"Yes." The mysterious human said, "I said, the boundary between Huangquan and Immortal Realm is clear, and no one can enter their own territory. However, your master wants to come to Huangquan. If he relies on his own strength, surely If it doesn't work, once he crosses the boundary, the law of heaven and earth will not let him go. Therefore, he needs something to hide his whereabouts." Hearing this, Leng Xuan suddenly suddenly said, "You mean, life and death Can you hide his whereabouts?"

"The fruit of life and death is one of the most miraculous spiritual things in the Yellow Spring. It not only has the effect of resurrecting the dead, but also has many peculiar effects. If he takes the fruit of life and death, he can avoid the law of heaven and earth and enter the Yellow Spring smoothly. "

   "Why does he have to come to Huangquan? Is there something here that attracts him?"

"You are right." The mysterious man said, "I have already said that he dominates life, and I dominate death. To put it simply, he controls the power of life, and I control the power of death, just like the yin and yang of Tai Chi. However, if someone masters the power of life and death at the same time, he can transcend everything, above all things, including the laws of heaven and earth. A person who can control life and death at will, has enough ability to rewrite the laws of heaven and earth. You should be able to imagine what that would cause such consequences.”

  Leng Xuan nodded secretly, the disaster brought about by this consequence is self-evident, no wonder the mysterious person in front of him is so resistant.

The mysterious man added: "For a long time, only the law of heaven and earth can control the power of life and death at the same time. The law of heaven and earth is not human, and there are no emotions, so no matter what kind of situation you face, you can strictly implement your own laws. If the laws are replaced by a person, it is inevitable that the other person will not do things according to their own preferences. If a world lacks rules and changes life and death at will, then the world has only one ending, and that is destruction.”

After a pause, he continued: "In Huangquan, there is an extremely strong power of death, which is what the Lord wants. If he can absorb and integrate it, he can control the power of life and death at the same time. I will never allow this to happen. I saw you and checked your memory that day when you were going through life and death. I knew that you were deceived by the master, so I didn't kill you and decided to let you go. Ma. From your past experience, you can see that you are a person who knows right and wrong. So I think, if you know the truth, you may be able to help me to stop the Lord together."

   "Me?" Leng Xuan said, "Do you think I can do it? You should know how powerful the Lord is. He can easily kill me with just a wave of his hand."

"With your current strength, it's really not enough. However, what I value is your aptitude. It only took you more than ten years to go from an ordinary person to this point. Something that has never happened before. You have the talent and the chance. I believe that if you give you a little more time, you will be able to reach a height like mine. You have to be clear that when you reach the supreme realm, it will be difficult for you to break through by blindly practicing asceticism. Yes, only by constantly comprehending new realms can we speed up the pace of progress. Do you know why some people practice hardships for thousands of years, but they are no match for others' experience in the world for a hundred years?"

   "Why?" Leng Xuan expressed his confusion.

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