Longevity, starting from being a chicken raising servant

Chapter 215 Fight! (six thousand updates)

"What does this mean, Fellow Daoist Zhu?"

Wang Hao looked at Zhu Ziji who was blocking the way in front, and his expression darkened.

Zhu Ziji controlled the flying magic weapon, stood in mid-air with his hands behind his back, looking down at Wang Yan with great interest:

"I remember you, Wang Yan... Li Canghai actually didn't kill you that time. You were able to do this in the early stage of foundation building. It seems that you are quite capable. It's a pity that you have to..."

As he spoke, Zhu Ziji's expression suddenly changed!

A silver-haired ape suddenly appeared out of nowhere and hit his head with a stick!

"Second level top grade!"

"When was he released?!"

Zhu Ziji noticed the ape's aura and was immediately shocked.

Even though the foundation construction was complete, he did not dare to take any force and retreated sideways. Immediately, a wave of blood suddenly surged out from his body. While protecting Zhu Ziji, the torrential blood wave surged towards the ape.

The blood was stinky and filthy, including broken limbs, broken hands, eyes, and teeth...

There was even a faint sound of suffocating crying!

At first glance, he is extremely unpleasant to mess with.

However, King Wu Yuan is as indifferent as an old monk on weekdays, but once he takes action, he is extremely fierce.

Facing the blood wave, he didn't dodge or dodge, and rushed forward!

"How brave!"

"I think this ape will be your support!"

"Look at me, I'll kill it right now!"

Zhu Ziji sneered.

His blood wave is a protective treasure that he has practiced hard for many years. It is both a spell and a magic weapon. It looks fierce and strange, but in fact it is even more powerful. Not only can it defile people's magic weapons, but it can also contaminate the foundation-building monks. A little while ago, if you don't pay attention, your flesh and bones will be eroded in an instant...

As he expected, the ape was washed away by the waves of blood, and its flesh and blood melted instantly. On its arms, white bones were vaguely visible.

Seeing that the bones will be eroded.

Zhu Ziji raised his hand and saw a bloody magic sword, which passed through the blood waves without being affected at all and stabbed the Wu Yuan King.

But at this moment.

Zhu Ziji felt the spiritual platform shake, and a sharp tingling sensation hit his heart.

At the same time, a talisman on the body was instantly activated.

"Soul attack?!"

Zhu Zi turned around in surprise.

Wang Hao casually threw a human skin drum with a damaged drum surface aside, and immediately raised his hand and launched a second-level water-type 'Water Wave Technique', hitting him!


Feeling the mediocre and even weak mana fluctuations in the water waves, Zhu Ziji sneered, and the blood waves surrounding Wu Yuan King split off into a small part in an instant, and quickly scattered the water waves.

However, in the next second, countless green bamboos were already interspersed from the water waves. In the collapsing water waves, the rich water magic power was instantly absorbed by the wood bamboos, rushing at an astonishing speed. Cross the blood wave and stab towards the purple pole!


Zhu Ziji showed a slightly strange look, but he had experienced hundreds of battles. He had already experienced this simple method of five elements interdependence. He had already understood the limits of this spell, and he waved his sleeves.

Several phantoms quickly flew out of his sleeves and quickly merged into the blood waves.

Immediately, a blood-venomed beast roared out from the blood waves and cut off the green bamboos.

The corners of Zhu Ziji's mouth were slightly raised, and her eyes were mocking.

A mere monk in the early stage of foundation building dared to take the initiative when he encountered me. It was simply...

However, the smile that curled up at the corner of his mouth froze instantly.

Zhu Ziji suddenly turned around, only to see the silver-haired ape in the blood wave, carrying the wash of the blood wave, rushing left and right as if he was in an uninhabited land.

Purple lightning flashed across his body, and as soon as the blood waves around him came into contact, they howled and retreated instantly!

The lightning is as strong as the sun, and it is the natural enemy of evil demon cultivators. This blood wave is originally made from the energy of evil and filth. When it encounters this ray of lightning on the body of Wu Yuan King, it is naturally like seeing a natural enemy. , all retreated.

Seeing this, Zhu Ziji couldn't help but froze, and without hesitation, he affixed various life-saving talismans on himself, and then he mobilized his magic sword and slashed at the ape's neck.

