LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 137 135: Can this be replaced? Fatal mistake!

After demolishing the bottom tower, YM continued to change lanes and suppress.

They have used this style of play countless times and are very familiar with it.

Jin Gong was really isolated from the world in this round. Apart from being handed over and flashed by the factory director after a wave of ganks, he didn't even get a single shot from the director.

He himself felt bored. The two of them pushed each other's troops, and the process was boring and boring.

"Ah... it's so boring. Don't you take me with you when you climb the tower?" Jin Gong began to mutter when he saw the advantage of his teammates, his tone was full of resentment, "Did you think that I was stealing the show in the previous game, and you deliberately wanted to suppress your gold?" Tribute to father?"

"No way. The main reason is that the opponent is too weak to resist beatings. It's not Brother Jin Gong's turn to play. You are our ultimate weapon, how can you use it so easily?" JKL boasted about the skills of his teammates during the game.

"Don't worry, Jin Gong. There will be room for you to show off in the team battle soon." Lin Ran said. He returned to the city to mend the Explorer Armguard and prepared to synthesize the second large Zhonya Hourglass.

Scout just took advantage of Lin Ran's 4-pack 2 in the bottom lane and wiped out most of the health of YM's mid-lane tower.

But as soon as Lin Ran came on the line with 5 heads in his hand, the yellow chicken didn't dare to push the line too deep.

The crow has an EQA, continuous damage plus the slowdown of the Q skill, and the effect of the talent [Touch of Hellfire]. The Czar has no defensive equipment on his body, and his health has dropped by half.

Lin Ran reluctantly placed W [Crow's Claw Binding] at the yellow chicken's feet.

The junior student saw that the purple runes under his feet were looming and getting stronger, so he could only hand over E [Quicksand Displacement] and escape.

You can't win the battle in the middle, and you can't use it up - the crow's directional skill E has a range of 625, while Q has a range of 700 yards, and the longest boundary of the circle is a full 1000 yards, which is no less than that of the yellow chicken. WQ.

In this case, although the Yellow Chicken's equipment gradually took shape, Lin Ran still firmly controlled the center route.

With the advantage in the middle, Xiaotian continued his wild area invasion plan.

He kept attacking EDG's upper jungle area.

Bronn's weak wandering ability was fully exposed. Xiao Ming's Bard repaired his shoes and joined Xiao Tian, ​​causing mischief in the Factory Director's Wild Area.

The upper half of the jungle was wiped out by the blind monk, so the director could only go to the lower jungle to brush, but Meiko and Deft kept asking him to protect the duo.

"I really can't go. My level has been dropped by the blind monk. I can't stop being wild, right?"

The factory director frowned and said.

He followed his own ideas and walked a long way from the upper half to the lower half, and then rushed from the river to the middle road to catch Lin Ran.

This can perfectly bypass YM's vision in the upper half and give the opponent the illusion of going to the lower half to clear the jungle.

The factory director knows that the key to the problem is this 5/0 crow, and he must be killed once.

"Deft gave me an arrow, he didn't dodge!"

deft was a little reluctant. The opponent Verus was about to push his troops over, and handing over his ultimate move would undoubtedly lose a life-saving skill for him.

But he couldn't bear the factory director's urging and shot the ice arrow anyway.

At this time, mouse's big tree was also rushing towards the middle after dealing with the line of troops.

"3 packs of 1, EDG is trying to kill this crow!" Wawa said softly.

"YM is off the jungle and still on the road, let's see how Ran will run," Miller said. "The crow carries a huge bounty. If it dies in the middle, the first tower will also fall. EDG is very likely to take this opportunity. Get going.”

In order to suppress the Czar, Lin Ran moved to the front.

Scout sets up sand soldiers to consume Lin Ran, and uses Q [Crazy Sand Attack] to slow down Lin Ran.

At this moment, the giant arrow shot towards Lin Ran's body with a hint of cold air. Deft's ice proficiency was quite high, and his ultimate move was extremely accurate.

Lin Ran was slowed down by Tsar. He moved a step without flashing, but still couldn't avoid it. He quickly activated his ultimate move before being knocked unconscious by the arrow.

The crow raised the crutch in his hand, and the black power of the crows completely covered his body.

At this time, he is no longer a limping counselor with weak fighting ability, but a king who calls on the crows.

He transformed into a giant crow, surrounded by crows, crowing, and the surface of the crow's body glowed with blue light.

Each crow will cause an output of 50+0.2AP, and then feed back to itself to provide healing.

The moment Lin Ran was stunned, the prince and the tree also emerged from the grass in the river below.

The factory director took the lead, placing the military flag at Lin Ran's feet and stabbing the crippled counselor of the Noxian Legion with his halberd.

