"Respect and disrespect exist in the heart. If the heart is disrespectful, everything is unnecessary. I buried the ghost king here, not for the purpose of making future generations worship him, but for the purpose of being covered." After a pause, the mysterious man Then: "Do you know how to raise your soul?"

   "Soul raising?" Leng Xuan asked curiously, "What is that for?"

"Raising the soul, to put it simply, is actually cultivating an independent soul. The soul is the lifeblood of a person. If the soul is destroyed, then nothing will exist. However, if a person has two independent souls, then What will happen?"

   "If a man has two souls, doesn't that mean he has two lives?"

   "Yes, that's right." The mysterious human said, "The two souls live in the same body and do not affect each other. One soul is destroyed, and the other soul is still alive, and can continue to live."

   "So, you buried the ghost king because you wanted to use his remaining soul to raise his soul?"

   "Although the ghost king's soul has been severely damaged, it is still the soul of a supreme powerhouse. With a little training, it can not only recover as before, but also become stronger."

   "Why do you do this?"

   "Why?" The mysterious man suddenly smiled, but his laughter was cold, "There are too many reasons, and you are one of them."

   "Me?" Hearing this, Leng Xuan became even more puzzled, "What does this have to do with me?"

   "Of course it does, but you are in the bureau and can't see the truth clearly."

"What do you think the master you know asked you to come to Huangquan?" the mysterious man said slowly, "He asked you to find the fruit of life and death, but to satisfy his own needs. I told you before that he Rule the fairy world, I rule Huangquan. He rules life, I rule death, and we don’t interfere with each other. It’s like Tai Chi Yin and Yang. We are each other’s Yin and Yang. think."

After a pause, he continued: "Since you know the existence of the Lord, then you should be clear about the laws of heaven and earth. The laws of heaven and earth are irreversible and must follow its rules. Not to mention you, even us, once violated The law of heaven and earth will be punished by it. Between Huangquan and the immortal world, there is the law of heaven and earth. Neither I nor him are allowed to enter their respective territories in private. Otherwise, they will be punished by the law of heaven and earth. Having said that, he suddenly asked: "Leng Xuan, do you think the power of 'life' is stronger, or the power of 'death' is stronger?"

   "This...?" Leng Xuan hesitated for a moment, then said, "I don't know, it should be about the same."

"To be precise, there is no gap between the two. Life and death are the two most powerful forces in the world, and no force can surpass them. What you are exposed to now is only the power of the source and the power of the soul. However, these two kinds of power are derived from oneself, one is from the body, the other is from the soul. You have to remember that the truly powerful power is not limited to oneself, but life and death. Any person can only be in charge of Only with the power of life and death can you become a saint. With your current cultivation level, you may not understand it. However, when you break through the existing bottleneck, you will come into contact with the power of life and death I mentioned."

   "That's for the future, let's go back to the master. You said just now that he asked me to find the fruit of life and death to meet his own needs?"

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