Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 9178: Mausoleum's Secret 5

"I know you are a principled person. In this regard, I will try my best to take into account your feelings and not touch your bottom line." Yan Chengfeng said sternly, "Leng Xuan, for you, Huang Quan may be just you. A short experience in life. But I am different. I don’t want to go back to the fairyland. I will stay in Huangquan in the future. Therefore, I hope you can help me before returning to the fairyland. In the future, if you come to Huangquan, you will also have a support."

  Leng Xuan thought for a while and asked, "What do you want to do?"

   "For now, what we need to do is to fight against the King of Hell and Lin Hao. First solve the foreign enemy, and then deal with the matter of Lingcheng."

   "Yes." Leng Xuan nodded, "As long as it doesn't violate my bottom line, I will help you this time."

   After a day. Tong Yan sent someone over and asked Leng Xuan and Yan Chengfeng to rush to the City Lord's Mansion, saying that they had something important to discuss.

   When Leng Xuan and Yan Chengfeng arrived, Leng Yuehan and Feng Qingliu had already arrived and were discussing countermeasures with Tong Yan. Seeing the two of them coming, Tong Yan greeted him and said, "Yuehan has already checked, Lin Hao and King Yan's men are stationed a hundred miles outside the city. We are discussing whether to take the initiative to attack, you also Let’s take a look together and give some advice.”

   "Senior, how many people can Lingcheng gather now?" Leng Xuan asked.

"When all the major forces add up, there should be more than 1,500 people." Feng Qingliu replied, "Dali Luo Jinxian level powerhouse can make up more than 50 people. I have already compared it, and it surpasses Lin in every aspect. Hao and them. If we attack, we have a fifty percent chance of defeating them."

   "Fifty percent?" Yan Chengfeng said, "Then you can really give it a try." After the words were finished, he continued: "How is the environment on Lin Hao's side?"

   "There are plains on all sides." Leng Yuehan said coldly.

"That's a little troublesome." Yan Chengfeng frowned, "There are no bunkers around. Once we get close, the other party will soon be able to find our tracks. In addition, in such an environment, we can't make a sneak attack and can only fight head-on. Lin Hao A smart man, if he thinks he can't win, he certainly won't fight. On the plains, as long as they want to escape, it is difficult for us to attack effectively."

   "It makes sense." Tong Yan said, "If you want to launch an attack, you must approach their station without the other party noticing. Otherwise, no matter how many people there are, it's useless."

   "What if someone blocked their escape route?" Leng Xuan suddenly threw out a sentence while thinking.

   "What do you mean?" Everyone didn't react for a while. Feng Qingliu said: "We only have so many people, and there are still extra people to block their retreat unless we can have thousands of people. Otherwise, don't try to trap them."

  Leng Xuan said: "You're right, we don't have that many people, but we don't have it, it doesn't mean that others don't, we can borrow troops."

   Hearing this, everyone seemed to understand the meaning of his words and said, "You mean... go to the ghost king to borrow troops?"

   "Yes. The ghost king and the king of **** are deadly enemies. I believe that the king of ghosts will not refuse such a good opportunity to attack the king of hell."

  Tong Yan said: "The relationship between Lingcheng and the ghost king is not harmonious. Even if we find him, he may not necessarily take action."

   "How do you know if you don't try." Leng Xuan said, "If you don't mind, let me speak to the ghost king on behalf of Lingcheng.

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