If this sword hits, no matter how capable the ape is, he will still suffer hatred.

However, at this moment, Zhu Ziji had to look back again.

Just because the green bamboo that had been cut off just now suddenly lit up with sparks.

However, this little bit of fire suddenly rose up with the help of the fallen wood energy of the green bamboo.

Burning wantonly in the blood wave.

Under the steam, he watched the blood beast shrink rapidly.

Zhu Zi was extremely angry!

This wave of blood was his blood, and he was not willing to waste it at Wang Ba's hands.

Immediately, with a wave of his sleeve, a large wave of blood surged and quickly overflowed all around!

It was originally a wave of blood, but now it was like the waves of a river of blood, extinguishing the flames in an instant.

He was about to kill Wang Ba first with a wave of blood, so as not to end it endlessly, but suddenly, he heard a howling wind in his ears!

"what happened!?"

Zhu Ziji didn't even have time to think about it, the talismans outside his body were instantly activated by being hit, bang bang bang!

A series of sounds of shattering talismans and treasure lights caused Zhu Ziji's complexion to change suddenly!

But precisely because these talisman treasures took almost all the damage, Zhu Ziji was able to react, and the surrounding blood waves gathered in an instant, like a huge blood ball, completely covering it.

At the same time, the existence that had just attacked him was instantly squeezed out.

Only then did he see the figure that had just attacked him.

Astonishingly, it was a silver demon ape that was three feet tall and had limbs as thick as a century-old tree!

The demon ape's eyes were filled with blood, and its limbs were covered with white bones. However, the flesh and blood quickly grew and rolled among the bones...

"It's the ape spirit beast just now!"

Zhu Ziji's face showed a solemn look for the first time.

Although I don't know why the other party has changed so much, the strong spiritual power fluctuations on the other party cannot be faked.

"Second-level top quality... no, it's more difficult than ordinary second-level top quality!"

Although spirit beasts are physically strong, and many spirit beasts can be said to be born with physical abilities, whether it is a lack of intelligence or a single method, spirit beasts are often unable to compare with monks of the same level.

A normal second-level top quality is at most the level of a late-stage foundation-building monk.

However, this demon ape seems to be an exception.

The strength of the aura and the ferocity of the attack are almost the same as those of ordinary Foundation Establishment Perfection cultivators.

"Wang Ba, I underestimated him. Fortunately, Uncle Lu asked me to deal with this person. Otherwise, if it were another person, I would have let him escape!"

Zhu Ziji's mind was spinning.

That's right, even though this ape is ferocious and comparable to ordinary Foundation-Building Perfection monks, Zhu Ziji is still confident of winning it.

"But... this ape is a good beast, so I will kill the king first and capture him!"

Thinking of this, Zhu Ziji had no hesitation.

He took out a sea bowl from the storage ring and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The bowl of the sea instantly grew larger, spun, and fell towards the silver-haired demon ape in the distance!

The silver-haired demon ape's eyes were full of rage, and he roared and rushed towards Haiwan.

As expected, he was completely covered by the Haiwan magic weapon.

Even though the demonic ape was smashing and roaring in it, the Haiwan magic weapon remained motionless, as peaceful as a mountain.

Zhu Ziji immediately dropped the silver-haired demon ape, and the blood wave twisted and twisted, quickly condensing into a giant bloody python. Zhu Ziji stood on the head of the python and crashed into Wang Ba who was hiding in the distance.

However, at the moment when he was about to hit Wang Ba, an earth-colored cone pillar suddenly rose up from under the python's head, directly piercing the blood python!

The blood python quickly decomposed, but another earth-colored conical pillar thrust out towards the sky, blocking the blood python!


Zhu Zi was very impatient, and directly pointed his hands into swords, pointing towards Wang Yan.

One of the blood pythons that was very close to Wang Ba suddenly opened its mouth, and a blood-colored magic sword pierced out from it and chopped off Wang Ba's head!

"The hidden weapon in the art!"

Wang Ba looked shocked.

This move is exactly the same as his hidden needle.

It depends on the unexpected.

Even though Wang Hao realized it for a moment, he couldn't react immediately like the enemies who couldn't escape his hidden needles.

