Uncle, can you wait for me?"

"Wait for you?"

Ma Shengxu was stunned, a little confused as to what Wang Yan was planning to do. He hesitated for a moment and said hesitantly: "How long? If it takes too long, it may not work. I will go to Shaoyin Mountain later to coordinate the venue of the conference... "

Wang Ba calculated it in his mind and said quickly:

"It only takes half an hour."

"Half an hour...then, that's okay."

Ma Shengxu thought for a moment and reluctantly agreed.

When Wang Ba heard this, he hurriedly flew out.

Cui Daqi walked in from the outside and asked doubtfully: "This kid runs very fast, what are you doing?"

Ma Shengxu shook his head and couldn't help but hold the porcelain bottle in his hand in front of him, making it at eye level.

Through the mouth of the bottle, you can see the gelatinous liquid inside.

"Is this thing really useful?"

He still responded with great suspicion.

After all, I had put a lot of effort into getting my skin color right, but I couldn't get it right.

Of course, it's not without effect. When he was first burned, it was much darker than it is now. It was almost like a human-sized black coal.

He spent a lot of effort to restore his skin color to its current state, but this was the limit. From now on, no matter what methods he tried, there would be no change.

"I can't kill you anyway, so let's try."

Cui Daqi said without any sense of responsibility.

But Ma Shengxu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

Not long after, a figure quickly flew in from outside, and soon hurried in.

"Uncle Master, you stand here, yes, that's it...don't move."

Wang Yan gave some instructions.

Then he took out a stone.

"Is this... a picture stone?"

Cui Daqi and Ma Shengxu immediately recognized the stone in Wang Ba's hand.


Wang Hao nodded and immediately explained: "I will record the current state for my uncle...and then I will also have a comparison of what changes will occur after taking the Phoenix Feather Chicken Essence."

Cui Daqi suddenly nodded.

Ma Shengxu, however, felt restless and couldn't help but said timidly: "This... this is not necessary, right?"

Cui Daqi winked at Wang Yan, and then said sternly to Ma Shengxu: "Wang Yan is researching spiritual food recipes! You are also contributing to the research on spiritual food, please cooperate."

After receiving Cui Daqi's instructions, Wang Hao immediately pointed the shadow stone at Ma Shengxu, and immediately activated the mother energy of all laws to pour it into the shadow stone.

A shadow suddenly appeared on the shadow stone, and it was Ma Shengxu's face. The details on it were so vivid that even the pores could be clearly seen.

Wang Hao quickly took the opportunity to take out a special piece of paper.

Immediately put the photo stone against the paper and lightly cover it.

In the blink of an eye, Ma Shengxu's face was left on the paper.

Like a real person.

Wang Ba immediately and respectfully handed the paper with Ma Shengxu's appearance to the other party's hand:

"Uncle Master, please keep it first."

Seeing that it was a done deal, Ma Shengxu had no choice but to take the paper and glance at the face on it, his expression complicated.

This face is both strange and familiar.

When Cui Daqi saw that Wang Hao had achieved his goal, he gave up and took Wang Hao away from the Lingzhu Department.

"Thank you, uncle, for coming forward."

On the way, Wang Yan couldn't help but thank him.

"It's okay. It's a good thing that you want to help Lao Ma, but... it's not an important thing after all, and spiritual food is just a matter of learning a little bit. You still have to focus on your own cultivation in everything."

Cui Daqi waved his hand and warned Wang Ba seriously.

Even though he is the head of the spiritual food department, in his opinion, spiritual food is just a minor path after all. Not only is it not as important as the level of cultivation, it is even far less profound than alchemy and weapon refining. It requires talent. Go far.

Although Wang Hao didn't quite agree with it, the other party still had his heart in mind, so he quickly nodded in agreement.

When Cui Daqi saw this, he didn't say anything more.

Mentioning many things once is a good intention, but saying too much is not good. Besides, he has fulfilled his responsibility as a master uncle.

Wanfa Peak.

Wang Ba couldn't help but frowned as he looked at the jade slips of the "True Yang Wu Earth Scripture" in front of him and the earth spiritual objects and spiritual materials that Yao Wudi had prepared for him.

"I've obviously already started... but why can't I practice?"

"Zhenyang Wutu Jing" is indeed a method that directly leads to the transformation of gods. Even if Wang Yan started from the Qi Refining Realm, he spent nearly two years of his life.

This is despite the fact that as a foundation builder, he already has a high-level understanding of the Five Elements.

If it were a mortal who had no knowledge of cultivation and had just come into contact with this technique, he might not even have the hope of getting started within ten or twenty years.

