Dongsheng Station.

In mid-air, I heard the blue-robed monk's angry voice asking.

The people around Jindan Realm noticed the danger and immediately became alert.

Ning Daohuan also narrowed his eyes slightly, with an unknown taste flashing in his eyes, and his tone became much colder:

"Dare I ask where my friend is from?"

"Is it possible that you are here to avenge Pang Xiao of the Shanhai Sect?"

"Pang Xiao..."

The blue-robed monk had just gone out of his way to ask the few casual cultivators in the Chen Kingdom and had a general understanding of the situation.

Knowing that this person was the newly promoted Nascent Soul monk who was beheaded.

Immediately, my mind changed, I frowned and said coldly:

"You killed a Yuanying monk in the land under the jurisdiction of Dajin... and you don't even know who I am?"

"A monk from Da Chu doesn't know any rules?"

After hearing the words of the blue-robed monk, the surrounding Jindan Daoists were still a little confused, at most there was a hint of panic at being called out.

But as the leader of a religion, he could faintly touch Ning Daohuan at a higher level. When he heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and a possibility suddenly jumped out in his heart!

And when he thought of that possibility, he felt the unfathomable cultivation of the blue-robed monk, which invisibly confirmed his guess.

Ning Daohuan's original domineering momentum and cold attitude suddenly stagnated, and then he subconsciously lowered his voice a lot and said carefully:

", are you from the Jin Dynasty..."

"It's good to know."

The blue-robed monk glanced at him coldly:

"I, the Jin Dynasty, have already issued a strict order. Within the territory under the jurisdiction of the Jin Dynasty, from the third level up, no private fights to the death are allowed!"

"Chen State has been in isolation for hundreds of years, and now it has finally given birth to a Nascent Soul cultivator, but you openly killed him, which is a serious violation of this rule!"

After hearing this, Ning Daohuan was already very confident in confirming the identity of the other party, and he was probably close to him.

It’s exactly ‘subordinate guard’!

It is said that these people are all monks used by the Jin Dynasty to monitor the subordinate countries. Each of them is extremely powerful, and one person can suppress the existence of a country.

Of course, not only Da Jin has them, but others such as Da Chu, Da Qi, and Da Yan also have them.

It's just that the other things are unclear. The system in Dachu has long been abolished, and there is no one to manage it at all.

Otherwise, Tianmen Sect would not be able to develop for many years with almost no one paying attention.

Think of this.

Ning Daohuan suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart, and he quickly raised his hands and said:

"Dare to ask my friend...Shangzhen, what is the punishment for violating this rule?"

The blue-robed monk raised three fingers.

"You have three choices. Either follow me to Dajin after some time and serve for three hundred years."

"Or, I will execute you on the spot to uphold the Jin Code!"

"Or, for the Shanhai Sect that you destroyed, you can help them rebuild it and leave enough resources to be promoted to Nascent Soul..."

"The third one! Shang Zhen, I would like to choose the third one!"

Ning Daohuan said quickly without even thinking about it.

Establishing a foothold in the territory under the jurisdiction of Dajin was something he had long thought about. If he could hand over a sum of resources and get official recognition and protection from Dajin, it would be the best thing.

Although helping the Shanhai Sect to rebuild would leave a resource to be promoted to Nascent Soul, even he would be distressed for a long time, but compared to serving and being killed, it was infinitely stronger.

"I'm not finished yet."

The blue-robed monk said with a cold expression:

"In addition, this place used to be the Dongsheng Sect... You are not my sect of the Great Jin Dynasty, but you brazenly took away the sect's foundation in the area under my jurisdiction. You broke the rules! You should be punished for your crime!"

"I order you to find Dongsheng Sect and return this place to its old owner. Any losses will be made up for by you."


Ning Daohuan was stunned for a moment!

He couldn't help but glance at the purple figure locked by the iron chain in the distance, a trace of deep unwillingness and humiliation flashed in his eyes.

If it's anything else, that's it. Even if he invites Ji Lan and his subordinates to come back, it doesn't matter.

