LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 138 136: Duck King... Crow King! First Pentakill!

Miller watched as Lin Ran released another Q. The crow Beatrice fell from Swain's shoulder to the ground and began to damage the surrounding targets.

As a hero, Yellow Chicken has become Beatrice's primary target. Now he has only half health left, so he can only drink the corruption potion and continue to rely on the line.

However, Lin Ran used the slowing effect provided by Q [Evil Crow Attack] to cast W [Crow's Claw Binding] at the feet of the Tsar.

The intention is very clear.

Give me your E skill!

The junior moves slowly and can only retreat backward by pressing WE repeatedly.

Lin Ran quickly took the opportunity to move forward and demolish the tower.

The younger brother hurried back to guard the tower.

Lin Ran was stabbed by the sand soldiers, so he took a step back, walked around to the other side of the highland tower, and continued to demolish the tower without standing with the soldiers.

Scout was so upset by him that he set up another sand soldier and poked at it.

Lin Ran counted the number of soldiers and retreated.

"The two teams are still fighting near the Dalong Pit," Miller seemed to have a taste of it. "YM obviously wants to continue to hold off. After all, the Crow has the advantage now. Just create space for him and keep demolishing the tower. .”

"But why don't EDG start a group?" I remember being a little confused, "With the big tree here, it's not like they can't fight in a group. Deft's ice equipment is enough, and the endless hurricane is already in hand, and the damage is not low."

Deft used the Eagle Spirit to reveal the location of everyone in YM, and then Meiko tentatively QQ Shen, but Jin Gong turned his head and easily dodged it.

JKL's piercing arrow was confiscated by Meiko's Bronn who raised the security door.

The two teams adhere to the principle of hitting the target until the point is reached, and they will pull apart again depending on the exhaustion.

"You're laughing so hard at me, are you really just a coward?"

"YM: I'm waiting for the mid laner to demolish the high ground. What are you waiting for?"

On the high ground on the lower road, Lin Ran blatantly clicked on the defense tower, and then received two stabs from the sand soldiers.

He looked at the junior student who was still guarding under the tower and felt a little puzzled.

Lin Ran glanced at the small map, and Xiao Ming saw the tree-shaped top laner's big butt at a glance.

No one is here to help the yellow chicken.

Then how dare you stay under the tower now?

The sturdy artillery soldiers were still spitting cannonballs at the highland defense tower, and Lin Ran decisively stepped forward to take action.

EQW triple scroll keyboard.

There is no need for precise operation at all, just having hands is enough.

The junior student wanted to retreat and found that his E [Quicksand Displacement] hadn't turned around yet!

The yellow chicken has Q and secondary W. At this time, he is level 13, has full QW points, but only has level E.

The original CD is 19 seconds. The junior has three small items: Nash's Fang, Magic Shoes and Ice Staff. This set of equipment provides a 20% cooldown reduction.

After this calculation, the cooling time is still 15.2 seconds [19* (1-20%)].

As for Lin Ran's Crow Master's Q and Deputy W - the full-level CD of W is only 10 seconds, plus the 10% cooldown of Zhongya's hourglass, the cooldown of his W [Crow Claw Binding] is only 9 seconds.

Lin Ran was focused on this time difference.

In the last wave, you handed over E to avoid being controlled. Do you still have a chance this time?

The Crow's Q skill at full level slows down by a full 40%. Without the displacement skill, the Yellow Chicken cannot leave the round purple rune at his feet!

The huge purple crow claws climbed out of the ground and held the desert emperor tightly in the palm of his hand!

Lin Ranguo disconnected R [Evil Crow Possession]!

Crows were flying all over the sky, and black energy spread along Swain's crutches, covering the surface of his body with a thick layer of crow feathers.

The maximum level W [Crow's Claw Binding] was bound for a full two seconds, and Lin Ran got directly in the face.

The director quickly switched the screen and placed everything that happened on the high ground in the bottom lane in the upper right corner of the OB, so that the audience and commentators could clearly see everything that happened on the battlefields of both sides.

"Does the bottom lane have to jump over the tower?" The doll yelled, "Does the crow want to jump over the high tower to kill the yellow chickens with dodge or big size?"

Only then did the junior boy realize that Lin Ran was actually trying to jump over the tower to kill him.

Is this person crazy?

He quickly set up R [Forbidden Wall], trying to knock the giant crow away.

But Lin Ran flashed to the side the moment Huang Ji raised his hand, perfectly avoiding the wall erected by the sand soldiers.

The junior boy was bounced twice by the little crow on Swain's body, and found that he couldn't bear the damage at all.

E [Torture] increases all damage Swain causes to the target by 20% within 4 seconds. Coupled with the 15 points of spell penetration provided by the small mask in his backpack, the damage hits Huang who does not have magic resistance equipment. The damage on the chicken is almost the same as the real damage.