But after getting started, he encountered a situation that made him extremely confused.

According to the path of mana running in this technique, no matter how hard he tried, he could not produce mana.

"It shouldn't be..."

No matter what technique he practiced in the past, he could start practicing after getting started.

But the situation before him was indeed beyond his expectation, and there was no explanation for this in the jade slips.

He suddenly remembered that Yao Wudi had specially taken him to Qingmu Peak and Houtu Peak... and he did not hesitate to humiliate the peak masters of these peaks to agree to teach him.

"So Master already knew that this would happen..."

At this moment, he suddenly realized Yao Wudi's good intentions.

"I used to be too conceited."

Wang Hao shook his head slightly.

To be precise, I have too much trust in the Shouyuan panel.

However, the reality of the situation suddenly made him sober up.

"Practitioners should never lose their sense of awe... It seems that we must go to Houtu Peak."

He didn't really want to go yet.

Although Hu Zaixi, the leader of Houtu Peak, had a pretty good impression on Wang Yan, after all, he was visiting to ask for help, so this feeling was a bit restrictive.

But in the current situation, it is necessary to go.

After thinking about it, he walked around in his house, and in the end he could only take some of the essence of the third-level spiritual chicken as a gift for cultivating, and headed to Houtu Peak.

After all, we are studying, so proper etiquette is indispensable.

Moreover, if you meet someone who doesn't care, that's it. If you meet a petty peak master and spare a hand, the loss will be much greater than a few third-order spiritual chicken essence.

Wang Yan still figured this out clearly.

However, after flying to Houtu Peak, I was told that Hu Zaixi was not in the peak now. It was said that he was heading to Shaoyin Mountain to ask about the conference.

"Ask the conference..."

When Wang Bao heard this, he pondered slightly, asked Hu Zaixi the time of his return, and then left immediately.

The Dao Dao Conference is a grand event held every year in the Wanxiang Sect.

Even though he had not been in the sect for too long, he often heard about it in the teahouses in Xuanwufang City, Taiyin Mountain.

So even if he didn't inquire deliberately, he probably knew the situation and rules of the conference.

This grand event involves Qi Refining Realm monks to Golden elixir monks, and is divided into two areas: Fighting Techniques and Hundred Arts.

In the fighting area, monks of the same level compete against each other in pairs. The winner is promoted and fights all the way. If you get to the top three of the current level, you can get thousands of meritorious rewards.

This is not only a way to test the monks' self-protection, but also to prevent the monks in the sect from being overprotected and losing the ability to protect themselves.

Competing with each other will not lead to being outside the sect and having no realm but no matching strength.

The Baiyi area is much simpler than the fighting area. For example, alchemy, weapon refining, etc. will set up many difficult problems to test the monks. The winner will also be rewarded with meritorious deeds.

Of course, in addition to meritorious deeds, there will also be different rewards.

For example, there was once a Dao Dao Conference, and the top alchemist received a fourth-level alchemy furnace magic weapon.

The extravagance of this lottery is still circulated in teahouses to this day.

However, the number of prizes is also related to the prosperity of the skill.

For example, at the wine-making conference hosted by Lingjiu Peak, generally speaking, the rewards are only rare third-level wine koji.

It was valuable to the people of Lingjiu Peak, but to other monks, it was completely worthless.

Wang Yan has limited interest in this.

The rewards from the Asking Conference are just some meritorious deeds. Although for him, the more merits, the better, but maybe it is the habit brought about by having to keep a low profile for many years. He personally does not like to show himself in public. s method.

This feeling is like being stripped naked and thrown into the crowd.

Not only do I feel insecure, I feel ashamed.

Return to Wanfa Peak and feed the spirit beasts as usual.

I don’t know if it’s because the due date is getting closer. Although Bu Chan is a foundation-building monk, he is becoming more and more sleepy inexplicably. Apart from occasionally going out, he and Gu Wen enjoy flowers and visit the market. , after barely finishing the things in Lingtian, he was so sleepy that he went back to rest.

Therefore, Wang Ba can only do it himself when it comes to feeding the spirit beasts.

But soon, Wang Yan discovered something unusual.

"It's strange, why hasn't the Ghost-patterned Skink come out to eat recently?"

Feeling slightly confused, he immediately endured the stench and walked into the cave where the skink lizards lived.

The cave was originally not big. When it was opened, it was only used as a place for skin dragon lizards to stay.

However, skink lizards have the habit of digging caves, so the caves here are getting longer and longer and more complex.