But this revealed that the true value of Yuanshen was extremely valuable and would be of great use to him. Once they were all returned to the Dongsheng Sect, wouldn't it be...

"It seems that you don't want to choose any of these three. Anyway, you can still choose a way, that is, leave the territory under the jurisdiction of Dajin now and escape to Dachu. You can try it."

"It just so happens that I've long been unhappy with you devil brats."

The blue-robed monk sneered.

In his tone, he did not hide his disgust towards the Tianmen Sect.

The surrounding Jindan Masters were furious when they heard this, but they did not dare to speak.

Haven't you seen that the leader who was invincible in the past was honest in front of others?

Ning Daohuan couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​escape, but he rejected the idea in an instant.


Where can I escape?

Although Fenglinzhou is large, there is no other place to stand.

The five major forces in the continent.

Da Chu was in a state of decay, and the kingdoms under its jurisdiction were constantly fighting among themselves. It was only a matter of time before it would be annexed by the Xianghuo Tao.

When the nest is overturned and there are no eggs left, his life will not be easy.

However, Da Qi is weak and Da Yan is dangerous. Only Da Jin is the most ideal place for him to gain a foothold.

"The third one... I'm willing to choose the third one!"

In the end, Ning Daohuan gritted his teeth and said.

His eyes swept across the purple among the distant peaks.

A trace of humiliation flashed in his eyes.

But in my heart, I became more determined.

The blue-robed monk saw this and nodded as expected:

"That's good."

"As long as you abide by Dajin's rules, even if I hate you, Dajin will not shut you out."

"And I will stay in Chen Guo for at most three years. Within three years, you'd better handle all these things."

"I will check them one by one. If there are any deficiencies, you will know the consequences."

"Yes! Don't worry, Shangzhen! I will definitely not embarrass Shangzhen!"

Ning Daohuan forced out a smile.

Now that he was willing to accept the punishment, the originally tense atmosphere suddenly became much more relaxed.

Ning Daohuan's expression changed, and he finally managed to adapt to the change in status.

Immediately, he politely approached the blue-robed monk, stopped not far away from him, bowed and said:

"I'm Ning Daohuan, I still don't know my true name..."

"A certain family's surname is Tang. As for the name, you don't need to know."

The blue-robed monk said coldly: "Is there anything else?"

Ning Daohuan's face was slightly dull, and he felt extremely aggrieved. He had never been so humble since he ascended to the position of leader.

But he still forced out a smile, stretched out his hand sideways, and made an invitation:

"Since Tang Shangzhen is here, please don't leave in a hurry. You might as well sit down and drink spiritual tea for a while. I just happened to get a piece of excellent third-level spiritual tea cake before leaving..."

"No need, I only drink level four."

Tang Ji said lightly.

Ning Daohuan choked up when he heard this.

The fourth level spiritual tea... is so luxurious!

He originally thought that he had invested a lot of money, but now it seems that he was stingy.

Seeing that Ning Daohuan couldn't say anything useful, Tang Ji suddenly said impatiently:

"If there is nothing else, I will leave."

"Well, sir, don't be anxious. We also have some unique spiritual objects here. You might as well take a look."

Ning Daohuan said quickly.

He doesn't know much about Da Jin. Now this person is obviously a person of great status in Da Jin. If he can get his protection, he will probably avoid a lot of detours in Da Jin.

I made up my mind to hug this thigh, and naturally I tried every means to keep this Tang Shangzhen here, so as to keep in touch with her.

"Spiritual creature?"

Tang Ji heard this but sneered.

He was well aware of the spiritual beings produced within Da Jin, and he also knew a lot about the surrounding Da Chu and Da Qi.

He really doesn't like the special spiritual things in Chen country.

However, his eyes swept across the monks below, and he suddenly felt something in his heart.

There is one thing, but it is different in every place.

"In your Tianmen Sect, are there any people with outstanding talents, whether they are practicing, fighting, or practicing various martial arts?"

Tang Ji thought for a while and suddenly asked.

That's right, he cares more about people than spiritual beings.

Selecting young talents with outstanding talents is what he cares most about.

This is also the real purpose of his travels around the countries.