"Demacia!" The prince's dragon collided, sending the giant crow flying into the air, and then blocked it with his ultimate move.

Mouse's big tree activated his ultimate move and rushed over, playing tie-up play with Lin Ran.

deft This ultra-long-range arrow made Lin Ran stunned for two seconds. During this time, he could not move, and the three EDG people were hit all over the face.

"Jin Gong, come and escort him!" Lin Ran shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant crow gained a thick shield. It was Shen's ultimate move!

Shen's level 1 R can provide 250 shield points, which may not seem like much, but it is enough for Lin Ran.

The crowd of crows echoed. Before Shen's shield was shattered by his ultimate move, the crows relied on his ultimate move and the Time Staff to passively boost his health.

Coupled with the health bonus of the Time Staff and the armor provided by the Explorer Armguard, it is destined that he will not be killed instantly.

The moment Lin Ran woke up from the control, he turned back to EQA and hit Huang Ji hard with the crutch in his hand.

Scout was already maintaining optimal distance output, but after using Q, the attack range of the sand soldier was not as far as expected, and he still took damage from Lin Ran.

Q [Evil Crow Attack] will prioritize attacking targets marked by E [Suffering].

Scout, who was originally less than half health, was crippled by continuous damage. From Lin Ran's perspective, Huang Ji had the damage resistance of the big tree R [Vengeance Vortex] around him, so his health could barely be maintained.

But the youngster who stood on the LPL final stage for the first time was still flustered and had a deviation in the calculation of blood volume.

He looked at his blood volume that had been reduced by multiple continuous injuries, and was afraid that he would be replaced. E [Quicksand Displacement] stepped forward, passing through the crow's Q skill, and wanted to hit Lin Ran to get a layer of shield to withstand it. Sustained damage.

But without the help of Q [Crazy Sand Attack], Huang Ji's E skill cannot guarantee 100% pass through the enemy hero to obtain a shield.

Such as now.

Lin Ran carried the deceleration of the prince's W [Golden Holy Shield] and made an exquisite right-angle move, actually avoiding the sudden body of the yellow chicken.

He turned around and continued to beat the desert emperor with his crutch, whose health was gradually declining.

Scout couldn't hold back, and used the yellow chicken to let out a scream, and pushed Lin Ran out with R [Forbidden Wall].

"The yellow chicken's ultimate move pushed the crow out!" Remember to be the first to discover something was wrong, "This way the prince and the tree can't keep up with the output!"

The corners of Lin Ran's lips raised slightly.

As I remember saying, although the Tsar's ultimate move provided a knock-up effect, it also pushed the crow out of the melee attack range of the prince and the tree.

And the ultimate move on his body was still sucking the blood of the people around him. Lin Ran calculated that before the prince and Dashu rushed to his side, he could still recover a small amount of blood.

The Time Rod's passive [Immortality] can restore health by 20% of the mana consumed, and can restore up to 25 health per cast.

The mana consumption of Crow's ultimate move will increase every second, and the recovery effect of the Time Staff will become stronger and stronger.

When the prince was about to arrive in front of him, Lin Ran placed W in front of him.

The director felt cold when he saw the purple runes appear on the ground.

He knew things were going to be bad.

The prince and Dashu are fighting in close combat. How can they avoid this giant claw?

What's more, he didn't flash.

Mouse couldn't help it any longer. He flashed close to him and used Q [Arcane Blow] to hammer Lin Ran back hard.

Lin Ran smiled.

He was originally worried about how to get close to the yellow chicken, but he didn't expect that Aguang would actually bring him warmth.

The commander-in-chief's face was expressionless, but the crow on his shoulder still cried blood. The little crow mercilessly pecked out small holes in the tsar's body, grabbing his blood.

Scout's yellow chicken health finally bottomed out, and the junior boy was forced to hand over his flash and escape.

But on the ground, Crow Beatrice's continuous damage successfully took away the last bit of the yellow chicken's health.

"The three EDG people made a huge mistake in their cooperation!" Miller's voice was amplified by the microphone to the tens of thousands of viewers at the scene and in the live broadcast room. "Yellow Chicken handed over the flash of death!"

"The meat of this crow is outrageous. How can you kill one of them?" Watanabe couldn't believe it.

The stadium instantly became noisy. They didn't expect that the crow, who was double-teamed by three people, could kill the yellow chicken first.

"Another famous scene? Three against one and still being killed?"

"Does this count as three against one? Shen didn't give him a big move?"

"Oh, Shen gave R to Han Bing but not R? Did that arrow hit your face?"

"66666, Aguang is good at pitting his teammates."

"Can you blame the big tree? Is this yellow chicken playing with a hammer? E Kong wants to push people and then give him a death flash?"