Wang Haoruo had no spiritual sense to guide the way, but it was difficult to find the location of the ghostly skin dragon lizard in such a complicated cave.

However, when his consciousness swept over the ghost-patterned skink, he couldn't help but reveal a hint of surprise and surprise.

"No wonder... another nest of eggs was laid."

Quickly walking through the cave, Wang Yan quickly found the location of the ghost-patterned skink.

I saw the ghost-patterned skink with a weak look on its face.

Next to it, Wang Yan saw eight white eggs.

But one of the eggs was surprisingly large.

It is more than twice the size of the animal egg next to it.

"So big!"

Wang Hao quickly went to check the cloaca of the ghost-patterned skink, and sure enough, he saw a trace of dried black blood and a gap left on it.

Thinking about laying this egg, the ghost skink dragon lizard also suffered a lot.

"No wonder he looks so weak."

Wang Hao was slightly stunned.

After carefully examining the huge beast egg, I couldn't hold it completely with both hands.

However, the aura within it is far richer than the surrounding beast eggs.

"It seems to be another mutated species... I don't know if it is a short-lived species or a long-lived species, whether it can survive."

Wang Hao guessed in his mind.

After feeling it carefully for a while, based on past experience, he quickly judged the time when these eggs were laid.

"It's been about three months, so it will be hatched in more than a month?"

The incubation period for the eggs laid by the ghostly skink lizard is basically about four months.

Of course, this requires constant temperature and humidity. Although this can be achieved in the cave, the temperature is still a little worse than the most suitable.

Wang Ba did not hesitate, and immediately took away the ghost-patterned skin dragon lizard and the eight eggs it laid.

Passing by the pool area, you can see that Wu Yuan King is rarely meditating, but his body is constantly making various movements that seem funny, but if you look closely, they seem to have a wild and wild flavor.

"Has it started yet?"

Wang Hao nodded slightly.

These movements performed by Wu Yuan King are naturally the training content in "Nine Transformations of the Ape God".

And it seems that King Wuyu is progressing at a pretty good rate.

In contrast, Wang Hao was still lingering outside the door while he was also practicing techniques directed at transforming into gods.

When he thought of this, Wang Yan himself was speechless.

It's just that Hu Zaixi hasn't gone back yet. For a while, it seems that there is nothing else he can do except refining his magic power.

"By the way, Phoenix Feather Chicken..."

After all, the grade of the second-grade Phoenix Feather Chicken is a bit low.

If the third-level Phoenix Feather Chicken is refined into essence, the effect of restoring youth should be more obvious.

It's a pity that the Phoenix Feather Chicken's body is almost the same as that of a broiler chicken. It is simply impossible to advance the Phoenix Feather Chicken to the third level through bloodline breakthrough.

Because it is impossible to survive the thunderstorm.

It's just that Wang Yan didn't have a better way for a while.

After thinking about it, he immediately returned to the chicken farm.

As a result, he saw a scene that made him helpless.

His Palm Chicken, the most beautiful golden flower in the whole chicken farm - Yi San, is currently lying in the nest, hatching eggs.

"This bastard Jia Fifteen!"

Wang Ba couldn't help but cursed again.

Picking up Yi San, he saw four huge spiritual eggs under its butt.

Two of them were immediately obvious to be unfertilized.

It's just that Yi San, a young phoenix-feathered chicken, has no experience, so he still hatches it seriously.

Wang Hao picked the two white eggs away casually, but soon he felt something in his heart, and when his consciousness swept over, he saw Jia Shiwu staring at him abnormally, with a hint of hidden anger flashing in his eyes.

"How did you offend it?"

Wang Ba was confused.

But of course he came here for something important, and he immediately started checking the chickens one by one to see if he could find a suitable breeding male to expand the population of chickens and win by quantity.

But at this moment, Jia Shiwu was filled with anger.

"Damn it! He actually dared to touch my concubine with his dirty hands in front of me..."

But it soon realized something and shook its head quickly:

"No! It's not a concubine... I am Jin Dan Zhenren! She is just a chicken... How can humans and beasts... stick to worldly views!"

"That's right!"

Jia Fifteen suddenly woke up, as if he was enlightened, his eyes shone, and he quickly convinced himself:

"I, the dignified Jindan Master, love her, so what's the problem! Her purity and refinement cannot be matched by those ordinary chickens in the world!"

"Besides, I am not coveting beauty, but just to accumulate longevity..."

The reasons became smoother and smoother, and Jia Fifteen stood up straighter and straighter.