Mana was quickly poured into the defensive weapon, but the bloody magic sword had already struck Wang Ba's neck first!

Even if it is a foundation-building monk whose head is beheaded, even if he does not die immediately, his combat power will still be reduced.

However, Zhu Ziji was stunned for a moment.

Not only Zhu Ziji, but Song Buping who came in a hurry also had a dull look on his face when he saw this scene.

I saw that Wang Ba, whose neck was slashed by the magic sword, still had his breath, and seemed to be completely fine!

"This, how is this possible!"

Song Buping saw this scene from a distance and couldn't believe it.

He suddenly remembered that more than a year ago, he had had thoughts about this fellow Daoist Wang, but luckily he stopped in time.

Now that I think about it, I suddenly broke into a cold sweat!

How could he handle such a weird method on his own?

But the scene that happened next made Song Buping even more grateful that he had not been impulsive before.

I saw the blood python sweeping across in the distance, easily sweeping away the earth-colored conical pillars blocking the front. However, the earth fell and gold came out, and the gold borrowed the earth's veins. Wang Hao raised his hand and released the sand and iron all over the sky. With the help of the rich earth around him, The energy of the pulse condenses sharp arrows, and arrows rain down instantly!

The sharp roar of the Gengjin arrows made Song Buping, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but change his expression.

But Zhu Ziji, who was inside, finally realized something, and his expression turned ugly:

"You are deliberately creating these scattered Five Elements Qi!"

"You found out too late!"

Wang Ba gritted his teeth, and at the moment when Gengjin arrows were scattered around and dissipated into Gengjin energy, he directly released a second-level water spell!

This spell was unremarkable at the beginning, and its power was almost the same as the water wave that Wang Hao released for the first time.

However, at this moment, after superimposing the previous round of Five Elements spells, the power of this water spell is no different from the second-level powerful water spell.

Feeling the power of this water method, Zhu Zi's extremely thin face showed a wild smile:

"What did I think it was? That's it?"

Even so, he quickly affixed another talisman to himself with extreme caution.

Compared with Yan Yun, although he cannot win every battle, he can always remain defeated and not die. The reason is that life-saving is the first priority at all times!

After doing this, Zhu Ziji directly took the initiative to drive the blood wave and pounced on the second-level water method!

Not only that, he also quickly threw out the magnetic beads from the storage ring. Under the infusion of his mana, these magnetic beads quickly exploded in mid-air!

Waves of magnetic energy quickly spread out.

The power of Yuan magnetism can interfere with the five elements, but it has no great impact on his blood power.

So even though Yuan Magnetic Beads were extremely rare, he always had some on hand, and now, they just came in handy.

However, his expression suddenly changed!

Because after the second-level water magic, before the power of Yuan Magnetic broke out, he had already followed up with the magic one after another!

Wood, fire, earth, metal...water!

Wood, fire, earth, metal...second level powerful water method!

There are sixteen in total, a total of three rounds of five element spells, plus a powerful water spell to finish.

In just an instant, eleven spells quickly completed the biochemistry of the five elements with extremely precise rhythm and connection, and with the last Jade Dew spell, it exploded like a river bursting its banks!

In a flash, the blood cells around Zhu Ziji's body were destroyed like ashes!

Zhu Ziji’s expression changed wildly!

"Damn it! Where did he get so much mana!"

The key is to control it so accurately!

At this moment, he suddenly smelled a life-and-death crisis!

Without any hesitation!

Zhu Ziji frantically took out a lot of talismans from his storage bag and stood in front of him!

At the same time, he tried every means to escape.

However, Wang Ba's spell came too fast, and the distance between the two was too close!

After Zhu Ziji threw a lot of talismans to block him, he had no time to dodge.

Bang bang bang!


The talisman's treasure light collapsed one after another!

The defensive magic weapon treasure light on his body quickly dimmed after struggling to hold on for a few breaths.

When there was no time to lose, Zhu Ziji gritted his teeth and extracted all the mana from his dantian, forming a bloody barrier in front of him. At the same time, he took out a small cup from the storage ring at extreme speed.

After the blood-colored barrier sustained for a few breaths, it was defeated by the remaining spell.