"Hahahahaha, EDG's midfielder and midfielder are so worried that they're so anxious. This output is so pitiful to me."

When mouse saw the yellow chicken killed, he exploded the damage of R [Vengeance Vortex].

At this time, Shen also successfully landed.

"Your father Jin Gong is here! Xiba bastard!" Jin Gong roared, and he finally got one of the few directorial shots in this game.

But the factory director used the cooled dragon strike before Jin Gong handed over the taunt.

Lin Ran tried his best to move, but he was not omniscient and omnipotent, so he could only dodge the skill ghost at such a close distance.

The halberd hit his vital part, and the prince's next basic attack cut off the giant crow's head to the ground.

However, the factory director who handed over the dragon's impact failed to avoid Jin Gong's taunt. Siba Ge used Q to pull the soul blade to his side while passing through the prince's body, and then cut the factory director's health with three clean knives.

The warrior jungle knife that the factory director made to compensate for the damage in this game couldn't withstand Shen's blade with percentage damage.

Mouse stepped forward to help the factory director resist the injury, but Jin Gong was cautious and chased the factory director to death, avenging Lin Ran.

Then he took advantage of Riyan's rough skin and thick flesh to run back to the tower.

"Exchange!" I remember speaking with a bit of a Bayan accent, "But the crow has a level 5 bounty, which provides an additional 120 gold coins for each EDG player!"

"EDG is losing blood!" Miller answered from the side, "Xiaotian also took action on the road, taking advantage of deft's flash and still had a few seconds to recover, and caught deft to death again!"

deft now hopes that Meiko will use Tammu who is extremely protective.

Braun seems to have good protective abilities, but the protection he can provide when faced with double-teams from both sides is limited. Hanbing, who has no displacement and no ultimate moves, was killed by the YM trio with hard damage.

Xiaotian was hit by Braum's Winter's Bite, and the slowing effect kept him under the tower. JKL's key treatment saved his life again, and he successfully escaped from the tower's range by touching his eyes.

"Axi..." deft is shy and introverted, speaking in a very soft voice.

But there was silence in EDG's team voice at this moment, and the drop of a needle could be heard. The curse was clearly heard by the other four EDG players.

"I'm sorry, my province flashed." The junior student said in an apologetic tone.

He has now realized that the crow's damage was not enough to kill him before, but he insisted on E stepping forward to brush the shield, and then pushed the crow away, leaving the prince and Dashu unable to repair him in a short time. output.

If I had handed over the flash retreat earlier, my teammates should have been able to kill them...

He was a little annoyed.

"It's okay, it's okay. Let's drag it behind and beat it."

Although the factory director was suffocating in his heart, it was impossible for him to lose his temper with his teammates during the game. If Scout's mentality exploded, then they really wouldn't have to play this game.

EDG wanted to delay, but YM wanted to end the game quickly. After killing deft, YM's three men went down to the jungle to demolish the defense tower on the top lane, and then got a Canyon Herald for Jin Gong.

Speed ​​up, speed up!

YM began to constantly use the mobility of Bard and Blind Sin to do things in the jungle. EDG's vision was suppressed near the second tower and could not get out at all.

Lin Ran ate the third blue buff, and when he returned to the middle, the yellow chicken was already one and a half levels behind him.

Everyone in YM quickly moved forward as a team, trying to demolish the EDG middle tower.

Although Huang Ji had a certain ability to defend the tower at this time, EDG still chose to give up this first tower to YM.

Because it is difficult to arrange their vision, the left and right sides of the Zhongyi Tower are blind spots. Once they are ambushed by YM, it will not only be the Zhongyi Tower that will be lost.

EDG began to stick to the second tower, not running out at all, just eating YM's advancing troops and two groups of sporadic wild monsters.

YM originally wanted to continue to advance the second tower in the middle, but at this time the yellow chicken's tower defense ability finally showed up.

Since there was Braum in the team, the junior placed his sand soldiers in front of the tower and stabbed them wildly, while Han Bing cast W [Thousands of Arrows] from behind to help clear the line of soldiers.

JKL stepped forward to try to demolish the tower, but was stabbed twice by three sand soldiers, causing his health to drop by 1/3.

Lin Ran saw that EDG was very capable of teaming up to defend the tower, so he gave up the intention of attacking the middle tower and started to lead 131.

"EDG's ability to switch lanes is still strong," Wawa looked at Summoner's Rift, where the rhythm suddenly slowed down. "They are still very good at delaying team fights in the late stage. YM seems to be in trouble."

There was no way around it. Lin Ran wanted to lead his teammates to catch orders in a rhythmic manner.

But now EDG has made it clear that they are dragging them to death, and everyone except Big Tree is staying near the second tower.