But now that Yisan has begun hatching eggs, it can't ignore its own offspring.

Two corns moved sideways.

Xuan even saw a group of Feng Yu chickens that looked extraordinary, even more aggressive than Yi San, but with a bit more heroic feeling.

"Why do these males... seem to be quite good-looking?"

Jia Shiwu murmured.

The two corns couldn't help but become erratic.

Li Miao Peak.

In the house where the peak master is.

The empty porcelain bottle fell to the ground.

Ma Shengxu stood in front of the water mirror blankly.

Touching his face in disbelief.

In the water mirror, his face was reflected:

The slightly dark face seemed to lack moisture and was slightly dry.

The water mirror swayed slightly, and immediately reflected his neck, arms, calves...

He looked at himself in the water mirror in disbelief, and then as if he thought of something, he quickly took out a piece of drawing paper from the storage artifact.

The mana rolled up and fixed it next to the water mirror.

On the drawing paper, there was printed a face with extremely dark, chapped and even skinned skin.

It seemed to be somewhat similar to him, but it was older, more haggard, much darker, and much dryer than him in the water mirror.

The face on the drawing paper looks like a real old farmer.

But the face in the water mirror looked like a mortal general. Although it was darker, it still had a trace of heroism.

At first glance, it is almost impossible to conflate the two.

“It actually works!”

Ma Shengxu still felt like he was in a dream.

He never thought that it could actually be possible!

Yao Wudi's disciple actually helped him restore his former appearance.

Of course, if you look carefully, you can still see that there are still slight cracks on your face in the water mirror.

His skin color still looks a lot darker than that of ordinary people.

But this change was enough to make him feel excited.

People are like this, if they have always had it, they won't care about it, but once they lose it, they will miss it for a long time and think of it from time to time... This is the case, and monks are no exception.

In fact, this has become a trace of Ma Shengxu's inner demon.

Although it is not serious, it is still a hidden danger.

Ma Shengxu himself knew this, but he didn't have a better way. He could only act like he didn't care on purpose, and even showed it to others to try not to think too much about it.

However, the emergence of this spiritual food, perhaps, can solve this problem?

Ma Shengxu couldn't help but have thoughts in his mind:

"This spiritual food seems to be called chicken essence... If I remember correctly, it seems to be the second level. The second level alone can have such an effect. What about the third level?"

"Is it possible to completely restore my youthful appearance?"

Thinking of this, Ma Shengxu couldn't help but feel excited.

Without any hesitation, he immediately put away the drawing paper, cut off the water mirror, and immediately released a transmission talisman.

Not long after, another transmission note flew back.

"Wang Ba is not in the Spiritual Planting Department...then he should be in Wanfa Peak."

Ma Shengxu hesitated slightly.

Immediately, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes:

"Yao Wudi is not here...Besides, even if he is here, I, I am not afraid!"

Thinking of this, he quickly flew towards Wanfa Peak.

After a while, he flew to the Wanfa Peak.

Scanning the area with his spiritual consciousness, he discovered that a fourth-level formation seemed to have been set up here. It was difficult to enter without permission.

"Did Yao Wudi find someone to arrange it?"

Ma Shengxu frowned slightly.

He immediately sent a message through the air into Wanfa Peak:

"Master Nephew Wang, are you there?"

He shouted four or five times in a row, but there was no sound at all.

"Not there?"

Ma Shengxu couldn't help but frown slightly.

But at this moment, there was a figure below stepping on the flying magic weapon, flying slowly towards him. It was a female cultivator with a good appearance and a big belly. When she saw Ma Shengxu, she quickly saluted slightly: "See you. Senior, junior Bu Chan, are you here to see my Taoist companion, Wang Ba?"

"Wang Ba's Taoist companion?"

When Ma Shengxu heard this, his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, but he saw a rare and pure aura of lightness of vegetation on the top of the female cultivator in front of him.

He couldn't help but be slightly surprised: "Spiritual planter?"

However, this surprise was quickly replaced by the urgency in his heart. He quickly said: "Exactly, isn't he here now?"

"Yes, it's just that he seemed to have gone into seclusion, so he couldn't hear...Senior, wait a moment, I'll call him over right now."

Bu Chan explained.

But after hearing Bu Chan's words, Ma Shengxu quickly stopped him: "No, since he is in retreat, don't disturb him. I'll just wait here... You can go back first."

After all, the other party has a big belly. As an older monk, it is not easy for him to stand here and accompany him.

Bu Chan heard the words, but he was polite and thoughtful, and invited: "Senior, why don't you go inside the peak and sit down for a while."