The junior student, whose blood volume had been depleted a lot, is now reduced to residual blood.

He kept pressing his fingers on Flash, trying to escape immediately after breaking free.

But Lin Ran had been wary of this move for a long time. Before the binding effect of W [Crow's Claw Binding] disappeared, he carried the laser of the highland defense tower from the side and circled it towards the Tsar's face.

The elementary school student released his restraints and quickly handed over his flashlight to evacuate to his own spring.

He dodged out, but the little crow next to Lin Ran kept pecking at the yellow chicken, taking away the little blood in his body.

The distance of the flash is too short. Swain's R range is a full 625 yards, which is longer than the range of most ADCs. How can he dodge a flash?

The junior student watched in despair as he had just 2 seconds left to turn his E [Quicksand Disapparation], and fell helplessly under the highland tower.

"The crow in the bottom lane has jumped over the tower and killed the yellow chicken!" Miller began to speak faster, "But the people in front of YM don't want EDG to go back to defend!"

"Give me a look and I'll teleport over." Lin Ran said while withdrawing from the range of the defense tower.

After killing the hero, Crow used the passive [Carrion Regeneration] to recover a high percentage of mana. Coupled with the continuous mana recovery effect of the blue BUFF and the effect of the Time Rod after sustaining injuries, his mana was still sufficient.

Seeing that the yellow chicken was dead, Xiao Ming began to move forward.

He placed E [Magical Journey] in the Dalong Pit, passed through the tunnel and rolled over the Dalong Pit. The position was just on the flank of the EDG formation, and then he inserted a false eye on the edge of the red zone.

"Bud, Bud, take a look!" Meiko approached Bud the moment she saw him.

Lin Ran's teleportation landed decisively on the eye given by Bard. When Xiao Ming saw the EDG people moving towards him, he quickly stepped forward and pulled away.

The other three people from YM also quickly circled around the river in the middle road, intending to outflank EDG from behind.

The factory director finally became decisive.

"You guys leave quickly!" He knew that without the yellow chicken, once the crow's TP landed, it would be absolutely impossible for them to win the team battle.

He turned around to hold YM's Xiaotian and Jin Gong, and then EQ went out, trying to trap them.

But JKL saw that the prince had used up all his skills, so he decisively flashed R [Chain of Corruption] to retain the factory director.

Xiaotian also touched his eyes and planned to use R to dodge and kick back Deft.

However, the angle of this displacement was a bit too straight, and deft's reaction was very fast. The magic crystal arrow hit Xiaotian's body, and Meiko's Braum also rushed back with Q [Winter's Bite] to passively apply to Xiaotian.

Xiao Ming's Bard used all his E and flash in order to be in this excellent ward position. At this time, he could only wander around on the flanks, harassing with two basic attacks from time to time, and kept holding the Q skill in his hand to wait. Comes in handy at critical moments.

Mouse's big tree is worthy of being the proud work of the EDG system. The laning ability is a bit poor, but the team battle thinking is not wrong at all.

Use the big move to flash out to tie up JKL and prevent him from dealing damage to the EDG back row.

Xiaotian was freed from the stun effect of the ice ultimate move, but was knocked out of Braum's passive, and was stunned again.

Seeing Xiaotian's blood volume plummeting, Jin Gong began to show off his power. He flashed E and drew a 7 in the center of the battlefield, successfully controlling the prince, Bronn and Han Bing.

Xiao Ming didn't react at first. When he used his ultimate move R [Reconcile Destiny], it was already a step too late. Deft's Ice Flash pulled sideways, leaving Jin Gong and Meiko, who couldn't react in time, frozen in place.

With the help of Luana's hurricane equipment, deft activated Q [Archer's Concentration] and shot A picturesquely like crazy, hitting the blind monk with the decelerating arrow in his hand.

At this time, Lin Ran finally landed, with less than half of the mana remaining on his body.

The factory director looked at his increasingly low blood volume and knew that if he lost this wave of team battles, the base would be bulldozed. For the first time, he did not think about escaping, but approached the main battlefield and gave W [Golden Holy Shield] ] deceleration.

Xiaotian was finally freed from the dizzy effect at this time. He looked at Braum and was determined to be the golden man. He smiled proudly. Thanks to Shen's previous E flash taunt, which attracted some of the output, his blood volume was still at this time. 1/4 remains.

The distance was a bit far and there was no way to dodge with R, so Xiaotian quickly dodge to the side and kicked out with R [Raptor Swinging Tail], trying to kick the ice into Lin Ran's arms.

Although deft is weak in the competition, he is really ruthless in the LPL civil war. He has very few moments of crotch lifting. Whether it is skill release or A, he is a first-class existence in the LPL.

In the chaos of the battle, he still reacted very quickly. He handed over the treatment the moment Xiaotian flashed close to his face, and at the same time raised a little of the prince's health, and then moved back with the help of the acceleration effect.