This kind of stagnant lineup, coupled with the time point when Baron has not refreshed, as long as EDG does not want to come out to fight, the price they have to pay for vision will be quite low, and they can easily defend the position.

It's easy to understand. Summoner's Rift is divided into two diagonally. The blue and red sides each occupy an isosceles right triangle area.

According to basic observation and mathematical knowledge, if you huddle near the second tower, the defense line you need to deploy will be shortened a lot - because the distance between the two right-angled sides of the right triangle is shortened a lot.

Then the area of ​​this triangle will be much smaller, and the inside of the triangle is the defensive vision area that EDG needs to deploy. After withdrawing and defending the second tower, they only need to arrange a line of vision from the outside of the high ground to the second tower, which is enough.

Moreover, after the two right-angled sides of the isosceles right triangle are shortened, it also means that EDG's support speed will be faster - from a mathematical point of view, we know that the distance between the hypotenuses will become shorter.

And Lin Ran couldn't lead people to cross the second tower in less than 20 minutes. Once he was killed, he would lose his rhythm.

"Xiao Ming, please do some vision work in the big dragon pit. We will use the big dragon to force the team when the time comes," Lin Ran arranged. "We can't delay it any longer. Once the Ice Death Penalty is done, our team fights won't be so fierce."

"If they don't come, we can directly use the dragon. I have a high output when fighting the dragon." JKL nodded and said. Verus, a special effects player, relied on high attack speed and percentage damage to defeat ancient resources quite easily.

"It's very detrimental to YM to delay like this. It seems that they want to rely on the big dragon to win," Miller said as he watched Xiaotian pocket the wind dragon.

"But EDG only needs to guard against the rush baron. To defeat the opponent, they rely on the pull of the ice and the czar. They are not difficult to beat." Wawa nodded.

At 19 minutes, Lin Ran, who had eaten a lot of EDG jungle resources, returned to the city. With 6 heads in hand, he made up Zhongya's hourglass and a small mask.

Originally, Crow should have replenished his armor to improve his tankiness, but in this game YM's lineup lacked output in team battles - it was difficult for JKL alone to impress the three front rows of Dashu, Prince and Braum.

"I'll lead the way. Jin Gong, you can join the group," Lin Ran arranged. "It's easier for me to hit big trees."

He replicated the game he played against Xiye, deliberately hoarding two artillery carts, and rushed to the second tower on the upper road with his troops.

Then he started to dismantle the tower in front of the big tree.

Mouse felt helpless. Crow was not Shen, and he didn't have Sun Flame on his body. Even if he hugged him, he wouldn't be able to attract the aggro from the defense tower.

If not...mouse looked at the crow who was only focusing on demolishing the tower all the time, and the fear of being dominated by the captain in the previous game came to mind again.

Although Crow's attack power is low, the changes in the mid-season version at the end of May have enhanced the speed of tower demolition for legal heroes.

(For changes, please see the author’s words)

Not long after, Lin Ran used this wave of soldiers to demolish the second tower on the top road and lost more than half of its health.

The four of them, YM and EDG, were still pulling around the newly born dragon.

With Shen's presence, EDG did not dare to start a group rashly, and could only keep pulling there, relying on Ice and Tsar to consume everyone in YM.

"Can you guys come and help me?" Mouse was on the verge of crying as he watched the crow use his ultimate move to clear the line of soldiers and regain full health again.

He could only watch Crow raise the crutch in his hand and hit the defensive tower with low health. The tower's health was in danger, so he fired another Q [Arcane Heavy Strike] to clear the line of troops.

But Lin Ran has already demolished the second tower on the lower road.

"I'll go back to guard the tower. You go to the front." The junior boy came to his senses. At this moment, he was the only one who could stop the crow from advancing.

"The big tree is back, be careful, don't be surrounded and start a group fight." Lin Ran watched the big tree disappear from the edge of the field of vision, commanding his teammates while eating EDG's blue BUFF.

"Don't worry, they will definitely not be able to open up this time." Xiao Ming vowed, after all, Bader has a miraculous effect on a cumbersome lineup like EDG.

It was replaced by scout to guard the tower. Lin Ran, who had the full blue BUFF, was not polite. He stood in front of the highland tower and watched coldly as the junior cleared the troop line.

As long as Huang Ji dares to hand over Q [Crazy Sand Attack], he will step forward with EQ combo. Although he will be attacked by the laser of the highland defense tower, when the next wave of troops arrives, Lin Ran can quickly use the Time Staff to reduce the health Come back up.

The next chapter will be before 10 o'clock, I will update it earlier in the future.

(Tips, the changes are as follows: When the hero's spell power exceeds twice the extra attack power, the hero's normal attack on the defense tower will enjoy a 50% spell power bonus, instead of 100% extra attack power)

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