"It's okay. You go back first. I'll just wait for him here."

Ma Shengxu said quickly.

Although he said he didn't care about Yao Wudi, he couldn't help but stop when he arrived at Wanfa Peak.

After Bu Chan heard this and invited him again and again, he had no choice but to go back.

Ma Shengxu simply sat cross-legged outside Wanfa Peak and waited quietly.

However, not long after, a stream of light flashed across the horizon.

As if he noticed something, the streamer paused for a moment, and then a figure suddenly flew out of the streamer and landed directly in front of Ma Shengxu.

He is short in stature and looks like a child.

It is Hu Zaixi, the master of Houtu Peak.

He flew in front of Ma Shengxu with a look of astonishment on his face, and was astonished:


"Junior Brother Ma? Why are you here at Wanfa Peak? Aren't you and Yao Wudi..."

"I'm not here for Yao Wudi."

Ma Shengxu said disapprovingly.

"Then what are you doing for..."

Hu Zaixi looked curious.

Ma Shengxu stopped answering and asked:

"Senior Brother Hu, aren't you busy?"

Hu Zaixi didn't care about Ma Shengxu's words and said with a smile:

"It's okay to be busy. I just went to Shaoyin Mountain to help with the venue for the conference. But I remember that Yao Wudi has been to Xihai Kingdom for a while. Oh, yes, he also has a disciple... You are here to see him A disciple? What do you want to do with his disciple?"

"How do you know I'm here to find his disciple?"

As soon as Ma Shengxu asked, he realized that he had asked the wrong question.

Almost all the Yuanying monks in the sect knew that before Yao Wudi left, he took his disciple Wang Ba to many peaks.

As one of them, Houtu Peak is naturally very clear.

"There's nothing wrong..."

Ma Shengxu prevaricates casually.

However, Hu Zaixi was not so easy to fool. He rolled his eyes slightly, and then seemed to think of a previous rumor, and said with a smile:

"Didn't you make an agreement with this kid? Wait until he transforms into a god, and then he'll treat you... Are you waiting for him to help you recover?"

When Ma Shengxu heard this, his heart suddenly jumped and he said quickly:

"How did you know that I made this agreement with him?"

Immediately, I thought about it and realized that it was probably the monks present in the Spiritual Planting Department who had spread the news.

Sure enough, Hu Zaixi said disapprovingly:

"Junior brother, why are you so nervous? Didn't everyone know about this a long time ago? I mean, you are serious. How can you be so angry with a junior? Let alone whether he has the hope to reach the top of the mountain and become a god. Even if he does, then that's okay. It may not be able to cure your problem... Wait a minute, your face..."

Hu Zaixi looked at Ma Shengxu in surprise.

They are both monks in the sect and have been acquaintances for many years. He naturally remembers what the other person looks like.

He didn't notice it at first, but now he finally noticed the changes in Ma Shengxu.

"Is your problem cured?"

Hu Zaixi couldn't help being surprised.

"You're the one with the problem!"

Ma Shengxu finally couldn't hold back and spoke back.

However, Hu Zaixi didn't care at all. He glanced at Ma Shengxu and couldn't help but look at Wanfa Peak.

There was a hint of wonder in his eyes:

"Could it be...that he really cured me?"

After Hu Zaixi finished speaking, he quickly shook his head.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

A foundation-building monk wants to cure a Nascent Soul monk's chronic illness. As long as he is not stupid, he will never believe this.

Just hearing Hu Zaixi's words, a complicated look flashed across Ma Shengxu's face.

Just about to speak.

In the distance, a few more streams of light flashed past.

Two of them suddenly fell out of the stream of light and flew directly in front of Ma Shengxu and Hu Zaixi.

"Hey, Lao Ma, your face..."

One of them was Cui Daqi, the director of the Spiritual Food Department, but his eyes looking at Ma Shengxu at this moment were full of disbelief.

Unlike Hu Zaixi who didn't know the inside story, he immediately reacted:

"The Phoenix Feather Chicken Essence given by Wang Hao...is it really effective?!"

A middle-aged monk in yellow clothes who appeared next to Cui Daqi frowned slightly when he heard this:

"Wang Ba? A disciple of Yao Wudi? How can such a reckless man have a decent disciple? Junior Brother Cui, don't talk nonsense here."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was shocked to find that Ma Shengxu, who originally hated Yao Wudi the most, looked at him coldly.

I'm really sorry. I've been getting off work very late recently and have a lot of things to do, so I can only stay up late to write... I'm sorry to the bosses who have been waiting.

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