At this moment, Zhu Ziji raised his hand to take the contents of the small cup to his mouth. Before he could drink it, the remaining mana wave shattered the small cup.

In an instant, crystal blood splashed all over the ground...

And his whole body instantly looked like tatters, and even a large piece of flesh and blood was worn away from his thin face.

But even so, he is still not dead!

After the dust cleared, he was covered in wounds, but he still struggled to sit up, trying to quickly absorb the spiritual energy around him.

Wang Ba, who was not far away, was almost exhausted of his mana at this moment.

He quickly tried to take out the spirit chicken essence.

What shocked him was that the storage ring, storage bag, and spirit animal bag could not be opened.

No, it’s because the magic power can’t be used at all!

"It's the power of magnetism!"

Wang Ba felt the extremely special spiritual energy fluctuations coming from around his body. Although he had never seen it with his own eyes, he instantly remembered something mentioned in some classics.

The power of Yuan Magnetic can interfere with the five elements, and within its coverage, the power of the five elements cannot take place.

Monks who practice the Five Elements are often affected by it, unable to use or display their magic power. Apart from having rough skin and thick flesh, and sharper five senses, they are almost indistinguishable from ordinary people.

However, what made Wang Ba's eyes suddenly focus was that Zhu Ziji, who was not far away, seemed not to be affected at all, actually sitting on the spot and vomiting.

Seeing Wang Yan's eyes, Zhu Ziji's pitted face suddenly revealed a bloody and horrifying smile:

"Did you find that you couldn't use your magic power at all?"

"The storage ring and spirit beast bag can't be opened either?"

"Haha, just wait a moment. When I recover, I will kill you."

Wang Ba's face was slightly cold.

But instead of responding, he quickly looked around.

However, his consciousness was disturbed, and he didn't know exactly where the power of magnetism extended.

He wanted to escape, but if he turned around and ran away now, if the opponent recovered and came back to kill him, he would probably not be able to use the five elements combination spell to stop the enemy.

However, why does the other party seem to be able to absorb the refining mana?

Wang Ba's heart was full of doubts and anxiety.

His eyes quickly swept past Zhu Ziji, and then stopped on the crystal blood beads scattered on the ground beside Zhu Ziji.

Although his spiritual consciousness was disturbed, he could still roughly feel the surprisingly rich blood energy in the blood beads.

Wang Ba's heart moved, could it be this?

Seeing Wang Ba's eyes falling on the blood beads, Zhu Zi tried his best to speed up the absorption.

Due to his serious injury, his refining speed of the surrounding blood beads was very slow.

But this did not prevent him from sarcastically saying:

"You don't need to read it. This is the blood essence that I condensed with a lot of hard work. It is not affected by the power of magnetism. It is completely different from the Five Elements method you practice. You don't have to waste your efforts."

After hearing Zhu Ziji's words, Wang Yan's expression suddenly became strange.

"A massive... blood energy?"

At this moment, Song Buping, who had been watching the battle from a distance, finally plucked up the courage and flew over.

But in the distance, he stopped and shouted loudly:

"Senior Brother Zhu! I'm here to help you!"

Zhu Ziji was overjoyed when he heard this: "Quick! Kill him!"


After all, Song Buping is a foundation-building monk. He has reached this point and he has a lot of ferocity. He can pull the flying sword and shoot it towards Wang Ba!

However, after flying into the air, the flying sword suddenly fell.


Song Buping in the distance suddenly widened his eyes.

Zhu Ziji's expression changed: "Which path are you from?"

"Xuan, Xuan Puppet Way..."

"Damn it! Xuan Puppet Tao uses the five elements of mana, aren't you giving him a sword?"

When Song Buping heard this, his face suddenly turned pale!

He originally thought that monks couldn't touch the power of magnetism, but he didn't know that they couldn't even use magic weapons.

Zhu Ziji, aware of the danger, gritted his teeth and made a vigorous move.

The magic sword that fell down was instantly pulled back by Zhu Ziji.

Just a little bit of mana that had just been condensed was also exhausted.

However, what surprised Zhu Zi was that Wang Yan also sat down cross-legged.

He couldn't help but sneered: "Haha, I told you, you can't absorb it... it's impossible!!!"

