Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 9177: Mausoleum's Secret 4

  Tong Yan's full strength as the city lord has already been overridden by Feng Qingliu and the others. If the two of them have different opinions, Tong Yan can't do anything about it. With just one Xiao Yan, he couldn't deter Feng Qingliu and Leng Yuehan. "

After a pause, he continued: "Why do you think he took us to see the secrets of Mausoleum City? He just wanted to win us over, otherwise, Feng Qingliu and Leng Yuehan had followed him for many years, why didn't he call them together? The reason is very simple. He doesn't trust those two people. As for why he values ​​you, I don't quite understand. Listening to the tone of his conversation with you, it seems that the two of you have met before?"

"That's right." Leng Xuan nodded and said, "In fact, he has not left the mausoleum city all these years, but has been hiding in the ghost cave. We met once during the battle for the ghost cave." Hearing this, Yan Chengfeng asked. Said: "Why didn't you mention it to me when you came back?"

   "At that time, I didn't know that he was the lord of Mausoleum City, so I didn't care much." Leng Xuan casually made up a reason. He didn't want Yan Chengfeng to know too much about some things. This is not because he intends to guard against Yan Chengfeng, but a disguised protection. Because Yan Chengfeng's current cultivation level is too low and he has not yet reached that level, it is inconvenient for him to know too much, the more he knows, the more disadvantageous it is. As for why Tong Yan trusted himself, in his opinion, it should be because of that mysterious person.

   However, after listening carefully to Yan Chengfeng's analysis, what he said did make sense. The current situation in Lingcheng is too chaotic, although Feng Qingliu and Leng Yuehan were Tong Yan's subordinates thousands of years ago. However, after so long, people's hearts will change. Tong Yan is not sure whether he can continue to trust the two of them, so he can only find someone he can trust to cooperate. Tong Yan's previous conditions are, to put it bluntly, a mutually beneficial transaction.

"Didn't you just ask me what I thought?" Yan Chengfeng smiled slightly, "My thought is very simple, the mausoleum has been in chaos for so many years, it is better to break it all at once and rebuild order. Even if there is no emergency this time, I It will also deal with Feng Qingliu and Leng Yuehan. If you want to develop, you must have a stable rear."

Hearing this, Leng Xuan said in amazement: "You want to control the mausoleum city?" Yan Chengfeng nodded and said, "Since I came to Huangquan, I will not be content to be plain. In my plan, I originally wanted to become a The city owner of Jiusui City, and then developed step by step, and finally broke away from the control of the King of Hell and became the king. Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Now the King of Hell regards me as a traitor and wants me everywhere. Therefore, there are only two paths in front of me. , either turn to the ghost king, or build my own power. I betrayed the king of hell, and even if I go to the ghost king, I will not be reused. No matter who it is, I will not reuse a traitor. Therefore, for me, the ghost king is not the right choice. .In contrast, my only way out is to build my own power and fight for a place in Huangquan."

"Lingcheng is a very good opportunity. If I can grasp it well and completely control it, I can continue to develop in the future. Of course, with my current ability, if I want to develop, I must rely on you. I have the means, But I lack a strong backing, so I have to find someone to cooperate."

  Leng Xuan said: "You have known me for a long time, you should know what kind of person I am."

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