When Ning Daohuan heard Tang Ji's words, he was surprised and happy.

Finally paid attention to him!

A person with outstanding talent?

That's genius.

Although he didn't know why the other party was interested in geniuses since he was born in Dajin, a country with so many geniuses, I'm afraid the requirements for a genius that Tang Shangzhen could like were extremely high.

Of course, I’m not afraid that he’s demanding, but I’m afraid that he’s not demanding.

Ning Daohuan quickly took stock in his mind.

The first figure that jumped out of his mind was Lu Yuansheng.

More than twenty years ago, when I first met him, he was just a monk who had reached the tenth level of Qi refining.

In just twenty years, with his own support, he had become a golden elixir monk.

Even though the Blood Bone Path is extremely compatible with him and he has a massive supply of resources, it has to be said that his talent in training and fighting is truly amazing.

When it comes to being the number one genius in the Tianmen Sect, Lu Yuansheng is well deserved.

However, Ning Daohuan rejected it immediately.

This man is of great use.

After thinking for a moment, he quickly settled on some names in his mind.

Immediately he said quickly:

"Don't worry, Shangzhen. There are so many geniuses in our teaching, there will definitely be someone who will satisfy Shangzhen."

Tang Ji was noncommittal upon hearing this, and his expression was rather reluctant to show his disgust towards Ning Daohuan.

According to his temper, he absolutely does not want to get involved with these demonic cultivators who have no bottom line.

However, in comparison, finding more talented young talents is the top priority.

At that moment, he suppressed the discomfort in his heart and said:

"You tell me first and listen to it. If it meets my requirements, you can invite these people over."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Ning Daohuan quickly smiled and said.

With that said, the discerning Jindan monks around them immediately led the two of them to sit down in the pavilion at the highest point of Dongsheng's residence and make some spiritual tea.

However, what made Ning Daohuan a little embarrassed was that Tang Ji had no intention of drinking tea.

Ning Daohuan did not dare to show any displeasure, and he listed the talents in Tianmen Sect one by one:

"Thanks to Tang Shangzhen, in terms of cultivation talent, Jiang Yi, who I taught Xuannv Tao, has gone from a mere mortal to the late stage of foundation building in less than thirty years..."

Tang Ji's face was expressionless, and he didn't seem to care much about this performance.

Ning Daohuan's heart suddenly sank, but he also knew that the other party came from the Jin Dynasty sect and was a genius with a fast cultivation speed. He had probably seen countless geniuses before, so naturally he wouldn't care too much.

He quickly talked about the talents in weapon refining, alchemy, and talismans.

"Yan Chi... we can meet him."

"Everything else is just ordinary."

Tang Ji shook his head slightly.

Seeing that someone finally got Tang Ji's approval, Ning Daohuan suddenly became energetic and said quickly:

"By the way, there is also Douzhan. The younger generation I teach are undoubtedly 'Yan Yun' and 'Zhu Ziji'. One of them is good at swordsmanship and the other is good at blood skills. The former is victorious in every battle, and the latter is Even if you lose, you can often preserve yourself and retreat calmly.”

When he heard that there was a swordsman talent, Tang Ji became slightly more serious, pondered for a moment, and said:

"This Yan Yun can barely be seen."

"Zhu Ziji... Being able to protect yourself is considered a skill. Let's come and have a look. Is there anything else?"

Ning Daohuan thought hard and said: "There are also puppets...divination..."

However, Tang Ji had no interest in the people he was talking about.

Seeing that Tang Ji was gradually losing his patience, Ning Daohuan racked his brains and suddenly thought:

"By the way, there is also a foundation-building monk from the Way of Beast Control named Wang Yan. This person is quite good at cultivating spiritual chickens and can breed second-level top-quality spiritual chickens."

"Wang Ba..."

Tang Ji looked impatient: "It's just a second-level top grader. Are there any other talents?"

When Ning Daohuan saw this, he quickly forced a smile and said:

"Yes, yes, I am short-sighted. I thought he could cultivate a second-level top grader in less than two years just after breaking through the foundation building. He also has talents, and talents. By the way, the Royal Girl..."