Zhu Zi stared blankly.

He watched in disbelief as a touch of rich blood quickly rose from the blood droplets beside him. Under Wang Yan's guidance, it quickly merged into the opponent's... waist?

"How can you absorb..."

"You, how come your Dantian..."

Zhu Ziji's face was filled with disbelief.

However, there was an unprecedented fear!

This Wang Ba, he actually practiced blood skills as well!

It shouldn't be... doesn't he follow the path of the Five Elements?

If the Five Elements and Blood Skills are in the same Dantian, won't he explode?

At this moment, Zhu Ziji's mind was filled with shock, confusion and fear!

And soon, this fear quickly came true.

Wang Ba's waist seemed to be hungry and thirsty, quickly devouring the rich blood around him. It didn't take long for the blood beads around Zhu Ziji to disappear quickly.

"Puppet! Use a puppet to take me out!"

Zhu Ziji couldn't sit still at all. He was seriously injured and had difficulty moving. He could only shout to Song Buping outside.

Song Buping looked embarrassed:

"Senior Brother Zhu, I...I have been guarding the passage, and I don't have the materials to make it at all!"


Zhu Zi was so aggrieved that she almost vomited blood.

At this moment, he suddenly turned back and looked at Wang Hao's waist with shock.

He suddenly noticed that in the other party's waist, there was actually a trace of Qi when refining Qi and breaking into the foundation...

"You... are you the legendary second dantian?!"

Zhu Ziji's face showed a hint of surprise!

The next moment, a magic weapon flashed.

Zhu Ziji’s head soared into the sky!

Immediately in mid-air, it instantly turned into pieces...

And his body was completely shattered.

With the interference of the power of Yuan Magnet, there is no need to worry that the soul can still exist.

Even if Tu Shengdao is good at faking death, Zhu Ziji may not be able to come back to life this time.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Yan finally let out a long breath.

Immediately, I couldn't help but feel a sense of trance.

The last time he defeated Zheng Yuanhua, the leader of the Xianghuo Dao thief, it could be said that it was a fluke.

However, this time, he was facing off against Zhu Ziji, one of the top five most powerful monks in the Tianmen Sect.

Even if he took advantage of his carelessness, it was still because of the restraint of King Wuyu.

But it can also be said that he was upright and defeated and killed this opponent.

Unknowingly, he had reached this level.

But he didn't have time to express much emotion.

His eyes glanced at Song Buping who was escaping hastily in the distance, and a hint of coldness flashed in Wang Yan's eyes.

He quickly put away the Haiwan magic weapon that was suppressing King Wuyu in the distance, and immediately took King Wuyu with him to kill Song Buping in the direction of his escape.

"Wang Ba...is dead?"

Ning Daohuan stared at the dimmed spiritual sign in his hand, looking a little confused for a moment.

He was also planning to use this to please Tang Shangzhen, but why did Wang Ba suddenly die?

Who did it?

I saw it a few days ago. Isn't it still good?

When Tang Ji heard this, he glanced at the spirit-sending lotus, and a trace of disgust suddenly flashed in his eyes.

This kind of sect that uses the aura of the soul as a means of coercion is not uncommon, but most of them are in Dachu and the former Dawu.

For example, most of the demons in Dayan are disdainful.

After hearing Ning Daohuan's words, I didn't feel much.

He has seen too many geniuses of all kinds, but very few have left such a deep impression on him as 'Shen Fu'.

So although he was a little regretful, he didn't care too much.

"Then let's call those people from before and have a look. If they meet the requirements, I will take them away."

Tang Ji said lightly.


Ning Daohuan quickly replied.

I was secretly glad that I didn't tell Lu Yuansheng before.

At the same time, he quickly clicked on the sign to send the spirit: "Yan Chi is in the station...and Yan Yun and Zhu Ziji..."

Just saying.

In Ning Daohuan's palm, a spiritual sign suddenly dimmed.


Ning Daohuan lowered his head and was stunned when he saw the small gilt characters on the soul-dissipating lotus.

"Zhu Ziji is also dead?"

I've been waiting for a long time, everyone. I originally wanted to divide it into two chapters, but I didn't feel comfortable reading it, so I put it together.

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