Therefore, Xiaotian's kick failed to kick the ice to Lin Ran's face, but to his side and front.

But the disadvantage of team battles in the jungle is revealed - too many walls.

When the ice was flying in the air, Xiao Ming's Bard decisively cast the Q [Astral Binding] that he had been holding in his hand before.

The yellow energy arrow hit the ice and then extended to the wall behind.

deft fell into dizziness.

Lin Ran finally found an opportunity to break in. At this time, Han Bing was alone. Dashu and Prince were keeping JKL and Xiaotian, but Braun and Shen were still in Bard's ultimate move.

He got close to Han Bing's body, and together with Xiao Ming, they ravaged the Ice shooter who was pinned to the wall and unable to move, to death.

Passively restoring his mana again, Lin Ran's combat power became higher and higher. The surrounding crows sucked the power of flesh and blood, and their crows became more and more terrifying.

He placed W [Crow's Claw Binding] at the prince's feet.

The factory director flashed away the moment he saw the rune marks emerging from the ground, but JKL slowed him down, and Bud made Lin Ran a cup of cappuccino to speed up.

Lin Ran stepped forward and put E [Suffering and Torment] on the prince, and then did not look back to the big tree.

The factory director looked at the health numbers above his head, which was still full of blood, and he looked around.

Why is there no F4?

His punishment hasn't worked yet!

The factory director, who had a strong desire to survive, could no longer escape and could only kneel down.

"This crow is invincible, Ran is going to completely dominate this team battle!" Miller shouted.

"Even the big tree cannot escape the torture, the crow and Verus are chasing him together!" I remember shouting, "Verus has piled the withering effect on the mouse, and the piercing arrows will detonate it!"

Although R [Vengeance Vortex] provides damage reduction, the big tree is most afraid of this percentage damage, and its health is already in danger.

Lin Ran followed, with crows flying around his body, and he was filled with blood as if a demon god had come to the world.

After a basic attack, the last little crow took away the last bit of HP from the big tree!

Four kills!

The audience and commentators at the scene only reacted when they saw the system prompts. Lin Ran had already killed all 4 people on the EDG side except Braum!

"Is there going to be a pentakill?" Wawa shouted with some doubt.

The scene was already in a state of excitement. The audience who supported YM could no longer control their high emotions and vented them through actions or sounds.

At present, only Bron is left in EDG, who is running away in a panic, with Bard and Shen following him closely!

"Brother Ran, come and kill five!" Xiao Ming urged repeatedly.

Lin Ran glanced at his mana, quickly turned off his ultimate move, and continued to use it. Not even the spring water could restore his mana.

However, relying on the effect of blue BUFF, he still has some mana left.

After taking off his black crow feathers, Swain once again turned into a thin human on crutches, walking steadily and limping toward his pentakill.

Meiko had nowhere to escape. Bard kept using the basic attacks in his hands to slow down Braum. Jin Gong's Shen also walked in front of him, and Q pulled the Soul Blade over.

The continuous deceleration effect made it difficult for Braum to move forward.

Meiko was helpless and could only watch Swain step forward behind her.

Lin Ran ordered Beatrice, the crow on his shoulder, to fly to the ground and keep pecking at the last bar of Bron's health.


"Penta kill! This is the first five kill of Ran's career!" Miller shouted excitedly.

"This crow is simply the King of Crows!" I remember I started talking in excitement.

"Duck King?" The doll smiled, "Is he the Duck King I understand?"

The stadium has completely become YM's home court. A small group of piggies are still cheering for the home team they support, but their voices are drowned out in an instant.

This was a five-kill victory against the previous domestic overlord EDG!

After getting five kills, Swain in Summoner's Rift remained expressionless, as if his face was covered with a mask, cold and ruthless.

The Noxian counselor spoke his lines calmly.

It is useless to talk too much when there is only one breath left.

"YM wants a wave!" I remember putting my hands on the table in front of the commentary booth with an excited expression. "The yellow chicken is still close to being resurrected at this moment! All five YM members rush to the bottom lane!"

"The speed of pushing the tower is too fast," Miller glanced at the OB screen and shook his head slightly, "The yellow chicken without ultimate moves or flash can't stop the five YM players."

After the junior boy was resurrected, he tried his best to stop YM's advancement, but he only killed Xiaotian, who was still alive. Jin Gong followed up and taunted him, and JKL smoothly moved A to accept the yellow chicken head.

At the moment when the ice was resurrected, the four YM people bulldozed the EDG base!

"It's 2:0!" Wawa couldn't control his emotions, "YM is one step away from their first LPL championship!"

"Is the new king about to ascend the throne?" I remember asking from the side, "EDG seems to be confused!"

"The two sets lasted less than 50 minutes!" Miller shouted amidst the noise at the scene. "Their offensive ability is unstoppable!"

It's a little late, I changed some details, sorry!

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