"Wait! What did you just say?"

Tang Ji suddenly glanced over with surprise and interrupted:

"It's been less than two years since this person broke through the foundation building?"

"Ah, exactly. I remember it very clearly. More than a year ago, the following reported to me a list of foundation-building monks, and he was among them. I guess there shouldn't be too many discrepancies."

Ning Daohuan confirmed quickly.

"That's it!"

Tang Ji immediately made the decision.

He couldn't help but think of the young student he met in Linglong Ghost Market more than a year ago.

That man's accomplishments in beast control were beyond his own imagination.

It's a pity that the other party failed to pass Baiwenlou's test, and due to the rules, he couldn't accept it.

Later, he asked his master's nephew to convey his intention, but he didn't know if that person took it to heart.

By the way, that person seems to be called Shen Fu...

Well, although this Wang Ba was able to cultivate a second-level top-quality spirit chicken not long after entering the foundation building realm, but compared to the 'applying for submission', I'm afraid it's probably still inferior to it, right?

Tang Ji thought to himself.

Seeing that it was rare for Tang Ji to attach such great importance to Wang Ba, Ning Daohuan did not dare to neglect him.

The people below had already begun to look for Wang Ba's figure with great discernment, but found nothing.

"Could he be out?"

Upon seeing this, Ning Daohuan immediately took out the spirit-sending sign, intending to directly use the breath of the soul to convey the message to him using a secret method.

Of course, he also took the opportunity to show his kindness.

It’s okay if he’s not selected, but if Tang Shangzhen is optimistic about it...

However, when he looked at the spiritual lotus in his hand with a smile on his face, he was momentarily startled.

call out!

The tall trees on both sides flew past Wang Ba on both sides.

Wang Ba's mood also became more and more excited.

He could already see the bright skylight at the end of the passage, but at this moment, a figure suddenly stopped in front of Wang Ba.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, haha, I met you again."

The visitor smiled and cupped his hands.

Wang Hao glanced over, and although he was anxious, he still kept his composure, smiled and said in return:

"It turns out to be Brother Song Buping and Song Dao."

"I wonder if Brother Song Dao has something to do with stopping me here?"

"No, no, I have been guarding here before, and I have not gone to Dongsheng Station to participate in the battle. No one has come here recently. I am really curious about the current situation."

Song Buping said with a smile on his face.

He stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man, and since Wang Yan didn't want to cause trouble when he left, he quickly replied:

"The leader personally took action in this battle, and our sect won a great victory. Now the four major sects of Chen State are all shrinking. Brother Song Dao does not have to worry about the situation within the sect."

Song Buping breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and immediately stepped aside, raising his hand and saying, "Then I won't delay Fellow Daoist Wang..."

But at this moment.

The two of them looked in the direction of the station at the same time.

I saw a ray of light rushing towards me like the wind and lightning!

At the same time, a loud shout came from Guanghua!

"Stop him!"

When Song Buping and Wang Ba heard this, they were both stunned.

Wang Ba's expression suddenly changed.

He immediately reacted, quickly burst out with mana, and rushed out of the passage.

Song Buping, on the other hand, was a little slower, but he took action against Wang Yan without any hesitation.

However, what surprised him was that before his spell was released, the opponent had already flown far away and missed completely!


A figure shot past him, and a cold snort came out.

When Song Buping heard this, his face suddenly turned pale, but he did not dare to refute at all.

After hesitating for a moment, he immediately gritted his teeth and followed.

He had recognized this person just now. He was Zhu Ziji of Tusheng Dao, a first-class existence among the foundation-building monks. That fellow Daoist Wang was only in the early stage of foundation-building, and he didn't know what he had done to end up in this situation. People, I'm afraid most of them will suffer.

"I don't know if I can get some benefits, but that second-level high-grade flying magic weapon is pretty good..."

But soon.

Song Buping was stunned.

Sorry everyone, I wanted to explode it today, but when I got home, I found that Xuanfeng, who I had raised for more than a year, suddenly passed away. I felt a little sad. That’s it for tonight. I’m sorry.

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